Friday, October 23, 1942 DAILY NEBRASKAN 5 Organizations : Sports Fashions BachsdoiA. 'filcdbmcJ'AismjdAlufL ' "No Platonic Friendships No future in them," says a potential bachelor and well, what do you know and who is this bachelor who doesn't care about love, but takes time to write about it and war-time marriages. Certainly a lot of people are giv ing war-time marriages a lot of thought, and why- shouldn't they? Isn't it the thought of each and every boy or girl on the campus, consciously or sub-consciously? After all, this war is going to ef fect our lives in a lot of ways. What about the future? Should we plan for it now, or should we wait until Johnny comes marching home? Act as Usual? According to one male on the campus he thinks a person should be perfectly normal in pursuing life. Don't break up with the girl or fellow you are going with be cause you want, to lessen the chance of falling in love before war takes Johnny away. Don't be the type that goes around just hunting for a mate, as you'll never find the right one, and your chances for 'happiness will be flight. Be normal and continue as mm Sat, Oct. 24 f ( , t u . - I ! ' . ; . i 7 ! .A k fi t ' Jf-W '1 ' " I r V . , i A ' t - . -' ' - ! ? f t A ' , ' . i Tommy Reynolds and his Columbia Recording Band Direct from Paramount Theatre and Rainbow Room much as possible the way you would have if the war hadn't come alone. If you are in love O.Krl stay in love. Chances are that everything will work out for the best. What about this boom of mar riages ? It's perfectly natural, and good luck to the ones which have taken the final step. Is It Love? Now about the college students. Should they get married? Why not, if it is really love... But care should be taken to make plenty sure. If they are really sensible, they'll probably feel secure about their loVe and wait until the war is over. Others may want to have happiness now, and let the future work out as it will. It is entirely up to the individuals. Up to now, UN Coeds Nifty Winter Outfits Gitler For Morale "All that glitters is not gold," not this winter anyway. If it glitters it could be any number of things: beads, sequins, gold or silver nailheads, jeweled buttons, crystal fringe or tassels. The coming of winter has made the designers turn out some pretty nifty outfits, and they all glitter. It may be that when we patriots turn the thermostat down to 65 the glitter will keep up our mo rale I don't know. Whatever the reason, glitter is nice. Who would mind keeping up mo rale in a beige crepe dress with black plastic nailheads scattered over it from neck to hemline? An other neat little number is a draped green jersey with a crystal fringe and green sequin collar. You might like a green rabbit's wool tailored dress with appliqued butterflies outlined with vivid pur ple and yellow sequins. If it gets too cold you might try a dress with a "hot pink" yoke edged with black sequins. Peg-top pockets to keep your hands warm are good, particularly if they're edged with sequins. That dinner sweater you had last year is warm and smart with a wool or velveteen skirt. nothing has-been decided either pro and con on the marriages and it is doubtful if it ever will. Life will continue now as it has in the past. Boy and girl friendships on the campus should definitely continue. You don't have to be in love to date or go coking. Being seen with one person doesn't mean that cupid is at work. After all, half the fun of college life is the friendships you form. Coeds Beware. However, girls, beware of the wolves who are looking for play mates. Of course they will un doubtedly say it's love! (?) Ahuh, and so a romantic line is slung in the ear of the young and beautiful, sometimes not even the beautiful, but one that can shall we say smooch. Strong words, McGee, but there is something in it! Look out fellows, there are wolf esss too. Lots of girls are out for ft man, and yet a lot aren't, just as there are some men that arn't wolves. The ratio of husband-seekers is probably no greater than wife-seekers. However, don't let all this talk scare out platonic friend ships. . : If you know someone you enjoy being with, for heaven sakes date him or her. It would be a hell of a life if you couldn't have fun. Let war-time marriages tke care of themselves and keep on living don't exclude platonic friendships. A Wolfess Finds ... UN Wolf Pen Releases Males That Rival Any Wearing Khaki What a moll don't go thru for da. sake of crime. Which don't pay, as de better half keeps tellin' me, ever since dat awful nerve-reach-in day when he chased dat Miller guy, whose de king of swig, or so de rag tells him. Well, it's like dis. I am a the ory, I am a glass (not the favorite beverage, but a test tube). So jis so de collich bull sheet can fill up some odd inches, I dress up fit to kill, not Pretty Boy Floyd, but to catch de male eye naturally. As usual, I might add. Prances Down O. Anyway, so I puts on de glad rags, which is so-called because dey make de male