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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Sept. 25, 1942)
8 DAILY NEBRASKAN Friday, September 25, 1942 So ocieiu. By Janet Haggart. Bob McNutt Who came back from St. Lucas island, where he was working last year 10 give the Nebraska coeds a break, says that he has plenty of time and lots of monev and is look ing for a girl to spend it on. All applicants call the Sigma Chi notise. This offer is for a limited time only and is subject at any time, uais, get to that phone! Duke Schatz, Bob Cline, and Don Anawalt. Siema Nus. are al ready making plans to return to o - If .11 . . . outi vauey come unnstmas vaca tion because of interests thev ae quired while vacationing there this summer. Duke is playing the field again since he has his pin after being in Pi Phi Joan Emmerson's possession for a while. Don man ages to stay in a quandry over his two Kappa affairs. He just can't matte up his mind, While sneak ing of the Sig Nus, the fellows rrom that shack are going to the Turnpike Saturday night enmasse, to show their 44 new pledges some liincom night life. Pi Phi "Mtrge" Koupal left Wednesday for Cheyenne to see Hugh Mc Kemia who is a second lieutenant in the army at Fort Warren. They are ma King plans for wedding bells soon. While part of the Pi Phi house is making wedding plans an other part is on the sphtup list! Pat Caley who has been wearing Don Shaneyfolfs DU pin since last year returned it Tuesday night and called the whole deal off. That should be an interesting hour da nee the Pi Phis have with the DUs Saturday night with all the broken romances between these two houses. Rumors Are around the Sig Alph resi dence that Louis "Girl-slayer" Sey bold has a blind date Friday night with a little lass from California. Still around 635 North 16th, Ray Beechley and Dick Nash will be Turnpike bound this week end with Sally Sears, the little Alpha Phi pledge from New York and Alpha Chi Betty Mahan. Sig Alph pledge Bud Brown from the west coast thinks Tri Delt pledge Betty Dicks is just about the right stuff, and spends much of his time keep ing the telephone wires hot be tween their two houses. Doing The Town This week end will be Pi Phi pledge Marilyn Simpson with Delt Bud Bartle, Peg Miles Theta pledge and DU Dave Andrews who will be double dating with Jean Mover Pi Phi and Chick Schmitt who is leaving for the army soon. Dorm bigwigs Maxine Lynn and Laura Lee Mundil will be around with Herb Hopkins and Frank O'Connel, and Mary Sinclair Alpha Phi pledge with DU flash Tom Drummond. Sig Eps Harold Largen and Bob Hender son will be Turnpike bound too with Carene Woodworth Tri Delt and Alpha Phi Helen Hickman Saturday. Elden Snodgrass new pledge of that hut is giving active Ray Miller stiff competition with Jean Lingenfelter AOPi. The brothers are plating bets on the outcome. Phi Gain. Are very happy on pledging Jim Meyers of York Wednesday. Jim, who was voted best football player in the state last year, had an of fer to go to Notre Dame and play but he prefers dear old UN. Also Phi Gam Chet Ferguson has a big week end ahead of him with dates with Thetas Becky Wait and Jean York and K.tppa Dorothv Jean Brown. It's People Like DG Betty Simodynes and Beta Don Stewart who keen the camnus guessing and the brothers and sis ters tearing their hair wishing they would make up their minds. iow tney seem to have evei vthiner smoothed over again and plan to be together Saturday night, but anything can happen before then. Puzzled too is Catherine Sloan who really should get a date book so she could keen her dates NIA Council to Sponsor Matinee Football Dances in Union; Kickoff on October 3 Matinee football dances start ing Oct. 3 will begin barb activi ties sponsored by the NIA Ne braska Independent Association this fall. Successfully held after every home game in the past two or three years, these dances are given with a duo purpose: to furnish en tainment for students, both af filiated and barb, and to raise money with which to carry on the barb social program this year. The NIA Council heads the ac tivity program of the unaffiliated