The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, April 22, 1942, Image 4

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    .Wednesday, April 22, 1942
Wow, the cigar smoke was
thick and the chocolate sticky
Monday night as love triumphed
in practically every house. Still
the unhappy rumors came in tho,
where the bow and arrow is prac
tically in splinters. . .
Surprising is the news of Vir
ginia McCulla, the Alpha Phi with
the gorgeous profile, and Bob
Farmer, her steady date of long
standing, no longer hitting it off.
Encouraging tho for the remain
ing male members of the campus
who have long looked on Ginny
with a favorable eye... We meant
to tell this one sooner but it still
isn't too late to reveal to all that
Marty Bengston, Theta. really has
the secret for gaining a dead si
lence in even the noisest room.
Just ask anyone taking in the Phi
Rho party last Saturday including
Martha herself .. .The Kappa's
dating schedule will have a hard
blow this Friday with their an
nual Alumni Banquet plans last
ing till almost ten. . .
This Weekend's Social.
This is really a weekend for so
cial flings for besides the big for
mats both the Chi Omegas and Al
pha Phis rre planning housepar
ties for Saturday and Friday
nights respectively .. .The DUs
will be eating their Friday night
dinner with the Pi Phis as will
the Sig Alphs with the Kappas
the following evening...
And so they come more and
more, fights accompanied by pin
returns . , .Polly ParmJe, Pi Phi,
and Wally Munson. DU. decided to
call it quits, officially at least, and
Rebecca Ely, Alpha Phi, has re
turned the ATO pin sl.e has been
wearing, sending it back to South
Dakota to its original owner...
Laura Lee Mundil, dormite, on
the other hand, has chosen the
path of no one else but Russ
Ledgers. . .Dor jee Bryan and Dan
Bernd with Jean Kirkpatrick and
Herb Meyer were really surprised
last Saturday when they found
their car already occupied by a
slightly stewed stranger. They
just moved him to another car,
however, and let somebody else
worry about who he was and
where he came from. . .
Again, the Triad. . .
Yes, soon it will be Friday and
the Great Triad party will be at
hand. Betas, Phi Delts and Sigma
Chis are really planning a big eve
ning and dates are at a premium
...Sigma Chis are having a din
ner at the Cornhusker before the
dance and Dick Arnold, Sam Car
roll, and Ronnie Metz will have
Pi Phi Ruth Holland, and Alpha
Phis Joan Martz and Polly Petty
with them. Dorsey Kinder, Sig
Chi, will escort Roberta Murgess,
Gamma Phi, and another Gamma
Phi, will escort Roberta Burgess,
Camma Phi, and another Gamma
Phi at the party will be Helen
Kiesselbach with Kank Green, Phi
Delt. Phi Delts Howard Chapin
and Bus Black are taking AOPi
Helen Gruesel and Alpha Chi
Agnes Fox while Hobie Brake will
be seen with Dorothea Reichel.
Larry "Hog" Fisher, another Phi
Delt. and Barbara Hodgman, Al
pha Phi, are another lucky couple
planning on the Triad.
Plus the Betas.
Beta attending includ Gene
Bradley with Alpha Phi Betty
Jerner and sister Alpha Phis Bar
bara Morehouse with Dick Peters
and Marge Martin with Harold
Salisbury. . .Oh yes, we don't
think Nick Douvas has a date yet
but the week is still young...
Ah. the luck of the PBKs'...
That is what it sounds like when
we hear that Millard Cluck, Sig
Alph and authority on beautiful
women, was locked in the law
school library for the full two
hours during convocation yester
day with Gamma Phi Frances
Hans. That ought to make the law
library a bit more popular in the
future. . .See ya, tomorrow...
In a rleasant Atmosphere
Try Our Fountain
148 No. 14 & P 2-10G8
At Annual Tussle
Fijisj Tans Compete for Honor
Of Winning 'Golden Gaboon'
, . . Salunlav Afternoon
"He's out-' may be a typical re
mark about either an ATO or Fiji
man this Saturday afternoon. The
saying won't be slanderous either
since members of the two fraterni
ties are getting together for their
annual Fiji-Tau Tussle.
This affair now going into its
fourth consecutive year is eagerly
anticipated by both houses and
the day's festivities are diversi
fied. All the actives of both . houses
will have lunch at the Tau house,
while the pledges enjoy their noon
day repast at the Fiji domain.
After lunch the fellows will pa
rade down O street from whence
they will migrate out to the great
out of doors otherwise known as
Penn Woods.
Baseball is played and last year
a "Greased Pig Race" was held
where the boys were to carry
greased pig up a slippery bank.
Recognition . . .
(Continued from page 1.)
