The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, December 16, 1942, Page 8, Image 8

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    8 DAILY NEBRASKAN Wednesday, December 16, 1942
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HOSl pMp I0M KnOW ft, but the smallest of search of the Nari submarines. Those 37 miles may
America s War Bonds will buy enough fuel oil to be the ones that count. They may sae an American
nable one of our destroyers to cruise 37 miles in merchant ship and its crew.
Or $18.75 Will just abOUt buy an 81 millimeter trench mortar shell - to
send to our troops in Northern Ireland, or to help General MacArthi
blast the Japs out of some fortified position in the Far East.
Or maybe yOU'd rather have three sharp new bayonets for your
$18 . o. bayonets that will wmc day determine whether our
enemies can tale it in a hand-to-hand m rap.
Or would you prtfef ten rounds of anti-aircraft fire to that flies. Isn't it good to know that our army and
tvpple enemy raiders from the cloud,? Ten rounds, if buy ten more of these anti aircraft shell, every
properly placed, will bring down the biggebt Jap bomber buy an $18.75 War Bond?
navy can
every time you
All this, and security too for your family after the war
TQ UT the veanons to nut dread in our en-
emis ar onl a jtart of what the smallest
VI ar Bond v ill buy.
ror America don't ak you to gh-e your
money een to such a cause as the urtial
of civilization.
It aLs you instead to lend it- at a gencrou
interest rate, an interest rate greater than any
bank in the country can get on the Government
bonds it hufe.
Ten ears from today the Government will
return for your S18.75 War Bond $2.', in rah.
Or you can pet our money hack, at any time,
fter 60 days from the purchase date.
And wLat u ill that 12". mean 10 vear. from
now that $23 and the proceeds from other
bonds that you and many others have bought?
For all of us collectively it will mean security
from dreaded inflation. If Americans pull
together now. we can. after the war. definitely
avoid that fearful spectre.
And for you and your family? T1I. here
is just a suggestion. You may wonder what
this picture of a little girl is doing in an adver
tisement filled with guns and bayonets. This
little girl is nine. Ten years from today your
$2."i could look as big as a million dollars to her.
For all this, y.ur country asks that you lend
10 percent of your salary-that everyone, every
pay day, put this amount into War Bonds. Can
you be counted on to do your part?.
at leant 10 every pay day
This is . contribution to America', ,Iut war effort by
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