The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, December 11, 1942, Page 8, Image 8

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Friday, December 11, 1942
Well twirl our turbin if to
morrow isn't the night that the
gals take over and the boys
primp and powckr their noses
and load their escorts down with
everything from an over-aged rifle
(the kind the military department
uses) to electric shavers. The lat
ter are brought klong because the
fellow is planning: to have a long
evening that will probably wind
up some time the next afternoon.
Neva Hill, AOFi, isn t worrying
about the rubber shortage or gas
rationing. She's transporting her
date in her little red wagon. Only
thing now is is she going- to let
him ride or nmke him pull?
Kay Duncan, Pi Phi of last year
is coining down to see that Alpha
Sit' Stan Scott ptts to the Mortar
Board party. His Alpha Sig pin
is still firmly to her arrow
by the way.
Only Each Other.
This little bit of news took us
a bit by surprise tut any way here
it is. DG Betty Jo Nye and DU
Bob Trenchard have decided to
forsake all othtrs and call it
Tonight seems to be about
filled up to the trim with things
to do and places to go. . .First off
the Corn Cob dinner dance at the
University clubwith Johnny Cox s
orchestra. It's going to be fun;
just ask prexy Frank White, Ed
Faytinger, Mort Zuber, Sid
Swartz, Bill Thorr.berg and Jack
Hazen, who will It there with DG
Janet Krause, Pi Phi Shirley John
son, SDT Beverley Marcus, Jean
Hirshorn, Theta Shela Wheeler
and Kappa Mary Clair Clark.
The guest of honor will be Pep
Queen Polly Ann Petty, Alpha Phi
who will be escorted by Gene
It Happened In . . .
And then the Theta's Sun
Valley house party. . .Taking this
In will be Kit Cf.rson with Ernie
Larson, Phi Pst; Jean Rotton and
Jam Johnson. S;g Chi; Marian
Lynch with Sig Chi Bob McNutt;
Toni McQuistan with Chi Gam
Bud Johnson; Jean York with
Phi Gam Norrie Anderson; and
Helen Goodwin with Beta Bill
McBride. The last two are also
planning on stopping at the Beta
pledge party for activities too, as
are AOPi Helen Freeborn and
Tom Hyland.
And over at the Cornhusker the
Gamma Phis and their dates will
be dancing to the music of Hank
Mattison and his orchestra. Here
are a few of the dates: Roberta
Burgess and Alpha Sig Hank
Buthman; Nancy Coe with DU
Frank Maroney; Eetty Kingdon
with KS Gene Olmstead, and Vir
ginia Kunsel with another KS, Bob
Von Seggern. Ella Mae Ober
lander is having a navy air corps
man from Omaha come down for
hte affair. His name is Fred
Kroll. By the way, the party is
open to everyone and no bids
have been sent, but everyone is in
vited. The anti-dance league which has
been Dave Marvin's pet activity is
dead. It died a slow death the
other night when Jean Brehm and
Dot Christian enticed Dave into
dancing again. Now all Dave
wants is a date to the Black
Masque ball tomorrow night.
Rabbi Ogle Addresses
Coed Counselor Group
Rabbi Ogle spoke at the Coed
Counselor Book Review at Ellen
Smith hall Tuesday night at
7:30. The book reviewed will be
"The Song of Bernadette."
Haircut? you like
from your pal
'Just a few steps from
the campus"
1341 "P" Street
Closing Fall Activities . . .
Cobs' Dinner Dance Tonight
Takes Place of UN Migration
Corn Cobs will close their fall
activities with a dinner-dance to
night at the University Club. Guest
of honor for the evening will be
Pollyann Petty, Nebraska Pep
Queen, who was presented by Corn
Cobs at the annual Homecoming
The dinner, to which only active
members may attend, will be fol
lowed by the dance in the Univer
sity Club ballroom. "Guests for
the dance, immediately following
the dinner, will be admitted upon
presentation of bids previously
circulated by members of the
club," stated Roland W. Finley,
chairman of the evening's activi
ties. Because of limited traveling fa
cilities due to the war this year,
the cjub did not organize a migra
tion trip for the students, so the
. Pollyann Petty Is Guest
dinner-dance was substituted," de
clared Franklin White, Corn Cob
Tilo TJN Students
Speak on Sunday
About Homelands
. . . Philippines and Hawaii
Two University of Nebraska stu
dents, Arcadio Bcnez and Miss
Nora Maehara were the first
speakers to appear in a scries of
Sunday evening meetings for
young adults and high school stu
dents held at Trinity Methodist
Benez is a native of the Philip
pine Islands, the son of a former
member of the Philippine national
nsMYihlv before the islands fell
into Japanese hands. His brother,
a doctor, was kinea in me ngm.
on Bataan.
Miss Maehara was in the Hawal
ians. Recently she returned to
this country as an evacuee.
Both spoke on their native lands.
Benez is studying philosophy at
the university and plans to earn
his Ph.D. at Columbia, after which
he wants to return to his homeland
to aid in the postwar reconstruc
tion. Miss Maehara is a junior in
the department of sociology.
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dier's MUST HAVE . . . canvas back
1.50 . . . leather back 2.50.
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ment, shoe polish, etc. 3.95.
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Simons . . . 3.50 to 10.00.
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. . . the handiest gadget yetl A toilet
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Quilted bed jackets ... in satin, flow
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Hostess gowns and robes . . . every
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Warm, smart quilted robes . . . gay
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Lovely, lovely gowns . . . beautiful
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. . give her glittering jewelry . .
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