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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Sept. 23, 1942)
Wednesday,, September 23, 1942 DAILY NEBRASKAN FORTY-SECOND YEAR , . Subwription Rates are $1.00 Per Semester or $1.50 for the College Year. $2.50 Mailed. Single copy, 5 Cents. Entereat aa second-clase matter at the postoffice in I-inooln, Nebraska, under Art of Congress March S, 1879, and at special rate of postage provided for in Section 1103, Act of October 3, 1917. Authorized September 30, 1922. Published daily during the school yew except Mondays and Saturdays, titrations and examinations periods bv Students of the University of Nebraska under the supervision of the Publications Board. Offices NiRht Day 2-71S1. Editor Business Manager EDITORIAL DEPARTMENT. Managinp Editors Marjorie Bruning. Alaji Jacobs " a.. Editors r.eorse Abbutt, Pat Chambei lin, June Jamieson, Bb filler, Marjorie May. Spoils Norris Anderson Member Nebraska Press BUSINESS DEPARTMENT. Circulation Manager Jim Assistant Bu.sines.s Managers Betty Dixon, M,rton Zuber )n n!'""?. 'ditoriaN are the opinions of the editor and should not be eonstrued to reflect the views of the administration or of the university. Now It Can Be Told Absence rmikes t lie ln-art rrov fonder, so the savin;.' jrors. but a summer vacation lias made many brains hazy eoiieeniing this new fee called "D. X." which is found on each rejrislra tion receipt, Many students, both freshmen ..1 upperclass men, have been unable to translate this new secret symbol, and the hubub it has eausetl in campus gossip groups is beyond expectation. Tins editor has been led to the source of this secrecy and it now becomes my pleasure to inform every student on ihe campus that " D. X." stands for nothing but the DAILY Xlv BRASKAX. To new students, the DAILY XKP.RASKAN is the official student publication of the University of Xcbraskan. Following a student election last sprinsr, recommending that action be taken on universal subscription, the board of regents approved the action, and the paper is now being placed in the hands of every student on the campus. It is the sincere nope ot each member ot this stall, that we may have a loyal following of every person enroling here this fall. Due to our increased circulation, we arc more conscien tious than ever in our effort to make your paper as interesting and helpful to you as possible. A student newspaper should be more than a bulletin of meetings and convocations, it should act a.s a coordinator of all .activities which are being carried on, or which should be undertaken on the campus during a Mar year. This is the aim of your publication. It is your paper. You paid for it. We will do our utmost to make it one of the best bargains you've ever received. inic'n fn) u u L& LL liD WALT DISNEY'S f ""v irti i in ) . 7, AGSUUOYESTORY r - r tt V, DISTRItUTf 0 Y EXTRA f IT'S THKIFJJNOI "New Soldiers Are Tough" NOW :. i:e, ATI' EMI T!l MOVIE STARS I lW WHl y cMo 'k a iy Union Building-. 