students on the campus. Organ ized last spring to further political and social interests of both men and women not belonging to greek letter groups, the NIA takes the place of most of the former barb organizations functioning in past years. Three other groups are be- DormPhones Will Not Ring Late at Night Sorry, fellows, but you can't call your girls at the dorm before breakfast nor in the wee. wee hours after a hard night of study. Telephone service bocins at the residence halls at 8 . nv nH closes at 10:30 Sunday thru Thurs day with the exchange open until 12:30 on Friday and Saturday. Many students have been calling the dorms after hours, according to Marcerv Johnson, head resi dent of Raymond Hall. xou cant even use a ruse to cet a eirl to the nhone after the exchange closes: for only in cases ot extreme emergency can a girl be contacted and then one of the head residents conveys the mes sage to the girl. If vou feel von have to contact your flame in the middle of the nigm your Dest Det is to start a student carrier-pigeon service. straight. For a good date filing system, see Phi Psi Spence Porter. Visiting Sister Alpha Phis has been Joan Sheldon who was married recently to Bill Connor former track star. Bill is now in the army located at Fort Bliss, Texas. Newcomers Moved Up on Iowa Team IOWA CITY, Sept. 21. New faces were seen on the Iowa ver sity lineup yesterday as Dr. Ed die Anderson sent his charges through the first intensive drill of the week in preparation for their Saturday encounter with the untried Nebraska Cornhuskers. The outstanding performances of sophomore backs Chuck Uknes and Duke Curran in last Satur day's opener was enough to war rant their promotion to the start ing lineup. Uknes, the "Blond Bomber" from Sioux City led all the backs in last week's game with an average of a little more than 6 yards per try. In order to bolster the injury riddled center position, which was left wide open when veteran Bob Lauterbach suffered a knee in jury, Anderson has moved sopho more Bob Weber to the starting pivot position and shifted Henry Blum from guard position to un derstudy Weber. The Hawks spent most of the first practice session in an inten sive signal and blocking drill. Coeds Register Monday, Tuesday for Lineolnettes All university women who are interested in becoming Lineoln ettes are asked to register Mon day or Tuesday, Sept. 28 or 29, between the hours of 2 to 5 p. m. at the office of the dean of women, Mrs. Verna Boyles. ginning their work this fall, how ever. Barb Interhouse Council is com posed of representatives from th women's co-operative houses and ) dormitories on the campus and sponsors parties and eet-np. quainted gatherings as well as dis- ' cussing me problems of campus ; life. I Functioning smoothly for four . years, rowne juid was organized for Lincoln coed3 at the univer sity, and since its beginning this group has increased both in size and influence in barb affairs. The newest camnus organiza tion, the Inter-Co-op Council, got off to an auspicious start last spring when it held a semi-formal dance in the Union on April 17. composed or tne tour mens co operative houses at UN. Baldwin Hall, Ag College Boarding Club, rioneer o-op, and the cornhusker , Co-op, this group has as its pur pose the promotion of co-onera- Imn a . ... t a nH J 1 . - viw civniurs anu closer associa- tion between existing organiza tions. Emphasis will be placed on co-operative buying, education, a ana social activities. A new men's co-op. oranizM last spring and starting this fall wnn a tun membership will prob ably join the Co-op Council. Ap proximately 150 men belonir to the other four. RECORDS Visit Lincoln's Largest Record Department We Carry All Makes DIETZE MUSIC HOUSE 1280 "0" 0 rtt I AND OUR OWN Junior Fashions Whether it's date time, class time or just an afternoon or evening out with the gang your fun will run higher if you're wearing one of these "Sweethearts of Fashion." We've many brand new arrivals so plan to be here Saturday See them in all their glory. Sizes 9 to 17. O Warm Winter Casuai Coats 29.95 and 39.95 pi I Shop On Both Our Second fir Third Floors