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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Sept. 17, 1942)
Thursday, September 17, 1942 DAILY NEBRASKAN Long Skirts Vanish at UN Annual Faculty Reception Ushers In Informal Regime for Duration Ui accordance with the new uni versity ruling that all student af f on campus are to be "in f'M'rnal for the duration," the an nual faculty reception given by Chancellor C. S. Boucher this year on Oct. 10 will be an informal oc casion. In this way the faculty will be 3 hiding by their decision to en courage students to introduce in expensive entertainment features by giving up evening clothes until the en of the war emergency. T. J. Thompson, dean of student si fairs and chairman of the fac ulty senate committee on student organisations, announced the com mittee's decision late in the past summer, and said that this ruling was in line with requests made by seven! student groups. The committee's aim is not to reduce necessarily the number of functions, but to encourage stu dent organizations to seek other ways to reduce entertainment ex penses. The policy is looked upon as appropriate to the times, and places Nebraska among the fore most of the various colleges in the country to give up the excitement of the winter formal season in de ference to the "boys up front." Present plans are that the Mili tary Ball will be held, but, con trary to popular rumor, it will be informal. In past seasons, this event hu marked the opening of Nebraska's formal seasen. The informal rating will also apply to the Mortar Beard party, the Junior-senior prom, and other all tmiversrty Tractions, as well as t smaller parties. Convo (Continued from Page 1.) Announcements will be made during, the convocation pertaining t' the guidance examinations and registration procedures. Guidance chains will start this afternoon at 2 o'clock when the fjeneral aptitude and reading test w i n r - , -J. hi SAT. SEPT. 19 A A ' 'J J i tr n 7 war tsfi I ' r si! Iff r q , 14 17 SEVSATION'AL RADIO STARS IN PERSON Adm. 85c Ea. Tax Included WELCOME HUSKERS Old and New! See the Bautlful Luminous Mural Dedicyfd to Nebraska IJ. STATE Always 25c Now Thru Sal.!- JON HA 1,1. KKANCK8 FA&MFR "SOVTIl OF PAGO PAGO" tin "ESCM'f: FROM CRIME" Starts Sunday! 1 ". Hi f kV 1 v i r mm rc.r will be given t all freshmen and transfer students with less than 53 hours in the coliseum. Friday at 9 a. m. Oie mathematics test is scheduled; Friday at 2 p. m., the social studies and natural science, and Saturday at 9 a. m., the Knglish usage exam. Exams for Guidance. These exams are not entrance examinations, Dean Bengtson em phasized in telling about them. "They are given with one pur pose: to enable the faculty to ad vise the students with more cer tainty as to the courses he can take successfully." Programs for the various col lege convocations are as follows: i COM.WiK: 10:15 ii. in. ('Diivnatlitii, room 20. Morrill Hull. I'rf'slilliiic. 