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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 4, 1942)
Sun3ay, OdoKer it 1942 DAILY NEBRASKAN By Norris Anderson (Sports Editor) 5) It's Life! Today a we tit with our feet on the polished desk top, nxminatirely gnawing upon the typewriter, listening to the drip-drip of the rain and our ale can, a sudden draft strikes out neck. Suddenly we get a faint whiff of shaving lotion, Acne Company brand. We turn around and there grinning sardoni cally down at us is not our bootlegger but MacBeth, himself. Cigar smoke curling up half -hides his face, but we can see he's his usual villianous self black beard, huge boots, and spats. He lounges in one of the chairs, staring at us for several moments without speaking. "Good night for a drunk," he casually observes. Then he reaches over and catches a few drops of ale in his top hat. Tossing it off with tidy dispatch, he thumps his hat and puts it on. Leaning back, he manages to look quite nonchalant de spite two stray trickles of ale sliding down his face. Tictty good ale," he says. Having just finished eight cans we were forced to nod in agreemnt. . "Speaking of women," he starts. We eye him with a cold state. 4 'We weren't. But say, Mac, how do you think the Iluskers stack up against Indiana next week. "Speaking of women," he continues, "they're like pup pies." Having never been bitten by a dog, we listened. He scratches his leg absent-mindedly with the lighted end of his cigarette, then dissertates. "Don't forget, my boy, Etchings are fetching But liquor is quicker." He pulls a shot glass of rum from his toga and eyes it re flectively. "Indiana? If Presnell's kids can stop Hillenbrand they'll make 01' Bo start crying," he continues, pouring the remainder of the keg into his glass. He stands up and adjusts his monocle. "Better watch that kid, Jacoby too. Remember what he did to the Iluskers last year." We did remember the ski ttery -legged Jacoby, who fielded Hillenbrand's tosses so snuggly and drove the Scarlet ends dizyz with his wide sweeps. We also recall howitzer-like Hoos ier fullback, driving Bob White. "I must be off," comments MacBeth. ."I have a blind date waiting for me at Freddy's." Beuig a bit suspicions of any slick date at Freddy's, we looked at him thoughtfully. He walked over to the window and stepped out. Our office was on the third floor of the Journal As we sit staring at the window, a knock on the door startles us. It is our bootlegger. We pay him for the quart of root beer, tip him liberally with copies of last year's Awgwan, throw the empty keg out of the window, and settle down 1o la bor with the root beer at our elbow. iracDIey, RHehany Lead Aeria Offensive Against -Cyclones Cards Forge To Front By Winning, 2-0 NEW YORK, N. Y Oct 3 A great six-hit pitching job by Ernie White, 26-year old left-handed flipper, pave the, St Louis Cardin als a 2-0 victory over the New York Yankees here today. 70,000 people saw the Yanks go down for their second straight de feat and the Cards grab a 2-1 lead in the series. Series box score NEW YORK. UP). The official box score of the third game of the 1942 world series: St Louis ab r h o a e Brown 2b 4 1 1 1 2 0 T. Moore cf ... 4 0 0 3 0 0 Slaughter rf ... 4 0 1 3 0 0 Musiallf 3 0 1 2 0 0 W. Cooper c ...4 0 0 8 0 1 Hopp 1b 4 0 0 8 0 0 Kurowski3b ..211220 Marion ss 3 0 1 0 1 0 White p 2 0 0 0 0 0 Totals 30 2 5 27 5 1 New York ab r h o a e Rizzutoss 4 0 2 2 6 0 HasserMb .... 1 0 0 1 0 0 Crosetti3b 3 0 0 1 1 0 Cullenbinerf ..4 0 1 0 0 0 DiMaggiocf ... 4 0 2 2 0 0 Gordon 2b 4 0 0 3 3 0 Keller If 4 0 0 2 1 0 Dickey c 3 0 1 5 1 0 Priddy 3b-1b .. 3 0 0 10 1 0 Chandler p .... 2 0 0 1 2 0 Ruffing 1 0 0 0 0 0 Breuerp ...... 0 0 0 0 0 1 Turner p 0 0 0 0 0 0 Totals 33 0 6 27 15 1 Ruffing batted for Chandler in eighth. St Louis 001 000 0012 New York 000 000 0000 Runs batted in: Brown, Slaugh tor. Stolen base: Rizzuto. Sacri fice: White. Double plays: Keller and Dickey. Left on base: New York 6, St Louis 4. Eearned runs: New York 0, St. Louis 1. Bases on balls: Off Chandler 1 (Kurow ski); Turner 1 (Musial). Strike outs: Chandler 3 (T. Moore, 2, Slaughter); White 6 (Cullenbine, DiMaggio, Gordon, Chandler, Cro setti. Ruffing). Pitching sum mary: Off Chandler 3 hits, 1 run in 8 innings; off Breuer 2 hits, 1 It's a riot when a Yankee gridiron hero enters. Eton. MICKEY ROONEY in 'A Yank at Eton' Special Pete Smilh'a gridiron thrills HURRY Enter the Hkkey Kooney Contest mi "My Fark beadi Tehnfaie.w free tickets far the 1 best 1M word ray. STUART Laxt 2 Days Crosby-JLiUire la "HOLIDAY INN" Tutidayl 77w HUei4 Tkimg n Irm Sonja Henie John Payne Iceland' 41 way I 2Be STATE STARTS TODAY! The picture all Lincoln will want to see! It shows our mighty Comhuskers battling Stanford in the most thrilling Rose Bowl game of all time! . , Blaze of ACTIUIM. tnc U - t filUHttfll mv- Cbssus . Skfctri rsferm film tonstfte CbssM . Skfcttf rsttwm Ktf ImK tt Utmt lit Males the Gridiron Sizzle and the Coeds Barn! (Continued from Page 1.) Paul Darling so with one minute of the first quarter remaining the tally stood, 6-0. Ki Grabs Pass. Eisenhart started the march for the second quarter touchdown by spearing Lohry's pass into the flat midway in the period. Brad ley tossed a 16 yarder to Jerry 1 on the 18-yard line, then flipped 12 yards to Zikmund down on the 6-yard