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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 6, 1942)
DAILY NEBRASKAN Friday, November 6, 1942 8 Pink The Canine Cavorts as the campus offers a very full weekend 01 a. . -ity. There's the big game with Missouri tomorrow, the last performance of University Players' "Out of the Frying Pan" tonight, the Erskine Hawkins dance Saturday night and parties given by the Chi Omega's, Delta Gamma's, Farm House, Sigma Chi's and Phi Gam's. Flash! I have just learned from a very reliable source that Elmer Sprague, barb leader, is taking a course in social dancing. Make way in the social swim. Here comes Elmer. After the Game or after the play tonight I'll see you at Clyde Long's Hamburger Inn. Just south of the Temple the Hamburger Inn is a swell spot for a sandwich or soft drinks. Clyde offers speedy service and caters to college students. Drop in today, and you'll come back again. "Better Close. Your Window and pull the shade." said one dorm girl to another. The second girl asked "Why?" The first replied, "Two below outside." The Delta Gamma house party will have the Kappa Sigs there in force. Jean Swarr will be with Bob Koefoot, Emmy Lou Schultz with Lew Lehr and Carol Ann Robinson with Bud Kelson among other DG-KS combina tions. Sig Alph Bob Wilkinson will take in the DG rocket race with Janet Krause. OS 'V ! it. . V: -ft Hello Marilyn 3Q Puppy "Forget-Me-Not" I'm not wanting to be remembered by posterity, I just want to tell you about the new friendship "Forget-Me-Not" bracelets offered exclusively in Lincoln by Gold & Company's jewelry department. It's a new and different idea which is sweeping the country. This is how it works. You can start with just one link with your own name or the name of that certain someone engraved upon it with the link upon a dainty black ribbon. Then, you may add links until you have completed a lovely Sterling silver friendship bracelet with the names of many of your friends upon it. It's a craze which adds the sentimental note in jewelry. You may link your friends, family and sweethearts with you on your bracelet. When you have enough links for a complete bracelet Gold's will join them all together for you with Sterling silver connecting links and a Sterling silver clasp. This newest and most popular friendship bracelet will become an everlasting remembrance of family, friends and sweetheart. When you get started you'll want to complete several of those bracelets. It's smart and good-looking to wear three or four of them. Start your bracelet today. The Sterling Silver "Forget-Me-Not" links are only 25 cents each, plus a 10 percent excise tax. The Sterling silver clasp is 35 cents and the connecting links are free. Visit Gold's jewelry department and start your bracelet today. Tom Drummond the most famous dating boy of the D U house is tied up in an interesting troubles with three Alpha Phis. He has been dating Mary Sinclair, he would like to date Mary Martin, and he has a date with Maurine Reese for this Saturday evening. If... Pardon me, I was just saying "Hello" to Marilyn Edwards, Kappa Kappa Gamma. That's her in the picture above stand ing by the fireplace in the University Club wer.ring a new winter white gabardine dress from Ben Simon & Sons' dress department Simon's are featuring new patriotic fabric substi tutes which combine all the nice features of wool while con serving that material for the armed services. In addition to winter white Simon's offer numbers such as Marilyn is model ing in aqua, coraL sage green and pecan with four pockets closed by those intriguing amber and gold gadgets decorating them. The tailored lines and new colors of these dresses will give you a new date loveliness. These numbers may also be worn for sport or spectator occasions. Also presented are other Simon's test tube babies, mate rials which have been developed for more smartness and to conserve vital materials. One of the loveliest materials is ara lac, a fabric developed from milk. The wearing of these clothes is patriotic and 100 percent American as well as being smart. Drop into Simon's dress department toduy. Marge Christenson, Theta, and Bob Romburg, Sigma Nu, are both pinned and not to each other why does Marge call Bob up so often? A big party Saturday night will be Marv Thompson, Phi Gam, with AOPi Kay Hanley; Phi Delt Bob Gillespie with Theta Becky Waite, and Fred Me theny, DU, with Theta Mary Ellen Farrar making the rounds of the house parties and visiting the Turn pike. You've heard of these marvel ous new sulpha drugs that cure many, many things. The latest devel opment is one