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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (April 24, 1942)
DAILY NEBRASKAN Friday, April 24, 1942 Senior Council Considers Constitutional Amendment At Final Meeting of Year There were not enough mem bers of the Senior Council present at their last meeting of the year last night for a quorum, so the meeting was never called to order, but the plan of reorganization was explained by Jack Stewart, presi dent, and suggestions made for next year. The reorganization plan would Involve an amendment to the con stitution providing for the cen tralization of power in the hands of the execHtive committee, with the provision that three-fourths of a quorum of members of the Sen ior Council meeting together could over-ride any action of the executive group. Such an amendment will be taken by the members of the pres ent executive committee to mem bers of the Senior Council for their approval or disapproval. Those present last night felt that Buch an amendment would be passed. The amendment would take care of several of the weaknesses, two of which are that the group is too large, and it does not have any thing to do which is not encroach ing on the activities now taken over by another organization. Efficiency to be Greater. By investing the power in a smaller group which could dele gate committees, more work could be accomplished and would be done quicker. There are several fields of activity which might be undertaken in the future and they could be investigated by a small group. Such activities would include a senior week, a Senior Prom in stead of a Junior-Senior Prom, senior gift to the university, com plete control of commencement announcements, caps and gowns and various war activities such as sending the school paper or let ters to soldiers in the army who attended the university. According to the new plan the Senior Council would meet once, in the fall. At this meeting an ex ecutive committee would be elect ed as it was this winter, com posed of five members plus the senior class president. Then the executive committee would take over all authority. A suggestion was made that members of the Council should not be presidents of organizations, but representatives, and another, that an alternate should be appointed in case the president could not attend. The annual senior-alumni re ception and dance to be held May 23, the Saturday before com mencement, should be attended by members of the Council and they should urge all seniors to attend this reception given by the Chan cellor, it was announced. The re ception will be at 8:30 and the dance at 9:30 in the Union. All seniors are urged to attend. Uni Engineers Make Annual Study of River SAME Will Inspect Revetments, Dykes Along 70 Mile Stretch Twenty-five members of the Society of American Military En gineers will make a 70 mile water trip tomorrow to inspect revet ments and dykes being built on the Missouri river to make it navigable. This is a yearly event. Leaving at 6:45 a. m., the group will arrive at the Florence boat yard at 9:30 a. m. From there they will travel down the river on the inspection ' boat Sergeant Pryor to reach Nebraska City about 3:30 p. m. As guests of the Omaha District of the United States Engineer department, they will be served lunch on the boat. Sponsor for the SAME, who will Accompany the engineers on their trip, is Lt. Colonel A. T. Lobdell. Captain E. C. Richardson will also make the trip and Major E. W. Miles will probably act as guide. Navy . . . (Continued from Page 1.) Charles Thuis. All students now registered in the basic and ad vanced courses will have to be dis charged, according to the military department. It was further ad vised that any students interested in the V-5 course should try to first interview the PMS&T of the university. Candidates for flight training In the Naval Reserve are selected from applicants who have com pleted two or more years of col lege, are over 20 but less than 27 years of age, unmarried, and in excellent physical condition. Individuals who have failed the Army flight training course are not eligible for flight training in the Naval Reserve. Students who have completed the Civilian Pilot training courses, and who meet all requirements are eligible. Gradtu ates of CPT secondary courses are admitted to naval flight training at