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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Sept. 27, 1942)
Sunday, September 27, 1942 DAILY NEBRASKAN -? I ; Joaeiij... '1 By Janet.Haggart. .J LIEUT. PHIL WEAVER Former ATO of this campus will be down the nrst of this week to spend part of his leave seeing old friends and especially Pi Phi Jo Weaver no relation, don't you know. Jo and Bob James ATO drove to Falls City yesterday to get him. Phil has been located at Ft. McClellan, Alabama, the last few months where he has been announcing seven radio shows a ve i the USO. A ""i E DEAL lain, oears lots of watching is the one between Sig Chi Jimmy Johnson and Alpha Fhi Joanne Kinscy. It all started back in high Bchool but was interrupted when Joanne went to Montocollo last year. However, Jimmy braved one of our worst snow storms to drive down to see her, and now that he has her right here in Lincoln, he keeps the path worn down be tween their houses. LOST: One Mr. Snced of the Delt house. If found, please return im mediately to Tillie Black. Reward. Finder will not be charged for this ad. KAPPA SIG Bill Flory and Alpha CM "Aggie" Fox were doing the town together this week end. This com bination was seen around lots this summer and seems to have car ried over to this fall. Also Alpha Chi Mary Lou Armstrong and Phi Cam pledge Graham Jones were around together Friday night. SOMETIMES COKE DATES Click and sometimes they fall flat as pancakes, but one that really hit the deck was the one DU Roger Anderson had with new DG pledge Pauline Van Horn. In fact they planned to get together again next Friday night. GOING AROUND IN A DREAM Is Florence Johnson from the dorm because of the sparkler she has on her third finger, left hand. It came just recently from a fel low in the army now located at Ft. Sill, Oklahoma. TH ETA Pat Chamberlin and Sig Chi Bob Hudson seem to be hitting it off very well lately. They met, even before college days, at a horse show here in Lincoln and since they are both interested in said beasts, they find much to talk about. DELTA GAMMA Janet Krause and ATO Jack Higgins were together Friday night which makes their third date in a row. For further develop ments watch this column. Also at the ATO house the telephone has ben ringing a lot lately especially . since George Abbott received four calls from Denver... a gal, too. And still speaking of the DGs, Jim Riggs. Beta pledge has been spend ing his time haunting Nina Scott, little lady of that house. Gwen Skoglund and George Albin, Sig Nu pledge, danced to Ted Lewis last night. A CIGARET CASE With a Kemper crept is being flashed around by Pi Phi Virginia Davidson, but the case belongs to DU Dick Martin. However, he doesn't seem very anxious about getting it back. Aircraft Corporation Hires '42 UN Grail George Lewis, who was gradu ated with the class of 1942 is now employed by the Wright Aeronau tical corporation in Patterson, New Jersey in the experimental test department. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Lewis, of Lincoln. LATEST RECORDS ALL THE BIG HITS Victor, Columbia, Decca, Bluebird, Okeh Tr Fraternity InilfnUi FREE Each Record Parebaiel tt 1140 Morrill (Continued from Page 1.) wind up this year's exhibits, from May 16 to 24. Faculty Exnibits Work. Today's exhibit will include re cent productions of seven members of the instructional staff of the art department, Thealtus Alberts' newest piece of sculpture, a heroic size head, "Warrior." Several wa tercolors and drawings of Kady Faulkner made during her sum mer in Colorado and also scenes of Colorado mountains in witercolor by J. Richard Sorby will be shown. Dwight Kirsch will show the complete process by which a silk screen print was made of a Ne braska summer landscape. Exam ples of work by Lyda Dell Bur ry and Katherine Schwake will be shown and several flower arrange ments from plants grown in her summer garden will be contributed by Gertrude Moore. Visiting hours are 8:30 to 5:30 on week days, and 2 to 5 p. m. Sundays. Engineers . . . (Continued from Page 1.) also the professor of military sci ence and tactics if the student is enrolled in an institution having an advanced ROTC unit. These students will be permitted to continue their course on the condition that they meet the pre scribed and published scholastic mO) f)V f I'l b J standards established by the offi cials of the university and also that they graduate on the sched uled date. Commissioned Immediately. These students, if found quali fied, are originally appointed in the army of the United States in the grade of second lieutenant. They are ordered to immediate ac tive duty and assigned to the elec tronics training group. Students whose major study is chemical engineering, mechanical engineering, or a field other than electrical engineering or electronic physics, may be considered for the enlisted reserve corps with assign ment to the electronics training group if they are scheduled to take a concentration of courses in the field of electronics. BUBS? UNITED STATES OEjDS STAMPS Not exact I 1 Uluilratiom, 9 Here Is List Of Schools willi Top Enrolments CINCINNATI, O. (ACP). An nual statistical reports on attend ance at American colleges and uni versities, compiled by Dr. Ray mond Walters, president of the University of Cincinnati, show that, as in previous years, the University of California, on its Berkeley campus, has the greatest number of full-time students of college grade. Enrolment at the first ten uni versities is as follows: California (Berkeley), 13,968. Minnesota, 13,484. Columbia, 13,072. Illinois, 12,694. Ohio State, 11,730. New York university, 11,698. Michigan, 11,226. Wisconsin, 10,545. Texas, 9,579. University of Washington, 8,774. Kosnict Kluh Meets Tuesday at 5:30 Kosmet Klub will meet Tuesday at 5:30 rather than at 7:30 as originally scheduled, Max Laugh lin president, announced. The Kos met Klub office in the Union will be the meeting place. IN DELIGHTFUL LITTLE JUNIOR FROCKS Look pretty and feminine for campus parties. And these are perfect dresses for 'after five' funl See our collection of 'after dark' fun clothes . soft little dresses, lace-trimmed velvets and dressy crepes ... all priced for easy owning 1 Pictured . . . Marvelous dresses for 'special' occasionsl Stunning draped bodices, figure - moulding skirts. Have one in black love it foreverl And wear it as it is or heap it with charming costume jewelry. Sizes 12 to 20, 9 to 17. Kampas Korner GOLD'S... Third Floor Miss Guest Teaelies Miss Gwendolyn Guest is now teaching at Wahoo. A recent Daily Nebraskan erroneously mis pelled Miss Guest's name. Counselors Meet Tuesday There will be a mass meeting of all Co-ed Counselors Tuesday Sep tember 29 at 7:30 at Ellen Smith Hall. All Co-ed Counselor big sis ters must be at this meeting. Educational clinic of City col lege, New York, established in 1913, was the first one opened in this country for treatment of mal adjusted children. Blind Winifred Moore, 23, and Rex, her shepherd dog, received sheepskins together from Missis sippi Southern college. RECORDS Visit Lincoln's Largest Record Department We Carry All Hakes DIETZE MUSIC HOUSE 1280 "O" WALTS o I .. . W-r- St.