Chairman of the committee in
charge of arrangements for the
convocation was Prof. Linus Burr
Students honored, and the
classes and colleges represented
are as follows:
Senior students in
superior scholarship
Oscar Joseph Anderson, Lincoln, Business
Daniel Kdw-ard Atkinson. Pawnee, city,
Koeer Robb Cox, Lincoln, Arts and
Kdward Rohwer fjessamaii. Ft. Calhoun,
Arts and Sciences.
John Joseph Hanway, Broadwater, Agri
culture. Alma Fraucei Reefer, Lincoln, Fine
William McQullkln Longman. Shenan
doah, la.. Business Administration.
Louise Janice McPhcrson, Neligh, Teach
Ksther Mae Patterson, Grand Island,
Arts and Sciences.
Elbert Andrew Pence, Mound City, Mo.,
William Vance Ruyie, Lincoln, Arts and
Eva Sneler. Lincoln. Pharmacy.
Richard Kugene Sullivan, Doniphan, Arts
and Sciences.
Maurice Tatelman, Omaha. Medicine.
Merle M. Andrew, Falls City, Engineer
Lorraine Mildred Bon. Cheyenne, wyo..
Jessie Bergman Bonnell, Kimball, Arta
and Sciences
Harriet Jane Bowman, Lincoln, Arta and
Willis Nels Rruce. Lincoln. Agriculture.
James Edward Chapin, Nebraska City,
Ruth Marie Cook. Lincoln. Teachers.
Elizabeth Ann Davis, Lincoln, Arta and
Harold Fmll Dreyer, Norfolk, Business
Retha Mae Kdeal, Lexington, Agricul
ture. Roy Chester Feber, Jr., Lincoln, Engi
neering. F.rwln Harmon Goldensteln, Elk Creek,
Margaret lyuise Griggs, Buffalo, Wyo.,
Arts and 8ciencea.
Olnria Anne Hunson, Orleans. Teachers.
Donald Grant Hanway, Broadwater, Agri
culture. Timothy C, lea son Higglna, Lincoln, Arta
and Sciences.
Florence Evelyn Hudson, North Loup.
Lucile Catharine Jack, Tekamah, Agri
culture. Marvin Richard Alois Johnson, Colum
nus. Engineering.
Morris Edward Kirshetihatim, Omaha,
BuHlnrsa Administration.
Mary Jean Knorr, Plattamouth, Fine
Rosemtrie Kotas. Mllligan. Agriculture.
Robert Nelson Lamb, Karwell, Agricul
Bertel Eugene Landatrom, Cereaco, Busi
ness Administration.
Donnld Walter Lynch, Pawnee City, En
gineering. Kuth Kuthryn McMillan, Lincoln, Teach
ers. Maxiiia Mae Marshall, Arlington, Nurs
ing. Marilyn Helen MBXey, Lincoln, Arts and
Margaret Lucille Mead,, Business
Frank Junior Messersmlth. Alliance.
Kenneth Albert Miller. Kimball. Law.
Maurile Hlroko Nakada, Mitchell, Busi
ness Administration. .
Fred LaVern Patterson, Reynolds, Agri
culture. Richard Cleon Peck. Falls City, U.
Ernest Cnrl Peterson. Omaha. Teachers.
Phyllis Elizabeth Plan, Lincoln, Pharm
acy. Donald A rile Ruder, South Sioux City,
Ferdinand Lnray 8'hwartx, Lincoln,
Business Administration.
Frltc Wlllium Sienknecht. Lincoln, Busi
ness Administration.
(lernld Lewis Bobotka, Inman, Business
A dm In 1st ration.
Lnvcrn Donahue Bprague, Omaha,
' Fred Hull Btafford, David City, Journal
Ism. Normnn Edgnr Tllden, Blair, Engineer
ing. Arlo Emerson Wlrth, DunbDr, Agricul
ture. Mildred Ionise Wolfe, McCook. Teachers.
John Howard Freed. Omaha. Medicine.
Roland Edward Frlcke, Lincoln, Engi
neering. Merle I-enter Gould, Hitchcock, 6. D.,
James Lntiridsen. Callaway, Medicine.
Harry Webber McKadden, Sioux Falls,
S. D., Medicine
Millurd Illulr McGee. Omaha, Medicine.
Frederick Martin Nehe, Atlantic, la.,
William fteea Elton Newman, fork,
Agriculture. .
Frank Klalne Sloan. Geneva, Law.
Bruce Hollen Stafford, Brule, Engineer
ing. Louise Churlotte Wilde, Lincoln, Law,
Feature of the afternoon festivi
ties is the "Creek Race" in which
ten men participate. Five Phi
Gams and five Taus vie for the
honor of winning for their respec
tive house by pushing the most
men off of a log located in the
middle of the creek.
