The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, May 14, 1942, Page 3, Image 3
DAILY NEBRASKAN 3 (UHrVII n n hi MM ylnJG holding the crown before for one year. Last year, the Tigers were the close competitors as the Huskers won the relay and the meet with a point to spare. This year the race will between the Huskers, the Missouri Bengals and the Sooner horde from Norman. The charge for today's activities will be twenty-five cents. For the high school finals and the Big Six prelims on Friday the cost will be fifty cents as for the finals on Saturday. Prep Teams Congregate College enrollment in French classes has dropped 23.5 percent, and in German 11 percent, sinre last September. This Week THurs'day, May 14, 1942 Oil State Hi School Track Schedule THURSDAY PROGRAM. Track Eevents. 12:30 p. m. 120 yard high hurdles (prelims). 1:15 Mile run (finals). 1:55100 yard dash (pre lims). 2:25 440 yard dash (pre lims). 3:00 200 yard low hurdles (prelims). 3:40 880 yard run (finals). 4:20 220 yard dash (pre lims). Field Events. 12:30 Class A shot, 0 dis cus, C javelin, B and C high jump-(prelims and finals). 1:30 Class B shot, A discus and D javelin (prelims and fi nals). 2:30 Class C shot, B discus, A javelin and D and A high jump (prelims and finals). Adjustment . . (Continued from Page 1.) have made provision for safeguard ing graduation opportunities and credits earned." This action provides that "any student of the university who is called into the armed forces or upon enlisting.... may receive credit without examination in the courses he is carrying in the amount specified, provided he is in good standing and has main tained a record of 70 percent or better." Degrees Granted. As much as one-half credit will be given after attendance eight weeks, full credit after twelve weeks. Degrees, under present pro visions, will be granted any stu dent called into the armed forces since December 7, 1941, providing he is already within 18 hours of attaining his required credits. Rosenlof closes by saying the university "is making every effort and utilizing all of its resources in every way to insure an adequate training program for all students enrolled, both men and women" and "will continue to meet the de mands of the emergency in so far as resources permit. Bulletin Sports Dates On Schedule For Weekend THURSDAY. High school track State championships 12:30 p. m. at Memorial stadium (finals in mile, S80, high jump and weights, prelims in all events broad jump and pole vault). High school baseball First round of state tourney games on five university diamonds at 9 and 11 a. m. High school tennis First round matches and semifinals at Lincoln Tennis club, start ing at 10 a. m. (Coliseum courts if wdoor play necessary.) FRIDAY. High school track Broad jump and pole vault finals at 10 a. m. Track finals at 1:30 and 3:30 p. m. Varsity track Big Six con ference championship prelimi naries at 2:30 p. m. High school tennis Final matches at Lincoln Tennis club, 9:30 a. m. High school baseball Semi final games in classes AA, B, C at 9 and 11 a. m. Class B finals at 1 p. m. Varsity baseball Nebraska vs. Kansas State at Cornhusker field, 4 p. m. Varsity tennis Nebraska vs. Iowa State at Lincoln Tennis club, 1:30 p. m. Varsity golf Nebraska vs. Iowa State at Lincoln Country club. 1 p. m. High school golf Eighteen hole team and individual cham pionship medal play at Lincoln Pioneers course, 9:30 a. m. Tfc Ijaihrtaa Mvcnrt rtlMHi mm mm a airalr at Hmni par triaar. May IS. Mfrt at 4a4tt I ataa mr Tnaptr at a. a. nipO). iia4aa far rrrtar rap mm4 fmw W Mar IS. Forty-eight United States col leges and universities now have courses in Portuguese. SATURDAY. Varsity track Big Six cham pionships at 2 p. m. Varsity baseball Nebraska vs. Kansas State, 2 p. m. High school baseball Classes AA, B and C at 9 and 11 a. ra. As Exec . . . (Continued from Page 1.) ly furnished will be a big improve ment to the ag campus. Present nlans show that there will be a lounge for the students on the first floor and the basement, anong with a lunch room complete with a soke fountain. The ag exec board is taking the r.nnnsibiiltv of collecting the money to purchase the needed fur nishings. All organisations on the ag campus and city campus may make donations to the ag exec board. Tennis, Golf, Track, Baseball Highlight' Three Day Program Three Day Program. Nebraska will combine two duties this weekend as the Husker cinder artists are nosts to the entire Big Six conference for the annual track and field champion ships. They are reigning indoor and outdoor champions and in addition they are in the enter tainers' snot. On top of Coach Ed Weir's cin der guests on this week's bill, there are several other phases of the sports world in for host duties. Baseballers Play. The baseball team on Friday and Saturday meets the Kan sas State nine on the diamond north of the stadium. The game on Friday will be played at 4 p. m. and the one Satur day at 2 p. m. Tennis and golf teams will also be in the receiving line as they enter- Linmin Journal, f . 1 j fca WWr ; n vi o uvin . . . tosy. Iowa State on the courts and links, respectively. Tennis teams play on the South street courts at 37th and South. The golf team will play at the Lincoln Country club. Besides all the varsity teams in action, there will be even more. Starting today at 12:30 the state high school track and field meet gets under way at the stadium. Finals Held Friday. The finals will be held on Fri day afternoon and will be run off along with the preliminaries of the Big Six meet. Saturday will see the finals in the conference track get-tobether. Along with all of this activity will be the state high school base ball playoffs, winding up on Satur day and the prep tennis and golf championships also winding up then. Action Starts. The way it looks now, starting today through the N club dance following the Big Six finals on Saturday, the Husker campus will resemble some huge three ring circus with more sporting activi ties going on than there are sport reporters on the Daiiv staff. And that's a lot! As for the Husker track team and the conference title which the cinder aces are defending, they will be forced to keep moving plenty fast if they hope to fight their way through to another out door championship. Huskeri Hold Title, Nebraska has won the title on the outdoor track for the last three consecutive times with Missouri nil -j0' f Av 1 1 if I .J Separate - 95 V by Mayfair Well-cut slacks of rayon strutter from our great collec tion . . . suitable for every phase of your busy life, whether for knockabout wear or school. Put a splashy print blouse above your slacks and youH look feminine, in spite of your pants! Make slacks the life of your wardrobe this summer 1 Sizes 12-20. COLD'S Taira Flaar. c MP 28 QoniinuDUA, yMhA. ofc' Ssuwksi mi Whether Used Here or Not IP IP -J III III I I I I I I f lv I II I II II 1 1 -1 mm It it Wc pay you more for all your books because we are wholesale jobbers. )