The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, April 12, 1942, Page 2, Image 2
Sunday, April 12, 1942 2 DAILY NEBRASKAN J fat (Dcrih TfabJucuJuuv FORTY -JflRST YEAR. Subscription Rates are $1.00 Per Semester or SI. 60 for the College Year. $2.50 Mailed. Single copy, 6 Cent. Entered as second-class matter at the postofflce In Lin coln, Nebraska, under Act of Congress March 3, 1S79, nd at special rate of postage provided for In Section 1103, Act of October 8. 1917. Auihoriayi September 30, 1922. Published Daily during the school year except Mondays and Saturdays, vacations and examinations periods by Students of the University ot Nebraska under the supervision ot the Pub lications Board. Officea ..... .Union Building Day 1-7181 Night 8-7193 Journal j-3339. Editor Paul E. Svoboda Business Manager.. Ben Novkoff EDITORIAL DEPARTMENT. Managing Editors Marine Brumng, Bob Schlater News Editors George Abbott. Alan Jacobs. June Jamieson, Helen Kelley. Marjone May. Sports Editor. Bob Miller Member Nebraska Press AaatclaUon. 1M1-42 " RlSl.NKSP DEPARTMENT. Assistant Bus Managers .... Betty Dixon, Pbll KaDtor Circulation Manager Sidney Schwartg All ansigard rdltortals are the opinions at the editor and shoold aol be eonatraed to reflect Ism views at Ike ad ataistnlraa or el to eaiveralty. Give a Dollar Help a Scholar Students have been solicited for funds many times this year. Individuals and groups have contributed generously. Tomorrow an ther drive eloses the World Student Service Fend. Last year the goal on this campus M-as easily reached. This year we are a nation at war and the funds contributed to the WSSF have a much deeper significance than ever before. Previous to this year monies contributed went to help Chinese and many other young people throughout the world who were either in concentration camps or were unable to con tinue their education for lack of funds and facilities. An all-relief organization, the WSSF went into the concentration camps, into the pitiful schools of China, into the occupied coun tries of Europe with books, magazines, news papers in an attempt to alleviate the craving of the unfortunate youths for opportunities to continue their education. THIS YEAR THE WSSF HAS ADDED ANOTHER PROJECT TO ITS RELIEF PRO GUAM. WITH THE UNITED STATES' EN TRANCE INTO THE WAR, IT GOES INTO THE CAMPS WHERE AMERICANS ARE BEING HEM) PRISONERS. THE WSSF IS THE ONLY ORGANIZATION WHICH CAN GO INTO PRISON CAMPS WITH HOOKS AND SEND REPRESENTATIVES THERE. All oth r drives on the campus have been for men in the forces here in this country, or for casualties of war. This is the only drive for men who have had to leave the United States, and who after being taken prisoners are taken care of in so far as providing read ing materials for them while in the custody of our enemies. We have all read of the suffering and mo notony of living in the prison and concentra tion camps. Many of these stories are highly colored for effect and many are not. Hut it remains true that being herded within the con- -i " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " I By Marsa Lee Civin. A new addition to the curriculum of Ne braska's telegraphic school was the class in Morse telegraphy for women. At this time there was a severe shortage of telegraph oper ators in commercial lines since a great demand was evidenced for these artisans in any line of the service. Twenty girls enrolled in this class were qualified upon completing the course to enter commercial work. The university library had undergone an encounter with the war as four members Of the staff left for service thus producing a shortage of labor and a necessity for closeing the library at six o'clock every Friday and Saturday instead of the usual ten o'clock. A new feature in the 1918 Daily was the column "Do You Know?" Unusual and inter esting facts about the war were noted. Typical of items stated were the following: "Do you know that seven mills work on clothes for army men, that 20.000,000 pairs of shoes are ordered for the army. Loans made to co-belligerents at the end of 1917 total $3,882,900,000. Total deaths in the army from March 14 to May 6, 1917 reported to be 1,191. Only 132 were killed in action. Professor L. W. Chase, head of the agri cultural engineering department was commis sion a major in the Ordnance department of the army and was assigned to the motor sec tion as a tractor expert. 