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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 3, 1942)
Tuesday, November 3, 1942 4 DAILY NEBRASKAN r 1-xr4-.-x.o'V4,N-' Society... By Mary '.ouise Goodwin. "Praise the Lord and Pass the Ammunition," and we do mean literally downs came out yester day ... Ah, it was a great week end tho. Sally Busch, Kappa got shanghaied on the train to Kansas by Phi Psi John Cook. Kappa sis ters knew about the deal and had her suitcase all packed ... A couple of Phi Gams came back from their week-end with a couple of dears in the car and a couple of deers tied on the out side both of which are out of season for the Fi jis, or so they tell us. The Alpha Xi Delts raked in quite a loot Peg Jones came back from her breakfast date with Delta Sig Joe Anderson, home on furlough, with not only a Delt Sig pin, but also a diamond for the appropriate finger . . . Jean Woch ner of the same house and FH Dale Bookemeier have decided to call it steady. And K-C . . . DU Tom Drummond is a bit perturbed these days. It seems that Alpha Phi Mary Sinclair has a ten date rule. Now all Tom wants to know is, "Are coke dates included?" . . . No one had a better time in Kansas City this week end than Beta Bill Edwards, unless it was Ren Bukacek. We understand that the show(?) was something not to write home about . . . Max Laughlin's stock has gone up con siderably with the campus fe males. Get a date with Max and you'll get a ring or a pin from some one else. He's decided to charge a fee for his services . . . Dale Harvey and Bob McNutt dropped into the office today to say that they'll make the supreme Bacrifice and change their shirts IT'S COT THT LV1KA EXtlTKMENT! George Brent Brenda Marshall In "YOU CAN'T ESCAPE FOREVER" EXTRA Hfr Tour favoritr band!... RI'KNK. OARRKR, MARTIN, HRll'A. HIMBKR all to ralhrr In BAN US ON PARADE" STARTS WED. BETTE DAVIS GrW 494thY PAUL HENREID with CLAUDE RAINS ILKA CHASE SOe Til l. RKR. MEN 25c I he y v - . perfWt lrfc' role for r- the t. perfeot actress! i- .' x ?. 'v , ft' Square Dancing Fans: Classes Begin Tonight 7:30-8:30 p. m. Union Ballroom Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Danielson, Teachers I dent. Card Only Tryouts Over Student Union Cast for Comedy When tryouts for the first Stu dent Union play. "Brief Music" ended last Friday, Jean Cowden, student director tor the piay, an nounced the cast, with Betty King and Betty Heine playing the two leads. Other members of the all girl cast included; Dorothy James, Pat Beadle, Lois Neumayer, Jean Buckley and Janet Mason. The play takes seven girls thru Vespers Open To F rosli Women First Time Today Freshmen will be allowed to at tend Vespers today at 5:30 p. m. at Ellen Smith for the nrst lime. Oantain Albert Kelly, of the Sal vation Army, will speak on "Im portance of Small Things. Captain Albert Kelly, of the Sal last snriner from the Salvation Army College in Chicago. He has been in Lincoln since June, me Solvation Armv is planning to open a Youth Center on North 23, and until that time. Captain Keuy is assisting with the work at Hth and Q. Special music will be by the Vesper Choir under the direction of Roma Biba. if the girls will start speaking to them again. Pins and Wings. . . Looks like a steady deal be tween Theta Pat Chamberlain and Jack Simpson, Sigma Chi. . . Kappa Shirley Kay Moore has a pair of silver wings from the boy in the air corps we told you about last week, who flew up to see her . . . Pi Phi Virginia Davidson and John Lee must have had fun at the Turnpike Saturday, anyway thpv're followine that date up with another for the Sig Alph house party this Saturday. Sgma Kappa Kieanor ivani weni tn Texas over the weekend via air to see Lt. Ken. Druitt, a Lambda Chi from Oregon . . . The big wu hay ride Saturday night turned into a barn dance due to the acci dent, but we're glad to report that Jpan Murrav and Duke Schatz, who were detained at the hos pital over Sunday were brought home yesterday anernoon, anu aside from hciner a wee bit on the stiff side and slightly bruised and battered, are as good as new. An old flame never dies and to prove it Pi Phi Helen Kelley is again wearing me r.apya oig badge of Harold Hopkins. . . Fijis had cigars last night furnished by Al O'Conner. back on the campus for a few days. The girl in the case is none other than Aline Housman, and the Theta sisters were the ones who got to muncn the sweets. Eleetion . . . (Continued from Page 1.) ing the re-election of Dwight Gris wold, republican, but Griswold is generally conceded as tne lavorue Elect Sheriff. Student interest also centers in the Lancaster county sheriff elec tion with Myles Holloway, the in cumbent who charged university students with flagrant larceny in the recent scrap campaign, op nosine Bill Tiernan. Todav is election day In many other Htates and political observ ers are watching to see if the president retains control of his wailime coneress. Heavy favorite for the senate in New York is re publican Thomas A. Dewey who is outcamnaicnine democratic jonn J. Bennett despite the president's personal entrance in the race to back Bennett. Also in danger of defeat are democratic incumbents Clyde Herring of Iowa and Culbcrt Olson of California. Names All-girl 'Brief Music' On Nov. 20 three years of a woman's college, giving a touching and realistic character