Image provided by: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries, Lincoln, NE
About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Sept. 23, 1942)
Wednesday, September 23, 1942 DAILY NEBRASKAN , ? ietti... a By Janet Haggart, Hour Dance , . . start this week end and the Kappa Sigs will be over dancing with the Chios and the Dorm, the Phi Gams at the Thtta and Alpha Chi huts, the Sig Chis with the DGs and Gamma Phis, the Pi Phis and DUs will dance tcgther, the Kap pas with the Betas and ATOs, and the Alpha Phis with those SAEs and Phi Ps-is. Friday night the -Ac- o o o o o o o o o o o r Better stop right row and plan on seeing ERROL FLYNN and RONALD REAGAN Nancy CoUman Raymond Massey o ooooooooooo STARTS FRIDAY ON THE STAGE Gala Stage ?evue "DARKTOWN SCANDALS" a II I I I IMf't " STARTS FRIDAY mc t Irvin9 1 nHj" Berlin's HOLIDAY, mw 1 IIKC f RED CROSBY-ASTAIRE Morjorit RfyncldiC. L Virgin? Dot I 1 J WelttrAbtl - I Always a fS Hll Pledges . (Continued from Page 2)4 Kepledges. Carl Loerch Merlin James. F.lroy Brugh. Ned Nutziuan Ray To man. Norrl9 Anderson. Bill McNalr. Jim Malowney. Phi Kappa Psi Pledges. Perry Branch, Lincoln, John Williams. York. Stewart Haiiptman, Sail Lake City, Utah. Fred Hecox, Cozad. Henry Harmon Diers, Lincoln, Pete Foe, Lincoln. Howard Johnson. Omnha. Jack Blankouship, Lincoln. Bill Todd. Lincoln. Harris Bnrhcr. Lincoln. Kdwln Freeman, Denver, Colo, Ted Liggett. L'tica. Jumea Morrow, Columbus. Alpha Chis and Phi Gams are planning for a picnic out at An telope, providing it doesn't snow. Kappa Sigs . . . held initiation Monday night for Warren Rounds who was inducted into the army this noon and will be unable to come back to dear old NU. Speaking of the Kappa Sigs Ray Hutchinson, transfer from Carnegie Tech, has already been showing DG pledge Jean Swarr around Lincoln. Around Lincoln i togther this week end will be Theta pledges Joan Bohrer and Jean Dresden with Kappa Sig Aubry Fetttt and Phi Gam Morne Dingwell. And Chi O Edna Mae Neidermeyer and Dick Holm Sig Nu who used to be seen together often, will be together again. Shir ley Cannady Tri Delt pledge will be doing the town with ATO pledge Warner Stevens who is the brother of Tri Delt pledge Ann Stevens who will be with Kenny Elston pledge brother of Warner Stevens. Did you get that? DU . . . Kenny Newhouse and Gamma Phi Jean Gettis had a reunion during rush week here in Lincoln. Jean is teaching in Grand Island these days while Kenny is in the dear old army. On ami Off Romances . . . are on again. Ruth Westover Alpha Phi and Stan Wentz, Fiji pledge, decided to try it again and are now on the steady list. Every one was a little worried about that deal this summer. And Phi Delt Hank Green and Gamma Phi Helen Kieselbach are dating again after a stormy splitup before rush week. However, they haven't de cided on calling it seady yet. BUY USED BOOEiS NOW AMD SAVE! The largest stock of used textbooks is now available to Nebraska stu dents. Purchase them now! Get used books so that you may save paper for your country as well as cash for yourself. Longs can cut