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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 28, 1942)
DAILY NEBRASKAN Wednesday, October 28, 1942 Juniors and emors have your pictures taken was for the Deadline .15 Hi Miller 6 Paine Studio Miller and Paine Dept. Store NOV li I n BY MARYLOUISE GOODWIN Wur lidos hifjli. nore rides hiRh, and with this event of another day we delve into another session of peeping toins and plain alley eats. Meow. i Kiist off Monday nights usual I hont of candy-passing and tub- hings. . . . Alpha Phi Mary Bird I en me across with sweets for the .sisters and Dells smoked I.t. Charles Schuherts' cigars. Then over at the Alph Chi house pledge Virginia Wiese and Phi Uelt John : Hiandon did the honors. The Phi pelts, as usual, were a little over anxious and arrived to receive their shaii" of the candy and kisses before the girls were up foi din ner. . . . The l'ijis did a bit oi tub bing and Rogoi Cnnel got the benefit of the bath. Seems that some Tri Pelt pledge needed a Phi Gam pin i so that's the way they're getting them these daysi and t'annels' was donated. Mi llday night when lie turned up at dinner minus his pin Things happen fast these days, take llv new romance ol Shirley Kav Moore. KKG. One of V'ncle Sam's flying men is coming 'ip to' see nor l-riuav and sue lias oniv known him five hours. Tliat' at firstsight. all right. They've Set the Date. These pledges with their and candy passings! Pi pledge Dorothea Pueshiiry wears the jeweled sword shield of Steve DcVue, and lov, pins Phi now and this isn't the first time she's worn the pin. She had it all summer Caimelita Gantz and Sig Nu Steve Dewey have set the date to- get tin" hitched after five years of steady dating and a pin thrown in The date is November 7. Alph Sig Dave Kinsman gave up his pin on the Alpha Sig hay- ride Friday night and Verleen Kasch now displays the cardinal and the stone. . . . Back on the steady list after an absence of several months are Pi Phi Helen Kelley and Kappa Sig Harold Hopkins. Bob Waite, DU pledge, and Nancy Coe, Gamma Phi, art click ing on all fours of late. Sisters have given up trying to keep up with the dates these two hav been having. . . . The K Ds staged a buffet dinner Saturday night. Among those enjoying the food were Jean Early and Henry Buth man. Alpha Sig, Beverly Meyers and Dick Hollabaugh, and Arvilla Schnase and Harvey Stoltzman also of the Alpha Sig Hut. Holiday Inn house party George, Abraham, hearts, bells, horns, the whole shooting match. Come see them in action Where? When? Watch this spot for fur ther details. A hollow-dayer. Library Adds Eighteen Books To Oetober List The following is a list of new books which have been added to the library in the past month. A duplicate list, listing the call num bers of the books, is posted in the main reading room of the library. Whm DrmiK r:i' y Meant to th Givrks ly Waller R. Agaul. The Story of the Airship by Hunh Allen. Outnost of Kmpire; The Story of Hun Kinm-mru by Herbert KuK'ie Boilon. B'lwen' Court by Kliiatieth Bowcn. ' Your Businejm r;oen to War by Leo M (.'heme. Th Doctora Mayo by li. B. CMapeiattle The BslKa by Verrier Klwin The New Belief in tne Common Man bv Carl J. Krledrtch. Lifelines of Victory by Muiray Harris. The Long Ships Passinc; The Story ol the. 