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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (May 8, 1942)
Friday, April 8, 1942- Lincoln, Nebraska 3 Meeting fit Temple . . Speech Department Holds 'Oscar Night' Tonight Speech students on the univer sity campus are on stage to ring down the curtain tonight, 7:30 p. m(. at the Studio Theater climaxing a season full of activ ities including such plays as "Androolos and the Lion," and "Seven Sisters." The event is one that takes place annually and is looked forward to by every mem ber of the Temple theater. Yes, you guessed it, "Oacar Night." What does it include? Every thing, brother, everything. In years previous a dinner pre ceded the event, but this year be cause of certain prevailing circum stances the dinner was canceled. Joyce Eurke, senior speech major, has charge of the pro At Mass Meeting . . . YW Members Discuss Staff, Financial Plans for Next Year Wednesday night approximately ! 100 members of the Y. W. C. A. met in Ellen Smith to hear the new plans of the organization for next year and to check interest sheets on which staffs will be based for next year. The new organization plan will include two regular mass meetings per semester for such business as a possible change in the constitu tion with regard to dues and at least one meeting of a social na ture. Mimeographed sheets were given to each containing the list of sug gested staffs for next fall. Over 20 groups were suggested and room was left for others that the group might desire. On the back of the papers sug gestions for a more efficient and more meaningful staff program were written and the cabinet will use these suggestions in planning staffs. How to raise the budget and the present system of dues was dis cussed. The possibility of charg ing a fixed amount each semester or each year instead of an initial $2 fee was brought up. Such a plan would involve a constitutional change and if the cabinet decides it would ho advisable this will be brought before the first mass meeting in the fall. Following the mass meeting the cabinet met to discuss finances and to hoar a discussion of the pos sible reduction of the budget. The la-st on timet mooting of the year will be hold next Wednesday at 7 p. m. at which time the freshman program will be decided. BUTT eREB JL& "ill At All Fairmont Dealers Lots of extra-choice golden-brown pecans dipped in Fairmont's delicious butter . . . toasted to a turn for perfect flavor . . . then frozen in fresh, rich, sweet cream. That's Fairmont's Buttered Pecan Ice Cream for you! Try it today. You'll enjoy every bite. Order some now. ' FAIElCaOQTS Snwoilv gACcwv ICE CREAM gram. The evening will be taken up with awards, distinctions and "Oscar's" given to individual Paul Munis and Bctte Davises of out standing casts, as well as awards given for the best plays of the year. As can be expected, "Oscar Night" is a replica of Hollywood's Academy Award. Like previous years there will be take-offs on plays and incidents which have accumulated in making up a well rounded year of activity in the theater racket. Although the speech department has been hit hard because of Uncle Sam's skirmish with the axis the Templeites expect to make this "Oscar Night'' the hit of the decade. Former Student Speaks to Class On Handcraft Miss Ruth Gilgen, graduate of the school of fine arts in 1918, spoke before the handcrafts class in home economics yesterday. Her subject dealt with occupational therapy. Miss Gilgen has taught in Japan, China, Hawaii und California since her graduation. In Tokyo she taught foods in . a private school for girls and Japanese and French cooking. In addition, the girls studied flower arrangements under her. This is one of the most important parts of their life. Miss Gilgen said. She also taught English to boys in one of the universities of Tokyo. Later Miss Gilgen taught occu pational therapy at Gamarillo state hospital in California. This is one of ten such hospitals in that state. 1,000 well trained teachers will be needed in California alone in the near future for such work, the speaker said, and the work being taught in the handcraft class, taught by Miss Bess Steele, will be part of needed equipment for such a profession. J PECAH Krf . . ... UN Campus to Experience War Rationing for One Day While the Nebraska campus ex periences war food rationing the first time Monday, May 11, for the duration of one day only, the British Isles and similar blockaded nations have existed on these ra tions throughout the war. To bring home the differences in what Americans enjoy in the way of varied menus and what war rationed countries regularly eat, the Student Union is spon soring a comparative exhibition to be shown in the Union lobby Tues day, May 12. Planned by students interested in nutrition, the exhibition will contain examples of a British breakfast, a good American breakfast. Similar examples of lunch and dinner will be on dis play during the day. Kept secret from the student body, Monday menus will be de livered to housemothers and presi dents today. For that day's throe regular meals, all organized houses, the Student Union, dormi tories, and ag campus boarding clubs 'will serve a British food ra tion meal. Bureau Approves. Enthusiastically approved by the National Bureau of Economics who referred the idea to the Brit ish Supply Council, the plan of the Student Defense Council has greately interested the British Supply Council, and they have sent much material on actual DO YOU DIG WHAT DO YOU SAY? Send us some of your hot slang. If we use it you'll be ten bucks richer. If we don't, we'll shoot you a rejection slip to add to your collection. Mail your slang to College Dept., Pepsi-Cola Company, Long Island City, N. Y. Pepai-Cola is made only by PepBi J J j : . cases of rationing to Justine Sut ton, student head in charge of preparations. A British middle class family of three is allowed 2 pounds and 13 ounces of meat a week, l' pounds of sugar, pound bacon, 9 dunces of cheese, 6 ounces butter, 12 ounces margarine, 6 ounces tea, 6 ounces cooking fats, 12 ounces jam, from 1 to 2 eggs, and about 1 pound of canned food or about 4 pounds of cereals, pulses, etc. A few sample menus include: Breakfast: Tomatoes on toast, wholemeal bread and jam. Lunch: Liver sausage and salad, Ground rice and stewed apples. Dinner: Vegetable soup. Fish cakes, Cheese and watercress, Fruit. Breakfast: Sausages (30 meat), wholemeal bread and jam or syrup (70 bread, rice, etc.). Lunch: Vegetable pie, Milk pudding. Dinner: Chops, potatoes, and two vegetables, Apple pie with cream cheese. Despite the 'war rationing, the English people still cling fondly to their daily spot of tea at about a quarter to five. The various pastries and cakes which formed an integral part of the tea before the war have had to be cut out, however, and either wholemeal IT? - Cola Co., Long Island City, N. Y. broad, crackers, or biscuits sub stituted. The retention of this cus tom has probably had much to d with keeping up the famed Brit ish morale. Kitchen Front Broadcasts. Wholemeal bread is made from a mixture of 70 percent bread flour, rice, and similar ingredi ents. It is made after a recipe endorsed on the British so-called Kitchen Front broadcasts. A quote from a British mother says, "We like it very much, and it is very easy to make." Many new war recipes have been given to the British people over the Kitchen Front broadcast ing series. Such "vegetable war riors" include potatoo scones and potato floddios, both made with flour to make the actual potato go farther. "Fadge," also a mix ture of potato and flour and fried on a hot griddle, is a popular breakfast dish. Lentils are used in a wide variety of ways, rolls and relish being foremost. The major portion of British food comes from the United States under lend-lease. However, Canada, South Africa, Australia, New Zealand, Eire, Iceland, Portu gal, Brazil, and the home market have contributed their quotas. Five hundred six students and faculty members at -Washington State college registered in the most recent selective service reg istration. ENGLISH TRANSLATION This hen is telling her sorority sisters to get busy with the rouge and powder department, put on their high heels and do a quick lipstick job. All be cause the boys are arriving with Pepsi-Cola the champ of the campus. Bottled locally by Authorized Bottlen. i , 3 X i , X & 8 J