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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (May 5, 1942)
(Tuesday, May 5. 1942 DAILY NEBRASKAN Huskers Prep For Missouri Tilt Saturday Nebraska Track Squad Finishes Second at Army Triangular by One Point Coach Ed Weir's track aggrega tion turned in a neat performance made up of many individual per formances of note as the Huskers finished second to host team, West Point in a triangular meet on Sat urday. The Husker team left New York for the home trip on Sunday eve ning after an overnight stay in the Metropolis of all. Meet Tigers Next. When the Scarlet squad returns their work will be cut out for them as they meet the University of Missouri on Saturday at Columbia. The Tigers bowed to the su perior forces of Notre Dame on the same day that the Huskers i. I : If " I SOB G1NN Lincoln Journal. were being entcrtaind at West Point by a 67-50 margin. The big noise of this meet was the two mile effort of Notre Dame's Ollie Hunter. Hunter Breaks Record. Hunter broke the tape after his long journey in 9:22.4 to break a two year old record held by Miz zolu's John Munski. Joe Shy, Mis souri hurdler, was the high point performer with 11 points to his credit at the end of the afternoon's activities. He won the 60 yard low hurdles and took second in the high and the 60 yard dash. The meet was scheduled for the outdoor track but due to weather conditions it had to be moved inside. The duel between Jim Delaney of Notre Dame and Elmer Aussie ker of Missouri which began at the past Drake Relays in which the latter took first in the shot put came to a final test. Delaney finally got his pellet out 50 feet 4', 2 inches which was plenty good to take first. Half Was Best Race. The close race of the afternoon was the half mile in which Rich ard Tupta of the Notre Dame squad nosed out Ray Rayl of the Tiger clan in 2:00.5. Owen Jog gerst won the 60 yard dash with Shy seeond for Missouri. The Saturday match between the Tigers and the Huskers will be both team's final warm-up for the important Big Six champion ships which will be held at Ne braska on the week end following. Husker-Army Times. The Husker-Army times can give some indication of how they will do against the Missourians. The summary for last Saturday's meet: IDA yard lah: Won by icn Littler, N'lrankH: vnonil, Bi-rr,l lti'f-r. Army; third. Kmrn Hr-rrv, Army; fourth, Hill Smut, Netiraxkn. Time in I. 2M yard ili.l.: Won t.y f.ent Llttlrr, Ni-i.radka; M-iond, Krnli- Hofi-m. Armv: third. K'-:irk- I'.t rry, Arrn ; fourth, Kill Conner, .Nelriinka. Tiire 'i'i '. t40 yard run; Won hy Mill foiiwr, N. brimkn; lo-rond, Joe ;-iz, I'oliifnhi.i ; third, John Morrin, Arrtiy; fourth, lhpri (intlln. Army. Ti.w 4!' 7. JI11U rnile run: Won l.y Hoh i;i,ri, Sr. br.inK i; Mi-orid. Frank M Mullen, Army; third, Frank Hrnlky, Army; fourth, i'trti Bishop, Army, 'lime l:M.7 (ii track word ) Mile run: Won by Hoh fiitm. Vi-driiiM ; erond, Frrink Honhnm, Army; ttdrd, Fred KitiK,tArmy; fourth, JTdtik itlrkn. Army. Tme:22. Two mllo run: Won l.y Harold Maine, Army; mcond, I'anl Johrde, NehraKka; Kr-d Horell, Army. Time fc 7. One mile relay: Won b iKol, H.,ih, Al Hrown, Hill Hmutr., Hill Conner), Ne tiranka; tawwi.i i Iternle Hukpth. I inn f;nf fin. Bob WnlllnK, Jack Morrlm, Army; third, I John Smith, Joe 1 (.-I'lllm, Hob Jonen, Ken Miller), Columbia. Time 3:21.7 (new track record. 120 yard hiKh lnirdlen; Won l.y Hob WalllnK, Army; Heeond, Hill Hrmilz, Ne. brka; third, Kiilph Klnc, N.-brxnka-Mft"'' th"r" ''"lkcrt"r. Army. Time 22H yard low hurdled; Won by Hob Wall- Your Drug Store We have a fast filin developinjc service, OWL PHARMACY 148 No. 14th it, r. 2-1068 Mm Husker Team See Opponent In Four Sports Nebraska's athletic teams are in for a busy time this week. Coach Ad Lewandowski's base ball team wijl head south on Wed nesday afternoon. They will meet the Oklahoma Aggies under the lights on Thursday evening for the first time a Husker baseball team has played under the arcs in the history of the school. After one game with Coach Hank Iba's A. & M. aggregation, the Huskers will head from Still water for the Oklahoma Sooners in Norman where they play two games on Friday and Saturday. The Sooners are league leaders at this point and are reported to have the best team in the history of the school. The track squad will square off with the