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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (May 14, 1942)
DAILY NEBRASKAN Thursday, Uaj 14, 1942 A finL J$ With nothing but study facing everyone, social life has really died down to a minimum, except of course the big N Club dance about which you have no doubt already heard... A candy passing we missed, and we're sorry, took place Monday with Dick Gellatly. Delt, and Mary Helen Dietrich the two who spent all that money. . .Chicago will be the scene tomorrow of the wed ding between Chick Oldfather, Phi Delt and PBK, and Tess Cassidy. Theta and Mortar Board. There is really an example of "like at tracting like'... It is hard to be lieve but the Romeo of the campus has finally fallen. Yes. Sig Chi Bill McKerney is now wearing one of the brother's pins and his own rests now in the possession of a gal in California... Picnics are still in the fore ground with the Farm House's annual one scheduled for Friday afternoon followed by a dance that night... And the Delta Gammas and Tri Dolts are getting together Wednesday for one of the rougher and tougher baseball gpmes of the season . . . Well, he finally parted with it. Paul "Bottle" Jones is the Sigma Nu we refer to. "it" is his pin. and the lucky recipient is Camilla Phi Jean Sanger. . .Con gratulations to a number of new pledges of two different houses, namely D.. k Folda and Harry McGee now advocates of the Sig Kp creed and Ray Tollman and Carl Lerch entries in the Phi Gam league . . . Altho nothing new, some men tion should perhaps be made of the flaming renewal of the steady deal between Ed Cizek. Sig Alph. and Edna Mje N'eidermeyer. Chi O. Some say it could be traced to the fji.t that he' once more has a car. but surely it is really love... The what was once a rap idly getting stronger affair be tween Sig Xu Jack Young and Kappa Sweets Campbell is now b'Miig halted somewhat through the interMence of brother Nu Dumbo F.nghdahl... Just so lus name can have one more piintin. the story of Don "Stainless' Steele. AGA. involving the results of some kind of an ac cident and the bailing out efforts of Pi Phi Janet Haggart is hereby told... The sisters are beginning to wonder if Tri Delt Helen Jean Weathermen Call Students For War Duty Applications from university men or women who wish appoint ments with the United States weather bureau for the duration of the war are now being accepted in the bureau's local office, room 305 Brace lab, according to an an nouncement released yesterday by T. A. Blair, senior meterologist. Appointments will be made as vacancies may occur, with prefer ence shown to students having some university work in meteorol ogy, physics, mathematics or ge ography. Most appointments are made at salaries of $1,440 to $.1,620 per year, and are made on personal record and qualifications without examination, other than physical. Assignments may be made any where in the United States, the release emphasized, but those ap plying here will probably be as signed to positions in Nebraska or adjoining states. Acceptance of an appointment does not result in deferment un der the selective service regulations. Sigma Xi (Continued from page l.t quet were Chancellor and Mrs. C. S. Boucher. Brown President. New officers for 1942-43 were introduced as: Dr. D. J. Brown of the chemistry department, presi dent; Dr. F. il Duley of the agron omy department, vice president; Dr. H. H. Marvin, chairman of the physics department. councilor; Prof. F. K. Mussehl, chairman of the poultry husbandry department, treasurer: and Prof. F. W. Noiris of the electrical engineering de partment, secretary. Nw activf m.'mhftj r: Arnold E. Rurssar. Murviite Jennints HarbmiKh. Ralph IonHr.l Ireland. Hcrlx-rt P. Jaoobi. Harmon Thomas Harve. Kmmftt Ray mond Barniim. John Andrew Paum. Jest 1-afavette Full. Ifs Kldon Harris. Clif ford Maurice Hollenbvk. Jesse F.ismer l.ivincston. Arhe C. Todd. James Robert Weeks, ail of Lincoln Graduate kludents newly admitted to as-sx-iat membership are: Raymond Joseph Andres. Lincoln; Robert Bruce AnKier. Litchfield; Durwood Nesbitt Clader. Horr.e fiead Park. Pa.; Donald James Cram. New York Citv: Ravmond Winston Darland, Ijncoln; John Franklin flames. Rrouphton. 