an advanced stage. Physical Exam Required. All applicants must take the physical examination. The physic al standard for flight training is somewhat higher than that for enlistment in the regular navy and the examination itself is somewhat different, particular at tention being given those factors and functions of greatest Import ance in flying. Such an examina tion will be given to students in Nebraska hall Tuesday, April 28, by Lieutenant Halliburton. College students, after enlist ment In class V-5, may be de Brains Meet For Mighty Quiz Contest When Farm House and Palla- dian society meet in mighty brainy competition at 8 p. m. Sunday, April 26, the great green walls of the Union ballroom will groan with the heavy weight of Union social director Pat Lahr's specially concocted questions. Six rounds of questions will be fired at the two teams seated on the ballroom stage by Buddy Gold stein, co-chairman of the Union competitive games committee, and Marjoric May will act as time keeper. Judges will be Miss Max ine Cloidt, Tom Davis, and Pat Lahr. Out of the 114 students who en tered the Brainstormers Quiz in teams of three, six are left in the running. Palladians include mental giants, Harold Alexis, Warren Guinan, and Dave Marvin, while Farm House is represented by brains Bill Burr, Dan Atkinson and Jim Sallach. College Students Take Work More Seriously Now AMES, la. (ACP). College stu dents are taking their work more seriously if use of the Iowa State college library is any criterion. Dr. Charles H. Brown, college librarian and president of the American Library association, re ports that -while winter term en rollment at Vwa State was down 8 percent, use of . the library was 25 percent heavier than ever before. ferred from call to active duty un til completion of their current col lege year, if they so request. Thereafter they will be assigned to active training duty in the earliest class in which they can be accommodated. If after enlistment In class V-5 they fail to meet the prescribed educational requirements they will be transferred to another class of the Naval Reserve for which qual ified, in the discretion of the navy department, and ordered to active duty In general service or where ever their services may be re quird. They will 'not be released from active duty or discharged from the Naval Reserve at their own requests. Further and more specific In structions will be given to the ap plicants on April 28, when an of fice will be set up in Nebraska htm for the purpose cf interview ing such candidates. Examination Schedule Laboratory classes meeting for several continuous hours on one or two days shall meet for examinations as f0llaasses meeting on Monday and Tuesday shall be examined on the date scheduled for the first hour of their laboratory meeting; Wednesday or Thursday classes on the second hour of their meeting; Friday or Saturday classes on the third hour. u, . i Unit examinations have been scheduled for all sections In the following subjects: (1) Business Organization 3 and 4: (2) Civil Engineering 1; (3) Economics 3. 11, 12; (4) Education 63; (5) English 1, 2, 3, 4, 12, 28; (6) French 11, 12, 13, 14; (7) Home Economics 41, 42, 140; (8) Latin 6; (9) Mathematics 11, 12, 13, 21, 22. 40. 101, 102, 103, 104; (10) Mechanical Engineering 1, 5, 6; (11) Music 72 and 74; (12) Psychology 70 and 90; (13) Span ish 52 and 54. If students have regularly scheduled examinations conflicting with the above specially arranged schedule, arrangements to take such specially scheduled examinations at another time should be made with the de partment concerned on or before May 11. For example: If a student is scheduled for an examination which con flicts with specially scheduled examination in French, arrangements should be made with the French department to take such French examination at another time. THURSDAY, MAY 14 1:30 p.m. to 5:00 p. m. Final examination In Military Science (Annual Compet). Students registered in both he basic and advanced courses In Military Science are required to take part in the An nual Compet. They are therefore excused from classes for the afternoon. 