Receiving a "Golden Gaboon"
(cuspidor) will be members of the
house which wins most of the aft
ernoon activities. As soon as the
sun sets the men leave for home
not because they are afraid of the
dark but they return to greet a
galaxy of beauteous babes and
spend the evening dancing to the
music of Hank Mattison on the
outdoor pavillion located back of
the ATO house.
Climaxing the event is the pres
entation of the Fiji-Tau queen se
lected from the men's dates. Phyl
lis Anderson, Theta, was last
year's queen.
Prizes and awards
at convocation
The Alpha Zcta medal, agriculture, Earl
Byron Patterson. Reynolds.
The award of the Nebraska building
chapter, associated general contractors ol
America, architecture, Millard Joseph Carl
son. Phillips.
The school medal of the American In
stitute of Architects, architecture, Millard
Joseph Carlson. Phillips.
The Weber-Ernst award, botany, Gail
Marvin Foster, Milford.
The Alpha Kappa Psl citizenship prize,
business administration, John William
Stewart, Lincoln.
The Delia Sigma PI scholarship Key,
business administration, William McQuilkln
Ixingman, Shenandoah, la.
The William Gold prizes, business admin
istration, Eugene Thomas Allen, North
Platte; Kenneth Hamilton Elson, North
Platte; John William Greene, Gothenburg;
Jack Richard Knlcely, Omaha; Ralph Ed
ward Larson. Lincoln; Carroll Martin
Mever Pnliimhu. rarlvl A D
son. Plalnview; William Boyd Rist, Wy-
more; narry can scnumacher, Norfolk;
John DeWayne Wolf. Kearney.
The Phi Chi Theta key. business admin
istration, Rachel Marie Robertson, Platti
mouth. The Phi Lambda Upsilon freshman
award, chemistry, Harvey Llewellyn
Tookey, Lincoln.
The Grove E. Barber prize, classics
Harold Wayne Andersen, Omaha.
The American Society of Dentistrv lor
Children Certificate of Merit, dentistiy,
James Edward Chapin, Nebraska City.
The Chemical Engineering society key
engineering, Roy Chester Feber, Jr., Lin
coln. The Civil Engineering award, engineer
ing, Truex Newman Unchurch, Omaha.
The O. J. Fee award, engineering, Frank
John Prochaska, Jr., A (wood. Kaa.
The W. H. Sawyer scholarship, engineer
ing, Joe Richard Parker, Grand Island
Lester Edward Haining, McCook.
The Sigma Tau acholarship medal, en
gineering. John Ward Watson, Lincoln
The Sigma Tau senior scholarship award
englnerlng, Robert William Davey Has
tings. The Mabel Daniels Gramlich award,
home economics, Dorothy Helen White,
The Omlcron Nu Freshman award nome
economics. Evelyn Mae Schuls, Yutan
Krfw.'rH8?'"? D',U Chl cup- Journalism,
Edward Sunjor Hirsch, Lincoln
The Sigma Delta Chl feature atory
Oma'na. '""m' 3oMp eobt
wml!P',Mu "P9" mathematics
William John Koch. North Platte; Ro-.ert
Maurice Judd. North Platte
. D,,"Kn"'r, f the American Revolu-
TmrCfSr The
The Pershing medal, military aclence,
9t won 't La,
Com- trie first really warm day with sun
)tining bright . . . and you'll want to lx
in the Min, lite-rally and figuratively!
See MIU.KR'Si new col
Wtion from California
. . . b (:.TAUMV Kl,,,.
tiri.rd Nut ins and drew,
maker type . . . fnll
fkirted or regulation. T 1 as I -lrriri
styles in neir color.
3 to $8
Miller's Sportswear
beeand f'toor
Six Men Represent UN
At Bridge Tournament
. . . Played by Mail
Henry J. Medlock, James Olson,
Bill Longman, Paul Sonderregger,
Robert Gritzfield, and Wendell
Snocker, winners of the recent se
ries of contract bridge tourna
ments sponsored by the Student
Union, will represent the univer
sity in an intercollegiate bridge
tournament to be played here by
mail in competition with the out
standing colleges of the country.
To be played in the Union music
room Friday, April 24, at 7:30
p. m., the tournament provides
that participants will play out a
series of bridge hands, selected by
the national committee of univer
sity alumni in charge and mailed
to the university in a sealed en
velope. The method used in judg
ing the ability of the individual
players is known as the "par"
method. After competition scores
will be returned to New York,
Timothy Olcason Hicgins. Lincoln.
The French Government prize, modern
languages. Mildred Louise Wolfe, McCook.
The Mu Phi Epsilon freshman scholar
ship award, music, Anne Marie Wodder.