2 - 7193. Journal 2,3330. Robert W. Schlater Philip W. Kantor Association, 1941-42 Something ntwfryou..oWd Disney h floods the tcreen with rhe laughter, & thrills, romance, suspense and spec- tac!e of Felix Salren's best-seller read j by over 10,000,000 peoplef. .in the fj color-glorious, meta- $ - .v dv-iovous hit that's T) hailed as his best! ft KO RADIO PICTURfS, INC. Special Added At I radiant The U. S. Navy rresents "The BATTLE cf MIDWAY1 to COLOR See Out Heroa hi Aeti "tetermatia rtMUw BKO Xtw VICTORY BALL TONIGHT Pledges . . (Continued from Page 1.) Alpha Tau Omega Fledge. Gould Flags, Lincoln. Frank Elstun, Lincoln. Bill Blackburn, Grand Island. Tom Dworak, Lincoln. Bill Lassan, Sidney. Fred Dickinson, Alliance. John Parkin, Lincoln. Jim Buxton, Lincoln. Harry Gerhard, Lincoln. Bob Uorne, Lincoln. Allen Casey, Johnson. Warner Stevens, McCook. Georgu Hupp, Omaha. James Gunz, Alvo. Henry Andersen, Omaha. Meredith Mitchell, Grand Island. Wilbur Craig, York. Bob Cochran, Lincoln. Kenneth Kinsel, Hasting. Ucore Walton, Jr., Scaisdale, N. T. Konneth Klson, North I'lalte. John Porter, Nebraska City. Hob Newman, Hustings. (ieorKe Surbcr, Omaha. Ponalil James, Kalis City. Bill Gayer, Plnttsmnuth. Kov Lunilnren, O'Neil. Wallace Ol to, York. Rui.vr Kills, Lincoln. Richard Dresden, York. Harold Grant, Yorll. David Wcnh, Grand Island. I'harlt's Zimmerman, Beuinca. Dun Pa pel, Albion. Frank Kolierta, Omaha. lieoi'Ke Clark, Jla.ttlntjs. 1 rvniK Allison, Omaha. Francis Hunt. Norlh Platte, Jack Wenstrand, Lincoln. RepledgcA. Charles Heider. Nnrlh Platte. Bill Munsen. Lincoln, Bob Olson. Omaha. Huland Melick, Alliance. Bill Korpf, Hebron. George Ahbott, Cody, Wvo. Jean McCartney, Norlh Platte, George Wncilt, Scottabliilf. Beta Sigma Psi Plrdnes. LcRoy Thorn, Grand Island. Willard Wenner, Meadow Grove. Herbert Rchm, Clatonia. Carl Ulrick, jr., BK Spring. Leonard Gisaler. Osceola. Walter Irven, Chambers. Glen Moeller, Palmer. Donald Malek, Osceola. Ivrn Malyer. Chamtiers. Berdean Schmidt, Chapman. Carl Scheffel, Grand Island. Paul Austin, Newman Grove, Norhrrt Tiemann, Cami'btll. Kugene Sahs, Wayne. Hepledirem Bert Gissler Orville Schmciding Darrel Otto Harlen Johnson Clifford Wegener Paul Schoenleher Robert Everta Carl Pebler Donald Hilliorn Gerald Roeslar Richard Malek Arthur Schrecker Krwin Wlttman Gilbert Herith Donald .Moizalln Beta Theta Pi IMrdfrs. Dirk Buck, Omaha. Dick Miles. Lincoln. Georee Williams, r., A,Aion. Robert Smith, Hastinns. Dallas Davis, St. Paul. Harold Taylor, jr., SU Paul. Jim Kjkks, OmaJia. Myron Cavender, Lincoln, John Coen, Crexion, la. Todd Storz, Omaha. ?:ugene Neuswjinger, Alliance. B. Wesley Bacon, Treion. Bob Holland. Tekamnh. Bill Weinxarten. Neal Yorker, Lincoln. Lloyd Yorker, Lincoln. Wilbur Wledman. Lincoln. Dale Navatny, Beatrice. Dick Howell, Albion. HuKh Atkinson, jr., Lincoln. Burton Kol.iorn. Lincoln. Dick Smith, Omaha. Jack Clemens, Lincoln. RepK-dgea. Ken Peters, Lincoln. John Saffurd, Lincoln. Delta Tau Delta r ledum. Beveriv Wanscr, Pace. William S. Howell. Page. Jean purter, M.idisun Wayne Pauley. Lincoln. Elclen G. Kreud'nburit Madison. Gordon K. Khlers, Coluuibua. J.m Ward, Lincoln. Bub Havens. Omaha. Allen Hl(mm, Lincoln. Harry V. Mease, Omaha. Wcs Ro.tenalock, Lincoln. Hob SctilessenlHmn, Lini-olo. Hob Keller, Lincoln. 