The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, November 19, 1942, Page 4, Image 4
Thursday, November 19, 1942 DAILY NEBRASKAN J- l L By Mary Louise Goodwin Is there going lo be another ghost writer or sunn-thins? First we had Cat ton Biodiick who was listed in the diieaory as living in some old vni t house and now we have a Mr. Oscr.r Old man who writes letteis to tr.e editor and j who isn't even iistic in the di- m.torv Another weekend ot house par- ties coming up. . . . Over at 1433 R street the Taw b vs are comb- ins out then- h.-sr snti pitting- on le.s in anticipt . n of their com- ing Hawaiian NV.t- Club party, j Some of the d;-t. s m e : I 1 Ka ppy ; Kellog and Hay C;-!k;ns. which i looks like FVttv and OClCLl a stec-cy deal: Carl must be presented at the school. M;.!j- Hri. Theta:lAll application blanks must carry Bill Haise ai c True: and "Fori:. Dorothy Tliiesv r.. The Kappa D 1 thei, party t! s private afiaii s and their da! v Bevei lv Me v. i - f. Tii IV It Barb James and Tr.eta. .s want to keep Fr.iiay night a c '".ly ti-.e sisters i.l git in on it. r.v Pat Teihune will be there w;tr. Kennedy a in- N' ' r Out of This The ZBTs e; ... ; ; ed on to havt duiary house ;;-.! t; this Satin day wiii tion. they had h:t yti tlvy aie te;t;!.r drawings, v I. at' The Sig Hps b: S:g N:i Ja k ail Legel". World. ays be i-oiint-;:t or the or . a :id the one ie no execp- rtty party i ? This time g s .i. realistic they are. ve ;n having then paities eaiiv m the morn ing, in fact at 7:oo a m. Setting their alaim clock? I r the break fast which i.. ntally. the twelfth one th 've had in as rnany yeais. will I- Bill Krwin and Alpha Chi Bt!v Mahan: Ray Miller and Chi O E-tty Dunlap": and Bill Dalph.r. f-.nd Alpha Phi Betty Jo Leanly. Jim Van Landir.gham. ATO. re reived a little ren'f mbrance in the way of a snake the other day from Mary 1.- Tomlmson. We don't get it. bit we hope Jim does More Hay. The DUs will be hay-rack rid ina this Friday eve and prexy Dick Geeseman "ill be along with dorm eirl Baibfrrs Stahl. with whom he also hi-s a date to the'nner- Military Ball. Eighteen letuis in one day! Such was the ha pr y plight of Pi Phi Marilyn Simpson yesterday. S'-enis that she has a friend at K-niwr who r nu mbered her iX ' f " wJ- i A Just like anion & Pythias! ... . 1. m. F-t-ttR n-iffciliii h Gas Ration Registration Car Owners Kegisler At Elementary Schools Between 3 and 7 P.M. . University students driving cars have two days loft in which to register for gasoline rationing cards, with registration lasting today and tomorrow from 3 to . p. m. in elementary sehools only. Application blanks. secured f join any service station, along with car registialion certificate serial numbers of tires and sig- nature of th person in whose name the car is registers at county court houses in the own er's home county. Applicants will be given an "A" ration book and a book of instructions. If entitled to addi tional gas. applicant may obtain I another blank to be filed with ration board. I Registration for motorcycle owners only will be held at the public s hool administration building. 22 1 Randolph, where ; "D" lationing bonks will be : issued. Won't Show Pill Picture No football movies ol the hraska-Pittsburg game will shown tonight, for the film not arrived as yet. Ne be has YW-YM Group Meets YW-YM Minority discussion group will meel in Parlor Y of the Union at 7:30 tonight. birthday and so he had all the boys under him write Marilyn a letter. This is probably one of the reasons that the death rate of postmen is so high. Evelyn Learner. Alpha Chi is dated 'up with Sig Nu Chuck Pierce for not only the Military Ball but also for the famous Pig Alpha Chi Lois Schofield and 1 Delt Allen Chapman have defin itely tailed the whole thing off -'and now that Dinny Ford, Kappa, I is wearing an ATO pin. what is Chappie going to do next? '- ' Arrow rnemlle were made for radi otlier! Thf Arrow Sliirt Jiai a upeyial Arrow Tie e biptied for it. anrl tlic rxlra coinfortaltle, st-am-lots ( rotcli underwear come in the name pat tern a tlic uliirt. Sliirti and underwear have the Sanforized alcl, faliric hlirinkage ch tlian V". Come in and nee the new Arrow -n.iiiljcs! Shirt, $2.2." up Tin, SI up Today Jrida) 4'li i 4 IM. II i fep r ARROW ..... Chem Group To Hear Talk On Anesthetics Mieliigan Prof Speaks At Meeting in Avery Lab at 7:30 Tonight Speaking- before the Nebraska section of the American Chemical association. Professor F. F. Blicke of the University of Michigan will talk on the "Development of Syn thetic Local Anesthetics." The meeting will take place at 7:30 p. m. in Avery lab tonight. Dr. Blicke at the present time is Professor of Pharmaceutical Chemistry at Michigan. Having studied in many American and European universities. Dr. Blicke has written many articles regard ing pharmaceutical chemistry. Pie-medical and pharmacy stu dents are extended a special in vitation to attend the meeting. Preceding the lecture will be a 'dinner at 6:00 o'clock in Parlor !Z at the