University of Missouri in a duel meet on Colombia cin ders. The tennis and golf teams inaugerate their home season, en tertaining Oklahoma on Lincoln courts and links, respectively. Picnic . . . (Continued from Page 1.) H. R. Turner's movies illustrating the German army's break through Poland during the first part of this war and another movie show ing the naval action in the Pa cific in the most recent phases of the war. The group will sleep in Memo rial Hall, at the camp, on cots and equipment remaining from the previous National Guard com panies. Breakfast the following morning will be served at 4:30 a. m. Following the breakfast, the tactical problems, begun the pre vious evening, will again be worked through. The group will arrive back in Lincoln for 9 o'clock classes. To Become Annual Affair. "This is the first time Scabbard and Blade has given such a rush party, and we are going to try to make it an annual affair," stated Dick Arnold, newly elected cap tain of the fraternity. The men who are invited are present active and alumni members of the frater nity and sophomores who will be in advanced drill next fall. Scabbard and Blade is a na tional honorary and professional fraternity for advanced drill of ficers of the senior ROTC units of the country. It is the only mili tary fraternity recognized by the United States Army. The com pany at Nebraska, Company "C" of the third regiment, has been on this campus since the ROTC unit was established. At present there are 93 companies in the national organization. Ink, Armv; eeroml, Hill Hmtitz, Nebraska; third. Kalph Ktni.', N't,raka ; fourth, John Hrerdon. Columbia. Time 2!i 0 HIkii lump: Won h" Frank Camm, Army. H (ret; tieeond, Harold Hunt, Sebr.fka, b fe-t M Inrhru; tllrd. Ilik Clark und FnuiK Walker, both Army, tied, 5 feet H InrheH. Hole vault: Wmi t.y Harold Hunt, .Ne braska. It feel; nt-eond. Hob Hliort, Army and Howie ehim, Nebraska, tied, IS feet; fourth, Warren Hroemei, Columbia, 12 fe,t a lnih". Javelin: Won by Ralph White, Army, 'jnh feet N Incite; perond, Howie Dchua. Nebraska, 204 leel b V, Inchet.; third, F.d Wlbln-N, Nebraska, Idfi feel 10 Inchei.; fonith, luck Clark, Army, 10 feet 7 Im he. Shot .m: Won hy Vie Hchcllrh, Ne branka, 1 feet 2 ii inch; necond. Culler, Army, l feet ' Inche; third, F.d Wit., beli, Nebralia, 4.r feet 4 Inehe; fourth, Don I'enneily, Columbia, M feet 1 ! Inche. Iimcun: Won by, F.d Wlbl.eln,, 1'!M feel It lnhe; eecond, Klrwln Fluen hnrt, Nebrank.i, 112 feet r.'v Inehe ; third, Charle Hardv, Army, 1TI2 feet 4 Inche; fourth, Pick Van Seholek, Army, l.m feel 1 rj Inche. Hroad Jumn: Won by T)lrk YelldlnK. Army, 211 feel indie; necond, Carl Helmleiter, Army, 22 feet 1 Inch; third, Mill Hmutz, NetuuakH, 22 feel Inche; fourth, Howie llurrl, Army, 21 feel lit Inche. CLASSIFIED FVK. mt rahln, Meeker Hark, Colo. Near F.te Hark. Keon I Ml up, Jjr. Hannen, lol.'i-lt St., (Sreelcy, f-olo. THREK kryi found on the military fh M may hr obt.ilned hy callitiK at thr Polly Ncd)rakaii off Ire, Faculty Holds Main Position On New Board Change Made By Regents To Conform With Big Six Rule in Regan! to Control University of Nebraska athletics soon will be under the control of a new board to be known as the Board of Intercollegiate Athletics and will replace the old Board of Athletic control set up in 1923. The revamped system which will go into effect on June 1 differs from the old system in that the faculty now will hold voting ma jority. According to the rules of the Missouri Valley Intercollegiate Athletic association known as the Eig Six and the North Central As sociation of Colleges and Second ary Schools, athletic control in member schools must be vested in the faculty. Four Represent Faculty, Four of the seven voting mem bers will represent the faculty, two will be chosen from the mem bership of alumni association and one will be from the student membership of the N club. The faculty members will con sist of R. D. Scott, professor of English; John D. Clark, dean of the College of Business Adminis tration; T. T. Thompson, dean of student affairs and H. P. Davis, head of dairy husbandry depart ment of the college of agriculture. Representing the alumni as sociation will be George Holmes, presi dent of the First National bank of Lincoln and John Rid dell, York at torney. Dale Brad ley, Husker football star, will be the N man on the board. Some