The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, November 20, 1942, Page 19, Image 20

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    Friday, November 20, 1942
That Quizzical JLooh . . .
A Study in Brown . .
5 ?
" r
Jim Nicola, Tau-man, is wondering what the brothers will
think of that brown sharkskin suit he's wearing1. Harvey Bros,
tells him that the boys will think the pin check and three but
ton drape are "really fine."
(Continued from page 2.)
such meager competition.
The latest release from the
Cornhusker office announces that
such gals as Jeanie Brown, Kay
Detweiler. Polly Petty, Myron Col
berg, Betty Hoff, Virginia Mc
Culla, Sally Busch, and Mary
Russel will start the game in at
tempt to demoralize the Ragmen.
As you know touch football is a
game where the players of one
team must touch the players of
the other team, and the above
girls have reputations for not be
ing able to be touched.
Norris Anderson, snao-o-o-othe
sports editor of the Daily who also
writes a goodly portion of the
yearbook, will divide his talents
between the two teams. This is
one more concession the Rag is
making to the yearbook staff.
Probably you readers are get
ting sick and tired of reading
these pie-game write-ups. This is
the third one and it will definitely
be the last, because as Cornhusker
editor Alice Louise Becker puts
it," We've got intesestinal fortitude."
Two Union Dunces
Slated This Week
Music will float from the Union
ballroom this week-end as Johnny
Cox and his orchestra play for the
students tonight, and the juke-box
gives out with rhythm tomorrow
All colors plain and plaid
cotton flannel shirts $1.50 to
91.95. Sizes 14-17.
Men's corduroy slacks Tan
and Cream. Also Navy Blue
and Brown. $3.75. All kites.
128-132 No. 10th St.
We crawl silently out of
armored hide-away again to
off this so called column (at
rate of 2 inches an hour), and to
humbly apoolgize to the Tau's col
lectively and a certain cheer
leader individually.
The brightest" light shining on
the week-end's horizon is the an
nual fall Kosmet Klub revue. The
workers are throwing the usual
party for the actives after the
show. From the numbers sched
uled, it looks like an all around
good show.
Swing Shift.
The Towne Club girls are
throwing a swing shift party this
evening, which will be tops in fun
as the name implies. A few of
the dates are Dorothy Olson and
Sterling Stage; Betty Huston and
Ray Gnlfin; Lola Jean Swann and
Jim Barbour; Ruth Sheiburn and
Jack Peck; Jean Albert and Miles
Cadwallader; Eleanor Edison and
Bill Green; and then of course
prexy Laura Morrison will be on
hand with Bob Luebs.
Whitefish Montana is a long
way from Lincoln so DG Helen
Johnson is going to spend Thanks
giving vacation in Omaha and
ATO Sam Sieffert is going down
to see that the big town isn't too
dull. .
Open House Party.
The boy's over at the silo house
are having, another one of their
famous open house parties tonight
with Hank Mattison and his or
chestra furnishing the music.
Some pretty likely looking com
binations will take in the affair
including: Laird Fischer and
Alpha Phi Betty Jerner; Dick Hay
and Triple Delt Jean Whedon;
Johnny Jcmcs and Alpha Phi Jo
Kinsey; and Dee Bourne with
Irene Hanson.
Another house party comnig off
this week-end is the one over
Alpha Sig way with brothers Hank
Buthman and Jimmy Graham on
the docket with Gamma Phi Ro
berta Burgess and AOPi Betty
A trio of Phi Gams will hit the
week-end highspots with three
Thetas. Merlin James will be
with Jo Ackernian, Norrie Ander
son with Becky Wait, and Morrie
Dingwell with Jean Dresden.
Cozy, huh?
And speaking of the Gamma
Phis--DU pledge Bob Waite has
dates with thre of the sisters in
two days. Friday night the lucky
girl is Jan Babcock, Saturday
afternoon Nancy Coe and Satur
day night Frances Han. It's a
good idea if he can get away with
it, but woe be unto him when the
sisters start comparing notes.
He's On the Hunt.
Bob Bramson Sammie while
musing over a coke the other aft
ernoon in the grill with the boys,
decided it was high time he found
a woman, so anyone interested
please apply at the SAM house.
We hear from the usual re
liable sources that the Tau paity
will be a real beachcomber's para
dise and getting in the fun will be
Roy Lundgren and Pi Phi Vir
ginia Davidson and Kenny Elson
and Judy O'Connor, Kappa both
of whom are also taking in the
Kosmet Klub show in the after
noon. These DG-FH combinations
seem to be catching, the latest
addition to the club is Bob Rauner
and Janie Robinson. They were
coking in the Crib Wednesday aft
ernoon and are following that up
with another date Saturday night.
Regular $10 Chor
mont Mochineless
Permanent Waves
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: W V I H i
W - -V J.'':
' L J :
Ill ll I iuiiiwii n ii - t-iinii.i. ' ""-
Mink paw chevrons are the basis of this junior size fur coat
which little Betty King, Alpha Chi, wears for warmth and
smartness. Hovland's feature it in brown with a slight fullness
at the back and the new straight shoulder line. Betty's hat is
a brown pokebrim felt to offset her baby bob.
(Continued from page 2.)
proportion of those who fail to
finish up that the scholarship fund
is proposed.
At Oregon the plan received a
primary push from $122 netted on
a Greek-Independent basketball
game and independent groups
have added materially to the total.
This can be done here, and now
with official backing for the pro
posal, and all that is lacking is
student help.
Religions Board
Plans for Advisors
To Meet Students 4
Under the direction of the Ag
Religious board, opportunity ia
being provided for ag students to
meet their counselors in religion
on the campus.
Folowing a schedule of hours,
the religious leaders will hold of
fice hours in the YMCA office at
the north end of the second floor,
agricultural hall. ,
For the Care Your Clothes Deserve
223 N. 14
How does war affect you?
Mony are turning to brief, inten
sive training that fits in every
condition of life
New Classes Forming Now
200 No. 14th W. A. Bobbins, Pres. Phone 2 6774
d'.i'ffi i i i H i i i i i i t i i i i