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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 7, 1942)
K7ednes'day4 October 7, 1942 DAILY NEBRASKAN Eisenhart Exhibits Prowess Hourcesy Lincoln journal. One of the sophomore "finds" on the 1042 Husker edition of football in the flesh is likeable KKirwin "Kecbird" Kisenhart, Culbertson's gift to the pigskin world. Weighing close to the 200 pound mark, Ki was one of the offensive and defensive standouts at fullback against Iowa State. Persliing Rifles End Interviews Today Today is the last day for inter . views for Pershing Rifles. Anyone interested should report in uni form at Nebraska hall at 5:30. All freshmen and sophomores are eligible. Ag Daily Staff Meets Members of the ag Daily Ne breskan staff will hold a meeting in room 301 Ag hall this after noon at 5:30. All members are requested to be present. Union Shows Movies Football movies of last Satur day's game between Nebraska and Iowa State will be shown Thurs day night at 7:30 in the main lounge of the Union. THAT GIVES YOUR WARDROBE NEWNESS AND EXTRA LIFE. Call 2-6731 SUITS - SWEATERS DRKSSKS - CXMTS FELT HATS - TIES V1" - 4 Cyclones Get Hard Lessons From Huskers AMES, la., Oct. 6. The team which looked better losing to Ne braska than it did winning from Denver hopes to Marquette pay for that football lesson. Iowa State, stoppci by Ne braska last week, looks now to meeting Marquette at Ames Oct. 10 in the first home game of the year for the Cyclones. Ray Donels, head coach of the Iowa State eleven, said that in many respects the Cyclones locked better losing than they did win ning. "With all its power Nebraska could not score thru the line," Donels pointed out. "Nebraska had to pass to score or to keep its drive going. Nebraska outcharged tis in the line, but that was not unexpected. We've given the boys some pretty stiff leg work and that didn't help against Nebraska. But it is going to pay dividends from here on in." Donels would not say he was pleased in defeat, but he did point A Season Tickets Now On Sale Lincoln Junior League Town Hall Series Vtmtmring Father Cornell Otis Hub bur Skinner A K. P. Adami of A Ilka C'baie "Information Meant" Cool for Aamiuioa m jgf W all 4 lectnrera 44' Fed. Tax Include Biy Ticket From Any Lincoln Junior Leainie. Member or at Miller 4c Paine Book Dept. - 1 " Mcthcny Still Favors Cold Husker Coach Glen Presnell drilled hit performers on plays last night, again demonstrating that lack of simple polish is the team's biggest defect. Athey, Zikmund, Bradley and other ball packers alternated on the end of various plays. Scrim mage was light but the Scarlet backs succeeded on a majority of their sallies. Fred Metheny, first-string signal-barker, was still in sweat togs. Freddy contacted a cold during Saturday's scrap and has been ill since. Scries Records Fall 'En Masse' BY BILL IRWIN. That the Cardinals won the 1942 world series is granted, but con sidering the records tied and broken during the five game series, we must concede that title to the Yankees. Three records and the tie of another went to Yank Pitcht-r Charley Ruffing, slugging Joe Di Maggio took two, Phil Rizzuto added a few, and the Yankee team as a whole laid claim to several more. Ruffing Record. Ruffing's no hit streak for the first seven and two-thirds innings of the series snapped the seven and one-third string of Herb Pen- nock made in 1937. Waite Hoyt's record of playing seven series ft 921 -19311 was tied OV KUTting and at the same time he topped Hoyt, Bender of tne Ainieucs, ana Gomez of the Yankees by win ning his seventh series victory. Bender s record ot 09 series sinKe outs was overshadowed by Ruf fing's fil. Yankee DiMaggio made 20 put outs, giving a new record for out fielders' chances in a five game series, held by Mike Donlin of the niants in 1905. The eoualiner of three records was accomplished by Rizzuto as he mdae 15 pulouts' m tne live came series with seven of them in one game and three assists in the second inning of the third game. His circuit swat which started Monday's game also equalled the record ot ueorge weaver ot tne wnne tox. Yanks Hold Majority. The 1942 record sheet also lists Bill Dickey for having caught 33 world series games. Highest num ber of home runs for a five game series goes to Charley Keller. Other top performances of the Yankees are the 178 times at bat for the five games, the 18 runs made, which is the most made by a five game series loser, and the using of 20 players m five games, All attendance records were shattered as the largest crowd in the history of the series attended the games at the Yankee stadium Total attendance of 276,717 ex ceeded the five game record set by the Yanks and Giants (1937) which was 238,1' The crowd record of any single previous game was 68,540 and the gate receipts were $265,396. All three games drew crowds which pass these marks. The 69.902 fans and $269,468 of the Sunday game are the high marks of the 1942 series. out some cheerful notes. The play of Maurice Ryan at right