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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 25, 1942)
A Arnoitt Announces Sponsors For Ball AntiounreuiHA. of the complete list of the unit sponsors of the coining military ball, by Cadet Colonel Dick Arnold, com petes the first t&g of the preparation of the grand march scoording to the military department. All unit sponsors will be notified of their selections and instructed as to their duties sometime in the near future com mented Colonel Arnold. He also added that, unless already done so, each unit sponsor should turn in her head size in or der for the military department to secure the porper spon sor's caps. Sponsorini; the infantry resiment, will be Virginia Ford. who will mari'li with Cadet Colonel fleorge Schappaugh, com mander of the infantry regiment. In command of the engineer regi-1 ments sponsors will be Lois i Christie, marching with Cadet Colonel Edward Lof. commander of the Engineer Regiment. Regi mental sponsor of the field artil lery will be Virginia Emerson, marching with Cadet Colonel Rob ert Guenzel, commander of the Wold artillery regiment. Led by Ann Craft. All sponsors wil be led in the grand march by Ann Craft. Hon orary Colonel of the brigade. First practice of the grand maich, as announced by Cadet Major Charles j commissioned an ensign in th White, is scheduled for Thursday y s naval reseive at tne Navai evening. Dec. 3. tor mis practice .. . . t .. Attaining t 11 I f v-vi yiun Tne Daa Unit Sponsors Obtain Caps First of Week Cans for the sponsors of the batteries, battalions, regiments and companies will be issued Mon day, Tuesday and Wednesday, Nov. 30 to Dec. 2, in room 209 of Nebraska hall by James Hugh Stewart, cadet major. Unit commanders should accom pany their sponsors to obtain the caps if possible. Vol. 42, No. 47 Wednesday, November 25, 1942 Reserve Enlistees Get (Draft Releases . . . Before Vacation According to an announcement of the university recruiting of fices, all students in the process of enlisting in the reserves, or who intend to enlist in the re serves should procure official UN Graduate Becomes U.S. Naval Ensign Kenneth H. Berkley, a UN grad uate, recently received his coveted "Navy Wings of Gold" and was -all junior and senior cadet offi cers with their dates are requited to attend. The senior officers are requested to wear their Sam Browne belts, sabre chains, and sabers at the practice match. All special units performing at the ball are also it quested to at tend for rehearsal. This year's ball ceremonies will include two per formances of the Pershing Rifle company, and the varsity band concert. Uniforms Prescribed. Official uniforms to be worn at the ball by the tadtts have been prescribed as follows; senior of ficers will wear the customary blouse and slacks, khaki shirt and tie, Sam Browne belt and saber, and chamois gloves. Junior non commissioned oftictis will wear the advanced course uniform as issued, complete with chevrons. The khaki shirt and tie will also be worn. This year's bail, annually held in the university coliseum will be the fourth of December, the first week end after Thanksgiving va cation. Johnny 'Scat'' Davis' or chestra has been contracted by the ball officials to furnish the dtnee music at the affair. The music for the grar.d march will be furnished by the varsity band. The following list of sponsors for 1942-43 is announced: I.VKAMKl UMI. KfCfmrntal; ircniM friMl. t irm KattalkHi: ircmia Mrx . vn4 Hatlxllim: Mrj larnti. Third Kultnlion: r)urr nmUII. 4 MMimny A: lrlli Wrtrkn. 4 mii pan y B: Allr M amtM It. 4 tiiimn) t: Ann M"l.ii Win. 4 militant It; ftity Hilll.x ( Mmmny K: Durulh) TtKi(-o. . (See SPONSORS, page 2.) Air Christi, Texas. Ens. Berkley received his wings with the designation of a naval aviator from Rear Admiral A. E. Montgomery, USN, commandant of the training center, at class graduation exercises. Berkley volunteered for flight training in Nov., 1941, and re ceived preliminary training at the elimination base, Kansas City, Kansas. Upon suuecessful com pletion of this training he was transferred to Corpus Christi for intermediate and advanced train ing at this "University of the Air" the world's largest naval aviation training center. In addition to flight instruction. Berkley completed a thorough ground school course, including navigation, radio-code, communi cations and other aeronautical subjects. Regents Board Grants Seven Faculty Leaves Granting of one leave of ab sence and acceptance of six resig nations from the University of Ni'bia.ka faculty vere announced Mond.iy. following action by the board of regents. E. F. Frolik, assistant extension agronomiM. was granted a leave of absence from Dec. 1 until January, 19U, to do special work for the International Crop Improvement Association. Resignations in this department were those of Emmet t B. Catter bom. who has returned to his pri vate ranch, and Jesse W. Skinner, who has entered the armed serv ices. Dr. Paul N. Morrow, director of the student health department, also resigned his position to enter the services. Other resignations were those of C. B. McGrath, as sistant professor of animal path ology and hygiene; Mrs. Marie H. Cunningham, extension assistant in home economics; and Miss GLidys Morgan, extension assist ant in home evenomics. 9 (hvL JkankpiL . . . That I am an American, that I have certain privileges of freedom and worship which others cannot share, that I have family and friends these are some of the things for which I can be thankful at this season. But I may become humble about my privileges when I think of my responsibilities. My country is at war. Some of those against whom my country is fighting are my friends not in a far away sense, but in a very real sense I have talked and laughed and played and thought and suffered with them. And I know that they, too, are struggling for those same things for which I struggled for economic se curity, for political independence, for religious freedom, for understanding, for equality, for love. I am of a generation which lives in a moment of destiny, which has within its grasp the tremendous possibilities of creating a new world a world without hate, without re taliation, without revenge a new world in which there shall be no divided loyalties to race or nation or economic class but in which our loyalties shall be to all men everywhere. I am privileged to be a part of a great university which has within its power the possibility not only of training leadership for this new world, but actually of creating with