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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (May 8, 1942)
8 DAILY NEBBASKAN Friday, April 8, 1942 Me CLOTHES LINE , i I - ilht E ft I unlrl t c x - VT? 11 jr ir H it -a. I Xs-! jiff v"m m'm,mw,ummf t!'!: " ' ' It!! i !t i ii i irih! u I !!PMV a -. " ;-v " " A v s . IfitVV ' ' ! A-; ; I " ' ' 1 s I I FROM CHICAGO Don James, ATO, has imported :i dale for the coronation of the camp us queen of queens... the "N" club dance featuring Tony Pastor and his orchestra. The date is Saturday, May 1(5. Tickets are $1.50. MARGE STEWART, Alpha Chi, and Ed Butler, ATO, apparently are the couple some an cient scribe was writing about when he penned the immortal "In the hpriiiK . . . etc." Last spring', his ATO pin first adorned her blouse. Came fall, and with the green leaves, the maltose cross disappeared, lio cently, as buds burst and birds sang, it happened again. This week-end lVu Woods calls. Cupid is alert, but we suspect those Conny Casuals she found in Simon's shoe depart ment prompted her "yes" to the outdoor invitation. Marge chose the moccasin style at $4.;)."), but many other play shoes, priced from $1.!" to Xk are shown. Queen of queens candidale, Thcta Harriet Cost olio's regal eye came to rest upon specta tors with black body and white toe ;iml heel, but her glance returned jiuain and again to the colorful play shoes. For lounging, campus or country moods idle saw Conny cas ual pumps, in red, white and brown, with open back and toe and soft, flexible leather soles. Her glance lingered over the Huaraches, at $1.!'J . . . they may be, tinted any color. In rod and wheat shades, the new rug sack, rope sole arrivals ap peared tops in cool, cushioned com fort. A scarcity of shoes is forecast, but Simon's now have a wide vari ety with prices to quell budget jitters. OFF TO the Marines Saturday are two Sig ma Nus, one Phi Psi and a Beta. Paul Svoboda and Joe Walla are the former pair. Pert Smith is the Phi Psi enlistee, while Dean Miller is the Beta candidate. Each leaves many a. sultra love affair in his wake. SMART GIRLS will have no trouble with finals or that rainy weather "J can't do a thing with my hair" worry if they take advantage of the spring special offered by Ben Your Hair Dresser. The recular $6.50 Joli machinoless permanent is now $4.8.". . .and it in cludes the new brush curl set. Pick up the phone and dial 2-211(5 for an appointment. Margaret Konner, Theta. knows this number. No won der she in lurn receives numerous calls from John Saford, Beta. Kena Forsythe, also a Theta, is another coed who follows the campus tradi tion of depending upon Ben to pin up those locks. FIRST IN YOUR HEART is your Mother. And though you've forgotten or put it off for the more immediate sugar or school registra tion, you can still remember Mother Sunday with a corsage, bouquet or plant wired or delivered anywhere from Da in el son Floral company, 1 :) X street. First in Her heart are flowers. Danielson's have them. PAUL SVOBODA'S little sister, Betty, may miss Jimmie Eunoeford as her Journal boyfriend has to nurse a cold typewriter to night. The scribbler by name is Mick Bierbowor, the brolher of that former Believe It or Not (lirls Sports Editor of the Daily a few terms back. Her name is June. PICNIC SEASON is on and on the well dressed pic nicker are blue denim slacks from . . . you guessed it . . . Simon's new slack shop. Manned entirely by coeds, modeling different types of slacks, shorts, skirts and jackets, each featuring blue denim, the cor ner made its debut this week. Emphasizing the turn to the mili tary, Joyce Jirdon, Delta (lamina, looks set to go in slacks of cavalry twill priced at $10.95. (Xote the tapering legs and lack of cuffs as demanded by national defense style exports.) And for well groomed con Is the razor crease is an all im portant detail. Of contrasting dark color is her Simon Uothley blouse at $2.9-". Proudly showing a pair of snappy blue denim slacks, at the economical price of $2..r0, Joyce soetiiN to be about to make a sale. Attentive smiles from left to right aiv Eudice (iinsberg, Sigma Delta Tan. who is wearing slacks of that popular gabardine material, water resistant and tough enough for the most vigorous picnic wrestle. She tops it with a gaucho blouse, pat terned in Mexican sombreros and fastened with tan straw buttons. The blouse is yours for $3.95 . . . the