Image provided by: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries, Lincoln, NE
About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 1, 1942)
0 Thursday, October I, 1942 DAILY NEERASKAN i n. rn n a . i im. mm wm mM 2k i -V E . 3 n "T 1 .Z. t. 1 K a ad A 1 lfdUEus Group Plan j Celebrations j For Fridav Many Denomination Entertain .Student Al Parties. Mixers KxtenHive plans liavo lvfn made ny downtown city elintv.lies to par ticipate in thi all-nniverslt v church jvceptmn nit!it tomorrow and itt all-university church Sunday, Christian. The Fird Christian clmtvti, ldth jind R utreeta. w'.ll entertain all student. 4 of the Christian church at x party t hp Hold PYldny iiiiht at 8 o'clock in tlio youth parlor. Oft. 4 will he celebrated as all-univr-sity church Sunday at the First church hy tin' following services Yvinjf people'.-? classes at fl.ta a. m. taui!it hy .fiss Lura Aspui wail and Mr. HVnner Kmij-. Rev B. r.. ftohhttt will preach at thi ll a. m. services on "iCyes of Cod." World Communion Sunduy will he ohserv. A ft or tho service many menihers of tho church are entertaining tho students in their homes for Sun day dlnnor. Tho Y onth H'lloivshm for university studonta v',11 moot at 4:.'lrt p. in. Sunday. HVlloivsIni) around tho fireside at .Villi sanies 5:.'t0 to rt and refreshments at A. Tho worship service will iwjj'.n at :Sn. ftew'p.ohhitt will conduct, a series of studies for ihree Sundays on "What Does It Moan !o ftp a Christian ?" Episcopal. All now students may cot io miainted with 'aeh other and moo! tho upper classmen n a ,cnoral "Mixer" hold in tho .'lull iwrni it" tho Tiniversity liioiscooal church Friday niijhL for ail tiipiseonal stu dents and thoir r"i"iends. Two iveept ions rill ae hold Fri day nuht for tho baptist students ono ar tho Second church '2H1h and L-streets and rho other at tho Sl .i dont House and Firat church. Ail Ag campus students and those living- in Fast Lincoln ar.' invitod to attond tho roooi)! ion at tho Soo ond chur.'h wlior.' tho program will hojjin at T:l." p m. and v.ll consist c.f janios motion pirtiirs and rpiYeshmontj. filty campus .t .nio,-,t. will nioor If L -A lii $? I Arrow Covers the Campus! Arrow Shirt .vill cc. you throtijh all yonr crillci activities anrl otherwise:. Stock np fo Hay vn mm hanrlsome. Arrw fancier in popnlar fftHir styles ami variety cf fabric. ,Vfitftg tailorcf tA fit your frtro, anH Sanfftrierl-Iaheled (fahrie. rink age. lens than Y'f). $2.2." np. fler firf.; smart an Kny smooth, wrinkle.- resistant Arrn-w ties! $1 np. ARROV at M'tn Q SI. at T ill' for a ivccji tion; from thorp oars will Mlo thoni to tho First ,'ImuvM for a ppHod of :tnios lod liy ftoh M:ir ootJo. Aftor a program of ontor tmninont, chiof foam re of which will hp a mayician, ivfro.shmonts will oonoludo tho affair. Ail-nni- roriity Sunday will Iip anpropri atoly ohson'od in hnih i-hiuvhos. Catholic. Tho ohaplains. oiTicors and inotnhor?! of tho NVwuinn oluh would !ili to ot. aoqiuuntod vMh Representative Interviews Students for T4avy Research ftlonday, Tuesday Next Week il' C r.aiuirai ory i" ii.iy .mil Tiiostiay Mini aiiii wonii'it ,il 1 02 social sciiMice hct'ore Saliinl.iy noon. Seniors anil 'V.iiluaM' liKlcntx mi cresl e( n wlomnenf of one tit the ioiaiwinvr are nceiU'i tory: chemist i'y physics i aounu. physical .M)t.cs.. mathematics, metallurgy, radio ni;-.netrinij. I'lertrical entf.noorau;. mechanical onuinopr nii, and motallura'al on '.noeriiu. i"iroup intor.'iows v II op held Monday iiet.nninn at '.I a. m.. and ndi,'dnal .niervews on Taesday. pjean H. (Mdfather announced Vosterday, and application forms will :ip j;V":i out at tho time, of T he nlerv.ow Recently discant inmui; ta policy of mamtainmi; all of ta aeientif.e. and ter-hnieal perannnel n civilian status, 'he iavU research lahora lory aas adopted :he policy of ('nniniissmnuu or oulist.ui; n tho IT. S. naval resprw da sciont.l'.c and technical porjonnol qualified, when necessary or mutually desir ahlo. m view (if this policy men on listed