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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 16, 1942)
Friday, October 16, 1942 DAILY NEBRASKAN Snorts organizations i Society If Fashions National Officer Visits . . . ' i V ' " i 4 I : . " j v. y VI- ' w r i ? fl . - ---!ifr !. jilt puu-J i'lfwt ill."' VV v.-v v" Courtesy Lincoln Journal. Miss Catherine Cudlip, national field secretary of Kappa Kappa Gamma was a guest of the local chapter over the week-end. She left yesterday for the University of Colorado at Boulder. ifortunat Sainton nltr Slippers . the Vanguards of Wartime r A Salato to Joyce of California slippers that make you Iiook as ALERT as you FEEL! Slippers that walk miles cheer fully . . . volunteer for Service before they're drafted. Slipperi for busy women in war work today. 1) Joyce! "Alert" turf taa or Volunteer blue boxglove leather. t) Joyce's "Double quick" chalk with turf tan boxglove leather. Joyce's Exclusively ours J Double-talking Physical Culture Coed Rates Strait Gate to Bad Pad Nut Hut BY HELEN GOODWIN. It all begins with a night sev eral weeks ago. Jeannie that's my roommate and I are looking over the "Ladies' Tailor-Mades from $25 up." I try on a grey shadow plaid for size. "How do you like it?" I asks, admiring me in the mirror. "It's a zoot suit," says Jeannie, thoughtfully, "I'm ' backing that reet pleat." I had heard the song before so I didn't see anything unusual in her answer. Jeannie's the kind of a girl who's always picking up new backtalk. Like last year it was double talk and the year before pig Latin. . So I just buys the suit and we leave. It was my size which was lucky, it being a genu ine English Sheland for only $30. We're walking down the street when a good looking blonde' guy passes. He's a blonde and Jean nie's a sucker for blondes. "Check that draped shape," she says, putting a rhymed word in it. Es pecially at meals. She says things grabbing my arm in an iron vise which comes from pulling weights in the gym every afternoon. Jean nie's one of these physical culture nuts. She's got a picture of Charles Atlas that she compares biceps with every night. The blonde gives us a dirty look and walks on. As I says before, that don't worry me none cause blondes are always giving Jeannie dirty looks. And if it had stopped there,' noth ing would have happened. But after that Jeannies goes hog wild, She can't say a sentence without Coeds Dress Up Dresses, Suits With Accessories ... To Replace Formats By Pat Catlin. Clips, ear rings, and bracelets head the 'must' list, with mormals a thing of the past, to dress up tailored suits and dresses. Plastic molded in wierd shapes is the favorite with manufacturers. Much desired pastel shades trimmed with rhinestones in the form of heads, horses, and flowers add that distinctive touch to an ensemble. Kappa Jeannie Browne accentuates and the blue in her new gabradine suit with a shoul der pin of blue and celar plastic. Eisenberg jewelry is tops again in the accessory line. The clips are larger this year with more stones in the setting. Jane Emery, Delta Gamma, wears her matching clip and bracelet with balck to set off the ice.' Alpha Phi pep girl Polly Petty adorns her plainer dresses with a bronze-faced queen wear ing a crown set in blue and red rhinestones. Dress Up Suits. Suits combine easily with acces sories to make up a smooth outfit. June Griffin showed Tri Delt sis ters how she could get double wear out of her suit by purchasing a brown hat, purse, and pair of gloves trimmed in white saddle stitching to match that on her suit. For school wear June dons a crisp, white blouse or harmonizing sweater. Mary Aueen Cochran of me hAi nouse turned to our friend the alligator for her shoes and purse worn with her Harris tweed suit. Soft veils tacked saucily on a black hat add that feminine touch to our coed's warrobe. Betty Krause, Pi Phi, picked a small black hat with a sweetheart brim to complement her black crepe dress cut on the new sophisticated lines. A black velvet bonnet frames the dark beauty of Mary Lou Holtz, Alpha Chi Omega. Shirley Wiley, the arorw girl, perches a little red hat on her head, tucks a red purse under her arm and off she goes in new kelley green coat. The wonderful things about this flare for accessories is that you can take last year's dress, put a clever pin on it, and presto you have a ne'w outfit in the eyes of your admirers. like "Shoot me the rash hash, or "Taste the limp shrimp." Rate Date? It gets so bad that none of the boys on the campus will give Jeannie a date. She drives them, crazy murmuring a lot of mush such as "Give me a bliss kiss; hug me a mite, tight, baby," and "Make with rationed pssion." You can see their point. They yells that it makes 'cm nervous. Poor Jeannie gets so downhearted that she starts to drinking to forget women. I think maybe this'll break her of the horrible curse that's fallen on her, but it only becomes worse. Soon the bartenders avoid her cause she won't ask for a slug of whisky normal-like. Instead she orders a shot of "sotch Scotch" or "numb rum" or "sin gin." Coise Voise! About this time exams come along. It turns out that Jeannie writes all her sentences using the double timed words. She com poses a whole page on "Smelly Shelly." The latter somewhat irks a prof, who gives her a D. Jean nie passes only three courses out of five. The teachers get so wor ried they call her a psycho-analyst. The poor guy goes batty trying a cure. That's when they took her away. Poor old Jeannie. I guess she was just a dirt skirt. I went to see her once. She's happy sitting in her cell, saying things like "the maudlin warden." Marilyn Dale Marries Pvt. Richardson At 3 o'clock on Wednesday aft ernoon at the First Presbyterian church. Miss Marilyn Dale became the bride of Pvt. William Richard son. Miss Barbara Dale, sister of the bride, was the bride's only at tendant Private Richardson was attended by Stanley Malv. Ush ering were Duke Schaltz. Steve Dewey, and Don Anawalt, all Sigma Nu fraternity brothers of Private Richardson's, as is Mr. Maly. The couple left immediately for newest arrival! win tor-white and pastel classics 10.95 to 22.9.? here is a "find" for you the smartest combine to-day with your dark topper . . . the winter new winter-white or pastel wool frocks . . . they're yours at Simons in 100 wool Jerseys, trim gabardines and novelty wools . . . smart one or two piece styles . . . sizes 9 to 17 and 10 to 16. b m fill New York and Private Richardson will be. stationed at Fort Pix, N. J,