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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 4, 1942)
Friday, December '4, 1942 DAILY NEBRASKAN (5 Organizations W(DM Fashions Society j Sports L Announces Betrothal . . . . , ;K VV ..... f " '-" "s. . ;; V J ! 1 .;,., , J 1 i I - ' - I ": !, . i - i u.i. I'.'.-iy union) jiu.i iiul. Announcement of the engagement oi Miss Ruth Holland to Richard Arnold was made recently by her mother. Miss Holland was graduated from the university last June and was affiliated with Pi Beta Phi. Arnold will grad uate from the university this June. He is ROTC cadet colonel and a member of Sigma Chi fraternity. To Wed This Month . . ( v. 1 1 i J V v'outcsy Llmiiln journal. Tie Voice of Experience . . . Senior TFomeu Advise Naive Freshmen On Mortar Board Party Date Technique Miss Mary Beeson will be married to Sterling Mutz, jr., the 20th of December. Miss Beeson belongs to Kappa Kappa Gamma and Mr. Mutz was pledged to Beta Theta Pi before entering Parks Air School, St. Louis, Mo., from which he will graduate the 17th of this month. For women only! For the first and last and only time during the year the girls have to invite and fete the boys to an evening's entertainment. Yep, its the annual Mortar Boards' Black Masque ball that's coming up a week from tomorrow night so get your date all sewed up be fore the wolves wearing" skirts start hunting. So now the problem is how to ask some lucky boy to the vice versa party. According to the best authorities (seniors, they've had three years experience so know all the angles) there are several satisfactory ways in which to ap proach a man on the subject of a date. Perhaps the simplest and most widely used method is to ask him at the ball, for the general prac tice in the past has been to ask the fellow who asked you to the ball. Just say, "Oh, by the way, don't forget the Mortar Board Gone Are the Days . . . War Curtailment of Women's Hose Introduces Rayon Mesh BY JEAN GLOTFELTY. "Gone for the duration" is the stock phrase these days. And the fairer sex is losing out from top to bottom. First it was curlers and peroxide; then girdles; and now the shapely or otherwise limbs of the college girl have be come martyrs to the cause. There will definitely be no more silk or nylon stockings until the end of the war and just when we were learning how to keep our nylons up, too. A few pairs of silk or nylon still may find their way into .he store3 now and then, but this supply is practically exhausted; in fact, it s exhausted because the salesgirls get there first. Imported Eng lish lisle is ouc, too, except where certain stores have a few pairs on hand. What to Do? So what are we supposed to do? The answer is what we were afraid it would be. Rayon, cotton, and more rayon. Fine rayon mesh, coarse rayon mesh, rayon lisle, and just plain rayon. But it can be obtained in any desired shade for a dollar and up for good weaves. Except for the added care necessary in handling rayon WAVES, Beauty Shops, UN Coeds Like Short Hair Those war snortages seem to change a lot of things. For now the great question that most of the coeds are trying to answer is, 'Should we leave our tresses long and be glamorous or cut them shore and look trim and effi cient?" Many of the girls are doing the latter and snipping their lovely locks. The idea seems to have origin ated with the WAACs and WAVEs because it is a requirement for them to have their hair one inch above their collars. Beauty salons report that the great popularity of shorn locks is due chiefly to their ability to make customers look neat. Short hair is also very simple to take care of, which is an important factor in these husv sr times. Signal Corps . . . (Continued from Page 1.) various types of special contact work for the Detroit lahoratorv Those in experimental radio inter ference suppression work will supervise crews conducting: ex- neriments concerning armv ve hides within the laboratory and in me new. Positions are also offered for women high school graduates be twen 18 and 30 years old. Appli cants must have high school alge bra, physios or their equivalent and an interest in radio, passing a personnel interview and aptitude test. These applicants will re ceive laboratory training to qual ify as assistants and crew mem bers in the positions listed above. If a sufficient number of women indicate interest in these positions the Signal corps win sena a rep resentative to the university to in terview applicants. Those inter ested should call at Dean T. J. Tliomnsnn's office and leave in formation concerning their quali fications. . . . Ana" Leg Make-Up stockings serve to catch the male eye as well as silk. Previously scorned cotton stock ings are on the up and up for sport and school wear this year. Fine cottons in a rib or tancy weave obtained in many colors from the customary tans to red, green and yellow. In these brilliant hues, milady's legs will trip merrily about their war work, and snags and runs will be a forgotten evil of "the good old days." The only alternative to cotton and rayon is leg makeup. And next summer will see a lot of it. When well applied, its golden tan is detinitely smooth on the eyes. Helena Rubenstein, Elizabeth Ar den, and Debonaire put out a su perior brand of this "gam goo. There are also many other less ex pensive, but good, brands. party next Saturday night. I'll cll you and let you know our plans." Fun to Phone? But perhaps you feel you should invite him by telephone before th Ball. In that case plan to spend at least three quarters of an hour trying to get in on a fraternity house phone. After you get hold of your chosen lad the rest is ea.y and you're all set. Of course, you can always wait for the right man to call you then spring it on him all of a sudden like and catch him off guard. You've got the date cinched then. For those who want to be more ingenius and deliver their invita tions in a Httel more startling way we have little to suggest. You might send it by carrier pigeon, or throw it on his front porch wrapped around a brick. But a word of warning. . . .Treat your date sweetly on the night of the Military Ball, that is if you don't want him . to remember everything on the night you have to play escort and magnify details a hundred fold. On Time for Once. For instance, be on the dot if not ready a few minutes before hand. If he has to wait for you, you'll have to wait 15 minutes for him for every minute you kept him waiting. Don't load him down with too much brickbrack or you will likely end up carrying more stuff than you can find in an in fantry man's pack and it'll weigh about that much too. But no matter what you'll have the time of your life at the Mor tar Board party. And so will your date despite his corsage, baby bonnets, and other paraphernalia. V A If road, imooth strokes of Iuj- want them a delicate, thin lino where you wont pencil precision I That'i why Coty Shape - hp to blq news In your beauty life I Nofice unique openingf Pointed obove. wide below-if permits penci' precision TV p.paste slays In the shell; it stays clean, soft. There's norhina to odjost A tilt of your head, a twist of your wrist does the trick, XCWSW Compounded Mid OupyrtcliUd by Cotgr, Inc. In U. 8. A.