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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (May 12, 1942)
Tues'day, May. 12, 1942 DAILY NEBRASKAN 3 n n sta Damp Field Changes Tilt Until Today First of a series of two games with Iowa State college of Ames was not played due to conditions beyond the control of everyone concerned. (We hope the Japs do not get any information from this.) No, the coaches of the respec tive teams ventured out upon the diamond at about 2 o'clock and decided that the infield would be a bit too soggy so the game was not played. Weather Is Question. Weather man permitting the two mentors, Ad Lcwandowski and Le Roy Timm, will pit their two nines together in a regula tion tilt. The Cyclones hold the Indian sign over the Huskers, having won from them twice be fore on the home field. Cap Timm will select cither Al Strohbehn or Willard Mylenbusch to take care of the mound duties for the visitors while Ernie Swan son will probably get the call for the Nebraska nine. The Husker diamond squad is still after its first victory of the 1942 season when they meet the Cyclones and if they do. Klum Leads Footballers At Army Base KEESLER FIELD, Biloxi, Miss. An "all out" football campaign that will include games with col lege and university elevens from every part of the country is being planned for Keesler Field next fall, First Lieutenant Arlo, M. Klum, post athletics officer, an nounced today. Negotiations are under way for a eame with a Southwestern con ference college eleven, Lieutenant Arlo Klum, head football coach at the huee Air Corps Technical school here, declared. Has Made Name. Keesler Field already has made a name for itself in football cir cles thru its game last December with the East All-Stars in what was the first appearance of a col lege all-star team at an Army past since World War I. Lieutenant Klum, former as sistant football coach at the Uni versity of Nebraska, said that games also will be scheduled -with other Army camp teams. Other members of the coaching staff will be announced later, he said. Big Six Gives Foes. Games with a Big Six team and possibly a member of the Big Ten are being considered, and several tilts with eastern teams are pos sible. "Since our game with the All Stars last December, when we played after only a few days' practice, plans have been solidi fied and prospects for next sea son arc very promising," Lieuten ant Klum stated. "We are working on the pre mise that athletics especially football are the best possible training for the kind of strong, ready soldiers that will make vic tory certain." Road Tilts End I-State Season In Baseball AMES. Ia.. Mav 11. Iowa State college closes its Big Six road season when it meets the University of Nebraska baseball team at Lincoln Monday and Tuesday. The Cyclones defeated the Cornhuskers twice at Ames earlier in the season. LeRov "CaD'' Timm. Iowa State coach, will use Al Strohbehn and Willard Mvlenbusch aa hia pitch- . ers for the series with Captain inc. Ellis Alexander. Bob Hayes, Bob Kline and Russ Scharnberg will handle the Infield duties with Mel Shande, Howard Silkman and iai..iAli i l w ! 'IHKU.WUJJM('.!W JH HIM w - ... .y&...; . '-: ? , -it . ?0 .VA--V v.. 7 r , izzJzJ ( fV III kSfii': ' Ififl 9 T m Pay Tlxm 'Ditch VJith li8Hfflll liililllii! 57 C jwiliDil To Man the Mightiest Air Army in the World Mak Your Choice This Week For Present or Futurm Officers' Training IF your blood boils at the very thought of aa enslaved world 1 1 1 If Jap treachenr and Nazi savagery make you see red and itch for a gun calm yourself with the promise that we shall pay them back with com' pound interest! We shall and you as a college man now have the opportunity of serving as a Flying Officer a Bom bardier, Navigator or Pilot with that branch of service which will do that paying back in person the U. S. Army Air forces! Under the new Army Air Force Reserve Plan if you are a Senior or wish to leave school apply now for your Aviation Cadet training You and your friends can share together the work and fun of flight training, and after approximately 8 months earn the right to be flying ofiicers in the U S. Army Air Forces! On the other hand, if you are a Freshman, Sophomore or Junior you can, if you like, continue your studies under the Deferred Service Plan of the Army Air Forces and become better prepared for Officers' Training later. Nw Simplified Requirements To qualify you must be 18 to 26 (inclusive), physically fit and pass a new, simplified mental test which college men find easy When you are ready and facili ties are ready you begin as an THREE ENLISTMENT PLANS FOR COLLEGE MEN Jinlors-Sephcnorts FrnhmM May CoatliiM ThetiEdvcetlee 1. A new plan allows Juniors, Sophomorei and Freshmen, aged 18 to 26, indufive, to enlist in the Air Force Enlisted Reserve and continue their schooling, provided they maintaiu Mtisfactory scholas tic standing. All Colltoa Ma May Enlist for Immaaiata Sarvlca 2 All college students may enlist as prirates in the Army Air Forces (unassigned) and serve there un til their turns come for Aviation Cadet training. 3. All college students may enLix in the Air Force Enlisted Reserve and wait until ordered to report tor Aviation Cadet training. Upon graduation or withdrawal from college, men will be assigned to active duty at a training center as facilities become available. If the necessity of war demands, the deferred status in the Army Reserve may be terminated at any time by the Secretary of War. Tka hw Army Air For Enllit4 It Mr rlaa l part f aa avar-all Araiy Enlist' RtMrv Cars araaraia (barfly fa at aaneiiicad. This araaram will gravida aeparfuaiflas far olla awa fa aallif la tkr branch af fa Army aa 4frr4 basis m4 fa canfiaaa fk!r 'etlo fbraaab radfiaa if satisfactory standard af wort Is Malatalatd. I" casa af acsity fba Srfary af War shall dttarmltia wkta Hay ajay b colltd fa actlvt duty. If Is aadarsfaaa! that at sa aallsf4 will bay fh apaartaalty af caaattf far vaacls la acr'i caadldata schools. Tali ale has boa approval la fha baHof that caatlaaaaca af adacafioa will dU capacities far loadarship. Ra rv oallstaMRt will aot alter rofalatiaa rf ardiaf itbllshd R. O. T. C. ptaas.) Aviation Cadet at $75 a month, with expenses paid. If jou have majored ia science or engineering you can try for a commission in the ground crew in Armament, Communications, Engi neering, Meteorology, Photography As a Second Lieutenant on active duty, your pay ranges from $183 to $245 a month. 80 Hove Wen Commissions Due to thorough training about four out of every five Aviation Cadets this past year received Second Lieu tenants' commissions of which 67 are now flying officers. The tremendous expansion of the Air Forces should assure rapid ad vancement in all branches. And after the war you'll be ready for the ever growing opportunities in aviation. Settle Your Service Now The years ahead are war years and every college man shoula make his plans accordingly. To make America supreme in the air we need every college man who can qualify for active or deferred service So take advantage now of this op tion. You may never again have such opportunities. See vour Faculty Air Force Advisor for information and help with details. Join the thousands of America's col lege men who are enlisting this week! NOTE: If you are under 2 1, you will need 5aof and three letters of recom- taaPT manilfiAn will rnilirfi of all applicants. Obtain the forms and send them home today. SEE YOUR FACULTY AIR FORCE ADVISOR FOR FULL INFORMATION (Or Apply to Your Local Recruiting and Induction Station) U. S. ARMY RECRUITING AND INDUCTION STATION: TOST OFFICE BUILDING, LINCOLN, NEBR. Aviation Cadet Examining Board Are. Located in the Following Citiet: x OMAHA FORT FRANCIS E. WARREN Other Army Recruiting and Induction Station Are in Following Citiet: OMAHA GRAND ISLAND McCOOK NORFOLK CHEYENNE, WYO. SHERIDAN, WYO. THE SPECIAL EXAMINING BOARD WILL VISIT UNIV. OF NEBRASKA MAY IS Bob Dappen in the outneia.