eye so happy, I guess, and prances down de main drag (Oh! street) of a Saturday afternoon, and sees de effect on de soldiers. Dey is sure happy to see de glad rags. Gets Back 0. K. So I puts down how happy dey is, like de notes dose dippy rag righters write, and shuffles back to da campus to see what the col lich boys see in a glad rag. Boy, did dey see! They Looked. Me, a moll, me experienced, was embarrassed at de way dey looked. And looked. And looked. Dey was more interested than de sol diers! So after dis, lam gonna take de Buy Raincoats in Two Species: Male, Female NOWI STATE! Ihe Klirrinf Adventure Romance of Twi Men Hbt Shared Om Bool! ft flffllDOTflK Alwayi with Dear. Fairbanks, it. Alio Okie Storm John Shells "FOREIGN AGENT" Raincoats are why there is rain. Rain is so that there won't be so many Phi Psi picnics to steal ATO girls. Therefore, everyone should have a raincoat. There are two kinds of raincoats male and female. Of course, occa sionally you will find a male species on a female, or vice versa, but this situa tion usually takes care of itself. Besides post poning p i c nics, raincoats are of great use in the grill where they protect the weraer from the icy results of a spilled coke ly, save a cleaning bill Raincoats, female, are found in a bevy of beautiful pastel shades this season, which distinguishes them from the male variety. These colors are sky-blue pink, shell blue, peachy and creamy tea. Creamy tea with dirt is the usual And, incidental- run of the male raincoat. Relative largeness is also an other identifying feature of rain coats, so when you next see your best girl swathed in a creamy tea number too big for her with dirt SDots. then is the time to find another girl. Students Present Third Temple Recital Tuesday The third student recital of the vear was Riven Tuesday at 4:30 p. rn. in the Temple. The program was as follows: Voice: Mis Carol Jean Wherry, Ah Love But a Pay, Beach. 1'iano: Mr. Kohert Dunning. Peasant rance. fJmiz. Cornet: Mr Pave Kinaman, The Trout, Schuoert-Llllya Voice: Mimi Dorothy Ktranheim, Down in the Forent, Lnlon Ronald; O'er the Fresh (ireen Fields, Cliarriinadc. Vloln: Mim Kviljn Ncrud, Andante non trofipo from Viola Concerto In b minor, Ca:iileu. I'lu no: Mr. Erncct Ulmer. Klude E flat Major. On. 3:i. ftachmaniriolf. Voice: Mr RoOirt Anderson, There Is No Death, O'Hara. Oscar Munson, equipment cus todian for the University of Min nesota football team, has seen every Minnesota home eame for 44 years. , . It Says Here air downtown, or at da air base, and not dare to show a glad rag in dat wolf pen, which dey call de university. Besides, my better half, which he ain't so much better than de soldiers but not near so bad as de "boys," wasn't so happy about de little deal as he ought to a been, considerin' his cut. n L 0 Once again we can put the books on the shelf for six weeks and fake in a show or two (start ing at 6:30 p. m.). Six weeks ex ams are over and down slips won't be out 'til next Monday . . . The Kappa Sigs are celebrating rightly Saturday with their annual barn dance. Brothers Bob Fangeman and Bill Orr will -be escorting Maxine Lynn and peppy Dee Gee Mary Jo Gish, while KKG Betty Jean Haney and Theta pledge Joan Boher will be dancing in the straw with Bill Flory and Aubrey Petit. Paul Vernon "Beaver" Wykert, Fiji sags, places here a want ad: Wanted, a medium blond, with a part in her hair and two legs, preferably a Theta. Please send her C.O.D. collect. Another Steady. Wilma Schacht, Alpha Chi, has made up her mind and she and Phi Delt Bud Kryger are now high on the steady list . . . Triple Delt Mary Miles refuses to call her fre quent dates with Phi Delt Lyle King steady but the sisters have it tabbed as one romance not far from that stage. Another big affair on the cal endar for Saturday eve is the Farmers Formal. The ag boys and. girls will all be there and among them FH boys Harold Han son with Alpha Chi O Agnes Fox, John Mueller with Kay Huston, and Dale Brockemier with Alpha Xi Delt Jean Wochner. . . . Brown Palace Co-op and Howard Hall will be dining together at their ex change dinner this evening. They'll Skate. The Brown Palace boys are rounding the evening out by en tertaining the girls from Howard and Rosa Bouton Halls at a dance. . . . The Palladians are donning slacks and cords tonight for their roller skating party. They may not be able to move Monday but they'll have fun tonight. Leave it to the Betas now they have their own broadcasting sta tion from which they will broad cast numbers and dedicate them accordingly. The trick is to un derstand what they are saying. Sig Chi or VW? If Paul Toren, Sig Chi, doesn't have a date with Kappa Betty Hohf Friday night it'll be because the YW comes first in Betty's life, for which prexy Helen Ktlley should be duly appreciative. . . . Helen Hickman, Alpha Phi, will be making the rounds this week-end with Tim Morris Phi Psi. Help Your Beauty Queen Candidate!! Buy Your iq)niuin n mm biUJLru See A Tassel or Corn Cob