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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 6, 1942)
Friday, November 6, 1942 DAILY NEBRASKAN 5 I Sports Organizations j . WOMEN . Breivster Plays . . . NIA Breaks Social Ice With Daiice, Floor Show In Union Ballroom Some with dates, many stag, un affiliated students on the campus will attend the first big barb so cial function tomorrow night in the Union ballroom as the NIA council sponsors its ice-breaking dancing party from 9 to 12. Acting as master of ceremonies at the intermission floor-show still a mystery will be Brown Palace Co-op man Jimmie Howe, it was announced yesterday. Boyd Brewster and his all-student band, which has. furnished the music for many house-parties on the campus this fall and will play for the Union next weekend, will furnish music for the dancing. Tickets Start. Ticket sales started last week. They have been coming along "quite well," Virginia Stuermer, NIA social chairman, reported last night. However, tickets will also be on sale at the door during the dance, she said. Price of admission to the affair is 25 cents per person. Represen tatives from different barb houses and organizations on the camus have been in charge of selling the tickets, and those not belonging to any organized group have been contacted through the district sys tem. Co-ops Support. Many of the co-ops have already shown that they will turn out full force for the initial event planned by the Nebraska Independent As sociation for all unaffiliated stu dents on the campus. Stags are especially invited, since, as the first party, it is a get-acquainted affair. Held weekly before each home game the regular matinee dance following the Missouri game will be sponsored by the NIA Council in the Union ballroom Saturday from about 5;30 to 6:30. Students selling tickets to to morrow night's dance include Ruth Sherburn, Towne club; Jim mie Howe, Brown Palace; Bill Green, Bachelor's club; Dwight Davis, Cornhusker Co-op; Eleanor Jacka, Carrie Belle Raymond dorm; Pat Sand, Howard hall; Gladys Henderson, Wilson hall; Geraldine Thomas, Rosa Bouton hall; Dave Marvin, Palladians; Bill Lowrey, ACBC; and Barbara Rehburg, Myron Samuelson; Bob Dewey, Ralph Fox, Georgia Walker, Frances Babich, Betty Lu Larson and Virginia Stuermer at large. Jo Thursten Weds Roland Jensen; Couple Residing In Detroit, Michigan Miss Jo Thursten of Hyannis, Nebraska has announced her mar riage to Roland Jensen. Both were former University of Ne braska students. Mr. Jensen was affiliated with Alpha Tau Omega. The couple are living in Detroit, Michigan where Mr. Jensen is em ployed in a defense plant. Wsmmmgmmr V .... .' , .,.... Vfc, . ': - s -.- . i: :C? " f '. " ' S i : J ' X ' . -I r:-'v .; 1 ... ...v:--.r. " . t . ... ... . . . - Courteny Lincoln Journal Two former students of Nebraska University, Miss Pat Jack son, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Jackson, and Tech. Cpl. Clair R. Kess, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Kess, were married Nov. 1 at the First Methodist church by Rev. Gordon L. Kess of Burr Oak, la, and Dr. Lloyd H. Rising. The couple will live in California, where Corporal Kess is stationed in the medical section at Camp Roberts. Engagement Announced . V 'V KviW j:s':i5..ii.i? -ci' ,." .v:v. ......,.-." Courtesy Lincoln Journal Mr. and Mrs. Paul H. Stewart of Omaha announce the en gagement of their daughter, Margery, to Lt. Edward P. But ler, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Butler of Lincoln. No date has been set for the wedding. Miss Stewart attended the University of Nebraska where she was a Cornhusker beauty queen in 1941, and a member of Alpha Chi Omega. Lieutenant Butler also attended the univer sity and was affiliated with Alpha Tau Omega. He is now sta tioned with the Amphibian command in Florida. Males Divide on What To Wear To Stadium By Paul Toren. The next time you go to a foot ball game, look around at what the boys are wealing. Tear your eyes away from the pretty red sweaters in the sorority section, look at the men. You'll find, if you can keep your eyes maleward long enough, that the "stronger sex" is divided on what is the cor rect attire for the big game. One group of boys seemingly believes the pictures in