'ireat Lakes by Walter Havit.gnursl. The Stone that Burns by William H:iynea. The World of Plant Life hy Clarence J. Hylandcr. Eve's Stepchildren by Lealon N. Jones. Permanent Revolution by SiKimind Neu mann. , John Torrcy; A Story of North American Botany by Andrew Denny Rodders. The Gift of Toncues by Margaret Sclilauch. When Egypt Ruled the Kast by Stein dorlf and Seele. Modrn Americans In Science and In vention by Edna Yost. CLASSIFIED WANTED A typist to type nov. 1. Write Pvt. Nathaniel J. Speen, Tech. Sen. Sq. 7114. Bar. 3S9, Lincoln Air Base, Lin coln, Neb. Students Give Fourth Recital Of Semester Participating in the fourth stu dent recital of the semester, which is to be depart mental and to be held today at 1:30, will be the fol lowing : VOK K l'HO(.RM. Dort'i't ion : Tsrhmliow sk ; Kenneth Klmiss. I'arkson. s. D In the Time nl Hoses: Kenlinidl; Ius ,1 en n lillin. Ci.i.l Otvh.-iiil The Litus Klinver: S,huni!inn; David Kinsin.m. Coliinituis. A Pimm: iltifi;; C'.-irol .Ic-in Wliiorv, I'llWIH'l' Citv. 1 Know A Hill: Wlu'lpl.- ; ,iilne Petti1. I .inroln. I.ove is the Wind. M.-i.'Kav den ; Homa Mil'it. Ccnrva The Miv Niclit1 Biiiliins; I'leve Ueiiz Iiiiuim, Hurr. IMANO. Prelllile Op 2S. No. li ; Chopin: Russell I.ei:"i'. Hiurlwtnl Ktude. T.ilu.'i'i. Oil. 1.1. No X. Ka'h rnaninoii: Man Helen Hnsli, Lincoln Scotch Poem: Mai'lioweil : Ann Wndder, Marquette. Two-Part Inve.ltion. Nn. II; Bach; Don ald M.nsh. Archer. On the Mountain : ilri.-g, Rudolph Bin In. Asland, Staccato V:title: Rutoiistein ; Kenneth Klaus, rarkstnn. S. D. stkim;. Duet tot two Violins: ViiKinia 'laike. Pawn.-e I'ltv. Sonnta in A Maior: Mozart: Aionita I ,isU iv.-ky. II nit n la ('anlileiia: (I. C.oltci mann ; Kaihetine Rice. Lincoln. Andante lioni Smphonic Kj,:nnli' : I.alo; .lolinson Beam. Lincoln. Drink to Me : I'o. Inm an . : Spit it ol 1 st h t'entiin: Poi li"n :irr : St tin;: qoaitei: Thoitia- Pieiion. Lincoln; Kveivti Nerud. Lincoln. Viiuinia I'.arke, IViwnee Cll ; Dieter Baton limine, La. Land . . . (Continued from Page 1.) tion Organization while in Chicago. and Policy As a member of the board of managers and chairman of the division of education for home and family life, Miss Kedde at tended the Parent Teacher asso ciation meeting in York last week. P. R. Notice Tryouts for men desiring a place on the Pershing Rifles crack squad will be held in Ne braska Hall at 5:30 tonight. No uniform is necessary. the answer ROLLINS I . '': cKi denier (Oiik that wondsJifuL $Wm - ScdL uual! You who have been wondering "what about stockings" . . . here is the answer! Rol-Ray rayon stockings popularly priced. They're beautiful, fit so well, and the exclusive new Secre-Seal process gives them a lovely dull finish. Moreover, they have plenty of "springback" and elasticity. They can really "take it" from tugging garter clasps, too! In new hades: Enchantment, Mystery and Vision. Sizes 8la to 11. Miss Moll Weds i s Prior to her recent wedding-, Mrs. Sedley Hall was Miss Betty Moll. Miss Moll attended the university and was aftiliated with Alpha Phi sorority. A IKK Mom hers Meel Wednesday Members of the AIF.K will meet at the K. K. "barn" on Wednesday, Oct. 28. Joe Parker will present a paper on "Crystals" and there will be a discussion concerning the Corn husker picture. Refreshments will be ser ved at the close of the meeting:. to all your stocking worries! RAYON GOLD'. . .Street Floor. (. ll Couttesv Linco;tt Journal. Class of '46 Secures Caps At Ben Simons Innocents representatives an nounced yesterday that freshman caps have been received at Ben Si mon's. All freshmen having cap purchase cards are requested to procure their caps as soon as pos sible. HOSIERY 2 prs. 1.90 100 denier 1.15 (2 prs. 2.20)