end and Taul Darling at fullback was highly effective defensively. The team as a whole played good foot ball, he said, but had the mis fortune of hitting Nebraska on the rebound. "If we learned as much in the Nebraska loss as they did in losing to Iowa we'll be able to make up for that loss," Donels said. "The alertness of Nebraska's pass de fense was a key factor in the Huskers' victory. We could well afford to copy it. STATE Ends Today! now tke Conkaikeri la tho Kof Bowl! FOOTBALL ACTIOX! lrHh Fraakie Albert The Spirit of Stanford' Alwaya 25c Plui! "Coaater Baploaace' TOMORROW! He Talkf! I I CBAALIK CHAPLIN in "The Great Dictator" crvlee Mea 20c (Homsl By Norris (Sports Once agni". we have in our and once again Ye Oldc Sports think above the uproar. Association of '"Hippest Cans on Campus" are out in force again Three en shy eeishas loosen conference of ad-getter rages at desk) we have two Innocents and thinking. Comes word to our desk that end eoaeh, has garnered his second lieutenant commission from Uncle 8am s air school at Miami A former tri-sport athlete east his lot with the birdmen. Paul letered in football, basket ball, and baseball, then performed briefly in pro baseball circles before joining his alma mater as frosh coach. He was upped to end coach when Lt. Col. W. colors. Walt "Old Settler" Dobbins touted Tigers have succeeded in coping with outside competi tion. Apainst outside foes, Rip Six clubs hold six wins iu 15 starts. Herr Dobbins' figuring also scored 172 points to the enemy's Missouri Nebraska Iowa State Kansas State Oklahoma Kansas Scout Adolph (Lew) Lewandowski, also end coach and head cape coach, returned from with dire premonitions. Low particularly noted a who has beaten the Husker jinx, liitlf job. Cowan is an issue that the Huskers hadn't counted on. lt was enouph to we Jacoby and Hillenbrand run loose last year, but when better men hoist them from their positions it's time to start woryinp. Jayhawk coach Gwinn Henry writes in deep, sobby tone.1? to this department. "In all my 31 years of coaching I've never seen anything like it. "Never before in my coachinp experience have 1 been so low on reserves. I've pot nine or ten first-rate men that would stack up with the best in the country if I could pive them a few minutes rest durinp the game but that's impossible with the squad I have." Gwinn was referring to the defeat his team took at the hands of Denver Saturday.. Cheer up, Gwinn, maybe wilh this shortage of manpower we'll have robuts on the sidelines soon! Arnot Sparks Betas to Win Beta Theta Pi had too much for the hapless AGR's In the passing combination of Bill Arnot to Jus tin Bergcr as the Jack Best trophy winners opened their defense of the crown with an easy 25-0 win over the AGR's. The Arnot to Berger duo was good for three of the winner's touchdowns. The other Beta counter came on a runback of a pass interception by Bob Holland. Farm House, defending touch football champs, turned back the fighting Xi Phi team, 7-6, in the thriller of the afternoon. This hotly contested game was finally decided in an overtime period when the passing of Bob Min thorne gave the Farm House men the necessary yardage needed for the extra point. Wallace and Peterson were the big guns in the Zip attack. The Phi Psi's combined the ac curate passing of Tom Crummer and the brilliant punting of Camp bell to defeat a stubborn Sig Alph team, 7-0. The winners struck pay dill in the third quarter when Dick Coyne nabbed one of Crum mer"a passes in the end lone. Red headed Neil McCluhan was the whole show for the SAE's. For Your Coking RcndesYOus "on Campus" BUCECS COFFEE SHOP 1131 R Street , M. L Sperling SsmM. Anderson Editor) office a convention of the 1U50C Ed is trying desperately to tfxlay. an oral barrage to otir left. A our right. Before ns (on our a blond talking shop. We are Paul Amen, erstwhile Husker Reach, Fla. here, Amen left last spring to H. Browne was c?.l)ed tc the notes that only Mizzou's reveals that Big Six clubs have 279 total. His chart: 1 t pts opts 0 0 95 20 1 0 26 27 1 0 7 26 2 0 44 91 1 1 0 23 3 0 0 92 3 1 1 1 0 0 the Indiana-Ohio State fracas sophomore comet named Cowan Jacoby, out of the varsity left Allen Zikmund Named Captain Nebraska's blond bomber, Allen Zikmund, will captain his mates against Indiana Saturday after noon in Memorial stadium. "Zik," swift, glue fingered wing back, dazzled the Hosiers last au tumn when he raced 39 yards to tally on a wide sweeping reverse early in the fray. The year pre vious he plucked a Rohrig flip from the atmosphere for the win ning second period touchdown. Twenty years old, the 6 foot 1 inch Ord senior dragged down a Eradley toss for the second period touchdown and set up the first marker by snaring a 20 yard pass on the 4 yard line against Iowa State last Saturday afternoon. Cardy Upped To Lion Tutor Lloyd Cardwell, outstanding Nebraska halfback and All Big Six team member in 1934-35-36, has been announced as backfield coach of the Detroit Lions in the National pro-football league. 7