1-avern Curty, David Cl!y. J. Warren Peter'on. Omalia. Allan Smullin, Colorado h,rins. Kuvmond Ciolsant, Oiceola. Dean Kentt, Osceola. Kirl.ard lia(.gait, .St. Paul, Rvpk'dKi . John R. Lincoln. Jim Burden, Lincoln. Kil Nyilen, Beatrice Alan Chapman, BrulrKe. Calvin Mckibiion. Alliance. Robert Kvuns, Lincoln. Joiin, I.iric:ii. Delta Up!ilon l'lritf-. J amen W Jonnmon. Unnnela. John Tiencii.iril, t ..inl.inUt AiiKiitt ("III flensoii. Jr , Colon. Gene Rolitnd, Lincoln. Jihn R Hm in .'i reco, I urn Korke, Liui'oln. l-.IMin II llibir. i'latiamoiith. Willi. mi Pa i nunl er, Limoln Willi un ;. Robertson, Plattrmuuth. Rirliard ;ule, Jr., Lincoln. Donald Kl.rig, Walioo. Jink i I a 7ri . Omaha. Ray K. Bellows, Hiair. Vernon Eellow, Jr.. Hlalr. John Driimmond, PaviU city. Ham Bale, Lincoln. Hlcbard LacKaee, Basset. Carter Kolsjer, Kidney. Hotiert W'nkins, Geneva. Newton Price, NoMh Platte. Robert Trenctinnl. Cambridge, Laverne Prang, Valentin. William tikoK, Omaha. Dean U. Forke, Lincoln, Robert Chaitaln, York. Bill Schnaae, Lincoln. Bill Kallff, York. Bill McCormick, York. Kepledgei. Fred Aleaander, Lincoln, Bert Brown, Lincoln. Fred Caaaidy, Lincoln. Darlt Larson, Wausa. Ionartl Fbinegao, NorUi PIMta. Don Krtccaen, Arnold. John Hardy, Omaha. Bob Rowher, Fort Calkoun. Will Wllkini. Geneva. Dick Lyman, Lincoln. Hurl Martin, Lincoln, Pick Murtln, Lincoln. John Slot how ei, Lincoln. Jerry Tubbs, Lincoln. Steve Wiles, Platlsmouth. Jerry White, Lincoln. Kent Kratz, Lincoln. Dick Finnell, Lincoln. . LeRoy Kllng, Wiihoo. Farm House rhMtire. Grant Cornelius, Madrid. Dale Erlewlne, Oi;allala. Gale Erlewlne, Ogallala. Lyle Droge, DuBols. Mnynard Jensen, Aurora. Dale Shier. Gibbon. Robert Peterson, Gibbon. Repledgft. Dale Brockcmier, Wisncr. Vic CUrk, Neola, la. Ben Herpoldshieiner Merle BrlncKiir Charles Brim, Holdrege. Lee Messcrsmilh Kappa Sigma I'll dues. Earl Green, Jr.. Broken Eow. John Conklin. Lincoln. John K. Burt. Albion. Bill Orr, Lincoln. The fraternities and the num ber of pledges follows: 1. Sigma Nu 44 2. Alpha Tau Omega 41 3. Phi Delta Theta 39 4. Phi Gamma Delta 37 5. Sigma Alpha Epsilon ...34 6. Delta Upsilon 30 7. Sigma Phi Epsilon 30 8. Phi Kappa Psi 24 9. Beta Theta Pi 23 10. Sigma Chi 22 11. Delta Tau Delta 20 12. Alpha Gamma Rho 17 13. Kappa Sigma 15 14. Beta Sigma Psi 14 15. Zeta Beta Tau 11 16. Sigma Alpha Mu 10 17. Theta Xi 8 18. Farm House 7 19. Alpha Sigma Phi b Acacia is inactive. Dale Frltzel, DeBmetx. S. D. Max Kothwell, Hyannis. Dale Fahrnbuch, Lincoln. Richard Koefoot. Broken Bow. David Miiliken, Ord. Jerry John Nuas, Lincoln. Marvin Nelson. Lincoln. LeHoy Pope, Arnold. Frank