The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, December 06, 1942, Image 3
JayhawksOpcn With Clippers IJUVTIENCK, Kh 1. Although the University of Kansas tviUl be meeting a new opponent Saturday nijrht in municipal audi torium In Kansas City in the Crtathe Naval Air Base Clippers, the opposing coachea as well as several of the contesting players will renew old rivalries and friend fdups. Lieut "JG" Jack Gardner, coach pf the Sailors, will be trying to 1 reak a jinx which has existed ever Finoe he left his home state of punny California, liaroner came to Kansas State college in 1939 and in the past three years his Wildcats have met Coach Allen's Javhawks six times and not a (tingle time has Gardner been the winning mentor. In VMO Bruce Voran won a 34 to 33 decision for Kansas by sink ing a free throw in the ist 15 seconds of the game. The other contest that year saw Kansas win ning 44 to 33. The next year the J.ivhawks won the first game 46 to 4 1 but had to fight tootth and rail before they could nab the yeconrt. STATE STARTS TODAY Alwtyt 25 Scr. 20c Action Fans Stand By For A Double Action, Double Thrill Program) 3 &m mi 11 Thrill Ml No. 21 Daily Qwes Yearboodes One More Chance to Win Hatchet-at Basketball After doing a remarkable job of chickening out on the football game, the most un-athlctic Corn husker staff in the history of UN 1 ill-... Husker Cagcrs Open Season Against Sodaks Another seasonal chapter in Cornhuskcr cag annals will be opened at Vermillion, S. D., Mon day night when Mentor Adolph Lcwendowski leads his cagers into their inaugural with South Da kota. Tast history of South Dakota- Husker frays reveals that Ne braska has learned to respect the smaller northern team. Always the schedule curtain-raiser, the Sodaks have a habit of forgetting they're a schedule-opener and out- score the Scarlet hoopsters. Strong Detense. A stron? defensive unit is in prospect along the Husker front, tho the offensive performance may not equal the 1941-42 squad. Loss of the top scorer, Sid Held, and Lcs Livingston via graduation hampers the cuircnl ciuds oucn sive punch. Veterans available include Johnny Fitzgibbon, a standout in 1940-41 and namperea iasi yeai bv a bad knee: Max Young, a cool defensive performer who is a re liable balance cog; Jonn momp son, two-year letter-winner who performs equally well at forward or guard; Bob Heinzelman, & stead v scorer last year; ivenny hj- onn who developed into a offen sive asset toward the end of last year's campaign; John Botorff, a versatile handy man; ana ai An num, minor letterman with major wtor-winner rotcntialities. . Standout new laiem. memoes Frannie assler, former McCook Junior ace. and Vince CutshalL Fred Cassidy, and Owen Knutzen from the frosh squad, payers who saw service last year but who did not letter are Perry Fuller, Warren Marquiss, and Bob warn At their annual pre-cage meet ing, Big Six coaches decided to pass a resolution recommending freshmen for nlav this term. Con firmation of the resolution will be placed for vote at the annual con ference meeting in Kansas this week. Lodng 15 of 21 tilts last year, the Lewendowski courtsters are dotermined to un their fourth nlace Biff Six standing this year. . in. iw.vfiww. m. ft 1 .JUKI 821 34 low. M. J" MRUSKi 4 S7 H m 1 .SM Sl Ml ..r t a .so sm 4& has finally agreed to show up against the Daily staff for an ath letic contest, namely, basketball. Altho dubious about playing, the Comhuskcrs willingly accepted when a pony was offered to the winning team. The time of the game is 3:00 Sunday afternoon in the coliseum; students who wish to attend the game must bring their activity tickets (or their equivalent) in order to take part in the after-game( ?) activities. Becker Trains Team. fVaeh A. L. Becker of the vear- bookers has been working out daily with her sauad of 15. of whom only four or five are expected to show up. cruet inrcar. or. me underdosr team is "Eagle-boagle- nose" Dick Foe, who in lugn scnooi compiled the enviable record of 21 noints per came. The front line for the team most likely will be John Free-thrower" Cook and Dave "Maybe I Can Fix the Game Walcott- But enouch of the year book cs. let s take a iook ai mc hotter ball club. The Raff has many veteran K-iskethnll nlavers to choose from. Sharpshooting Bob Miller swished th Phi Gams to the Intramural basketball championship last year. Showing uncanny speed, Miller potted point after point to beat the Betas in the final game last year, 26 to 25. Torrid Nor-Nor. Arain the Raff is makinff a con cession to the Cornhuskers by letting torrid Norris Anderson play half of the game on uie year hookie team. Altho sports editor of the Rag, Norrie also works on Cornhuskers (and not uie dooksj. Undoubtedly, he shall again be on the winmnsr team. The Raff has manv other "name" players. Alan