Image provided by: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries, Lincoln, NE
About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (May 15, 1942)
Friday, May 15, 1942 DAILY NEBRASKAN 5 Students Plan For Estes Meet Students who are planning to attend the annual YW and YM Estes conference should see Mary Locket or C. D. Hayes for final arrangements. The Nebraska delegation will leave Lincoln for Estes Park, Colo., May 29, and will return about June 4. The trip will be made in a truck. Dr. Howard L. Bevis, president of Ohio State university, will ad dress the graduating class of Kent university at commencement June 8. Students at the University of Tampa are being paid commissions by the city to collect delinquent taxes from 11,000 persons. War Service Library Has Varied Boohs While most of the visitors who may examirU the material which the war service library has on dis play in the documents room of the UN library may not come with specific questions in mind, they will find that the book3, pamph lets, etc. suggest investigation along many lines. Some of the subjects treated are price control, industrial conversion, protective concealment, reports of bomb tests, exploitation of the oc cupied countries, the actions of the sixth column, counterespionage and censorship. One hundred five graduates of the Bible college of Texas Chris tian university are preaching in Texas, a survey discloses. COOL AIEOU? YOUli SIPOCT CLOTIKJES yl JJv F W L f ) SOME (I " ml )) FACTS MH i31f . ill SPORT COATS in new open weaves that let your body breathe. Quarter linings for extra comfort . . . and bright shades for real unusual combinations. Choose from a wide range of patterns and plain colors. $13.50 to $25 We've gone about this problem of clothes cool enough for Nebraska summers in pretty thorough fash ion. We believe that here we have suggestions that you'll be really interested in. Shirts with more open weaves, swim trunks ounces lighter in weight, sport coats that are light and cool . . . yes, better step in to Magee's before you leave school and get set with COOL clothes for summer! ARROW DOUBLER " lhe sport shirt that looks well with a tie, too. In broadcloth or featherweight oxford cloth. $2.50 McGregor sun spun SPORT SHIRT a lightweight rayon weave ... so very cool. In tan, white, blue or green. $2.50 JftNTZEN ENSIGN in the new Velva-Cord fabric ... a che nille finish Lastex swim trunk. In maroon and blue. $2.95 i CORD LOAFER JACKET A McGregor jacket in feather weight corduroy. Bright shades of canary, green and tan. $6.95 JANTZEN CHAMP a Zelanized poplin fabric swim trunk with boxer style Lastex waistband. All colors. $2.95 TAYLOR-MADE SADDLES their de luxe grade shoe with heavy rubber sole and genuine buckskin upper II J- 1 1 VI . :: '. I T I v TTi V I I w ...... ' . -Hn- ::VJ 'I 'y-y v. X. sole and genuine buckskin upper ,v vi X iv Vty 'I v r&; SAME Names Cox President For Next Year Other Officers Include Murfin, Lantz, Marletle; Lobdell Talks at Dinner Members of the Society of Mili tary Engineers elected Francis Cox, president, Paul Murfin, vice- president, Kenneth D. Lantz, sec retary and Ralph Marlette, treas urer for next year at a dinner last night in the Union. Besides his new position Cox also holds the captaincy of Persh ing Rifles for next fall and is a member of the American Institute of Chemical Engineers. Introduced by Charles Artus, re tiring president, Lt.-Col. A. T. Lod dell, sponsor of the SAME, re viewed the recently published monograph of the seniors. Quot ing parts of many monographs, he ended with this exerpt from Robert Woest's article, written on Dec. 10, 1942, and titled "Our Mili tary Policy." 4 Finally, after years of failures of past military policies, perhaps now this country has awakened to the realization that, until men learn to live together peaceably and can live and enjoy life with out fear of attack, we must have a well trained army and navy cap able of any emergency such as the one in which we riow find our selves." Other seniors who wrote mono graphs and their subject are as follows: "Military Bridging In Forward Arm,'' by Hal Schrocder; "The Corp of Ka glneer,' 0win Kelfer; "Civil Kngim-cr-ing. Work of the Corn of Kngtneer," Walter sanderaon; 'Sanitation and I'er wnal Hygiene In V.S. Army," Jxui SpranoVI. "The Monroe Pocfrlne," ( harle Artn: "War Maneuver," Harry Ankeny; "I'ara chute Troop," John Wakkiewiei; "Role of Ordnance In Today'a Warn," Blair Munno fen; "Communication In Today' Armie, la Kinurz; haracteriMir of leader ship," Charle Bitner; "Field Fortification and Obstacle," l.oren Bnidahl; " ombat Intdligrnrr," William Mr onnauKbr) ; 'War Mineral. " Imy Koter. "Knginrer In I .!S. Army Aviation." Iuane Srhmeerkle: "f.a In Today's Wam," f.rrald Stronel; "Bridee: roniuart- of Military and Civilian I'rarlier." 1 harlr Bush; "Ponton Bridge. " Ktrbard Tnt; and "I'ortable Steel Bridge. H It Capacity," Harry Saundrr. Swing, Sway With Sammy Kaye at Pike Lincolnites will swing and sway with Sammy Kaye at the Turn pike next Thursday night as America's Number 1 dance band '-e--.sJ ' ."!", I ;W. r i t r.y 1 couies here with his ".So Vou n i.nt ; To Lead A Band" feature, i Having just complt-tt-d a picture in Hollywood with Konja Hcinie, ! Kaye's orchestra will ff-atuie jn , ternatjonally famous raJio r-r-, sor.aljties Tommy Ryan. Aithur ! Wright, Maury Cross. Chat he Wilson, and the Three Kayddtf . Once an honored math btutlent at the University of Ohio, Kaye 1 has been featured on the Sensa tion cigarettes and Coca Cola r ro 1 gtams and was on the Fitch Eand j wagon la.t Sunday. YOUR DRUG STORE l)on"t forret to relax over your toke here during; exam week. OWL PHARMACY 148 No. Hth &. P 2-1061 r