G. Rnhole. Columbus. Ken R. Tnienam. Brunswick. Ted Treece, Grand Junction, Colo. Repiediea. Gene Olmsted, Nellgh. Jack Deveicaux, Rapid City, S. D. Harry RichartlMin Kil Dovle, Omaha. Robert White Gerald Jirak, Ord. Jim Gutschow, Blair. Robert Wilbur. Omaha. Lro Souk i p. Lincoln. Geoige Schlecty Phi Delta Theta rirdnre, Pb hind!er. Lincoln. Mason K. Colbert. Nebraska City. Norris learner, South Sioux City, v Rodney Smith, South Sioux iCty. Hampton Williams. Lincoln. Sam Poteet, Lincoln. Roy Scott, Central City. Georee Anderson. Lincoln. Warren Barth. Lincoln. Bill Monroe, South Sioux City. Bruce Allen, Omaha. Thomas McCarvilie, Omaha. Vb L XT V V V V 'hrV I O ZIPPER NOTEBOOKS O SLIDE RULES O DRAWING SETS O NOVETY PIPES O STUDY LAMPS O FOUNTAIN PENS O SPIRAL NOTEBOOKS O LAUNDRY BAGS Genuine cowhide brief case with two com portments 095 1 Jerry L. C'lrry, South Sioux City. Ali.n Bost,emeyr. Superior. Don K. Cooper, No:ih I'latte. Arthur rirk, Jr., North Mutte. John B.'.iam, Omaha, Neb, Viiull Fiilloon, Falls Cily. Joe Partington, Lincoln. Deuel H. Andersen, Lincoln. Dave ::cSlian . l.';icoln, John C. I'eau, Lincoln. Arthur Ahlman, Slanton. J,m, Lincoln, l.'orvln Al.stot, MoConk. James V.cKachen, Lincoln. John Blumer, Lincoln. Jack Cow den. Sidney, la Hubert Winter, Lincoln. Oiek Thompson, Lincoln. iiclt l'i:insortn, Grand Island. Dotiuld P. Harvey, Wayne. Harcdil Bearinger. Clearwater, Neb. Uean White, Lincoln. Rex Wagner, William Schlnebitz, Lincoln. Gcorue Htiward, Lincoln. Loe Chapln, Lincoln. Leo Becli, jr., Lincoln. Dale Herman. Fremont. Harry A.-lilry, ll .".nnls. Kepledgrs. Dick Cl.iyeomb, Wayne. Bud Mai-gueen, Silver Creek. Bill Vei;el, Lea': ice. Wes Ma.ser, Llii'-oln. John Jones, i. n. Huns Heiny. Llrcoln. Lee Incurs. Llnccln. nice i 'lilsli.ill, Colorado Springs. Larry Merrinn. C'mnha. Roner McNeil. Lincoln. Phi Gamma Delta I'lcuges. Raplieal Toman. Pla'tsmnuth. Kinnieit 1'iplier. Tekamah. Jim Writ,ht. Miti'lirll. Ijjwrenea Karnes, Kearney. Jibn Mekin, Jr . North Plutte. Harry Hjlin, llartington. Jack Raeely, Niobrara, diet Ferguson. North Platte. Howard Kuiipal. Lincoln. Billy Knss. Curlisi. Bob McVlcker. Lincoln. Bob Soulhworth, Lincoln. Fred Kuehl. Millard. Ted Yost. Lincoln. William McCarty, Mitchell. Royal Jester, Jr.. Kearney, Robert Orr. Omaha. Bob McNair. Imperial. John Homberger. Omaha. Grahm Jonrs, Lincoln. Frel Warher. Jr., Culbertson. Ruasell Emenhart. Culbertaon. Dale Raltt, Ainswortn Glen Kskew, Imperial. Herman Schleuning, Lincoln. Gordon Sawyers, Ainswurth. Jack Artman, Kearney. Jack Schirmer. Fremont. George Scofield, Lincoln. George Durrle. Lincoln. Maurice Van Noatrand, Benedict. Stan Wentx. Lincoln. Marvin Cavender, Lincoln. Gayle TTioene, Hnrtington. Rumell Leger, Burr.hard. Boyd Brewster, Lincoln. (See PLEDGES, Page 4) WELCOME FRESHMEN! p o p u L A R r R I C E S We Use Soft Water Merle Stainbrook, Mgr. FRANKS BARBER SHOP 1306 0 St. Everything in supplies for the student, priced low. Notebook 10' mm H I R C U T