Student Union. Asst. Professor of Chemistry Norman ! Cromwell, secretary of the so ! cietv. has charge of the meeting. Co-op Council Plans Activities Of Social Season First meeting of the barb Inter Co-op council will be held at Pioneer Co-op house tonight at 8. it was announced yesterday. So cial events and general plans for the year will be discussed. Organized last spring to pro mote co-operation and social life between the men's houses on the campus, the Inter Co-op council will continue its initial organiza tion of last year and plan social functions for the 150 unaffiliated men living in organized houses. Co-ops represented in the Coun cil include Cornhusker, Pioneer. Baldwin hall. Ag College Boarding Club, and Brown Palace. Last April the Council started off its activities with a Spring Formal, the only barb formal party of the year. UN Ml Cluh Meets Ia?t Might at Ag The university 4-H club met last night in room 307 ag hall. The purpose of the meeting is to plan for their party which is to be held Saturday. The club is now sponsoring a membership drive and all fresh men who were in 4-H clubs before are eligible for membership and should contact a member of the university club if he desires to join. They're Harrow -sist able! Thij may he a had jun hut those Arrow entemhlen are wonder ful! Shirt and tie were made for each other and the tram1os-crc( h underwear i the mot eornforlahle you've ever worn! (Shirt and hhorts are Sanforized lahcled shrinkage leu than 1"'.) Handkerchief liar- JIIOIU7.C3, tOO. AtlOW fttrm 1 Replacing 7.S s ROTC Field Artillery Unit To Use 105 mm. Howitzers . . . Beginning Today Eight new 105 mihmeter howitz-; ers now replace the YVoild War I 75 milinu ter guns at the field ar tillery R. O. T. C. unit on ag campus. The new pieces arrived Monday and will be ready for list nhusker field artillery has ... ...stinction of being the first R. O. T. C. unit in the 7th Service Command supplied with howitzers. The 105 mm. howitzer is the type now being used in the field to cover and suppoit infantry troops. Twenty feet in length, weighing two tons, it is modern in every detail, is more accurate, and can be fired through greater angles than the old "75 s." Greatest feature, from the view point of students, is the panoiamic sighting device. Built on the order of a telescope, the new sights fa cilitate easier and more accuiate aiming. Four of the 7." mm. guns arc being returned as a ti ade in for the Col. J. 1 Murphy .loins UN Military iiviiiti ill Allilinor i v,i"i.j, Before Go at fives and pledges.! Col. J. P. Murphy. PMS&T at j UN, was officially initiated into' the ranks of Phalanx, student j military organization, Tuesday , evening. j Phalanx unanimously voted to , buy war stamp corsages for the . Military ball. The members of ! the club will march as a group : at the ball. j As in former years Phalanx will sell miniature sabers the week before the ball in the Union lobby. Col. J. P. Murphy, Lt. Col. A. J. Lobdell, and Lt. Col. L. D. Zech inspected the pledges. Rare books dealing with early Mayan civilization have been given the library of Washington State college by Mr. and Mrs. Roy Mer ritt. Captain Jack London, 1901 graduate of the Naval academy, is new commandant of the Uni versity of Texas naval ROTC. For today! pp$ Nothing ran beat a harmonizing Arrow hhirt, tie, and handkerchief rrwrnhlc especially designed to he worn together. You'll find your favorite collar htyle in a large assortment of patterns and fahrics and tie that everyone will admire. Arrow Shirts, S2.2. up Arrow Ties, SI up Arrow Handkerchiefs, 3.c up UY U. I. WAt ARROW howitzers. Still in good firing con dition, the 75's are to be used by army tank destroyer units, and may possibly see service in the present war. 'Brief Music Scheduled For Sunday Fiist play in the Union -University Theater series, "Brief Music." a sentimental comedy of character, will be given in the Union ballroom Sunc'ay evening at S o'clock. Deviating Horn the usual prac tice of presenting a one act plav in the afternoon, "Brief Music" is a three-ad play which will be given as a full evening's enter tainment. Directed by Jean Cowden. staged by Nan Carol Morgan, and the pn '.in tion supervised ny joe Zimmei man. dramatic ail Music" unv. in cirls through professor in the department, "Brief Is the story of seven three veais of their life in a woman's college. Taking parts are: Betty Peine, "a college Amazon"; Betty King, "a poet on the wing"; Dorothy James, "the class beauty"; Pat Beadle, "a college smothie but not silly"; Lois Neumayer, "a calculat ing woman"; Janet Mason, "the daughter ol an intellectual"; Jean Buckley, "the eternal straggler." Admission is presentation of identification cards. UiEB-1610 10:30 CAMPUS VARIETIES (including a sport's in terview, a popular voc alist, campus gossip, and the Delta Gamma Trio). 11:00 Request program. 11:15 DAILY NEBRASKAN OF THE AIR. 11:30 THE WORLD OF SPORT. 11:35 Request program. 12:00 '-GRAVE YARD TALES." 12:15 Good night. IONDI AND STAMPS SHIRTS