for birth control. They caH it sulpha-denial. Let's Go Dancing at the pre-Missouri game dance in the ballroom of the Student Union Friday night. Music you like will be by Henry Mattison and his orches tra. By the way, "Hank" is featuring a new girl vocalist, Ethel Powell, who is a grand little number and dishes out some mighty nice vocals. It's handy for a date, right in the center of the campus and the price is low, 25 cents per person. Remem ber, Friday night, Nov. 6, from 9 to 12 in the Union. "Oh, Doctor," cried the young coed, "will the scar show?" The doctor replied that that was entirely up to the young lady. I ski by the paper that Neal and Lloyd Yorker, Beta Theta Pi pledges, left school this week for Camp Car sons. Colorado, to begin six weeks training for the ski troops mountain regiment. Both the boys are skilled skiers. Phi Gam Morrie Dingwell pulls a fast one as he dates two Thetas this weekend, Janice Hoover and Jeanne Dresden. "Beep" True, Tri Delt, thought that her date, Phi Gam Johnny Binning, was getting some urgent, emergency phone calls at the Pike last Friday night We learned that it was Alph Chi Betty Mahan calling up every half-hour to say, "Hello, beautiful. Do you still love me?" It seems that that is al ways his opening remark to Betty. ChiO dates for their tradepost party in clude Betty Schultz with Hank Green, Phi Delt; Betty Ruth Dunlap with Ray Miller, Sig Ep, and Edna Mae Neidermeyer with Don Anawalt, Sigma Nu. Phi Gams Jim Chart and Carl Lurch will take in both Chi O and Phi Gam parties with Charleen Cameron and Jean Potale, Chapeaux for Your Beaux Charming new date hats, among them the model pictured, that will make your best boyfriend sit up and take no tice are now on sale at Ben Si mon & Sons' hat d e p a r t m ent. Pompadour num bers in b 1 a c kv brown and new shades of blues, purples and fu chsia are fea tured. June Sto ver, Alpha Chi Omega, wears one of these new hats, setting off ft on her week-end t dates. This love ly chapeau is featured at Si mon's for three dollars. J9 i a y Errol Flynn I don't have anything to say about Errol but I sure caught your attention in a hurry by printing his name in the headline, didn't I? Hank Greene, of the Phi Delta Theta domicile, is doing his wom en wrong, too. Now don't get me wrong. I mean that he is dating Chi Omega Betty Schulz, Alpha Chi Omega Dorothy Filley and Gamma Phi Beta Helen Kiesselbach and each day he visits the Tem ple building where all three of the girls have class at the same time in order that he can play them against each other. The girls are complaining Hank. Rings on Her Fingers and amazing, isn't it, how many coeds are appear ing with a diamond sparkling on that third finger, left hand. If you are getting those serious thoughts visit Gardner's Jewelry store, 1220 O Street, for the finest selection of Diamond rings. Gardner's have been in business since 1888 and have offered jewelry of the finest taste and quality all these years. They are now offering perfect blue white diamonds in the finest settings. Big Deal Dates Delta Gamma gals are tossing a big Rocket party at the DG stable tonight and they intend to zoom straight to Mars with their dates. Dining and danc ing there will be DG's and their "invitees" Helen Johnson with ATO Jim Nicola, Jo Seifert with ATO Bob Burton, Gwen Skoglund with Sigma Nu George Albin, and Kay Detweiler with' Fiji Norrie Anderson. For Those Who Want the Best -in hair styling may we suggest that you patronize Ben Your Hairdresser. Ben and his staff give cour teous service and have special coiffures for coeds. Throughout the month of November Ben is offer ing as a special the regular ten dollar Charmont mathincless permanent wave for only $6.85. Call 2-2116 now and make your appointment for a new coiffure to set off your loveliness in a new way. Who? That is the echo in the Theta house. Tuesday night Lila Jean Howell revealed her new pin to the sis ters and since then there has been a great big ? over their heads. What is the pin? Who gave the pin? She wears it chained, too! The questions may be answered this week end when Lila expects a mysterious visitor. Pickles Hines Kappa Sig and his pin mate Jeanne Bovard, Gam ma Phi celebrated their one year anniversary of meeting tach other in a rather unique way when he sent her a small bouquet of flowers made up of three roses with the words I Love You. Some of the Fiji brothers and all of the Rag Staff are wondering why Bob Miller wants to work as newa editor Saturday evening when there is a Phi Gam house party and plenty of other people would be willing to accept the dutiea of night editor.