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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 9, 1942)
Wednesday, December 9, 1932 DAILY NEBRASKAN Heinzelman Tops Scoring Bob Heinzelman's eight points provided the top Husker scoring threat against South Dakota Mon day night as the Lewendowski courtsters bowed in their current campaign in losing style. Box score of the tilt indicates Husker scoring was evenly divided with six basketeers breaking into the box. Next foe on the Husker slate is Blinois, host to the Scarlet at Champaign. THE BOX: South Dakota fg ft f firhrnMir f 2 1 0 Carlson f 9 1 3 Fechtere 4 2 1 Taolettc 3 0 4 Mayer g 0 0 2 Bain a 0 0 4 Eberto 0 0 2 Totals 18 4 16 Nebraska fg ft f Thompson f 1 2 2 Fuller f 0 0 0 Flcnn f 1 1 0 Heinzelman f 3 2 1 Hasslerc 1 1 4 Bottorffc 2 2 0 Young g 2 0 2 Knutzen g 0 0 0 Fitzgibbons g 0 0 3 Marquistg 1 0 0 Artmanf 0 0 1 Totals 11 8 12 Free throws missed: South Da kota: Schroeder 1, Carlson 1, Fechter 2, Mayer 3, Bain 1, Ebert 1. Nebraska, Elson 2, Hassler 1, Bottorff 1, Young 2, Marquist 1. Referee: Livingston, Sioux Falls, S. D. Umpire: Galvin, Sioux raus. Next UN Foe Nudges Detroit Illinois will be trying to make tt two wins in a row when the Husker basketeers invade the "Ulini" court next Saturday eve ning. Led by Ken Menke, who tallied 12 points, the Big Ten rhamDS swamped the University of Detroit 38-25 in the seasons onener last Monday evening. After piling up a 21-6 margin at the intermission, the niinois de fense fell apart momentarily, al lowing the Titans to narrow the margin to 28-24. Iowa State's Cyclones went down to defeat before an under dog Grinnell five 37-30 in another Mnndav contest. Best for the Big Six representatives was Kuebler with 12 markers, rnis was me first setback for the Cyclone cagers. Reserves . l Continued from Paee 1.) services have definitely indicated that these enlistments must, oe comnleted. The examining board which is 1 appearing here today, will consid er, in addition to the applications for the armv air corps, applica- tions of enlistment in the ERC of students who later desire to trans fer to the air corps when called to active duty. WeA and Thuri. Only On the Stage Boyd RAEBURN AND HIS ORCHESTRA ti. i.- -. Fralarifii Claude "lUy ney" Humphreys, Ted Travers, Nova toran, Uelea Hill On the Screen 'Moonlight in Havana" INTERFRATERNITY BADMINTON TOURNAMENT (First Round Games) Alpha Sigma Phi vs. Delta Tau Delta Delta Sigma Pi vs. Sigma Alpha Mu Sigma Chi vs. Beta Theta Pi Sigma Nu vs. Beta Sigma Psi Sigma Phi Epsilon vs. Alpha Tau Sooners Place Five on AP Team Only one Cornhusker gridder, Tackle Vic Schleich, won a berth on the Associated Press All Big Six grid eleven. Schleich was paired with Homer Simmons of Oklahoma. Filling the guard posts on the team were Fitzgerald of Missouri and Morford of Oklahoma. Pivot laurels went to Marsee of Okla homa. Filling the end posts were Missouri's Ekern and Oklahoma's Dub Lamb. A noticeable "absen tee" from the end spots was Ne braska's fine end, Marv Thompson. Backfield posts went to Steuber of Missouri, Hamm of Oklahoma, Darlino of Iowa State, and Evans of Kansas. Oklahoma with five performers on the team led the league. Steuber Scores 121 For Fresh Lea &ue Record Missouri's Bobbv Steuber cross ed the end zone 18 times and added 13 extra points, during the past season, for 121 points and a new Bisr Six sconne record. Altho the Missouri eleven took nart in 12 contests. Steubcr s mark 4 is far superior on an average game basis than his record of 67 points in nine eames last vear and the 49 points registered by Oklahoma's Johnny Martin, the mgn scorer oi the 1940 campaign. Rv Brorinc Oklahoma's onlv touchdown against William and Mary last Saturday, Eddie uavis, Sooner fullback, edged out Iowa State's Paul Darling for the run nerup position with 36 markers. Darling had a total oi J4. Steuber tallied 75. points in the five conference eames in which he participated in. This was enough to beat uavis ana sun set a new record. The Ioadintr conference scorers, with games played, touchdowns, points after touchdown, field goals and t K Mi MU IT t Ra Htrubrr Of. MB) It IS IS 111 Mate Davie Okl. tu) ! a a a jh ImjU DmrlipK I. H. t. KB) 4 7 1 34 Frr4 Kuuidia Me. B It t M ml Lahr (I. M. C. HB) ! K4 Lasaaaiat Ibi. HB IS 4 1 ti tnla rata Me. U) iz w z Tut Kkuki umi. u) i i w i Hemt Sum (OfcL 4(B) U 1 1 1 Rmlaa Cuter Me. HB It S C S IS Has Wrl.fct HMO. IIB 14 1 I Jark Marias M. Kn4 11 1 S It Bajr Ktmjm (Ma. HB) I I u Hart Baker Ka. QB) 14 I It Junrt Darr (Me. HB) IS S It U tlvakart