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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (July 17, 1942)
Summer Sleuthing Br Janet Hnffgarl Margs Stewart Alpha Chi is off to Camp Ed wards, Massachusetts to Bee pin mate Ed Butler, ATO who is a second lieutenant in the army. She left Wednesday and plans to be gone a week or two. Various and Sundry couples were dancing to the rhythm of Woody Herman at the Turnpike last Saturday night Some of the more notable couples included DG Jesse Moore and tall strong and handsome Leonard Dunker DU. Beta Jim Stoddard was with Mary McDonald who was up here from Beloit, Kans., visit ing for the week end. Sig Alphs Tom Griswold, Bob Fast, Dale Strasser, and Reg Davies were there with Ruth Lund Alpha Chi, Alpha Phi Marge Martin, Theta Ruth McClymont, and Annabel Shauum, Kappa. Hnvinc a rrpat time too were DUs Dee DePutron with Betsy Wright Alpha Chi, "Uoc" nates and Pi Phi Charlotte Smith, and R.irl Martin with Betty Spikes of Mac Murray Woman's college who was down for the weeK ena. n Phi Lois Gavden was also down from Omaha for the week end and at Woody Herman with arm House Randy Pratt. Alpha Phi Nancy HalHgan U at present in Wftshincton. D. C. seeinr Beta Bill Sweeny who is stationed there in the army. Last Saturday night tht-v celebrated with Betty O'Snea Morrow and Jack Morrow, former Phi Psi who is now in tne . n. 1. there in Washington. Alpha Phi iriatr are wonderinef if there will soon be wedding bells for Nancy and Bill. Jim Stillwell DU was back last week to see Tlnmte Phil Yost. Theta Chi O Jean Anderson recently received Wedding Plans r j Courtesy Lincoln Journal. Beautiful in a one room army apartment or in a southern man sion is the King Richard sterling shown exclusively at Gardner's, 1220 "O." Marie Anderson, Theta, who will be married to Don Fitz of Fort Sill, Ky., in August, would be proud of her silver before a private, lieutenant, or the colonel himself, if she choose King Rich ard... It is rich with its swirling scrolled design, well porportioned, and lends an aura of old-world charm with its stately air, a carry over from the English Rennais ance. Sterling, itself, with its sug gestion of culture and fine living, is lovely and the King Richard pat tern is one of the lovliest patterns of all. War brides or any bride can have an exquisite table setting with this sterling pattern, oppular in style and in price. Remember, it is shown only at Gardner's. SUMMER RAG. Lincoln for the summer from Kansas City. Gene Newswanger, staying at the Beta House, and Connie Kats cart of Lincoln with Chi O Estelle Lennemann and Sig Ep Dean Skokan, who has a very beautiful but painful sunburn these days. Dick Chapin Phi Delt and Dolores Schwenker Tri Delt were back to gether again after a break up this spring and a steady deal between Dick and Alpha Chi Peggy Sten cil. Everyone is wondering when Dick will make up his mind be tween these two. Another Phi Delt, Bob Deviney was there with Alpha Chi Ruth Lund. Wedding Bells. Will ring Monday for former Palladians Helen Elizabeth Clay baugh and Austin Mutz. It will take place at St. Mary's Cathedral here in Lincoln. Kappa Sig ' Wreed Smith was down from South Dakota last week end to see DG Betty Lillibridge and they took in Woody Herman. Also Kappa Sig Lew. Lehr was at Wood Her man with Kappa Molly Woodward. SAM Rnh Promann in havinc a treat time thin Hummer dajihinr around with many and different girls. He s not me type 10 seuie oown, bo the girls might just as well give up, or is there one who thinks she could do the trick: Anyway, its worth trying. Sig Nu Fred Voigt came down to take Fran Bodinson Tri Delt to Woody Herman. He is in the glider corps of the army and has been located in the south but is now goinng to be stationed in Iowa. Mary Helen Deitrich also of the Delta Delta the pin of Chris Burger Sig Alph of last year. Dancing to the Super Rhythm. Of Count Basie at Kings Wed nesday were many of the hardy souls who are braving the heat down here at summer school. Delt Lloyd Melick was there with Rose mary Thornton who is here in Delta domicile is here now seeing Dick Gellatly Delt and tney were dancing to Count IJ&sie. Vacation- Friday, July 17; 1942 in in Troutdale. Colorado are Ditto Deltas Barbara True ad Pat Hunting nice and cool. A SHORTHAND DICKINSON IN S DATS Individual Instruction Grerc Shorthand, mad Special Short Coirwi DICKINSON BECKKTAKIAL SCHOOL HV?-tl I. Inc. l ib. I.ifr Bldr. !-t1l felrailta4 JaiLion Center BECAUSE! We BOUGHT! 1. Thar are weks of hot weather ahead. 2. You'll want cool new dresses. 3. Manufacturers are working now on fall floods and ave u exceptional values. 1. 400 new cool Summer Dresses. 2. The wiling pricei were 7.95, 10.93, 12.91. 3. find Priced Friday and Saturday in this great sale at Cool SUMMER DRESSES! (M8 VOM 2 Pies Seersucker Suits. i Pleoe Gingham Suits. Pleoe Ginghams and voile., t Piece Spun Rayons. Jaoket Bembergs 1 Piece Printed Sheers, 1 Pi& .Grtfiflt ft LffllBWmiBtb'WUlft strc-wie!c sportswear SALE 75 pr. men's spring and summer slacks odds and ends from regular stock of summer and spring fabrics . . . large array of attractive colors. 9 (TDCTT) QD (D) 26 pr. reg. 5.9S 14 pr. reg. 6.50 24 pr. reg. 6.95 11 pr. reg. 7.50 Worn. Catalina swim suits 1 smart satin lastex and chenille in one and 2-piece styles . . . black, blue, red. pink, maize . . . good color array ... 53 suits sizes 32 to 40 . . . V3 off. reg. 4X0 lo 8X0 now 2.67 to 5.34 35 women's slack suits lucky special purchase with fine suits from our regular stock . . . sale includes four reg. 8.95 culotte jumpers . . . reg. 5.95 to 17.95. reg. 5.95 to 17.85 . . off . . now 3.97 to 1 1.97 entire stock of men's swim trunks reduced boxer and snug fit styles . . . gabardines, poplin, lastex rayon, lastex wooL Sizes 28 to 50 waist. reg. 1.95 now 1.59 reg. 2.50 now ... 1.93 reg. 3X9 now 2.39 reg. 4X3 now 3.19 entire stock of men's slack suits reduced long sleeve shirts with contrasting or matching slacks . . . plain colors . . sizes 30 to 44 waist . . reg. G.95 now 4.93 reg. 7.95 now ... 6.40 reg. 10X0 nov...7.S3 2.50 to 3.50 sport skirts long sleeves ... all good plain colors . now 1.C3 2.G3 sport shirts long sleeves . . . smart plain pastel colors . . . now 1.59 H OVLAND-SwANSOn