Via rquctte.
The Psl Chl award, psychology. Norman
Dale Sundbcrg, Aurora.
The Chi Omega scholarship award, soci
ology, Lucille A. l.aird. Lincoln.
The American Association of University
Women scholarships. Margaret Eleanor
Allaway. Homci ; Berdena E'irabrth Rrse
now, Elmwood; Irma Rose Tingelholf, Lir
coln. The Oeorce Borrowman scholarship, Roy
Chester Feber. Jr., Lincoln.
The Jefferson Broady scholarship, Baird
Ellis Emmons. Lincoln.
The Ceres club scholarships. Melva Lois
Meier henry. Arlington; Luia Catharine
Scott, McCook.
The Faculty Women's club scholarships.
Irene Bernice Alpers. Clatonia: Imogene
Mary Loseke, Columbus; Dorothy Mar
Schudel, North Loup.
The Donald Walters Miller scholarships.
Robert Arnold Alherty. Lincoln: Daniel Ed
ward Atkinson, Pawnee City; Frank Blaine
Sloan, Geneva.
The Missouri Valley Intercollegiate Ath
letic association acholarship award, George
Philip Abel, Llcnoln.
The Mortar Board acholarship awards,
Anna Verneile Garat, St. Edward; Lona
Iavantia Hasklna, Republican City.
The National Alpha Lambda Delta
award, Arlene Marjorie Mann, Lincoln.
The Nebraska Art association acholar
ship, Cecil Strawn, Jr., Lincoln.
The Walter J. Nickel freshman prize.
Charles DeVere Lantz, Arnold.
The Panhellenic scholarships. Dorothy
Angenne Anderson, Paxton; Marcla Caro
line Beckman, Lincoln; Natalie V. Burn,
Lincoln; Alma Frances Keefer. Lincoln:
Betty Lee Perry. York; Lillian Jane Wind,
Lincoln; Jacqueline Ethella Woodhouse,
The Vernon H. Sea bury acholarship. Pal
ladian, James Hugh Stuart, Lexington.
Toe Edward Lang True memorial acholar
ship. Harold Emll Dreyer. Norfolk.
The University -H club acholarship
medals, Donald Grant Hanway. Broad
water; Francis Arthur Hasklna, Republican
Citv: 1-ona Lavantla Hasklna, Republican
city; Kenneth Max Messeramith. Alliance
The Women's Athletic aasoclat'on
scholarship awards, Betty Hutchinson, Ltn
coin; Mary Ellen McKee. Atkinson: Edna
Roberta Seng. Hallam; Carol Wlltna
Wheeler, Lincoln.
Union Quiz . . .
(Continued from page 1.)
stone. John J. Douglas; Harry
Goldstein. Moiton Zuber, Robert
Silverman; Phyllis Ann Thomp
son, Carol Robinson, Betty Perry
E R 6
,,,, v .
and the highest pair and highest
team may be selected.
Highest ranking pair will be
awarded the intercollegiate cham
pionship cup, won previously by
Radclifle college and now held by
Harvard university. Instead of the
usual custom of purchasing a cup
for the winning team, the commit
tee has decided to present the
members with a $100 check made
out to the Red Cross, which the
team may present to their local
Seniors Hold
Final Meet
Stewart will Begin
Reorganization of Senior
Council for Next Year
Members of the Senior Council
will hold their last meeting of the
year tomorrow at 7:15 in parlors
X and Y of the Union. The meet-.
ing is very important and all
members are urged to be present
Jack Stewart, president of the
organization, said that the mem
bers are those who have been at
previous meetings, that is, the
past presidents - of organized
houses and other officers.
Purpose of the meeting is for
the reorganization of the Council.
The executive council has been
working for the past few weeks
planning for its reorganization so
that it will be more effective next
The Senior Council was organ
ized this year to build up senior
spirit and plan for senior activi
ties. Altho the Council has made
much progress, it is a new organ
ization and the present members
are anxious to make it bigger and
more effective in the future.
The meeting will be short, Stew
art said, and if the members are
prompt it will be over by 7:45 p. m.
and i'arold Alexis, Warren Guin
an, David Marvin, Elizabeth Clark.
Barbara Cook, Marjorie Sage; H.
Edward Marrows, Hean Mont
gomery H. Harrison Cohen; Frank
Cole, Lloyd London, Warren Van
Each team will be asked six
questions, and the two high
scoring teams will meet in the fi
nals Sunday, April 26, at 1 p. m.
in the Union. Members of the
winning team will receive $5 in
defense stamps.
All students are invited to wit
ness the matches.
Grove City (Pa.) college has es
tablished a judicial board to me
diate differences of opinion be
tween the faculty and women stu
dents. PAiflE