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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Sept. 27, 1942)
DAILY NEBRASKAN Sunday, September 27, 1942 Daily Outlines Functions, Activities Sponsored, Officers of Six Prominent Extra-Curriculor Organizations Operating on Nebraska Campus group is also primarily a service organization and like the Cobs co-, operates with other groups. They usher at uni- s y Even in war time, student acti vity and interest is not limited to the classroom. On the UN cam pus there are several organizations which serve as an outlet for stu dent energy. Here is an outline of the organi zations which figure prominently in campus extra-curricular activi ties: MORTAR BOARD Mortar Board, the senior woml en's honorary, masks twelve jun ior women at the Ivy Day cele bration each year. The society honors the high scholastic aver age, activities- minded women on the campus. The society sponsors an in t e r-organisa-tion. The Mor tar Board Tar ty, an annual vice versa af fair at which six eligible bachelors on the campus are presented, is sponsored by this group. Officers for this year's group are: Dorothy Wcirich. president: Susan Shaw, vice president: Syl via Katzman, secretary; Shirley Phelps, trer surer. INNOCENTS The traditions of the honorary Innocents society are perpetuated each spring by the tapping of 13 activities mind ed juniors. The out-going sen ior Innocents do the honors at the Ivy Day celebrations. This group s p o n s ors the J uni or-Sc:iior Prom, the se lection of cheer leaders and the sale of frech- men caps. They f si i. 1 : i Jiim-t Curlry. From l.Micoln Jumna!. IlDMlliy Wi-irirli. from Li ii' i'n Jnur;il. 1 i J It J it 5jt Vrnton Hy. From Lincoln Journal. also have charge of the Homecom ing Celebration, and the Fresh men Convocation. The president of thi.-i veir's or ganisation is Preston Hays; vicc- tary, Max Laughlin; treasurer, Bob Schlater and sergeant-at- arms, Fred Metheny. AWS The Associated Women Students is an organization of all women students on campus. The adminis trative duties are divided among three bodies. The executive board of 14 members ; is elected each spring by wom en students; the legislative body is composed of the presidents of all the or ganized houses; and the judicial bodv. known as the AWS court tries all violat ors of AWS rules nnd en forces the point system for wom en's activities. AWS sponsors the Intersorority Sing at Ivy Day. The organiza tion is financed by Coed Follies at which original sluts are pre sented by women s houses, l-ach house presents candidates for Typical Nebraska Code. The Penny Carnival and th? Ivy Day Tea Dance are also fund raisers. This year the group is cooperat ing with the Student Foundation in an attempt to get freshmen stu dents interested in activities. Janet Curley is president of AWS this year. KOSMET KLUB Kosmet Klub, men's dramatic society, presents a fall show each year composed of the best original skits by sororities, fraternities and organized houses on the campus. The Nebraska S w e e t h ea rt, who is elected by secret ballot, is prese n t e (1 along with Prince ICosmet. Usually a musical comedy is pre s e n t e d each spring by an all male cast. A contest is sponsored for the best play Li M:l lltlthlin. From Lincoln Journal o - - - . ha - j me ui'M jllily riuiii I.HIUHII irui nn :. president, Larry Huwaldt; secre-jand nui.iical score presented and fcigh blood pr-- ml .7 a"- n- it- ';- i I.TTu V ?' .1 . iff 11 rr hi O NOW rLAYING m R ii or tiuj; "INDIA AT WAS" Moll ft.nM'a "DONALDS GARDEN"" J JUST ABOUT THE FUNN'EST SHOW ON EARTH f ll '"'"rv, niinnri i BRIAN JANET A12E011E BLAIR 4 '4i , GEORGE TOBIAS ALLYN JOSLYN H t IjiiiPi! A COLUMBIA PICTURE WEDNESDAY the winners receive prizes. The Klub also sponsors the in terfratemity sing on Ivy Day. A cup is presented to the best sing ers. A scholarship fund is also sponsored by the group. Each year 15 new members are chosen from Kosmet Klub work ers to replace the graduating sen iors. CORN COBS Corn Cobs, the UN men's pep club choses 16 members from a large group of hard-working pledges. The group cooperates with a large group of campus organiza tions in drives and publications. The Cobs also sponsor activities independently. The group is mainly a service organization. Their first duty is to conduct the freshmen tour of the campus. The group plans and leads all rallys when the season starts and sells flowers at the games. They cooperate with the Tassels in presenting the Home coming Dance. When basbctball season starts they lead the cheer ing. This year's president is Frank White; vice-president. Jack Ho gan; secretary is Max Laughlin, and elected treasurer was to have been Sheldon Kaufman. TASSELS The sister organization of the Corn Cobs is the Tassels. The Ilusker Football Fans To Ilea? 100-Piece loica State Band Nebraska football fans will hear the 1942-43 premier performance of Iowa State's 100 piece band at the Cornhusker-Cyclone game to be held here Oct. 3. The band, which is directed by Prof. Alvin R. Edgar, has made plans for novelty entertainment features thruout the season. A" Faculty Again Hold; Reception for Students In Activities Builtliu Annual reception of the ag faculty for all students on that campus will be held Saturday night in the student activities building at 8 p. m. Dancing and entertainment will be features of the evening as well as the introduction 'of ag faculty members. FQ&yiCTO KY 3UY UNITED STATES WAR BONDS AND STAMPS -I uhmmhhhJ 1 INVEST IN VICTORY! Our boys can take the War to the enemy, if we back them up with ships and tanks and guns ! But that takes money ! Help your Government to put the tools of war into the hands of our soldiers by purchasing War Savings Bonds and Stamps. And remember . . . just one Bond can't lick the Axis any more than just one gun! It takes millions of Americans buying War Savings Bonds and Stamps every pay day! Bonds cost $18.75 and up . . . and they pay you back one-third more in only 10 years ! Stamps cost 10tf, 25e and up . . . poon total the price of a Bond if bought regularly. Help our boys on the fighting fronts wherever they may b ! Buy War Savings Bond3 as an investment for yourself and your country. u COFFEE SHOP FINE FOODS LOW PRICES OPEN ALL NIGHT Phone 2-7749 140 North 10h Street ' versity concerts and conv oca tions at the Coliseum. A Pep Queen is chosen at the H o m e c oming Dance when it is presented by the Corn Cobs and the Tassels. This year's p r e s i dent of Tassels is Jean V v 1 Inn C. farmer. From Lincoln Journal. Christie. Thesociety is affiliated with Phi Sigma Chi and its mem bers must have an 80 average to be initiated. Prof Says, cComc On Depression, Well Lick Yon- AUSTIN, Tex. (ACP). Eco nomic depression after this war can be avoided, in opinion of Dr. C. E. Ayres, University of Texas economist. Dr. Ayres suggests as America's postwar slogan, "Come on. Depression . . . We Licked Hitler and We Can Lick You." The economics professor said the government's immense spend ing program will help redistribute the wealth and thus furnish a hedge against depression. Re-designing of industry to produce ci vilian needs, increased by war time scarcity, can provide jobs for millions now turning- their efforts to war production. STMJE AIwt 25c STARTS TOBfAY! DOUBLE BARRELED THRILL ENTERTAINMENT! iff si 5 3(i$i5 (mm 1 ?v iff i A burlesque queen $fYi learns why Oueen " 1$ hailed as the J ,v, ki9 ' sleuthil -WILLIAM &ARGJUI oi tilery Que a and MARGARET LINDSAY as Nikki Porter in V 0 mm?? mm CHARLEY GRAPEWIIJ ; Hum! Thrill No. 2!! 'iWIUi'UMil wr nr.i.t war JTAMM