8:00 a. m. to 10 a. m. CI 8:00 a. m. 10:30 a. m. 10:30 a. m. 10:30 a. m. 2:30 p. m. to 10:00 a. to 12:30 p. to 12:30 p. to 12:30 p. to 4:30 p. 2:30 2:30 2:30 2:30 2:30 2:30 to to to to to to 4:30 4:30 4:30 4:30 4:30 4:30 MONDAY. MAY 18 asses meeting at 8 a. m., five or four days, or Mon., Wed., Frl., or any one or two of these days. All sections in Civil Engineering 1. Classes meeting at 4 p. m., five or four days, or Mon., Wed., Frl., or any one or two of these days. All sections in Economics 11 and 12. All sections in Music 72. Classes meeting at 5 p. m., five or four days, or Mon., Wed., Frl., or any one or two of these days. Classes meeting, at 5 p. m., Tues. and Thurs., or either one of these days. -All sections in Business Organization 3 and 4. All sections in Education 63. All sections in Home Economics 41 and 42. All sections in Mechanical Engineering 5 and 6. All sections in Psychology 70 and 90. 8:00 a. m 10:30 a. m 2:30 p. m 2:30 p. m 2:30 p. m 2:30 p. m TUESDAY, MAY 19 to 10:00 a. m. Classes meeting at 9 a. m., Tues., Thurs., Sat., or any one or two of these days. to 12:30 p. m. Classes meeting at 2 p. m., Tues. and Thurs., or either one of these days. to 4:30 p. m. Classes meeting at 7 p. m., Mon., Wed., Fri., or any one or two of these days. to 4:30 p. m. Classes meeting at 7 p. m., Tues. and Thurs., or either one of these days. to 4:30 p.m. All sections in English 1, 2, 3,4, 12, 28. to 4:30 p. m. All sections in Music 74. 8:00 a. g. to 10:00 a. 10:30 a. m. 2:30 p. m. to 12:30 p. to 4:30 p. m. Classes meeting at 9 a. of these days, m. Classes meeting at 10 a. m. Classes meeting at 1 p. of these days. WEDNESDAY, MAY 20 five or four days, or Mon., Wed., Frl., or any one or two m., Tues., Thurs., Sat., or any one or two of these days. m. five or four days, or Mon., Wed., Fri., or any one or two 8:00 a. m. h 10:00 a. m. 10:30 a. m. z:30 p 2:30p 2:30 p 2:30 p 2:30 p 2:30 p 2:30 p to 12:30 to 4:30 to to to to to to THURSDAY, MAY 21 Classes meeting at 10 a. m.t five or four days, or Mon.," Wed., Fri., or any one or two or tnese days. Classes meeting at 11 a. m., Tues., Thurs., Sat., or any one or two of these days. Classes meeting at 3 p. m., Tues. and Thurs., or either one of these days. All sections in Economics 3. All sections in Home Economics 140. All sections in Mechanical Engineering 1. All sections in French 11. 12. 13. 14. All sections in Spanish 52 and 54. 30p. m. All sections in Latin 6. m.- mv m.- FRIDAY, MAY 22 8:00 a. m. to 10:00 a. m. Classes meeting at 1 p. m., Tues. and Thurs., or either one of these days. 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Classes meeting at 11 a. m., five or four days, or 'Mon., Wed., Fri., or any one or two of these days. 2:30 p. m. to4:30 p. m. Classes meeting at 3 p. m., five or four days, or Mon., Wed., Frl., or any one or two of these days. 2:30 p. m. to 4:30 p. m. All sections in Mathematics 11, 12, 13, 21, 40, 101, 102, 103, 104. SATURDAY, MAY 23 "8:00 a. m. to 10:00 a. m. Classes meeting at 2 p. m., five or four days, or Mon., Wed., Frl., or any one or two of these days. 10:30 a. m. to 12:30 p. m. Classes meeting at 8 a. m., Tues., Thurs., Sat., or any one or two of these dnys. 2:30 p.m. to 4:30 p. m. Classes meeting at 4 p. m., Tues. and Thurs., or either one of these days. 2:30 p. m. to 4:30 p. m. All sections in Mathematics 22. DuTcan Directs Gridiron Show UN's Elsworth DuTeau, secre tary of the alumni association, has been named director of the 1943 Gridiron show, staged annually by the Lincoln University club. Defense Group Issues New Call For Members All students, both men and women, interested in positions as scniors-at-large on the Student Defense committee should file in the Daily Nebraskan office by 5 p. m. Tuesday. Students May Get Honors Books Linus Burr Smith, chairman of honors convocation last Tuesday, announced that there are 100 pro grams left which are available to anyone who will call for them in the architectural library in the Temple basement. 'Mm j j, V"V 'j? . . ........ ' " - ' ' - my Lysee '7? by (Perry (Brown REFRESHING . GENUINE HIGH-SPIRITED . . , The kind of expert fashions Uncle Sam approves ... the kind of Junior size dresse you 9 to 17 sizes love. Perry Brown's newest revelation is Cysee, a brand new fabric that looks fresh and starchy as l.nen, tubs like a dream, end never, never wrinkles. Perry Brown dresses in Cysee coma In Hawaiian Pink, Sundown, Cornell Blue ... dozens of other irresistable shadesl The styles, the finely finished original designs you have come recognize as Perry Brown dresses. . hed 1695 f , ,