111.; Francis Henrv Oerhardt. Mobile. Ala : Richard John r-.or.eil St. Paul. Minn.; Iiiiis James c.ocela Omaha: Merle Fred rick Hansen. Minneapolis. Minn : Haul I.uella Inpersoll. Raymond: Theodore Herron Johnston. Lincoln: Don Hyrum I-ren Lincoln: James Stout Lawhead. ("arlboce. Mo., r.lenn Harold LeDioyt. Lin coln: Thelms Josephine McMillan. Tucson, Arm ; F.arl Wiptori Malmberg. Lafayette. Minn : Karl Stanley Pederson. Paul Robert Rasanen. Lincoln; David Raymond Simon sen. Blair; John Martin Slatensek. Blair. Thomson and Frank Klager aren't really going steady, evidence such aa three dates in one weekend pointing to that conclusion .. .See ya, tomorrow. Lutherans Hold Holy Coniiminioii Students wishing to attend Holy Communion services next Sunday in the Lutheran Student Chapel in the Union, should tell Rev. H. Erck, university student pastor, this week. Rev. Erck is holding office hours all week in the Temple building from 1:30 to 4:30, and Lutheran students are requested to see him. Regular Sunday morning services will be held as usual. Friday afternoon the Lutheran students will hold their annual spring picnic at Pioneer's park. Those desiring to go should meet at the Temple building at 6 o'clock. Lunch will be served at the park. Air Cadet Board Examines Students During This Week With registration running well above average, the aviation cadet cxaming board was busily engaged all day yesterday signing students from all colleges and high schools in Lincoln and the surrounding area. It was officially announced yes terday that the examining board will remain here for the remainder of the week to take applications for the air force reserve. Students are, however, encouraged to register as soon as possible to al low ample time and room for those coming long distances to register at the end of the week. All regis tering is done at Nebraska hall, in room 201. Time Left. There is still time for men to apply for the service by filling out the necessary application blank at the office of the junior division, an nounced Major Greene, chairman of the board. It was further re minded that the reserve program applies to all men between the ages of 18 and 20, whether or not thev are in school. Maui Ice Totelman. Carl Raymond Thomas. Lincoln; Ivan Herbert Witt, Fiedonia, Wis. Seniors Initiated as associates are: Alan H. Andrew. Kails City: Merle M. An drew, Falls City; Daniel F.dward Atkinson, Pawnee City: Dale Winfied Bell, Lincoln: Maurice Franklin Blazier. Lincoln; War ren rsuy Bosely. Palisade; Willis Nels Bruce, Lincoln; Lewis Madison Camp, Lin coln: Robert William Davey, Hasiings: Lloyd Donald Davis. Lincoln; George F.d ward Kdison. Lincoln: Roy Chester Keber. ,'r.. Lincoln, Oail Marvin Kosler. Milfo'd; Melvin Roy Blcson. St. Paul: John Joseph Hanway, Broadwater: Lyle Henry Harvey. Lincoln: Donald Walter Lynch. Pawnee City; Arlene Marlorie Mann. Lincoln: Don ald Clark Moore, lnman; F.lbert Andrew Pence. Mound City. Mo.; Fred LaVern Patterson. Reynolds: F.liiahcth Pitsch. Lin coln: Robert Wman Rivett. Pawnee City: William Vance Ruyle. Lincoln: Richard Praper Smith. Lincoln; Norman F.dKar Tilden. Lincoln: Huph Francis Wilkins. C.eneva: Burns Fu(;eiie Woodward. Ches ter; Jesse Younser, Jersey City, N. J. Dr. Will Durant, philosopher and author, speaking at University of Pennsylvania, said he believes President Roosevelt will bo re elected to his fourth term in 1944. inimimiTiMiiiiiMMii SHIP AHOY! OH, BOY! Gangway For A Boatload of Stars, Songs.. Swing Tunes! 1 u - v. i-H SPECIALIZED BUSINESS TRAINING Increase your skills ami improve your value ly acquiring specialized business train'my: this summer. LSC offers special lNTKNSlVh COl'ltSKS to those who have the necessary educational background and are will injr to put forth extra effort. NEW CLASSES BEGIN JUNE 8 LINCOLN SCHOOL of COMMERCE Lincoln, Nebr. 209 No. 14th 2 6774 RED SKELTON Tommy DORSEY and his Orchestra I aLsTll rai 1 1 x v fi 'A f- r- i ll if W y .hi i CI I V, . rs A SHIRT IS TWO-PACI0 . . . th.t ii. Arrow'! Doubler Shirt, which you ca wear to buine or to putter. It h two pocket, Arrow s "MitogsT figure-fit, od... i A TWO-WAY COtLAI! A convertible col lar thit change Doubler hirt from a rrxiiUr shire to a sport hirt with the flick of a button! Open the top button, and the regular, big-pointed Arrow collar flare open to become a comfortable sport shirt collar! la oxford. S2.S0 From Arrow's cooling plant: porous, lightweight shirts, with all the Arrow advan tages. Come in. Sec them and Arrow's 19f2 Summer Ties today! r.OI.O'n. . Mrn's Slnr. with ELEANOR POWELL I SONGS I lll. jV J. if' u :i Take You' . . . Many More! 'A f n v n n Always a COc Seat UD)