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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 4, 1942)
DAILY NEBRASKA Wednesday, December 4, 1942 5ocietij... -BY MARY LOUISE GOODWIN. In tune with the onimous wind which twirls the eals bustles hie-h into the grey sky. we open our ears and hear the howl of down right malicious possin. . . We haven't learned or heard either, but we do know that the maltese cross of Harold Hunt now goes and comes with Dorothy Freeborn, Webster at Wesleyan but now going to school on this campus. What thrse early morning con stitutionals won't do for you . . . physical fitness will . . . Anyway everyone's happy now cause the junior officer's new uniforms have come and the military ball is only two days away. And So to the Ball. Gas rationing doesn't seem to be bothering such people as Chi O Edna Mae Niedermeyer, Dorothy Carnahan. and Marion Truhlson who will be stepping lively Friday night with Sig Xu Don Anawalt, Phi Psi Ed Danieison, and SAE Bob Cooper as escorts . . . The Al pha Chis are ganging up and tak ing in the affair enmass, for in stance. Tiny Davis. Jean Lar son, Carolyn Windle. Ruth Lund, Roma Stahl. and Jerry Buller will watch the grand march or march in it with Herb von Goetz, Phi Delt; Larry Cook. Phi Gam, Jack Hughes, another Phi Gam: Les Buckley, Phi Delt; Rog Smith, Phi Delt; end Bob James, ATO. I Oh yes. the ATO's will all be there. A fairly representative group win be Bill Munson with KKG Mary Ralston. Roland Findley ana ineia fat Farrish, Les Mur ray and AInha Chi Lois Schofield and Roy Lundgien with Pi Phi Virginia Davidson. Feud's Off. Who was it that said that the Srg Chis and Alpha Phis weren't dating? Here are a few of thtir Military Eall dates: Paul Crellin and Jo Martz i this promises fur- mer lurtner developments), Paul Toren and Joan Witt, John Boul ware and Margie Patterson, and Jim jonnson and Shir ev Kine Enough about the ball for today . . . The blackout is only two weeks away so ai range your dates early. We understand that an SAE and DO have one fixed ud .ilrparH Lt. Paiil Svoboda of the United Mates Marine dropped in to pay ye ow campus a iittl visit yester day. A marine looks good even in onve drab. To Marry in January . . ( N ,vm :" 4 Jl- : ' ' ' . i 1 I Cfe- f til? c ( ( V ttm ? J 4 r ' I V' Schedule Time For Variety Show Try outs Tryouts for the variety show sponsored by the War Council have been changed from Thursday night to tonight, due to a conflict, as announced by Jo Weaver and Ronald Metz, co-chairmen of the show. Group and individual tryouts will be held at 8 p. m. in room 316 in the Union. At this time nkits and individual performances to participate in the benefit show will be chosen by the chairmen. Hair SljliVt Demonstrate Coiffures to Charm School Miss Agnes of Agnes BoHiity Salon will demonstrate hair styles and new make-up trends tonight at the second meeting of Charm School, sponsored by Coed Coun selors. The meeting will be hHd in par lors X, Y, and Z of the Union from 7:30 until 8:30. Mr. and Mrs. Fred H. Bruning of Bruiting last night announced the engagement of their daughter, Marjorie, to Lt; Warren K. "Buzz" Dalton, son of C. R. Dalton of Phoenix, Ariz. They will be married in vthe early part of January. Miss Earning is a senior in the university, where she is a member of Alpha Chi Omega sorority and Mortar Board, and is managing editor of the Nebraskan. Her fiance, who is stationed at Camp Beale, Calif., is a Nebraska graduate and a member of Acacia fraternity and Phi Delta Phi, honorary law fraternity. Nn-Meds Hear Tollman Speak On Technicians Dr. J. P. Tollman, assistant dean of the Nebraska medical school and prominent natholnrist will sneak to the Nu-Meds at thir monthly dinner meeting tonight ai o:ju in parlors A and B of the Union. Tollman's talk will concern nre- technitians especially since he is head of technology at the llni ver. sity hospital. frolowing the banquet nomina tions for new officers will . h taken. Members planning to ta- irnu me uinner snouid sign up in Dr. Otis Wade's office. 308 Rpkspv hall. UN Graduates in Service Return for Canipu Viit Back durine Thankse-ivine' vn. cation to visit the UN geology department were graduates of 1942. Ensien Walter Fostpr now of the coast guard and stationed ai Long ueacn, ualir., and Lt. Warren Guinan. who is in chemi cal warfare at Edgewood, Md. UNEB...1600 10:30 Kampui Kwiz. 10:45 Campus gossip. 11:00 Music makers. 11:15 Daily Nebraskan of the Air. 11:30 Uneb sports parade. 11:45 Request program. 12:00 Good night. Scabbard, Blade Initiates Pledges At 7:30 Tonight Initiation of all qualified pledges of Scabbard and Blade will be held at 7:30 tonight in the Georgian room of the Cornhusker hotel. Permission to initiate the pledges has been received from na tional headquarters and Scabbard and Blade service bars have been obtained. Juniors should report in their new uniforms and seniors should wear their uniforms if pos sible. Col. James P. Murphy will be present to welcome new actives. The present actives are requested to meet at th hotel at 7 p. m. Dean C. H. Rogers, University of Minnesota college of pharmacy, has been elected 1943 president of the Minnesota Pharmaceutical association. a or STATE Alwayi Xio MM tirititif f the 'Flrn' torlr! . . . "Th talrcn It killrd! Bat bin brother ilk CfOtCI TOM SANDERS CONWAY 1ANC RANDOLPH RJCORtd.oPtttur I'l.LH! I I ft. Vfcl.rZ M.o.N I.KROL "Mexican Spitfire's Elephant" All This Union Book Nook Loses Three Novels, Weekly Check Reveals Lost: Three books from the Union book nook. When the weekly check of books in the book nook was completed, two books were discovered missing, and a third has been gone for some time. The books which have dis appeared during the last week are "All This and Heaven Too," by And Heaven, Too Rachel Field, and "Big Family, by Bellamy Partridge. The third book is "Not Peacce But the Sword," by Vincent Sheean. The students who probably picked these books up with their texts when leaving the book nook are asked to return them as soon as possible to the Union office or to the book nook. QUILTED ROBES A t?ifl that Hill dHilit every Nebraska coeil ... a limiriou quilted rayon satin or crepe rolw. Soft pretty panleU anil ilainly prints . . . ah lie hlyles. Sizes 12 to 20. 6SO to 17. 9.t Miller'. Robr THIRD FUXIR MILLER C PA?n I . 'I' J "You can't afford to miss 1 HALL Featurina Capt. Glenn Miller . . . R.O.T.C. Band , . . Johnny (Scat) Davis Friday Nitc, Dcc. 4. CodctSin Uniform $1.10 . . . Civilians $1.65 . . . Spectators 55c T i i mm . v t . uoni miss me fllovel Presentation of the Honorary Colonel