at tiie navy V-7 pro!ra.n and aUorest.'d n rosoarcli or de-'oli-,ivnonf. may siija .ip for an mtcf-'ioH'. I? SHIRTS all Catholic smdontrf. Hio rocop-jtor. Dr. R. A. MVf.'onnoll and front tion will Up Hold n narinrs X Y tho president of tho Sunday F.vo and Z of tho Student tinion FimUiV tunc; ohih. Mi.': -Uow lohnHon. and . . .. a L.t M"...o Iktl.l-l Stlllll- iiiii ii at s i. io nroi:: run im tii.. ......Min.r iiii.hulixi .laurinir .ill 1 1 ' "unics lullinvod by ivtfo.slnnonl.s. Conqrcqatinnal. Ciwiiroaationnl students arc ir ; wtod to attend the annual recep tion and party at First Plymouth, Friday ovoinni;. The pim-rani wll ; feature tho playuu; of tho Oanl-; Ion hy Miss Martha Vernon, oaril lonetir. a demonstration of the threat hy Mr. Myron X Roheits, voetinLja frnm the pas- .iieenson. ivi of the N.ival Hi'se:u'"li is'iinotoii. D. '. w'.ll ho on the campus Mou u iiiicrv im' st iidcnts !'or posn inns in '."S(':i:'"h. Icsiriit'j im erva"v -ihuuiii ma',ii ippouil iiietits 1 in research or ,i. i he I .a nora- Iowa Collie Develop New PlatieProduet A.fF.S, fa. i A CP1). Four plas tic product.; developed from farm products and farm wastes w lali- oratorios of the tnn:nier:n$ ev per'ment station of Towa State' enllene. and shnw;ni definite cnni meivial have heen an-, rtonnced liy Dr. ("J R. Sweeney, re search professor of chemical n--.neorini at the college. X general. Dr. S'vcenoy says, these products could he aiih i'd at a io'v cost for phenolic plastics in hr.-.wt and hlaelt and possihly dar! red colors. Tiicy compare favorihly w:th the phen olic j)last,cs strem;!li. appear ance and water resistance. The first :s a soybean iiieal plas tic which has .'wellenr. str'ii:;tii and could he molded ny compres sion molding. Ivvo are made frim corttenh resins. They hav ood stivneth and can ho used in con tinuous contact v'lh water The fourth i x hydrolyxed cnrnstaih plastic which has excellent strength, ood appearance and good water resistance. fn the la'.Yoratory. the raw ma terial costs for ! raiiiterl fr-.m .1 to H cents per ! ponnil. Bi-zad Dean WAA OPA F'oition f-it Summer 1 ,f. D. Clark, dean of the c.ralee ! of husiness ailnniv.strai .on, tnis STTATIE THRILLS NEVER EQUALLED Oil THE SCREEII -,V.'.f ' H (goaaBMEiinj Marrin JOfil. Vfcf RFi with lraine DAT Herhert r Bud Duncan tAtxe Kenned f 'PRIVATE S.M FH SMITH' st: r A BLAZE OF FOOTBALL ACTION! ShAvpinf .VehrailtA t Ovrnhnsken in the Rah Bowl! nriiE spiiiit op staafokd" with FRANK f A LBF.RT (All-American Quarterback) loaun o ,u i n.v ..m..-. i - lev 'Hio StlillH iMoniH Will he upon and tho rnun w'.ll rniier ;l.'Uo and dance. Refreshment a will tie served hy the women of ttio elnirrh: iiouruiir will h MVs. . A. McConnell and Mrs. R. B Ray Others. Parses are also liemif held hy the PreHliy'ermn, MoihodiHl. Lu theran, and .lewiNh student, fonnila t. mis. pmt summer served as the Wyom ini state pr:ei' officer for th CPA "nl Fri. & Sat. Oct. 2 Oct. 3 ERNIE 1ELPS F and hiK famoun ORCHESTRA 16 Dtcca Cf Okeh Rccnril Artists Otlumiitfi'il ti Ai till ftsf C rtlnrtl AmiiH in plu f.tilnlit "iiicp Ommv I.aiif fiir STAI1TS TODAY! MARHAI.I. Onrge SANDERS day: 0"M S, . It) " ', t ' A hi ) ! Rianol( cnlli'tjc, Saloni,. V.t., ri I'onily oolohratod it.s ono-hnn di'i'dth annivo.r.'mry. .fT-ST AROrT THK FT NNIF.ST mow on earth: h-tt-7 pi in 'P UK fiMtfiiiili 2 Proven Hits 0 "Pacific Lc Bowman Jca-n RnifcrH PtllH "I Live on Daa-er ' ' itarniiir fhi?niir H.irnn .Man PirWr git-wtrd Niirrm lal It P If. Si ' -T $ YOUI HAPPIEST 75 MUJICAt HOUOAYI, rS -V A fete mlti lad ipaklng AnimaJa NEXT! Soaj Haie ia "Iceland" 0 Our Stage 2 5g Doys Thur., Fri. In. Perse a V ( ORCHESTRA J13IMY PALMER HAITI E NOEL Direct From Hollywood! Till r. Hit a I I Jti0ri GEORGE TC8JAS i'Kj' ALLYN JOSLYJI ! ttVGfi BENNY CARTOOV I i . r-1""T . . . . , , raerp Ain't o suen nimi i . I ' rmm f' ! r m : 1.:it, t tii, -,vt:i. - rn J jj NOW PLAYING ." ' mmmmmmwmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmfmmmmmr if i. mini".. V Caua( Sal. MICKEY IOONII