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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 16, 1942)
.Wednesday, December 16, 1942 DAILY NEBRASKAN 1 T reme Society. Ah l . BY MARY LOUISE GOODWIN. As the snow outside melts into trickling drops, we too melt our varm hearts and thrust forth uome right hot items. Put on your earmuff, kiddies. Looks like there'll be plenty poppin' this week-end what with the ATO party Friday night and the Thi Psi and Sig; Alph shin digs Saturday. The ATO's are going to have a little competition in Alvino Rey who is going to give out at the Pike come Friday eve. Planning on trying out Rcy's rhythm will be Alpha Xi Jeanne Bowers, Mona Staska and Jackie Jones with Delta Sig Dick Weekly, Poo Tangcman, Knppa Sig; and Bill Thomas. Candy and Kisses. And over at the Tau mansion they had cigars and got to kiss Dorothy Freeborn, pinmate of Harold Hunt who decided that a subbing every week was more than he fancied. It doesn't seem like a Monday night anymore unless the Alpha Phis have a candy passing. This week Pat Purdum did the honors with Delta Sig pinmate. Anchors Away? Beta Jack Wright left eysterday for home and the navy he hopes. . . and this leaves Pi Phi Sayre Web ster back on the dating list again. The Phi Psi actives are treat ing the pledges to a Xmas party Saturday night (probably to make p for the way they treated them the rest of the week). Bud Free man will be there with Pi Phi Joan Beckwith, and Bill Campbell will escort KKG Jean Guenzel. And don't forget the celebrated Phi Delt Xmas party which will be held next Wednesday night tihs year. Besides all of the old stand bys, Dee Bourne will be there with Irene Hanson and Bruce Allen vil bring Alpha Phi Margie Mun M.n. This by the way looks like it might turn into something steady in the near future be cause it has reached the one date A week-end stage now. Wally Monson, DU of last year Is back in town to spend some time visiting Pi Phi Tolly Parmele. Ag College Holds Annual Christmas Program Tonight The student activities building on ag campus will be the scene of the annual Christmas program to night -at 8:00 o'clock. This is open to the public and everyone is in vited to attend. The complete pro gram is as follows: Organ music Myron Roberts Candle lighting. Processional, "O Come All Ye Faithful. Tenor recitative, "Comfort Ye My People," Jean McCartney. Chorus, "And the Glory of the Lord." Alto recitative, "Behold, a Vir gin Shall Conceive," Julia Crom. Chorus, "0 Thou That Tellest Good Tidings to Zion." "Christmas Meditations, 1942," Dr. O. H. Werner. Christmas carols, chorus and audience. Alto recitative, "Then Shall the Eyes of the Blind be Opened." Alto solo, "He Shall Feed His Flock," Julia Crom. Soprano solo, "Come Unto Him." Ruth Ann Fletcher. Chorus, "Surely He Hath Borne Our Griefs." Chorus, "Since by Man Came Death." Chorus, "Hallelujah." Benediction. Mrs. Altinas Tullis, conductor and director. Gwen Row, accompanist. We Repair all Makes and Models of Typewriters SIEGEL Typewriter Co. 228 No. 13 y ,5 GIFT means more if it is per sonal . . . thoughtfully selected . . . and carries MAGEE'S label a sym bol of quality for 40 years. Shopping is so easy and pleasant at Magee's . . . you'll quickly find just what you are wanting 1 Hostess Gowns with stunning em broidered trims, quilted effects, and color combinations. She will love them for winter entertaining. $10.95 to $22.95. Lounging Pajamas become more impor tant than ever with fuel rationing. At Magee's you'll find short jackets and the new long coat styles . . . plain colors and contrasting combinations . . . $10.95 and $12.95. Chenille Robes are warm and practical for daily wear. They retain their beauty through countless launderings. Stripe and pattern effects . . . bright colors. $3.95. fc 7 y is i 4v Joan Kenley Blouses ore famous for fine tailoring. She will like the tailored styles in crepe and satin. In white and seventeen winter colors. $2.25 to $3.95. Van Raalfe Hosiery in sheer rayon that looks like fine 3 thread. Volunteer and Tempo shades. $1.15. TV ' : J . 4 !-.- Gossard Brassieres are lovely gifts. Smart lace styles, satins or broadcloth. 69c to $2.50. 1 i i 4. 'If Daniel Green Slippers featuring "Tiffin," a lovely jacquard satin in light blue or tea rose . . . $3.50. Other Daniel Greens priced from $3.50 to $5. Cologne and Parfum in exquisite fra grances by Vigny, Worth and Suzanne. Cologne priced from $1 in 2 02. sires to $5 in 8 oz Paifum in $1.50 to $12.50 sizes. Leather Gloves by Bacrr.o. Fea turing the Lady Bacmo style in doeskin or kid at $3.50 . . Pig skin gloves at $3.95 to $5.95 . , capeskins at $2.95. e -.i. 4 sf ?9h, I J .sr. fy 7 ,,4(11? ! ? Leather Purses made by Vanity Square and Wilder cf quality capeskin, morocco calf, fine baby calf, alligator grain calf and sad dle leather. $2.95 to $12.95. .... No Charge If Gifts Wrapped. . .Ready for Giving