Jacobs was a lead inr ficure in B team basketball the past two seasons. Ex-Omaha North Wrestler Bill Palmer has threw manv a basketball thru the hoon. Gene Sherman probaDiy will hold down one guard; Johnny Bauermeister will be sinking long ones from the other guard spou Aid from Burwell. Waterbov for the Rag club will be Georcia Abbott former Bur- well Junior high star. During his tenure with the Burwell narn burners, Abbott was noted for his loutcourt "push" shots. He failed to tally only against bananius Junction when the oooosinff coach assigned ten performers and the enure Dieacner section to covering him. But here's the big news of the game. Making his first public appearance will be handsome Carton Broderick, columnist for the rag. Altho he will play with a mask on, fans will have no trouble in identifying Carton once they see his Hercules build. Yearbookie Instructions. This is the first year that the two staffs will engage in the friendly game of basketball. For those Cornhuskers who undoubt edly have forgotten the principles of the game since last winter, here is the general idea of the game: Basketball is played with a ball, players dribble the ball, between the hoops players shoot the ball, and, by the way, the game is being played on the day after the Military Ball. Following the game the usual Rag-Cornhusker festieities will take place. Over mugs of peace the Rag shall gloat over the easy triumph, rerhaps in 1930, if UN has such silly thinps as Corn huskers then, the basketball series will be revived. She sets what she wants with hex appeat! Another fun riot by Thome Smith! mmij j SpUI! The McrckKBl Hartaci "FIGHTING FKE1GUTEKS" Flat ChImi-New NtMy TODAY! 30c Till t P.M. Reserve . . (Continued from Pare 1.) agriculture, war production board and others, will make up tne man-nnu-pr commission. University ROTC officials when contacted had received no official word on the changes which would b made at Nebraska, Many men not enlisted in the reserve corps or in a specialized course may be affected, it is expected. (Sports Editor) BY KIRWIN U KISKXUAKT. (Cuost Artist.) On full rliiliit!M nf llie Slriiilli ltnkita Sst:)l li:il'il wikiiI rink Motulay eve will bo Iho 19 42-4:1 Xohraska cage edition. In- t:nt .nnl f.niilil iMii-il tlir iifiv llnvker enm.- inoilel oiii lis a canipaisrn which features 17 jouts with outeonference ami lig IX IOCS. Inausniral dip into Big: Six waters will occur January 5 when Mentor "Lew" Lewendowski herds his proteges down to Manhattan for battle with the K-State Wildcats. If Ihere remains a parcel of revenue in reierence to tne wildcat gna triumph, Monday will be the time to erase said parcel. Main problem facing Lewendowski thus far lies been to find a team sparkplug equal to the 1941-12 dazzler, Sid Held. A A 11 Top candidates lor lieid s spot as teaiure artist can ve mm cated by simply listing the returning letteraien. All return ing hands are strictly "team." performers and indiidual sparklers are more scarce than caviar at company mess. Ilard-workinf? "Moxie" Young and Johnny Thompson, two aggressive performers, perform tops defensively but neither can qualify as consistent ollensive narncauer. uamncappou oy a knee injury during the 1941-42 season, Johnny Fitzgibbon should return to his sophomore form when he was the spark plug in several irays. Kenny Elson, a strong- late -season contender lasi year, ana Bob Heinzelman, potentially a top scoring threat, form a jun- lor brace oi periormers capaoie oi lgnnmg ioai name. iumi Botorff, a capable all-round performer, will probably renew his 1941-4 status as sqnaa nanayman. .ivunor teiitr wmutr &i Artman. a capable ball-handler and adept floor man, is also ready for a front-line berth. Indication points strongly at this early season point that Turanlnu-ki has in tow a proun of "team" nerformers. If one or two individuals develop into sparkplugs, the Cornhuskers may surprise on the court this term. w w m w T 5t Wo in mv madded cell, mv keener opens the cell kU 1 . W 7 ml door and tenders te me several slips of paper. One slip informs me that the Xotre Dame-Great Lakes game, a highlight on the day's grid menu, ended in a 13-all tie. Other sheet bears even more startling news Missouri t Seahawks 0! It was a case of those potent Tigers finally re- gaining the potency they lore at tn auveni oi me campdigiu AVENGE DEC 7th BUT A WAR BOND TODAY! xJhAilL Jodail N'rvrr M man flrhl and 4mn kin 5 1 1 t m r r I mining advra-Urr! Tyrol C nmurr rUWLU Maureen O'HARA BB3 8Miaia El " aW fler. Mr in TECHtliCOLORl Late New TUAtm Tm A Mr u.vw Btto Actio FletwM Looking for a lasting gift? Looking for good reading? Then buy a MOOKIEK $1.00 a year See a Tassel, Call Prairie Schooner Office, or Come Yourself to 209 Admin. Bldg. Support a Student Publication Iail Rift for ChrlHtraa i V I