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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (May 12, 1942)
Tuesday, May 12, 1942 Marlettc Is New Palladian Society Head (pink DAILY NEBRASKAN Jm In case you don't already know it, the present flood in and around ye ole' favorite picnic grounds, Penn Woods, is the best excuse we've found yet to cut class. Just say you are saving: the women and children... Newest attraction at the DU house these days is, surprisingly enough, not a DU but rather the two year old granddaughter of their housemother. It seems little Susan has really taken the place by storm .. .Newest news on the diamond front concerns the spark ler now being worn by Shirley Hoffman, Kappa, which she re ceived from army man and former Phi Psi, Rags Rydman .. .Unusual is the word for the candy-passing between Chick Fahnestock and Betty Evans which took place on a picnic, of all places, in fact the all day Palladian annual affair. Not Working for Defense. Despite the sugar rationing and the Monday British menus, Mr. Cupid put a crink in the plans by bringing candy to many of the houses. . .Among the numerous candy passings last night were two at the Pi Phi house. . .Joyce Junge had her basket fixed for the an nual Pi Thi picnic, which had to be postponed, but she brought it out anyway and passed out in dividual gingham bundles. Then the DUs came up with Bob Fer guson and they exchanged kisses ...Not long after, having con sumed their raison pie. the lights were turned out at the Pi Phi house, not a part of the rationing program, but so that the tiny lighted miniature stage, complete with curtains, stage lights and even a side door, showed up very well. When the curtains were pulled back the stage card an nounced that it was Nancy (Hay cock) and Max (Whittaker). Nancy was later the recipient of lots of Delt kisses and Max got plenty of affection just a couple of stage door kids... Donna Re croft, Towne club, passed the sweets at a real picnic at Antelope park. The guy is Johnny Kuhl man, Delta Sigma Pi. The bonds that tie started at a preivious pic nic... the Delta Sig spring affair. In the Future. A few events scheduled for the future include Towne club picnic tonight, DU spring party this Fri day at Broadview Country club, closed to all but the brothers, an nual dinner for the retiring Stu dent Union Board tonight and last but by no means least the huge and mammoth N-club Jamboree. No less than Tony Pastor will be playing, Genie Baird will take care ot the singing end. and there will be six beautiful coeds presented, one of whom will get the biggest honor ever to be bestowed at a university function, quote Bill Smutz, publicity chairman for the dame Intriguing is the story floating around about one Ruth Sloss, Alpha Chi, involving numerous long-distance phone calls, plus constant showerings of flowers and candy, and all from someone known only as Lester. Somewhere in the past there lurks a story about long rides in the country, but further information will have to be obtained from Ruth herself ...Glad to report the on again status of the steady deal between Ann Hastings, Theta, and Mark Hargraves, ATO; but we hope they are settled for sure thi3 time ...Congratulations on two new ATO pledges as of Sunday night, Bob Brown and Bill Korff . . . On the Sly. Recognition is due the ATO's for a practical joke that really succeeded and how. Saturday night the brave and hardy boys from next door invaded the Phi Gam dorm stealthily and installed in the center of the floor the Fiji's own lawn sprinkler. A mad dash out, a turn of the control, and dripping pandemonium reigned. Apparently it took some time before the source of the un expected shower could be found and the search is now on for the perpetrators of the deed. . .See ya, tomorrow. Ralph Marlette was elected to succeed Virginia Mutz as presi dent of the Palladian Literary So ciety for next year at the final business meeting of the semester last night. Other officers chosen include Marjorie Johnston, vice-president; Marjorie Holmes, recording-secretary; Dick Cast, critic; Betty Toothaker, corresponding-secretary; Ruth Riisness, historian and Donald Dobry, program chairman. New summer officers are Charles Coale, chairman, and Betty Toothaker, secretary. War Council Starts Drive For Magazines Thruout the week the Student War Council is making a campus wide drive to collect magazines to be sent to army camps over the country. Individuals and all organized houses are urged to contribute as many magazines as possible. They can be handed in at the Student Union lobby every day at any time this week. Magazines should not be more than four months old, should be in good condition, and provide good reading. All students wishing to help with collecting Friday, May 15, should turn their names in to the Union office. City Health Asks Water Be Hailed As a precautionary meas ure, the city health department, headed by Dr. M. F. Arnholt, has advised Lincoln residents to boil their drinking water while the flood is still pre velant. Arnholt especially urged peo ple who live west of 10th street to be careful of their drinking water. Clyde Ingram is the extension poultrymau at Louisiana State university. French Movie Is Shown Here This Thursday "Harvest," the only foreign lan guage movie to be shown on the campus this year, will be run for one showing only Thursday, May 14, at 8 p. m. in the Union ball room. Awarded the title "best moving picture in any language" in 1938, this French film with all French cast is the story of a farmer in Provence living in a deserted vil lage, a woman who comes to the village pulling the cart of a knife grinder, and their harvest. Gedemus, the knife grinder, is played by the greatest of all French comedians, Fernandel. Orane Damazis takes the feminine lead, and the farmer is portrayed by Gabriel Gabrio. Taken from the novel "Regain" by Jean Giono, "Harvest" was adapted for the screen, directed and produced by Marcel Pagnol, French playwright of note. Music is arranged by Arthur Honcgger, who did the scores for the well remembered "Mayerling," and "Pygmalion." The movie is being shown thru the cooperation of the Student Union and the modern language department. NIA Barb-e-que Ticket Salesmen Tour Barb Houses Ticket salesmen for the NIA sponsored barb-e-que scheduled for next Saturday night at Pio neer park, talked to all the or ganized barb houses last night. This is the last week of ticket sales. Transportation to the park will be provided by the NIA. The cost is included in the 40 cent price of each ticket. Students will meet on the Union steps at 7 p. m. Sat urday night. Cars will bring the picnicking students back to the I Union later in the evening. r ii n mni m " OIIGINAIS 101 MIMIOIS S. ummet When pavements sizzle . . try this cool twosome of washable seersucker. Its mid dy top is cued to the times with a smart hip cuff", but tons down the back. White with brown, red, blue, ot Oxford. Sizes 9-15. $ 7.95 I tJletn So you want to be 1 tempt ressl Here's a very charming way to be one . . . in this banded Torso drtsi of Tami mi, figure moulding above very new dirndl skirt4 White with green, blue, or red. Sizes 9-15. '6.50 ' ; k W 1 Y Expressly designed for your casual life . . . with its deep, comfy pockets, wide, wide skirt, and snugly moulded waistband. Made of wash ble Seersucker . , . in brown, red, blue, and black Size 4-17. '6.50 Kampus Korner GOLD'S. ..Third Hoar. LnjD) fy? 1