rVk FBI ! S It H. Mi iilan IK. . HB) 11 t It St4 Bakry K. B. . HB) II t It A. " - itu. K.t It t It Hm4 TUmm L H. HB) I II H.Vmn (K. . C. (mU 11 I It Li$ten GALS! Better Toice Thot Fellow to fo) ill nn SAT. DEC. 12th for the BIG DANCE OP THE WEEK With and His Celebrated Orchestra NEXT WEEK You Will Want Him to Take You to the Dance of the Year nn wij nit, u 7:30 9:00 7:30 7:30 8:15 Eleven Teams On Collegiate All-American ST. LOUIS, Mo., Dec. 9. (Spe cial). Eleven colleges are repre sented on the 1942 all-America football team selected by the na tion's college sports writers and announced today in the Sporting News, national sports weekly. It is the first time in the nine year history of the poll that some one college has failed to place two men on the honor eleven. Frank Sinkwich of Georgia walked away with top honors and the captaincy of the star agrge gation, and his backfield mates are Paul Governali or coiumma, Bill Hillenbrand of Indiana and Eob Steuber of Missouri. Linemen named to the team are Dave Schreiner of Wisconsin and Bob Dove or Notre Dame, ends Dick Wildung of Minnesota and Gil Bouley of Boston college, tackles: Alex Aease of Illinois and unucK Taylor of Stanford, guards; and Joe Domnanovich of Alabama, center. 482 Nominated. There were 482 players nomi nated to the all-star team by the 86 writers who represented col leges in 40 states and the District of Columbia in the balloting which was compiled by Robert S. Kunkel, executive secretary or tne national inter-collegiate sports writers as sociation. Second team: Poschner of Oeoreia and Gantt of Duke, ends; Wistert of Michigan ana csun oi Ohio State, tackles: Ramsey of William & Mary and Wright of Notre Dame, guards; Aioseiey oi Yale, center: and Holovak of Bos ton Colleze. Bertelli of Notre Dame, Harder of Wisconsin and Dobbs of Tulsa, backs. STATE Alaaya 25c nd Today! "BOSTON BLACKIE GOES HOLLYWOOD" Mao! "KTAND Bf AIX NETWORKS" Tomorroic!" Weem are weak aae aara ratal ia Miaaxaal. Where Bay. Ibtec eaa happea aa4 aee! Grae Victor Tierney Mature "Shanghai Getlure" Weeeeary Mea 2fc The Livinr Ghost" the IE aaWMaal 12- 9-42 12- 9-42 12-10-42 12-15-42 12-15-42 J (SCilSESlllul Sooners Lose Entire Frosh Club to Army NORMAN, Okl., Dec. 8. Okla homa will enter the 1942-43 bas ketball season with the usual handicap of having lost, with the exception of one man, its entire freshman team of last year to the armed forces. Only one sophomore is available this season. Jack Felber of Tulsa Central. All other members of Ok lahoma's 1941 all-victorious fresh man team, perhaps the strongest the Sooners had marshalled in modern times, are off to war. Foremost among them was Jack Watkins, a 6 foot 2 inch lad from Tribbey whose clever ball-handling, shooting, guarding and tip-in artistry closely rivaled that of Gerald Tucker, Sooner sensation of last vear. Other Boomers lost for the duration include George Liogan ana tiaroia wara, au-siaie This Christmas Arrow rings the hell two ways! - Arrow fancy stripes Arrow oattemed chirta are great gilts any day of the year but for Christmas you il find them more outstandina than trr in a great. great ariely of colors and pat terns ... every Arrow shirt has "figure-fitting" cut . . . every col lar style, every size at Simons 24att Up Arrow ulilto ' shir to 100 bm out of 100 look their best fa Arrow whites . . . they're the completely sure-fire gift . . . Sanfor ised they won't even shrink 1 . . . every collar style, every size at Simons Arrow tins $1 up Whether you get him Arrow Arrow ties and. hankerchiebi Cobs Meet Tonight All Corn Cob actives and pledges are called to a meeting tonight at 7:30 in the Union, president Frank White an nounced yesterday. interscholastic players from Tulsa Will Hoeers hisrh. James "Cotton" Covington of Savanah, Louis Kret- low of imtnam tJity, ana joe Karnes of Tuisa. Altho Don "Bones" Jones, sensa tion of Oklahoma's 63 to 51 tri umph over Kansas at Norman, Mitch Simon, hero of the one-point defeat of Kansas State at Manhat tan and Warren Lehman are all in the armed forces (all are let termen who had competition left at Norman), Coach Drake retains Gerald Tusker, Paul Heap, A. D. "Ug" Roberts, Dick Reich, Bob "Manacles" McCurdy, Tom Rousey and Jim "Leech" Marteney from his last year's team, and also Allie Paine from his 1940-41 aggrega tion. The Sooners will invade Lincoln Jan. 30 for a league fracas with the Nebraska Cornhuskers. men'' it fnrnhhings 1st floor Arrow Hanks 25c up whites or fancy ebbis add some a combination to match every ahlrt His Guitar and Orchestra With the 4 KING SISTERS