study of each. The plot centers around two young college women with a natural and deep af fection for each other, one of whom goes from near suicide to near genius thru the domination of the other, both falling in love with the same man in the end. Brief Music" is a modern com edy of character with its greatest appeal lying in the naturalness or the individuals, making them peo ple who we see around us every day. It will be presented Nov. 20 n the Union ballroom, admission by identification cards. Streamlined . . . (Continued from Page 1.) out in the present conflict, almost without exception, he said. Com manding officers in the field are very enthusiastic in their praise of these officers." Speaking on ROTC progress, Murphy traced the history of the Nebraska unit, which goes back originally to the establishment of land grant colleges by the Morrell Act of 1863, which stipulates that n such colleges "agriculture, the mechanical arts, and military science be taught." Prior to World war I, according to the colonel, we had no set-up similar to that of today, the modern organization coming with passage of the National Defense Act of 1920. Full Load. Outlining work of instructors to day. Colonel Murphy declared, 'each instructor in the department is carrying a full load, with classes scheduled from 8:30 to 5:30 daily, and from 8:30 to noon on Satur day." For the first time, seniors this year are being instructed in, and given an opportunity in "in structional methods," with the re sults so far showing "very enthu siastic" response. In all training this year, all but the most essential theoretical phases of training have been dis carded, with practical instruction substituted. "We feel that ROTC instructors are in closer touch with their stu dents than any other group on the campus, Murphy stated in clos mg, "in these times we are better prepared to be close to them." The dinner meeting, open to all faculty members, was sponsored by the American Association of University Professors. Kosnict Klub Workers Meet Wednesday There will be a meeting of all Kosmct Klub workers Wednesday at 5:30 p. m. in the Klub office in the Union. Franklin White, busi ness manager, announced that anyone wishing to try out for the Klub can still do so at the meet ing tonight. Research in methods of storing high-octane gasoline and prevent Ing its deterioration is in prog ress at the University of Texas. Camouflage is being taught at Queens college and Columbia uni sity in Ne,v York. ww I jr I lit. Fl I I IN w rMIN into A Future for Six Presented by THE UNIVERSITY THEATRE Nov. 4, 5, 6 Reservations can still be, made AT BOXOFFICE OR CALL 2-7181 Temple Theatre 12th and R sts. 79-2 Rings Curtain 8 P. M. Barb Social Event NIA Sponsors Pre-election Dance in Union Saturday Boyd First in this year's general barb social activities will be held next Saturday night when the NIA Council sponsors a pre-election dance in the Union ballroom. Boyd Brewster and his student band will play for the dancing, and the NIA may present a floor show during intermission. Price of ad ministration to the party is 25 cents per person. Representatives from ditterent barb houses and organizations on the campus are in charge of sell ing the tickets, according to Vir ginia Sturmer, NIA social chair man in charge of the affair. Barbs not included in these groups will be contacted by the district system managers. Initial All-Barb Party. Although many of the co-ops, the dorm, and Towne Club have been holding hour dances and sponsoring parties, this is the initial event planned by the Ne braska Independent Association Council for all unaffiliated stu dents on the campus. The regular matinee dance spon sored at each home game by the NIA Council will be held after the Missouri game this week in the Union ballroom. Salesmen Appointed. Students selling tickets from different organizations are as fol lows: Ruth Sherburn, Towne club; Jimmie Howe, Brown Palace; Bill Green, Bachelor's club; Dwight Davis, Cornhusker Co-op; Eleanor Jacka, Carrie Belle dormitory; Pat Sand, Howard hall; Gladys Hen derson, Wilson hall; Gcraldinc Thomas, Rosa Bouton hall; Dave Petitioning (Continued from Page 1.) nities have filed skits and will be judged tonight by members of the Klub and Prof. E. F. Schram, fac ulty adviser. Those accepted for the show will be announced in the Nov. 5 issue of the Nebraskan. Skits and times of tryouts are as follows: Phi Kappa Psi 7:30 Sigma Phi Epsilon 7:50 Sigma Nu 8:10 Sigma Alpha Epsilon 8:30 Sigma Chi 8:50 Sigma Alpha Mu 9:10 Beta Theta Pi 9:30 Alpha Tau Omega 9:50 Phi Gamma Delta 10:10 Alpha Sigma Phi 10:30 Delta Upsiion 10:50 Kappa Sigma 11:10 STATE YankM Brains . . . Atalntt Nad Cunninc I William CARGAN Mvgtrtt LINDSAY i f lti QMtt tt Ritkl Pw with Charley Grapewin Alwayi 25c Srrv. Men 20c Borlt frtrr KARl.OFF LORRK "The Boogie Man Will Get You" WHAT HARM 3 WOMEN 1? 3 MEN SHARING AN APARTMENT Brewster To Play Marvin, Palladians; Bill Lowry, ACBC; Barbara Rehburg, Myron Samuelson; Bob Dewey, Ralph Fox, Georgia Walyker, Frances Babich, Betty Lu Larson, and Vir ginia Stuermer at large. Have You Bought Your Ticket? Lincoln Symphony Orchestra Concert- Series On Sale School of Music Office $3.50 plus 35c tax, total (3.85 shirts for HUD.T.C. officer Simons . . . your official military ox Hum go head quarters . . com plete military outfitters.