Tuesday, October 27, 1942 DAILY NEBRASKAN Janet Harris to Marry Reigns at A g Formal . 1 ocieu Courtesy Lincoln Journal. Janice Marshall was chosen by a vote of ag college students as queen of the annuel Farmer's Formal. Miss Marshall is a member cf Gamma Phi Beta sorority and is a senior in home ec department. In Activities Building . . . Ag Religious Council Sponsors Holloween Party on Saturday The ag reKgiou? council will sponsor a Hallowe'en party in the ag activities building on Saturday, Oct. 31. Square dancing will be the fea ture of the paity. and refresh ments will be served by the coun cil. The idea of the paity. according to Dr. Gooddirg, club sponsor, is Alice L. Becker Sets Deadline For Pictures Next schedule for sorority and fraternity pictures for the Corn husker has teen announced by yearbook editor Alice Louise Beck er. Times and names of organiza tions follow: OV. 2-Ni v Vs'.;. S g.na Pi. Cm t 27-N'A. i: rtt!a Tau D-lm. OYt. 2-.'cv. 4: Zl Bt Tau OYt. 2!f-N.v 1: fc.tma Alpha Mu. Oct. 30-Nev t: Alpha 8n,m f'hi. Social Work Group Names New Officers Presided over by Rachel Ste phenson, president, the Student Association of the Graduate School of Social Work met yester day morning to elect the following officers: Joseph Meisels, vice-president, Eleanor Unzicktr, recording sec retary; Jesj-e Bonntil, coi respond ing secretary; and Rita Coffy, treasurer. Students decided at the meeting to make th ;ir community chest contributions together in the name of the association, and an execu tive committie meeting of the officers was held to discuss the years' plans This group is a member of the American Af-w-.atjon of Student Social W01 i: NOW! STATE JOF WON'T SHUT HIS TRAP... TILL A WHOLE SPY RING IS IN IT! 1 ilf IMP ' l. -. . .TV.,,. . y SAIH) 1 Utl I'Jus! SQUAD" I Till KSDAV! I The Entire Receipts from The STATE Theatre Go To Lincoln' United War Chest! KIKAN, IHt CEV OF t HINA" (Au1 rinnrr In Va'ural Clor f China's Slmillt'l OS NAVY DAY Hi: SAM IK THE IMIin K1 AIL'S NAVT AND ITS f OORDTNATID KA FOWF.R IMTI1I KTATI.H MARINE fORP. COAST GIARO-NAVAI. AVIATION MI. RC HAN'T MARINE not to make money but to merely provide a good party for univer sity students. Tickets will be 20c apiece and this will include the refreshments. The music will be furnished by records and the calling of the dances will be done by Ralph Cop enhaver. All students are invited to attend. Students Get Two Proofs On Pictures Another touch of the war was felt yesterday when government priorities stepped further into the photography setup. The knife of priorities leaders slashed use of photographic materials in half. This has made a change in Comhusker proofs as the Year book received word yesterday that henceforth the photography studio would be able to furnish only two proofs instead of the previous four for each person. The studio will make the two proofs with great care to insure student approval. All proofs should be returned within three days after receipt. Coed Counselors Meet to Discuss Activities Mart Coed Counselors will hold a mass meeting tonight at 7:30 in Ellen Smith hall to discuss plans for ushering at the activities mart Saturday. YW Group Holds Vespers Tonight Vespers will be at 5 30 today in Ellen Smith. All YWCA mem bers urged to attend. Parade BY MARYLOUISE GOODWlN Back to the grind again after a better than usual week-end what with the Farmers Formal, bam dance and the Oklahoma vic tory. . . . Dancing among the cornstalks at the Kappa Sig affair were DeeGces Betty Lillibridge and Carol Robinson with Reed Smith and Bud Nelson. We under stand that Bud's new chapeau was the rage of the party. Beta Bill Huffman left for the army air corps yesterday and pin mate Janice Goldsmith, Alpha Chi, went up to Kansas City to see him off . . . Also in Kansas City this week is Sig Chi of last year Don Hartman, who zoomed into Lincoln today enroute and will be back to visit the campus Wednesday. It's Hard to Tell. Tri Delt Shirley Kennady has the sisters wondering, is she or isn't she going steady with Sig Chi Bob Younkin? . . . Triple Delt pledge Fanchon Jones and Sig Nu Hank Anderson have four standing dates which looks pretty promising from here. One reported steady deal which isn't and never was is that of Phi Delt Rod Smith and Alpha Chi Roma Stahl. They've been dat ing but nothing steady as yet. . . . Alpha Gamma Rho Dick Wahl strom left for the army Sunday night but minus his pin which he left behind in the keeping of Vir ginia Van Patton of the dorm. . . . Pi