The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, September 17, 1942, Page 12, Image 11

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Thursday, September 17, 1942,
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it J-i.----------- Rush Week
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Nebraska is known for it's well dressed
students. That is why this campus
was selected as one of eleven for the
Esquire Best Dressed Contest last
spring. We hope we've had a part in
building that reputation for Nebraska
for Magee's have been advising Ne
braska students on correct campus
clothes for forty years. Well be glad
to help YOU build a campus ward
robe, too.
Varsity Town Suits
Hardispun Suits .
Covert Topcoats .
Fingertip Raincoats
Wool Sport Coats
Wool Soprt Slacks
You are sure to "register" with these Campus Clothes
Leather Jacket
McGregor Sweaters
Arrow Shirts
Finest Tie Selections
Campus Felt Hats
Taylor-made Shoes
Loafer Jackets
$13.50 to $18.50
$4 to $8.50
$2.25 to $3.50
$1 to $2.50
$3.95 to $7.50
$7.50 To $13.50
Campus clothes must be rugged . . .
we found that out years ago. This
year we've picked leisure clothes
that are really unusual ... yet they'll
give a big measure of wear ability.
YouH find everything for campus
wear in our first floor and down
stairs men's departments. So start
out right and get your clothes early A
while selections are greatest ... so V; OlA " ' I
vou aet the first rhmV fnr st, rlv -C -!
you get the first choice for once.
We 11 be waiting to serve you I
. . . and don't forget MAGEE'S DANCE PARADE
Two solid hours of music from the natioo' top bands coast-to-coast.
Every Monday through Friday ... 10 p. m. to midnight . . . KFOB.
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