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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (April 30, 1942)
DAILY NEBRASKAN Thursday, April 30, 1942 Dim b (RcLq, $A. Ml MI Who said it wss spring; the old summer sun ws.s really beating down yesterday with cotton dresses and shirtsleeves setting the styles. . . . Wedding snd picnics continue to make up the main body of what is wha. there days. . . Avery Forke, DU and now in the army will take on a bsll and chain in the way of a ral named Dorothy Askey, Alpha Fl,i. come June 7. . . . Rumor tl.o has it that an other DU FVfd Meier is taking the big step as soon as this Fri day, all of which amply takes care of some lour men from that house counting earlier reportings. - Phi Psis are defying the call to picnics and this Sunday evening will see them putting on a big buffet supper. Myra Colborg. Kappa, and Jimmy Baylor are one couple planning on eating hearty. . . . Sigma Nus and Pi Phis have an exchange tinner all lined up for Friday night, or as Jo Walla, soon to be a msrine. would say a trade dinnei. . . . Kappa June Jnmieson, of the Stlzer menagerie, is back at school with no visible races of her siege with the measles. . . . Sat., May 2 WWB ! Ill iJHtHW , . " I - i" " 1 , iJIWlUlljll.l i m imiii a wasM LUCKY ILLINDER and his Famous Decca Recording Band Featuring y r Li: SISTER THARPE Don't Miss This New Sensation i Dance Bands Ch a ins (Continued from page 1.) cession and those already chosen. They are: Bellle t'x. Roily IVir-rsrn, lorothy Jean Hran. Belly Jeanne SpHliltuK, Rrllia I'llt'tll. Klijean I'misson, Aura I.e. Dnw smi, Harttara Kmitsky, lictty AnnVrson, Mush seiner. Amies Hithmmiii, Diireen Fisher, KIWalK-th HarliMHiin. . TearSe 1nnikrcer. Hester Whlfemore, lean Thompson, MtrlHn Anderson, Fran ces Ramry, Jane Bird. Betty ;reen, June Mover, Jeanne Hnllt, Marraret Criers. I'atly 1'alne, Mllrnc Anderson, IXirolhy Askey. Nnnry Hiivrnck. Ionise lite, Ruth Holland. Kulh llarvry. (.ay i.anen. Jane Katrd, Alice Ann Hascall. Tat Conner, Belt,. Rattiuiirn. Belly Perry. Helen Matt, (iretclien Buck, Barbara Httlnker, I'liyllis Ann Thimlmn. Betty Ann Nichols, Phyllis Welch, Kathrrine. Cue. Shirley Hoffman. Virginia Hay, Ma rie Anderson. Lorraine Beans, Helen Kr Ickson. Bernndetta Kliehn. Kslher Tatter son, Kslln-r Malison. Polly Wren, Benlah Kntardtis. Sarah Miller. Slilrley Knsteln, Jerry Orlnsnar, Vrisrllla Mower, Dorothy Anderson, r'rr'nr Bergren. I.als KrldenbauKh, Helen Clnss. Harriet Wood, l-eonn French. Rerntee Askey. Jeanne MaeMllster. Frances Simon, Jeanne Heeker, Marcaret lambrechl. Margaret Ohrt, Marian Swansnn, Reryl Weaver. Ronnie Rees, Monet ha Newman, Rath Cow-den. Kleannr Hyde. Frances Hans, Mary Fllen M.'Kee, Jean tieddes, lia Thompson. Helen Frholt. Harel 'Ink. I nelllr Sten anek, Alicia Henson. Iorls Voir. F.dna !si(in. Betty Provost. Man Adelaide Hanson, Rath Fairley and Virginia iat trell. Those in the Daisy chain will Six UN Seniors Take Dental Examinations National Board of Dental Ex aminers will hold examinations next Monday and Tuesday for stu dents and practicing dentists at the dental college. Six seniors, at least two practicing dentists, and possibly students from other in stitutions will take the tests un der Dr. H. A. Merchant of Omaha. The six seniors participating in the tests will be Ted Allely, Ken neth C. Christensen, Eugene Walt ers, Robert E. Roemmieh, James E. Chapin, and William O. Pugs ley. Dr. W. M. Walla, Fremont, '32, and Dr. H. Glenroy Wallis, Provo, Utah, "41, will also take the examinations. I Who What: 11 When: Where: SEVEN SISTERS Ton ite Tomorrow Nite University Theatre DerVt. of Speech, School of Fine Arts Res. Seats 50c plus 5c tax 55c Gen. Adm. 27c plus 3c tax 30c Curtain at Eight .'5 i- S "7 ' - T HOT LUNCHES 30c V $1.00 Wildroot v 79c Pro-Phy-toc-Tic Hair Brush Both For 89c Milk Shakes Thick and Deliciou 10c Palmolire Share Cream 2 ror 33c BOYDEN'S Stuort Theatre Bldg. LIFE BEGINS WITH SPORT COAlS .mmm djfc and SLACKS COJD SLACK AND CAMEL JACICI V- V'l V a?TS Ia 7SSt. r m , -si-,. We've done a lot of shopping for you to bring OtlNHIir together this collection of sportswear. Now you can see the pick of California, Florida and eastern markets. Look at these few numbers we've mentioned here . . . then stop in tomor row to see the countless other features. Get your sportswear now and enjoy it all spring and summer! New LEISURE JACKETS Those favorite corduroy and wool jackets you like to slip on in tlie evening for real reMxa ation. An ideal extra jacket $6 9a to H3.50 McGregor SLACK SUITS For, week-ends, and g-neral leisure you'll want a new tnnrt chut inw iisri. n enmie. in new washable gabardines. $7 95 SPORT SHIRTS Colorful new basque crew shirts and new shades In gabardine and poplin in. 'n. outer shuts ... In button and Hollywood rouue styles. $1.60 to J3.00 VARSITY-TOWN SPORT COATS All the new features in plaids, checks and tripes as well as plain shades. You'll enjoy the style perfection of these outstanding coats. $17. bO Other fine SPORT COATS Some new plain shades of tan and Liberty Blue in fine wool cheviot fabrics. Save your tegular clothes and wear a sport coat for leisure. $13 50 All kinds of SLACKS Vou'll find them all but especially plenty of those favorite gabardines and flannels . . . in shades ranging from tan to deep blue. $6.50 to $11.50 for all types of sport clothes, visit ilium..,.. ,. 7 ' v ;'i Vita. r - Jf- l 4 A -rs "W ' ' 7 50c Adm. Each