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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 10, 1942)
Thursday, December 10, 1942 1 Husker Cagers Lack Rebound I Artists as They Prep hov IU I r DAILY NEBRASKAN Typhoons Open Home Season Npws alone the Husker caee front was all directed toward the pending Illinois-UN struggle Sat urday night in Champaign, home f the lllini. As he sent his cagers through their paces. Mentor Adolph "Lew" Lewendowski continued to search for a tall performer with the abil ity of retrieving rebounds. It was the Husker inability to tip in shots and recover the ball under the foe's basket which accounted for the Dakota victory. Lewendowski indicated he might have the answer in Bert Gissler, 6-7 grid end. Gissler lacks the jump and general cage finesse, however. Frannie Hassler, Mc Cook junior transfer who started against the Sodaks at center, may help the situation later. Tf the Huskers are to ston the strong lllini courtsters, they must buna a aeiense to stop one or me top passing attacks in Big Ten circles. Illinois, a perenially con tender for Big Ten court titles, will be several notches above South Dakota mettle. No Statement. "I don't know yet who I will start," concluded Lew. "All the boys will get a chance and we have yet to find a clicking com bination." Bob Heinzelman was the offen sive leader in the opener with Johnny Botorff a closs second. Rnth Jnhnnv Thompson and John Fitzgibbon, veteran forwards, can maintain a torrid pace when they start imaing uie noop R. D. Morilz Talks ! To New Teachers t Candidates Today All new candidates for teaching positions for the year 1943-44 are asked to attend a meeting called for this afternoon at 4:30 in Social Sciences auditorium by R. D. Moritz. director of the department . of educational service. Moritz will discuss plans and opportunities for the new teachers. Anyone with classes at this hour are to attend this meeting and they will be excused from their classes. A dozen midwest universities have been designated to train cooks and bakers for the navy. CLASSIFIE LOST Coin pursp wilh trsnjportation money. Call 2-3&87. Reward. AMF.S la . TVe. 8. The Iowa State College Navy team will seek tn us its home floor ndvantatre Wednesday night to score its first victory ot the season wnen it faces Central College By George Abbott. (Guest "Artist") Elicibles . . . ( Continued from Page 1.) election last month from a field of fourteen candidates, including Gene Bradley, Bob Bramson, Lyle Chotena, Ki Kisennart, uick Geesaman, Ted Greene, Preston Hays, Randall Pratt, Bill Komn son. Bob Schlater. Dean Skokan Paul Toren, Jim vveesner ana Hank Buthman. The party begins at 9, ends at 12. Admission price is $1.4) per couple and tickets may be ob tained from a Mortar Board or TasseL Spotter Work . . . (Continued from Page 1.) the radio. The blackout will start at 10 p. m. and continue for 15 or 20 minutes. All university regula tions for air raid drills are placed in the hands of the university emergency defense committee, of which L. F. Seaton, building super intendent, is chairman. The University of Kansas is in its seventy-seventh year. Word from our Western Union bov reveals that the His Kiv lpnpiie mav ho eonsideririir an additional member. Jack Car- I ci t . . 1 1 . . 1 1 The Typhoons have dropped berry, uenver rose sports ciuei, rviajs me wu.u three starts so far this year but ment following the announcement by CU that collegiate sports have finally arrived at a scoring wouid e abandoned for the winter quarter. combination which thev hone will m.i u i J u tj. Civ " mmtii be good enough to stop the Dutch-1 .m. " " . tllo rW fn rirzAn rer,r. men. Lt. (jg) Bob Charles has re- viuueny. ma ww uius v- - - 77 covered from an early season in- sentatives who attended the Big Six meeting in Kansas City this jury and will be in the starting Falj At tbat tjme Colorado was not in a position to accept the lineup for the first time. A high . .r - invitation. scormg xorwara wnne ai loieao , , . n , university, Charles has played part e uizzimi misr auuiuuu uyvu nvi....i y. -time so far this year. WOrd only to find they were in the dark concerning the west John Reese, center, is the top state's alleged entrance into the Big Six. Our personal re EdTidTfrwXS rSne0' action to adding the Buffaloes can be summed into two words: Babe Tysseling, Central coach Get em ! and a member of the famous won- i.Uiilnn rf tho westerners would add color to the loop, an der teams of that school, will stick . . , ,1(,riocted after the sorry 1S42 term. From hTsX TTLS this corner, it seems that the lengue has functioned loo many Iowa conference coach to stop the years with the present six manners. Add some new nmcm mi Typhoons. Dick Camp and Carroll situation and new interest in turn would develop. Larson will be at forwards, Bert ' t VanSoest at center, and Bob Wag- , . , aman and Charles DeWild at the Lew Lewendowski's Scarlet cagers felt the full wrath ot guards. wartime transportation difficulties on their initial tnp to &omn Sl" AIdIiS OdCII DakSlated to roll into scene of battle at 10:00 in the evening, U1C5 Ar110 f" ,er courtsters were stalled enroute by a senes of "train T-M WltPr PnlO transfers" et cetera. Time was 2:2-0 in the wee hours ot tne X-i?r W tlltl L U1U iyi wvp tv,P Trusters arrived at their destination. liiUl UUlt - vw ... , i ,11 "Despite the rough tram riie, me r shape," commented Lew yesterday. .o, m. , ti...ji.u...