slacks $(i.i5. You will smile with pleasure when you feel the soft French flan nel of the brown slacks which Mary Bird, Alpha Phi. is wearing. These are priced at $5.95, and her red opera blouse is only $3.95. Theta Peggy Lemon is next in pastel plaid slacks, in French flannel, $5.95. Her brown and white polka dot silk shirt is $2.95. Sister Ann Beard models a natural colored sharkskin Colbreeze slack suit, complete with jacket, $5.95. BUZZ'S GAL Marge Bruning won't be cram ing for finals this wek-end. Not with those jaunty Moxi-Cooloe play shoes from H o v 1 a n d-Swanson's. She's anticipating picnicking at Pen Woods with Buzz Dalton, Acacia pin mate. It's the last respite for play before exams and her footwear is a fundamental for fun. Selling from $4.45 to $7.95, llovland-Swanson lias a gala selection of sandals by Joyce. Among them are the Cardigan, !il lyflower, Poker Flat, Capistrano and Bonanza styles. They're wedgies, as gay as your banter, as jaunty as your walk, and as comfy as your bare feel. In a light beige shade, tlnr Moxi-Cooloe is lluaracho pattornctT with wide leather thongs interwoven to fi'tig a cool, com fort able challenge to the hot summer sun. The Bonan za features studs along the solos and heels. Bags to match are available from 2.!)5 to 4.95. Select yours at llovland-Swanson. DEAR MOM There isn't really any way we can tell you how much we loe you, but we thought aitv.l nnd made a stab and kinda figured you l understand. Of course we went to llovland's, Ihe fashion center of Lincoln. We will just tell you a few of the things we saw because we always had so much fun guessing what was in packages. First there wore super spring scents of all your favorite perfumes and colognes in such delicate cut glass bottles. And over at the jew elry counter they were showing .v whole new line of Eisonberg jewelry just received. There was a spark ling rbinestone bracelet which would match your brooch beautifully. And the purses, Mother, were so roomy and at the peak of fashion. They come in all different kinds of ma terials and colors. . .and are fash ioned bv your favorite designer, Iicwis. And the fourth thing V thought about giving you was one of those soft, sheer blouses, done by Joan Kenley. Can you guess what it is. P. S. And Mom, it didn t cost much. LOVELY AS LIFE. will be graduating Buth McMillan, Thcta, when she applies for posi tions this spring with application prints from Millers studio. She may use her yearbook negative and re ceive two prints for the price of one. School boards, and personnel mana gers will look agaiji at these photos. GETTING WARMER is Faffaire twixt Pi Phi Mary Jean Warburton and Kappa Sigma's new proxy, Louie Wooie Lehr. They're taking in the Arrow hayride Satur day and a dinner at Lchr's domicile on Sunday. AND WHAT is there to this fact that a Kappa and a Thcta head got together and put Iwo and two side by side and objected to the "line" of one Phi Cam? Nome's last name could be Anderson. SHE'S THE GRANDEST person in the world, because she's Mother. That's why she must re ceive the finest type of remembrance from you her son or daughter. For the finest in silverware or some other addition to her table sotting, for something she will take pride in, visit flardner's Jewelry Store. The address is 1220 0 street. A PERT FACE and wavy, dark brown hair are set off by a (Jail pompadour porkpio, Pat Catlin, Kappa, found when she visited (iold's Hoadliner Row this week. The last word in casual clothes when worn with the familiar campus cardigan and white turn down collar as in the accompanying photo, and is but dashing when worn with her .smooth date outfits and silk hose. And the palpitating pastels . . . one will go with everything, or jou can buy a different color to go with each ensemble. Color selection includes beige, rose, yellow, white, pink, sunniblue and aqua. Just step off the elevator on the third floor as- Pat did, walk over to the college-staffed booth, coeds will wait on you. and Cold's will have it for you. And speaking of hats, you will find that the national trend on style-conscious campuses is definitely toward hats. Not especially the wide picture brims of yesterday, but the modern Nebraska coed longs for a practical edition of that same flattering topper. And as an additional safeguard against the sweeping Nebraska winds, an invisible hat pin secures the hat to your head. ;,j r-xJ - 'i 4-J All