your school costs this year and help save valuable paper supplies because they have the larg est stock of used books in the mid dlewest. And second, because they have purchased thousands of books from other Universities where they are not in use this yar but they ARE in use at Nebraska. So buy here and Save. Carl Vohlnnd, Jr.. Goring. Walter Metz, Alliance. Pon Bock, Omaha. Ted Waechter, Omnha. Pick Knudsen, Omaha, Van Ketzler, Omaha. Boh Togt, Fremont. Pick Runnellg. Pick Coyne, Omnha. Coleman Furr, Lincoln. William Cumpbell, York. Repledges. Bennett Clark, Ashland. Kalph Mallot, Scottsbluff. Sigma Alpha Epsilon V ledge. Russell Rutherford, Omaha, Norman Milton, Wnhoo. Bernard Diers, Scottsbluff. Ray Bochmer, Lincoln. Jamei McKlnnoy, Omaha, John Lee, Denver, Colo. Robert Cooper, Omnha. Thomas Conrad, Jr., Omaha, Bob Jeffrey, Omaha. Bob Gossett, Sioux City, la. Pave Punslng, Omaha. Wllford Hatfield, Talmage. Carroll Meyer, Columbus. James Griffith, Lincoln. Paul Heimbroek, Lincoln. Ramey Beachly, Lincoln, Don Wilkinson, Curtis. M. Miller Payne 111, Hamburg, la, Gordon Hamilton, Norfolk. Jack Lumiulst, Sioux City, I. Calvin Walden, David City. Lcland Blackstone, David City. Dick Lahr, Lincoln. Charles Brown, Lons Bench, Calif. George Laughlln, Lincoln. Lon Oldhan, Lincoln. John Green, Holdrege. oaylord foiling, Lincoln, Keith Uehlii.g, Omaha. Ch-irles Bradley, Lincoln. Gordon Andrcsnn, Seottsbluff. Ix-wis Aukes, Red Cloud. Wayne Kingery, Lincoln. Nolan Oudcrkirk, Casper, Wyo. Rcplrdgcs. Bill Hewlt, David City. Bill Hawkins, Omaha. Warren Ludl, Wahoo. Sigma Alpha Mu Pledges. Danny Katzman, Omaha. Morris Bittner, Fremont. Albert Joe Nechman, Omaha. Harry Fcllman, Omaha, Sam Granger, Lincoln. Irvln Bravermnn, Grand Island, Burton Veta, Cheyenne, Wyo. William Cohen, Omaha. Sidney Greenbaum, Omaha. Maurice Mlllman, Sioux Falls S. I Repledgea. Gene Sherman, Sioux City. Ta. Myron Levlnson, Rapid City, S. D. Burnell Webman, Fremont. Sigma Chi Pled (es. Jack Grainger, Lincoln. Boh Hudson, Jr., Lincoln. Keith Bollerup, McCook. Jack Kelllker, Omaha. John Bovlware, McCook. Bill Heintzllman. Lyons. Franklin Christensen, Lyons. James Williama Chappell, Lincoln. Paul Crellln, Lyons. John Rclnecke, Schuyler. Pon Hyde, Lodgepole. Elwin Rending, Lyons. Don Benning, Norfolk. Bert Nelson, Lincoln. Mark Guinan, Lincoln. Dick Toren, Lincoln. Wallace Unuk. Schuyler. Mavnard Miller, Lincoln. Robert Van Sant, Lincoln. n.-h Vnnnkin. Lincoln. Dick Dawson, Lincoln. Repledgcs, John Dale Allen Dale Bob Moomaw Gil Ryder Ronald Metz Rusty Roberta Jack tUmtmuii Sigma Nu riedrs. Robert Rnmburg. Lincoln. Val Strctton, Lincoln. George Alhln, Lincoln. Douglas Terry, Lincoln. Hal Johnson, Lincoln. Frederick Langenheim, Lincoln. Don Grant, Lincoln P. J. Kroger, Grand Island. Keith Adkisson, Lincoln, Keith Sutton, Lincoln. Jef Nilzel. Jr., .Grand Island. Bcrnie Anderson. Lincoln. Goorge Shaw, Lincoln. Frank Anderson, Lincoln. Jim Hungate, LLtneoln. Byron Petersen, Atkinson, Neb. Frit Craig. II, Lincoln. Jack Lorensen, Pender, Neb. Donald Chnpin, Casper, Wyo. Roland Tence, Aurora, Neb. Jack Kennedy, Omaha. John Hummel, Joliet. 