4 . '. Mlnlffr. iitHOt'liil ri fi'HHiir nl vtrailntial cilwivi thin. liitriKlurMim S. W. Ilurr. d"nn of a:; nl','i:i iMlr.nliiri-i.lii 1ls !iiri;aril S. WiliN-. ol thr hnrnc iMitnoinlrs (Ifparl in, 'ill. Sums led liy Vri. MllllIM TullN. iiimi i :i : i'tii ti i s ( . . WinCim, rhiilr niu:i iif d-';';'iil ,f hi,rf iriiltur,'. Air.iiiiin":'!iii!ils Mhs Kiltli Sl:iil,"i. trul'-sHor ui hu-Mf rrmKinilr. a ivrs .m s ji;n'I':s: 10:18 a. in. ('on vikhI Inn, TVmil' lln-alrr. I'ri'silhiK. Iir. 4. R. VVailni .irlli. i-niin-fl ip Inr tin- iirlH and "irlriire i i Mi iih and aissoi lalt- rnfciHir of roiminir lan- I ii I mil ti lion of adviser. ',re,iie tiy Or. '. II. Old (t her. dran of the eolleRe and irle"iiir of nm lenl hNtiiry. I I ::til a. m. All deimrlnienli of mnilr HhideniN mwl In room n, rhoil il mmlr hnlldtii. oi I k;i;: 10:15 a. m. ('niivoratlon, wx-lal telenet hall andllorlum. I'resldln. Mr. . M. Darlliirton, ax norlnle pmfrnor of aeronntln. W.lrome by Dr. John . flarh, of tile collRe. "The f'orrlrolum of the College, " Pr- ft'SHor J. V.. KlrNhman, chnlrmnft offhe department ofeeonomleH. "OiMmrlnnitles Orx'n to Otindiintei." l'rofeHMor O. R. Martin, chairman of the deimrtment of business orRanlr.ntlon and manaitemeiit. S( IIOOI. OF FINK ARTS: 10:1S a. m. All students Te-MerlnK In the department of mle throtist th? eolleire of arts and neleneeii shall attend the arts and sclencea convocation l'hlle all registering In teachers college shall attend the teachers college convocation. K;1 YKtltlNG COI.I.KfiK: 10:15 a. m. Convocation, chemistry lec ture room, Avery 1-ahoratory. Presiding, Mr. J. r. Colbert, associate professor of engineering mechanics and freshman counselor. tireetlmrs to the freshman engineering students and "I'lirposes of a I'niversrty Kdnratlon," lrofetisor O. 4. Ferguson, dean of the college. "rtndgeting of ' Time and Finance,' Mr. N. H. Barnard, associate professor of mechanical engineering. "The Mtadent and His AaXaer," fessor I. P. Colbert. 11 :M a. m. AH icpartmeat ( manic tadVats meet hs room 17, school of maslc. 4W-i p. rm. All Btodeate psrsBtac mum leading to a masle decree meet ka room It. Beolewbei IS, 11 a. as. -11 Special masfc testa m room 11. Beptesnbw IS, 4:M- . m. tmt Sept. It, 1-S p. . Intfrrtdnal Male eamaa- Welcom Students to Lincoln's LcoxIhi Theofret Tonight at 9 P. M. War Bond Premiere "WAKE ISLAND" Buy m Bond Today Receive a On rut Tieket to Thb Biff Event STUART Now! Clark Gable Lona Turner "SOMEWHERE I LL F3ND YCU" LINCOLN Now Showing! Sonja I'enie Glenn Miller and His Orches:ra in "SUN VALLEY SERENADE" l'lUS Jaoiek Stewart Kusallnd Rus e,! "NO TIME FOR COMEDY" NEBRASKA Welcome Old and New 'Huskcrs! 't' v ) r 1 vA wArf -?s yi m - - " " - rMWaMaMSMM T "THE BATTLE OF MIDWAY" UXtrOIJ Actuitl IMcture In Technlenlor! In' 'on riesM tlons and conferences with a committee from the department of mosle faculty, room 105, school of mnsle. TKAOHKRS COI.l.KOE: 10:15 a. m. Convocation, TTnlnn ball room. Presiding. Or. W. H. Morton, director of teacher training and professor of sec ondary education. Singing by assembly. Welcome by Dr. F. B. Henrlik, dean of college. Hinging by assembly. Talk "The Freshman and the Teachers College," !r. Kalph Bedell, freshman counselor. 11:30 a. m. All department of mosle students meet In room 17. school of mosle building. PHARMACY COM.FiK: 10:15 . m. Convocation, I'harmafljr Hall. . 1'rcsldlng, Tcan W. A. I vman. r Welcome by lean l.yman. lntrndiietton of fsoilty membera. Colorado's sugar beet crop is expected to be 500,000 tona larger than last year, according to the Colorado Crop Co-operative re porting service. "PLEDGES" J TO THE Student Body and "bidding" you to join your friends in the T. P. after every social function. immi (C83 ffilSltUMdtlB 1 1 I L- if Sat. Paste Oay f i ""i i sr. n Ojfm o) oW fffo) 151 I51r0) "Creator of Shaker Rylhm" FAREWELL WEEK END SAT. ond SUN. in At ft) V I