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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 16, 1942)
Friday, October 16, 1942 12 DAILY NEBRASKAN SAI Presents First Faculty Recital Sunday First in a series of faculty mu sical recitals will be held Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock in the Union. Sponsored by Kappa chap ter of Sigma Alpha Iota, national music fraternity, the recital will present Miss Marjorie Delange, a new faculty member of the school of music, cellist; Miss Mar querite Klinker, pianist; Donald Glattly, tenor; and Earnest Har rison, accompanist. Glattly will open the program with two solos by Reger, Du Meines Herzens Kronelein and Waldesamkeit, followed by three selections by Strauss: Cornflower. Night, and Devotion. Cellist Miss Pelange will play Adagio-D Major Concerto by Haydn, Intermezzo by Granados. and Tarantelle by Fopper. Miss Klinker will close the faculty recital with Waltzes, Op. 39 by Brahms. Society . . . (Continued Freoi Page 9.) want is the name of the girl. Cornhuskers Get Stogies. The boys at the Comhusker Co-op smoked cigars passed by Howard Walters Monday as he nd Neva Bishop decided to thus seal up their romance. . . . The Pioneer and Brown Palace Co-ops are entertaining Towne club girls at a dance tonight. Sounds like a really swell idea. Another Saturday night party will be coming tff at the Pi Phi house. Wandering around among the ghosts anc goblins will be Lois Gaden and DU Dick Foe, Jean Baker and Harold Hansen, and Betty Stanton with Phi Gam pledge Howard Koupal. . . . Also partying the same night will be the Betas. Haroid Salisbury and Jean Rogers. Thtta pledge, will be among those spending the greater part c: their evening there. This Saturday will find the Sa ni nnies holding an open house "vie tory" sweater party. On the date aide will be the "Cheyenne Kid" Two Former University Students Receive V. S. Army's Stamp Of Approval as Pilots; They Now Wear a Pair of Silver Wings the staniD of aonroval placed on fledgling flyers at seven advanced flying schools of the Gulf Coast Training Center today as they won silver wings of the Army air forces. Included in this group of new Dilots are two former Ne braska students. Staff Set. Milton R. Buls, 39-40, and Lieut. Wayne L. Lowry. who entered the univer sity in 1939. Every section of the United States, Latin America, even Shan tung, China, was represented on the huge class roster (exact size undisclosed i, the ninth group to graduate since Pearl Harbor. hnth Staff Set. Buls and Lt Lowry will be full fledged bomber pilots, Buls graduating irom Is lington Field, Texas, and Lowry from Brooks Field, Texas. Absent was the fanfare of air planes roaring overhead, speeches and long ceremonies at this war time graduation. Instead the pilots marched up, received their silver wings, saluted smartly and turned to begin their active flying duty. All have requested immediate ac tion. Included in the Foster Field class of 42-1 is First Lt. Harold C. Theus, of Bethany, Okla., an or igin nut aside his ecclesias tical robes to become a fighter pilot flying a P-40 or Lightning P-38. Avenges Horn Town. One member of the Moor Field class who wants a chance to avenre his home town is Brian R. Glas of Shantung, China. The mechanics roie in moaern air warfare was recognized by this class which established a tradi- Painphlels Featured . . . u. Defense on Home Front Takes Over Library Display Exhibit In UIN Library Defense on the home front is the theme of interesting display now occupying the showcase on the main floor of the library. Every phase of civilian defense and information on the home front is covered by the material in the collection. Some of the phamplets are: "Handbook for the United States Citizens Service Corps," "The Home Front in National Defense" and "Family Nutrition." The other phamplets contain informa tion on wartime farming, econom ical wartime diet, and care of clothes. All these booklets are a cross section of the entire War Service Library located in room 310 of the library. Considerable interest in this type of work has been shown here in Lincoln. Interested students are invited to make com plete u.e of the available litera ture. tNorman. Veta. SAM.) and Dot Schwartz. SDT; Prexy Phil Kan tor, SAM will be there with Prexy Ann Arbitman, SDT. Library . . . Continued from page 1 ity of elevator supplies. There are eight stack stories for books. The multi-tier book stacks are from the basement and extend to the roof. Shelves may be ad justed on these stacks. The sev enth and eighth stacks will con tain shelves from the old library. An elevator for books has already each field as an honorary mem ber of their group. Single engine fighter pilots are graduating today from sUr Field, Texas; Moor Field, Texas; and Lake Charles, Louisiana, Army Flying School. Bomber pilots are graduating at Ellington Field, Brooks Field, Kelly Field and Lubbock Army Flying School, all in Texas. iJZmV , Vm J been installed. Flourescent lighting has already been set for the reading rooms. The coloring of the walls will be cream. The desks and shelves used from the old library will be thoroly reconditioned before the new iibrary is officially opened. Like the student elevator, the au ditorium will not be completed until after the war. It will hold 300 students when completed. Ellis urges the students not to stray into the new building just to look it over. Besides slowing up the work, students also can be easily hurt. WUntwAjoia.! Cornhusker SHOW YOUR COLORS! jllw Fans Get Your rree r Feather at Gold's (to game time) Saturday 9:30 a.m. Women and Girls Kampus Korner.. .3rd Fir. Men and Boys Men's Store iKiiiiminiififi) Simons Simon Simon Simon ffy. J S u 1 all the colors you've been asking for . . . cherry red. baby pink. carmeL lilac, toast . . . sizes 32 to 43 . . . 3.95 4.95 5.95 by popular dwnand! sweaters! sweaters! sweatees I beeause Nwralors are vour speeial pels. ( fj beeause you've swamped us willi vour okavs on our sweaters. Simons arc giving you more and more sweaters ... more I o spied from than you've ever seen before ... eome and gel Vm. girls! they're here in a big, new shipment. ihx 3 it Simons Super-Cuna Ber muda sweaters . . . soft cashmere-like yarns ... in dusty rose, lime green, mist blue, cinnamon and white. I Simon Simon Stmon Simon