Phi Gloria Mardis has ex changed her Fiji pin for a jeweled sweetheart pin, the gift of Dee DeVoe of course. . . . The Sig Nu brothers of Merle Wolfe are see ing to it that DG Kay Detweiler isn't spending any of her week end evenings at home. Last Sat urday night Kay and Roger Hasek were having fun with a few hun dred other campus couples at Kings. Congrats to three new Sig Chi pledges. Bill Frantz, Dick Proud and Jack Monkrist. Betty Shultz. Chi O radio gore mongrel, hit the high spots last week-end with Chem E Prexy Bill Lennemann and Sig Nu Jack Ken nedy. . . . AGR pledge Gene Sim and Alpha Phi personality girl Jo Martz. have been making the rounds together frequently of late. The TNE curse has hit the campus again for its semiannual picture drawing contest, or have you been on fraternity row of late? f i I V: : f0 -Courtc) Lincoln Journal. The engagement and approaching marriage of Miss Janet Harris to Neal Youmans, jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Neal D. Youmans. sr., has been announced by her parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Harris. Miss Harris is a graduate of the University of Nebraska, and her fiancee will receive his law degree from Nebraska in January. Catcl (Continued from Page 1.) Tn case of inclement weather the presentation ceremony will still be observed by all junior and j senior officers in the coliseum. In that event, the regimental com-! mandets and guidons and the bri-1 gade color guard will report to position immediately in front of the ttage. Senior, Junior Orders. Engineer and field artillery seniors and juniors with the ex ception of the commanders will report to th west side of the coliseum and the infantry seniors and juniors will be on the east side. An official notice hat been passed down by the military de partment stating that all junior non-commissioned officers will wear the khaki tie instead of the G.I. black. Senior cadet officers will wear chamois colored gloves, Sam Browne belts and garrison hats. Basics and junior officers will be permitted to wear dark gloves if the weather is bad. 1 . . (Continued from Page 1.) still for any attempted "tricks." After being booked at the police station and told to report at 9 yesterday morning, the four roughly dressed young men learned that the filling station at tendant had charged them with tampering with his gas pump. Be fore allowing the men to leave the police station, police confiscated three shotguns and a rifle, keeping the car at the station. It was then, and only then, that the four pheasant hunting Univer sity of Nebraska students were allowed to go home to the fra ternity house at which they live. In the county sheriff's office yes terday morning they were released after police learned that the pump had not been tampered with ex cept by cold weather, which pre vented its functioning. So.'M combine a Michigan car with four young men, three shot guns, a rifle, an imaginative filling station attendant, pheasant hunt ing and an efficient or inefficient police force; have them traveling on the highway at 3 a.m. (on their way home from Norfolk; and you havea story. Policy . . . (Continued from Page 1.) will be to acquaint the cadets wilh the various officer dubs on the campus and to explain military customs that will have to be ob served when they get in the arrny. All officers, juniors and seniors, are required to attend in uniform. There will be a luncheon nerved following the meeting. WANTED A typi.4 o typr novpl. Wrlt Pvt. NathnniH J. Spwi, Tech. Son. Sq. 7IH, rturo. 3.W. Lincoln Air Buhc, Lin coln, Nrb. lJHT--Or tkkxn ly a'Mdnnt, two nplral notrtxKik. Nuinr I 'Ml Kuntor. I'Iimm return to Dully Mrbrauluiu on it. Convention . . . (Continued from Page 1.) in the Pacific. Carveth Wells, famous world traveler and ex plorer, will talk on the African battle for materials. Other speakers include Dr. von KleinSmid. president of the U. S. C, Dr. George W. Frasier, C. A. A. consultant, Dr. Curtis Warren, representing the consumer division of OPA, and Asa D. Scott, state rationing director. For those interested in horse back riding, a meeting will be held at Ellen Smith hall Wednesday hight at 7 o'clock. Plans will be made for the events of the year. Mi covclod Harris type tweeds A cocrt with wry dUtaH that U o important . . . 100, fin all wool Harris typ twaod ... dur able, smart rtpalin lining ... warn interlining . . button-ap or open collar . . smart loop coat holders ... in hathr mix tures ei blus and browns sites 10 to 44 . .