111. Richard Weir, Omaha, Bill Wiseman, Omaha. Harry Pagcls, Jr., Beatrice, Neb. Richard Fuller, Omaha. Clifford Bloonificld. Cheyenne, Wyo. Ronald Saimielson, Franklin, Neb. David Grindbcrg. Sioux City, la. Ivan Hasek, Sioux City, la Robert Rogers, Pueblo, CoU. Charles Adams, Sioux City, la. Leonard Davis, York, Neb. Don Barker, Alliance, Nob. F.dward Daniel, Aurora, Neb. Ray Henderson, Franklin, Neb. Charles Pierce, Omnha. Clifford Kdwarda. Jr., Kearney. Dan Babeock, Hastings. Feldman Jones. Sioux Citv, la. Charles Whitehlll, Sioux Oil y. la. Lynn Reed. Torringlon, Wyo. Thomas Vierling, Omaha. Arthur Salisbury, North Platte, Neb. Kepledges. James Alexander, Lincoln. Richard flalchelder, Cheyenne, Wyo, Bruce Busman. Omaha. Zane Cole, F.mniet, Neb. Lee Farmer, Alliance, Neb. Keith De Lashmutt, Burwell, Neb. Bob Holman, Lincoln. Jack Young, Llrvoln. Don Young, Wicnita, Kas. Sigma Phi Epsilon Pledge. Harold I-nrgen, Creighton, Neb. Julian Gordon. Newark, N. J. Bill Dolphin. Bloomfield. Neb. Marions Woldneck, Spencer. Dick Gelwlck. Falls City. Warren C. Dawson, Bloomfield. Robert Pucelik, Spencer. Lee Bllesman, Denlson, la. IT MM, fm p' Hi l i vll 7" 0 for campus wear. Miller's lias a larpe proup of these all-occasion Sportleiglis with "duration durability ... in blue, fawn, brown and beige. Ileeces and tweeds sizes 12 to 20. 229S Miller's Bob Ashburn, Tllden. John Btcvenaon, Center, Neb. Charles Stevenson, Jr., Center. Boden Portwood, Davenport. Kugene King, Madison. Don Moore, Lincoln. F.ldeen Snodgrass, Nellgh. Gardie Beavers, Jr., Davenport, Robert ciembol, Columbus. Allen Hetmanek. Schuyler. Thomas Wohlford, Schuyler, Krncst Filter. Bloomfield. Klwin Hetmanek, Schuyler. Donald Vlele, Harrison. Ca.siwr Tlieisen, Osmond. Ralph Sears, Lincoln. Robert D. Kock, Harrison, Don Geyer, Crawford. Joe Jachum, Sutherland. Gilbert Allen. Stanton. Bill Lyons. Netaon. Verne Hill Hcpledges. Theodore Anderson, Lincoln. Floyd Blanchard, Friend, Leon Brown, Harrison. L. Ijturen Calhoon, Benedict. Mnrvln Faultis Dick Folda, Schuyler. Alvin Holmes, Ashland, Dick Seagrcn, Omaha, Kmet Wendt, Lincoln. Harry McGce, Omaha. Lambert Bartels, pavid City. Theta Xi James Rweenle, Nemaha. Bob Helse, Missouri Valley, la. John Haskctt, Jr., Nemaha. Jack Morehead, Omaha. Donald Fltzpatrlck, Omaha. IRoy Reams, North Platte. Francis Seid, Auburn. Frank Schreidcr, Omaha, Keph-dget. Dale Worth, Palton. Hubert Feng, York. Merlin Hermsmeyer, Scotia. Arlln Shoemaker, Scotia. Wallace Provost, Lincoln, Don Hcrzog, Lincoln. Lowell Anderson, Wausa, Zeta Beta Tau Pledges. William Stirsler, Omaha. Herbert Rosenbaum, Sterling, Colo AMen Lincoln, Omaha. Willard Bailln, Sioux City. Joseph Bolker, Omaha. George Scholnlek, Omaha. Robert Weinberg, Fremont. Robert Frompkln, Omnha, Walter Simon, Lincoln. Albert White, Omaha. Stuart Goldberg, Lincoln. Repledge. Alvin Nogg, Omaha. THOROUGHBREDS . . . villi the casual trood looks you love ?25 299S Coats Second Floor 0 FEATURING S nrn Txt Book StudQt Sppn DC3I1 ZTCZ; ADA COII pftirs i with 30 Harlem Entertainers I