line. Bradley snaked four yards trrough the center down to the two. Al Zikmund raced wide to the right, Bradley cocked his right wing and let fly directing the pigskin straight into the arms of the Ord whiz as he sped over the NU9 Jayhawks Set to Start Scrap Contest MANHATTAN, Kans., Oct 2. Renewing an age-old Nebraska Kansas fued, this time apart from the gridiron, the Kansas State student body challenged the Husk er students to a scrap drive, Fri day. The Kansas State Collegian, stu dent newspaper proposed that K- State and U. N. battle it out at the weighting scales the chal lenge being part of the bet be tween the states' two governors. Honors will go to the school gath ering the most scrap. To back up the new challenge, a pair of cannons guarding the Nichols gymnasium for the past two decades was' immediately do nated by the Kansans. Pledges of fraternity and soror ity were sent scurrying into attics and basements ar.J men in the school of engineering formulated plans to raise un-used equipment in laboratories including tons of railroad tracks this week as the campus caught on fire with the competitive spirit. Train Shortage Stumps Iowa Sealiawk Crew IOWA CITY, la. Oct 3 A shortage of train seats caused a temporary floundering of the Iowa Seahawks Friday afternoon when they boarded a northbound train for their game with Minnesota's Golden Gophers. When the time of departure from Des Moines approached, LL CoL Bernie Bierman discovered that only 24 seats were available for his 52 man football party. After a momentary delay, space was provided for the remainder of the squad in the dining car. run in 0 (none out in 9th, pitched to 3 batters); off Turner 0 hits, 0 runs in 1. Losing pitcher: Chand ler. Umpires: Ban- (N.L.) plate; Hubbard (A.L.) 1b; Magerkurth (N.L.) 2b; Summers (A.L.) 3b. Time: 2:30. w xfzFrfl w "Pacific N "I Live I 0& II Danser" I double stripes. With Bobby Coop er holding, Vic Schleich disected tthe uprights with his conversion attempt Score 13-0 three min utes left of the second stanza. Third Quarter. Play in the third period see sawed as a warm sun broke loose from the clouds to light up the greensward. Biggest offensive push was the Husker drive which carried to Cyclone 18-yad line. A 62-yard Bradley quick kick had previously pushed the invaders deep intotheir own territory. Eisen hart failed by one yard on a fouilh-down drive to halt the drive on the 9-yard line. Third quarter gun sounded with the Cyclones still driving their initial first down. Joe Partington, a hawk for loose aerials, leaped high at the outset of the last quarter and speared Royal Lohry's long aerial. From Partington's interception at the Nebraska 41-yard marker to the 202 was nearly exclusively a one man drive with booming Howie Debus at the helm. Debus ran cn. for 12 yards, nailed Metheny's 17-yard pass on tthe 15... then really took the tiller. Debus for one, for four, for two, for eight across the right end for touchdown No. 3. His con version missed connections. 19-0. Hopp Trots. Royal Lohry and Paul Darling, twin-motors of the Cyclone of fense, opened on all cylinders after the Debits splurge. Six straight Cyclone first downs came in the final period as a result of the Lohry-Darling blitz but all to no avaiL Just as the attack started to bite into deep Husker territory, chubby Wally Hopp intercepted Lohry's pass on the 33-yard stripe. Scenery was laid for the crowd pleaser of the day. Legs pounding like pistons, Wally picked up four blockers and headed deep down the west side line. One by one the blockers did their job until the Hastings roly- poly had one defender and one offender. Said offender lurched for the hurrying Hopp heels on the Iowa 27-yard stripe. You could nearly hear Wally's brakes screech as he swerved sharply to the right and stumbled 26 li yards goalward. The one-half yard shortage occurred when Wally tumbled heavily on the double stripes. A sharp jab through the middle by Randall Salisbury brought the score. Vic Schleich's conversion boot made it 26-0 with three minutes to go. Roy Long bore the Husker brunt during the closing minutes while Tip pee's passing was the closing Cyclone offensive push. Huskers Click. To single out individual Huskers for recognition is a task. How ever, the play of Howard Debus, Dale Bradley, AI Zikmund and Ki Eisenhart in the backfield was consistently hard-driven and ef- fesuve. Sophomore pivot, Joe Partington shared defensive laur els with his farmer Lincoln high teammate, Forrie Bachman. Bach man broke through several times to toss opposing packers for a loss. Vic Schleich was a power at tackle, Mary Thompson his usual pesky self on one wing, and Jack Hazen effective on the other side. Hazen's pass-caU-hing and defens ive play stxl only a mite higher than Jerry Kathol's. Zikmund gained 42 yards in 10 dashes, Debus 32 in 9 and Eisenhart, 42 in 14. Nebraska closed with 14 first downs to the Iowans six. Joe Part ington put the post-game feelinrr into nearly a consensus thought. "Picked up little over last week, didn't we," grinned Joe from be neath a steaming hower. $uaL UbouL IhsL JiuutiuL Show Ojv faAilv LATEST RECORDS ALL THE BIG HITS Victor, Colombia, Decea, Bluebird, Okcb Tr rmrruUf latitat Ttt WALT'S PLUS! Wanrn William (Th n to Thrift rxM "Counter Enpionage'' Ab SAMMY KATE LINCOLN We Sell Jap Poison! my Tw WAS BOXDS Ml ST A MM Urn