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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (May 15, 1942)
DAILY NEBRASKAN Friday, May 15, 1942 8 I (pink j0 While the rest of the campus high-lights were prosaically doing the soft lights of various spring formals, house parties, and Jimmy Lunceford at the Pike last week end, and being contented about it, what did Alpha Z Delt Marg Hartman do with her week end but take the fatal, final step that changes her name to Mrs. Lieut. Forrest Hathaway. Leaving the campus "for a week end at home," Marg decided to ring the bells Sunday night with her home-town Romeo and the nuptials took off Monday at 5. The couple then drove to Greely, Colo., and Marg returned to the campus to finish the semester yesterday, and the Lieutenant flew to ol' Virginie, where he is serving in the army air corps. Congratulations for the neatest trick of the year, Mr. and Mrs. Hathaway! Telephones can again be rung for beautiful Pi Phi Jeannette Mae Smith, for hot comes the news that definitely off is the steady deal which lasted from last October with footballer Howie Debus as the sparring partner. Whew! Finishing Up. Starting the week end with a country club are the dauntless DU's, who are cooking up their last spring party of the year at Broadview. Dating thither are the Gamma Phi Babcock twins with Don Broehau and Frank Meroney. (You'll have to contact Don and Frank who is triping with who, if they can tell the twins apart!) Poses to the new Sig New pledges, Jim Nungate, Byron Pe terson. Don Young, and Dick Batschelder. And don't take too many boards from the actives... and the same to Marvin Faltas, neophite at the Sig Ep domicile. Driving all the merry way to Crete and back for a picnic (but what a picnic) are the gay little AGR's and their dates Saturday night. Wally Fausche, who, in cidentally is looking for a wife to raise his summer army pay, will drag Pi Phi Sayre Webster, while Willard Visek and Lorene Ben nett, Jack Paulson and Leona Brant, Chi O of last year, and Glenn Kavanda and Phyllis Ellen berger wil also enjoy an open fire in the woods at night. . . Not to be outdone, altho they swear they didn't know of the coincidence, Farm House has scheduled a picnic on the same busy night out at Pioneer. Dale Brockemeier and Jerry Buller, Al pha Chi, who have both campuses on edge wondering, will be among those present, while Randy Pratt and Tri-delt Joan Blumer. comple mented by Warren Hutchinson and Marg Adams are ail set tor the afternoon and evening affair. Last Dance Tomorrow. Now for that last big coliseum filler on the 1941-42 social calen darthe N-club dance featuring, of course you know, Tony Pasteur and his smooth band and but smooth blues singer. Along with the rest of the 7,000 student en rollment will trot Kappa Dinny Ford with Lyle Wilson, happy Phi Psi, Alpha Xi Delta Peggy Jones with Delta Sig Joe Anderson, and Jean Wochner of the same house with Bill Rist, ATO, Theta Jean Murray with Kurt Knudson. Phi Psi (my, how those Phi Psis do pop up in the Pink Rag), and Tri delt June Griffin with John Bin ning, Phi Gam. The latest whirl wind romancers, Kappa Sig Har old Hopkins and Theta Sheila Wheeler will also bounce, as they are going to the Pike next Thurs day to swing and sway with Sammy Kaye. Advance reports on Sammy Kaye also include Grace Leaders and Kappa Sig Jasper Clark, and Tri-delt Mary Jo Kobus with Glenn "George Ulrich, as a change from Bob Garey?. . . But the last report of the year on campus capers in the last rag of the year wouldn't be quite com plete without the news of another candy passing. Thi3 time Marg 9 9 o o Due to emergency conditions the 1012 Cornbusher may not be ready tor distribution May 2.7. It is therefore necessary for everyone who bought Cornhuskers to leave their sumner addresses in the Cornhusker office. Everyone must make their final payments by May 25 or the book will be sent C. O. D. by request only. Those living in Lincoln must call at the office after May 25 for their book. There are still a few copies available. THE OFFICE WILL BE OPEN THE WEEK AFTER SCHOOL CLOSES AgParty Tomorrow Begins at 6 The party on ag campus tomor row which is taking the place of Farmers' Fair and several other annual spring parties will begin with a picnic at 6 p. m. on the lower ag campus. The picnic is be ing sponsored by the home economics club. Following the picnic the Ag So cial association will sponsor a sing. At 9 p. m. the YWCA will give a mixer to which all students are invited. Those in charge of the afternoon and evening's events include: pic nic, Leah Jane Howell and Jean Stewart, co-chairmen, and Carol Chapman in charge of the tickets and publicity. The sing is in charge of Dorothy Sic and Don Tracy. Peggy Strachan will take charge of the mixer and Rose Wood has been responsible for the publicity. Tickets for the events are on sale in Ag Hall only for 30 cents. There are a limited number of tickets available, so students are urged to get them as quickly as possible. The annual tea eriven by alumni for senior women who are seniors, graduates or supervising teachers in teacher training in home eco nomics will be entertained at the home of Miss Margaret Fedde Saturday from 3 to o ocoick. Greetine the euests at the door will be Miss Margaret Liston and Miss Evelyn Metzger. in me re ceiving line from 3 until 4 will be Misses Marearet Fedde. Florence Corbin, Grace Morton, Dr. Ruth Staples. From 4 until 5 those in the re- ceivine line will be Misses Mar garet Fedde, Dr. Rebekah Gib bons, and Miss Rose wane. As sisting in the dining room from 3 to 4 will be Misses Lillian Brehm. Bess Steele, and from 4 until 5 Mrs. Edna Snyder and Mrs. Daisy Kilgore. Dr. Ruth Leverton and Miss Hayse and George Russel did the time-honored customs. Congrats! Please boys, don't all go away to the army unless you're to be stationed in Lincoln, and girls, don't all go and get married, and do, everybody, have a good old time this vacation! Hi I Proudly Preient$ TIIUR., MAY 21 X s , ''nil , ' W 7 Ml 'li'jV:, Mill Ordrr and Advanra Tlrkrti IMS Each. Ta Paid at Boiewcll lloral ( e., I'M Ha. IS, Lincoln. Adm. at the Door, II 10 Each. Tax Paid. THUR., MAY 28 In rerson Thb Saturday Alumni Entertain Home Ec Seniors, Graduates at Tea . At Miss Fedde's Home Edith Carse wil serve at the tables between 3 and 4 and Misses Mary Guthrie and Matilda Peters be tween 4 and 5. The general hostesses for the tea are Misses Hortense Allen, La Verne Boner, Mar y-e lien Brown, Delia Garrett, and Mrs. Frank March. Assisting in the dining room with favors and tea tables will be Misses Jessie Amos, Rowan El liff, Gladis Carolyn Ruby, Flor ence Smith, Mrs. Angeline Ander son and Junior aids. Wabash college officials have announced formation of the Wa bash college forum, a mevement in popular "off-campus" education in which principles and problems of American citizenship will be discussed. "this Arthur Murray STcp to Daintiness! ise f tto guar your iweetneu and charm th way Arthur Murray dancer do with Odorono Creami Non-greaty, non-gritty, gentle, no trouble to uaer Odorono Cream end perspira tion annoyance for 1 to 3 dayil Follow this easy Arthur Murray step to dalntineM- get Odorono Cream today I 1. 39t, SH tuei (plut taij5 The Oookomo Co., Inqi MiwYgu - - - u rm you Mfiii rot YOUt M&Wf ' . MP IPa M ffo ALL Whether Used Here or Not SsttilMSI .aiiii i J . CI f , I..,,.,- I I, . Il II - - Wc pay you more for all your books because we are wholesale jobbers.