Esquire and shows up complete to the last detail in an ensemble that may only be de scribed as "stunning." This group also may include the gentlemen who must preserve their dignity of their noble rank and station at any cost. The other group, bless 'em, is of a different mind. A football game is obviously a place to let yourslf go, in clothing as well as in yelling. The typical outfit is topped off with a chic little hunt ing cap, preferably red, or felt hat no less than five years old. Neck ties are taboo and as to shirts, let your conscience be your guide. Corduroys are in vogue now and opinion seems to be divided be- LAST CHANCE TONIGHT! to see the comedy the Campus is talking about "OUT 0FTHE-FRYIM6 PAN" Friday Night University Theatre Temple BIdg. tween cowboy boots and shoes, ala L'il Abner. Fitted out like this who wouldn't enter into the spirit of things and cheer the Huskers 4wk Jr on to victory ? And, of course, the gay young blade feels devilish as hell dressed like this and its al ways good for a laugh when all else fails. See you at the game, and don't forget your red earmuffs. Dr. William H. Abbitt, for 15 years professor of physics at Texas Technological institute, has been named associate professor of physics at Carleton college, North field, Minn. Society... By Mary Louise Goodwin. Now we know. Carton Broderick is a person, not a myth. Look him up in the student directory for yourself if you don't believe us. The AOPi's are all eoine to iail this Saturday with their jail bird party. Some ot the kids wearing the striDes will be Helen Greuscl, just back from Colorado, and Fiji Max Mertz. Betty Bonebnght and Delta Sigma Pi Bob Sittell, Penny McBride and Delt man Harold Hungerford, and Phyllis Yenne and Bernie Anderson, Sig Nu. Calico dresses and jeans will be the order of the night at the Chi O trading post. Swapping this and that will be Betty Shultz of radio fame and Phi Delt Hank Green, Betty Ruth Dunlap and Sig Ep Ray Miller, and Edna Mae Neidermeyer and Sig Nu Don Anawalt. . . . Taking in both the Chi O party and the Phi Gam party are Charleen Cameron, Jean Potalle and Barbara Fischer with Karl Loerch, Emmett Pipher and Jim Chatt. SAEs Repeat. The SAEs like nothing better than to give a house party. This is the second one this fall. As usual there is no theme, just an other "informal" affair and taking it all in will be Don Wilkinson and DeeGee Janet Krause who also have the DeeGee Rocket party on their evening's schedule, Bernie Diers and Alpha Chi Mar tha Ann Reed, and Red McCluhan will squire Sadie Hawkins, Alpha Phi. Coming up for the ZBT party are a half dozen brothers from Missouri. Duke Shumow will be on hand with Fraida Sobol, SDT pledge, and Kevee Kirshcnbaum and Mike Rubinitz will do their dancing with Jeanne Hershborn and Millicent Shultz. Fiji's, Delts Entertain. Going hill billy this week-end are both the Delts and the Phi Gams. Delts Warren Van Norman, Harry Pappas, Dick Haggert and Jack Guenzel will arrive in Dog Patch with Kappa Jean Guenzel, Jean Lingenfelter, Pi Phi Patty Welch, and Kappy Kellog, DG. Jack and Kappy are also taking in the DG party. . . . Lil' Abner and Daisy Belles at the Fiji shoot in' match will be DG Kay Det weiler and Norrie Anderson, Fritz Wolff and Jean York, Theta and Morrie Dingwell and Jean Dresden and of course Dee "Groucho Marx" DeVoe and Pi Phi Gloria Mardis. The Dee Gee's are riding a Rocket to their party and Barbara Townsend with Phi Delt Lee Leurs, Dorothy Thornburg with Bud Freeman, and Emma Lou Schultz with Kappa Sig prexy Lew Lehr will be on board when it takes off. FHs Charles Velte and pinmate Betty McFarland, Warren Hutch inson and DG Jean Donely, and Randy Pratt and Lois Schofield, Alpha Chi will be waltzing Friday night at the FH annual fall party. And surprise . . . Paul Eveland will be there with Triple Delt Adeline Leigh and not his usual Alpha Chi date. And last but not least comes the big barb pre-election dance and the Palladian banquet. Taking in the latter will be Lei a Lyne with Don Pierce, and Ruth Hush with Howard Westgate. . . . Get ling up the old fire at the barb dance will be Barbara Rehberg and Ralph Fox, Bill Dafoe and Virginia Bergstrom. For Your Coking Rcndesvous "on Campus" BUCK'S COFFEE SHOP 1131 R Street M. L SperFfeg