- inrthey proved they, were sweu spon v "We had plenty oi snoxs ai vnc uoop uv - o i t. in lieu. IjCWi uuv ijm-j - off last year, the Sigma Alpha EP- . weren't clicking. It was a typical early- silon water polo experts opened was on auvi uui j- the defense of their 1941 cham-- season game. .... ,:...: nyA Next foe on the liusKer siaie, 111...,, o,,.- - pretly accurately the mettle cf ow s noys 1 ncy the 8:30 a. m. for Champaign hfioay. r,aiuruay - - spent swapping shots with the lllnn-rexurn u.m u ,r will conclude the jaunt. Ust Day: "I MRR1EI) A WITCir Fredric Marh Veronica UW i "). j f ..t.f . . m t 1 V r mm drowned the man in Nancy's bathtub... wftof is o themys- 'yof ju. 13 Gay jjjl Street! "S u 1 liiii'iw m . (Miss) JEFF DOfJNai WILLIAM WRIGHT SIDMEY T0LER 1 GALE SONDERGAARD BLANCHE YURKA Color Cartoon In Technicolor ROOKIE O 'AKGEMIM: O Novelty "MIRACLE MAKLKS" REMJir hokses' RkO Nrwn V TOMORROW 'Z With 21-2 Will BY GENE SHERMAN. Continuing from where thev left pionship in grand order, last Tues day eveniner. bv routine an inexpe rienced Sammv sextet 21-2. With such stalwarts as Cooper, McLuhan. Gosset, and Hawkins in ihe pool, the SAE's never had much trouble in winning as they rolled up an early lead which was never relinnuished. Bernie Gold- ware and Harry Fellman were the point trettcrs for the SAM s Bv vntne of mppine tne mi r Transpoiiation . . (Continued from Fage 1.) vice-president of the Pullman com pany. Few Reservations. As vet there have been only isolated cases of canceling reser vations rail officials declare. Gen erally the railways are warned of movements of troops in time 10 make adequate preparations. Only Pullmans and special trains re- auire reservations. Where reser vations are made thev now must be paid for by the following day to be hela. ,' Where trains have no reserva tions travelers are advised to get to the stations early in oroer that thev can tret on their cars and get a seat. Don't Travel. Joseph B. Eastman, director of the Office of Defense Transporta tion, has issued a statement on holiday travel. He says, "It is not easy to ask the American peo ple not to travel at Christmas time. Many families look forward throne-h the vear to annual re unions. But I must ask that these family gatherings be foregone this vear. if thev involve travel. A Christmas without travel will help win the war. It hs a sacrifice that should and must be made." In an advertisement in local daily papers the local railroads point out that in addition to stu dent, military and added civilian travel due to gas rationing, the transportation difficulties are in creased by travel of people on war or government business and the fact that priority on steel pre vents building even the normal number of new railway cars. , Eastman states, "No more rail road passenger cars are being . J Psi's 7-5, the Phi Gams jumpeu into a tie with the Sig Aipns ior the leading spot m tne league Three race. This game was a thril ler with the outcome not oeciaen until the last minute 01 piay. Fijis Break Lose. Th Phi Delt drivers broke loose during the final half and tallied 25 markers to add to the 11 they scored during the first frame to drown the Kappa Sigs 36-2. Tn hp nther Learue Two fracas, the Farm House met some stiff op position from the Delta upsiions before emerging tne vicuor i-. Ainhn Tan Omeera featured the play of the evening by shutting-out the AGR's 29-0. The ATO s led ifi.n at the intermission. After being held to a 1-1 tie tor the first half of play, Uie eias drove home four counters to win over the Delts 5-1. Badminton Opens. Phi Delta Theta. Farm House, and Phi Kappa Psi were the first three teams to advance mu uie round of the Badminton tourney which opened last Tues day morning. With Johnson, Deere, and Porter winning their matches, the Phi Psi trio whitewashed the DU's 3-0. The other contests found the Phi Delts whipping the Kappa Sigs and the Farm House mtsters winning over the Phi Gams. Both scores were 2-1. FLOWERS say if besf DANIELSON FLORAL CO. Correction Due to a mistake on the Ne- braskan Marjorie May Johnston's name was printed as Marvin May Johnston in the list of seniors elected to Phi Beta Kappa in yes terday's papers. We Repair all Makes and Models of Typewriters SIEGEL TypewritcV Co. 228 No. 13 1306 N 2-2234 Christmas Cards! M Very Nine Quality n Amvriri j ! 50 for 50c I built. The equipment we now Gc1denrod Printing Co. have has got to do for the dura- & ,5 North 1lbKltio.ry in.t. U A Lost Chance to Get in on Next Issue Out: Dec. 15 PRAIRIE SCHOONER $1.00 a year See a Tassel, Call Prairie Schooner Office, or Come Yourself to 209 Admin. Bldg. Support a Student Publication STATE i 25c SHANGHAI! Where Women Are Weak and Men Are Ruthless! Gene Ticrney Victor Mdurr Ona Muiiwin Walter Hn ia the C rlrbratrg Plarr Hit The SHANGHAI -m-m rm w T - via "Tht GHOST M rrv rn j n? Lvna Vt ar Hondo und Sumpn Tlii Do It N! nm mi. mill -"' " " nyiiyi "'J' ; I ' - . - ' IT r