in itself the seeds from it shall spring. But my privileges become my responsibilities. And so ji is that my privileges are of a new kind to share of my plenty with my own and with students all over the world; to suffer for the things in which I believe ; to help write a history, not of chaos and confusion, of war and bloodshed, but of hope and vision one to which all mankind may justly point with pride in our own lives and in all generations to come, that of it they may say, "They dared to die, but more than that they dared to live that all mankind might be one." In such a moment do I live, and for this moment of privilege and responsibility I am, indeed, thankful. draft release forms to take home with them during the coming va cation. Describing the Thanksgiving vacation as an excellent oppor tunity to obtain releases from draft boards, and for securing other family information or data, the rec ruiting officers at Nebraska hall, are encouraging all enlistees to take home with them the nec essary blanks atid forms. All data blanks and forms for this in formation can be obtained from either Dean Thompson's office or the recruiting offices in Nebraska Hall. As previously announced, the enlisted reserve ranks will be closed December 21. This action will greatly speed tip the ma chinery involved in enlisting in a reserve. BABW Names Mary Ellen Sim New President Course In Commando Training Starts Monday Succeeding Pat Sand, who re signed because of being over pointed, Mary Ellen Sim was elected president of BABW at a meeting of the board Monday night. This is the first time a junior has ever been president of the Barb Activities Board for Wom en, and in order to enable the election of Miss Sim a special i by-law was passed by the organ ization. The new rule provides that "in case the offices of presi dent and vice president must be filled by special election, the president and vice president may be either a junior or senior. New vice president is Evelyn Menke, ag college senior. Maxine Lynn, teachers college sophomor succeeds Jean Carstens as treas urer. Mary Ellen Sim resigned her position as president of In terhouse Council to take over her new office. First session of the course in i Clothes for the program should commando training will meet in j consist of any rubber soled shoes, the boxing and wrestling room of the coliseum next Monday, Nov. 30, 5:00 p. m. "Students who are not free at five may come at 5:30. according to Prof. Raymond G. Clapp, who is in charge of the training. The course is planned for one hour from either 5 p. m. to 6 p. m. or 5:30-6:30 but enrollees may take the full hour and a half training if they desire. Over 150 Enter. About 150 men indicated that they were interested in the course cith r with or without credit at the first meeting concerning the training last week. Those who are interested in the fitness pro gram should come dressed for' a workout Monday even if they did not attend the previous meeting. preferably tennis or basketball shoes; and some work clothes, sweat suits or old clothes with long sleeves and full-length trous ers are recomended, Clapp said. Registration for the course may still be made, and interested stu dents may confer with Prof. Wil bur W. Knight or Clapp in rooms 206 and 207 of the coliseum. Weather permitting the commando work will be done outside on the field adjoining the coliseum. Meet ing on Monday through Friday, the value of the course will de pend on the faithfulness of the in dividual in attendance, Clapp em phasized. Work of the training will con sist of calisthenics, much general commando training, obstacle course running, boxing and wrest ling, work on the gym apparatus, tumbling, jiu jitsu and swimming. If those in the course so desire handball and squash tennis may be included. Students registered for credit in the commando schooling will get basket and towel service with out further cost. Others taking the work can obtain this service for 75 cents for the remainder of the semester if they apply at the activities office in the coliseum. Those who do not pay this fee may have free basket service while they are working out but can not leave their gym clothes in the baskets after work-outs. Neither will towel service be given them. Purpose of the course is to achieve strength, endurance and agiilty for those planning to enter the armed services, Clapp declared. No More Chivalry! Campus Males Favor Coed Drafting idea that woman's' job Th idea that woman's job in war time js to build up morale and keep the home fires burning has apparently disappeared along with rubber girdles. The WAFS, WAACS, and WAVES have sprung up, and there Ls talk of compulsory registration of all women. To see how the university ntood on the question of the fair sex we asked a number of students the following question: "What do you think of conscripting women for work in war industries?" And the answers of three out of five of the men indicated what most women already know that there isn't any chivalry! Following are the replies of some students: Gretchen Wildhaver, DG: "There won't be any men left to play around with anyway, so we (Set CRAFT, page 3-) Engineer College To Begin Evening Drafting Courses Evening courses for training draftsmen and inspectors in the aircraft industry will open Nov. 30 at the engineering college. Drafting and shop mathematics and aircraft materials and parts inspection are the specific subjects offered. Each of the courses is 16 weeks long and classes will meet Mon day, Wednesday and Friday eve nings from 7 to 10. War Corsage Sales Reaeh 632 for Ball Sales of victory stamp corsages for the Military Ball reached 632 during the corsage sales last week. Coupons received at the time of the purchases may be exchanged for the corsages either Dec. 3 or 4. No more corsages may be sold. Barb Women Sponsor Dance On January 8 Taking its first step away from its founder, the Barb Activities Board for Women, Council Monday night decided to sponsor a dance Jan. 8. Committees were appointed in cluding Dorotny Hein, Hetty Lou Simon, posters, Marcelle l'rosser to arrange for a master of cere monies; Frances Hart, program; Claire Kepler and Evelyn Menke, publicity and Arlenc Wacha, tickets. For the present Interhouse Council will function without electing a president to succeed Mary Ellen Sim, who resigned because of being over-pointed. It will be under the leadership of Hazel Steam, Maxine Lynn, and Mary Ellen Sim, BABW board members. In February the Council will choose a sophomore from among its members for the presidency.