Are Holdover. Of the new board membership, Professor Scott, Dean Thompson, Holmes and Riddell are members of the existing system. L. E. Gun derson, finance secretary; L. F. S-aton, purchasing agent and John K. Selleck, acting director of Lincoln Journal 1 SpodA. Whihll t : w& 8 gj 'S?K. - Hy Boh MiUer g NEBRASKA'S track forces did themselves up right back at the West Point triangular on Saturday. . . . The Huskers were second to the Cadets by one point with the Columbia team finishing third. . . . The final reckoning saw the Cadets first with 711 to Nebraska's 77 V2 and Columbia's seven tallies. . . . The meet was one of the best ever held at the Military Institute and it certainly boomed Nebraska stock on the east coast. OUT of the 15 cinder artists making the trip, 13 scoi-d im portant points while the other two were handicapped by injur; . . . Husker performers left two track records after their invasion and the two records will probably be on West Point books for some time to come. . . . Little Bobby Ginn finally hit the stride of which he is capable as he barreled through the half mile jaunt in the good time of 1:54.7 which is plenty good from a standing start. ... He also ran the mile in 4:22 which is keeping pretty good pace with the thought of another half mile staring him in the face. SURPRISE of the. afternoon to coach and team mates was the showing of the mile relay team conjposed of Bob Bowles, Al BiV. , Bill Smutz and anchored by Bill Conner. . . . This foursome got out onto the track and whipped off the mile in 3:21.7 breaking the Cadet track record. SOME of the other performances are worth noting. . . . Har old Hunt got back up to his 14 foot standard again as he won his event. . . . Howard Debus stole a large part of the show. ... He gathered a second in the pole vault with a 13 foot effort and what was the big surprise, he tossed the javelin out 204 feet 5 inches for second place. . . . His cast was the best of his career and out does by 30 feet anything that he has accomplished this season. . . Husky Ki Eisenhart took a surprise second in the discus as he fol lowed Edsel Wibbels in the platter event. . . . Red Littler returned to his tape-breaking form in the 100 and 220 dashes. . . . His times were not too fast but they were good enough to win. . . . Bill Con ner showed up the best of his career when he captured the quarter mile dash in 49.7. ... It was quite a meet and quite a trip for the Huskers and they should be cutting some fancy antics come the Big Six meet a week from this Friday and Saturday. SHUT OUT, three year old son of Equipoise, is ruling king of the Kentucky Derby after his driving finish in the annual classic hfld Saturday in Churchill Downs' palatial atmosphere. ... If you can call a grandstand with betting booths doing a two million dollar busi ness in one afternoon and with horses galore intermingled - palatial. . , Eddie Arcaro, tiny Italian jockey, picked the wrong horse for the aft ernoon. . . . After due deliberation Eddie chose to ride Devil Diver from the Whitney stables also with the $7,000 first place jockey money in mind. ... He could have ridden eitherhorse but finally picked Devil Diver. . . . The latter finished sixth and it was a chagrined Arcaro who wended his way to the jockey quarters following thf race. CONNIE WARMERDAM has done it again. ... He has add ed inches to his outdoor pole vault record. ... In the Pacific asso ciation track and field meet Saturday he cleared 15 feet 6 inches and barely knocked off the bar at 15-9. . . . His indoor mark stands at 15-74. athletics have been st-leded as the advisory associates. The Board of Intercollegiate Athletics is primarily charged with the job of constructing the inter colleginte athletic program of the university and will have supervis ory control over the Husker ath letic program which includes staff, personnel, budget expenditures, admission to athletic events, gate receipts and general athletic pol icies subject to the approval of the board of regents. Hoard members will elect a president, vice presi.ii-nt and sec retary from either voting or as sociate members. Meetings are to be held monthly. The place of cotton in the econ omy of Texas will be subject for an intensive study conducted by the University of Texas bureau of business research. 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