1 eanor n By Alan Jacobs fines of a barbed wire fence with absolutely no contact with the outside world would be almost unendurable to peoples who, heretofore, had led a free life. Their existence for the duration can be brightened very much by the opportunity to read about what is going on. Whatever spark of hope remains for eventual freedom will be fanned by being able to retain some contact with the peoples at home. Half of the funds contributed from all of the forty-eight states will be turned over to help Ch inese students continue their educa tion. The Chinese government is so fully aware of the necessity of well educated men and women that it will not permit students to join the armies of our warbitten ally. BY CONTRIBUTING TO THE WSSF, YOU AND YOU ARE HELPING TRAIN THE LEADERS OF THE CHINA TO HE. BY GIVING A DIME, A DOLLAR. YOU AND YOU ARE TAKING OUT SOME OF THE DULL SPOTS IN THE LIVES OF AMERICAN SOLDIERS WHO ARE NOW PRISONERS OF WAR. BY PLEDGING ALL YOU CAN, YOU AND YOU ARE ALLEVI ATING IN SOME MEASURE THE MENTAL SUFFERINGS OF THOUSANDS AND THOU SANDS OF YOUNG MEN AND YOUNG WOMEN IN THE C O N C E X T R A T I O X CAMPS OF GERMANY AND OCCUPIED EUROPE. The drive ends tomorrow. The goal of $750 for this campus which was set before we en tered the war should be reached and even doubled. THE REPRESENTATIVES OF THE WSSF CAN DO NO MORE THAN YOU GIVE. So contribute what you can to "an organization which is dedicated to help young people like yourselves. Lists . . . (Continued from Page l.i Otoe; Billy Krlh Kiel. Joaaaea: I .a err are t kitiradea. Smuktx; jrtriM- Hobawe. rannre: Maila Mar-. BM-hardaa: IWa (rlnirb. liIHMT II Ana ArMimaa. VVaaMnglaa: I rank Weill. iHKitUn: Al Ruarh. Sarpy; I a rrn Timmrrmaa. MM HU T III Kaaald Mrii, Knas; Mary Krlra 1 tumid. (edar: (iayle Tlnw, Ditea: Jar Baaby. Dakota: Jeaa UmM. Aatetnorr Irrae (rtrnatrad. Ywttr; Kydary Otta. !: Ur hard (tairomb. Ibarstaa: Bernard Nwarts. Madieea: t alkali ( araaa and J ark I' aimer. Slaalna: Ada Chnae. awins : Laralae Mai. Marts Natalie Newaaaa aad QamUa Bsaae: Warma Hatrhlaaeau aaee: Iraarrs fa alien. MmW: Mixabrth Hmtlb. rTntte: VIrgmta Trowbridge sad Vlrtae Rradaaaw. atlas: (ImM Khriabim r. Dodge: Marrle Chrtstt i aad Mat e4m flyere. DIKTRMT IV lata Jeaa HHT Path: Ray- Haaataa. B-rtlrri kd Faytbager. SaaaaVra: (ieae Bare. Kamdtaai Jras Cabs. I arm: Dan Marflrr. ' Seward: Janrt f arty aaa Mart Faarta. Uttmarr: Rathrtee HI a. Mws Mary Jo Maters. Thayer: Mary Thomas. JeUeraeas Tlay Thiraara. Oage: rraafe Mttaoa aaJ Hari Salts- DWTmitT V rally Petty, frrklna: Vlrslaia liaatlas. Mali! BXIjumI KnMy. i hilae: Iarntlkry llohr. Mayeei hHh ktnlalr. rraatirri JanH INMrthlt. (iovprr: Mui KelW. Paelpa: MarrWi Maliaasj. Kearary: Irclnla l.yaa. Adams: Martna Xahee. 1a: Vlrclnla rarlrrl. Handy: lmi Him, llltrkrak : Rrrnire Npaha. fcVd Hillna: li(f HUmm. I araaa: C atherine Trearaard Harlan: imr Kirr. rraaklia: lrlaey Praala, Mrtnlrr: llrlra mine. NnrkalU: i.mru krlly. IIIMRKT VI fn-Mna Has. HratlabtDll: Shirley Heidi. Banner: Charlra Hnrr. Kimball: Jnhn Blaalns and Mary AMea. I heriiae: sJalne Hriaad. H Batle: m Farmrr. Ilawra: irmm (alfre. Sarrldaa: Ted Mnith. (tardea: Irma Klahrr and Creiae Brawn. Iearl: Millinnrt frlenaa. nuil; Ja Tnarataa. KeMh: Mary lima Ijwfar. Hanker: iMssnl V'ntk. IJaeasa: Maaetnary Oweaa. Heyaonha: Mary TlKiHey. Bmrn: Raarrta Daviaaa. ark: Karl I Jake. Iaap: Mary A. Rase. reHry: .Neua lee Cartla. Halt: Verne fraat. Oarfleid: kHth iN-lAtamatt. Valley: Marilyn Dale. raater: .Naary Ha years:. Daaaaa: lUwaie prtee. Haftaia: Hale "Veil a ad WeHayaa Wall. Hhermaa: l.ladya Hiraaiiia. Haaard: Hhtrley Kyae. berry: IkarMby hlatls. Icaa: Pail lip Bayaard. aaax: Ims rJeawa, Bayd: INta (aftaa aad Bobert Tafaeti. MatTiS: Jtnbert Han. Tainnss: Krviai DMisaa. V-7 (Continued from Page 1.) Ing and ultimately commisaioied m EnKigns in the NaviU Reserve. As this class is being discon tinued on May 1, thone qualified candidates for clans V-7 should make application immediately for class V-l. Information on qualifi cations for enlistment into this Concert . . . (Continued from Page 1.) Rrettatlv aad Air aarHaae lrd ed al Abraham C horn I alvrrmlly Slner t al Thy Bardea I pa Ike lrd R-rltalive barMae nnd rhona fhe lire Dearrads Iram lieavra Air alia Hna I mto Them RerltallTe, Air traor, barMnne and the ynata and eaaraa lank I intra In h t Wh -1 haalia Re la (,od Air aonruan Hear le lrarl. lanraa Re Na Afraid Rmiallve aad air Imar and aartlaaf Maa al Oaf. It la rjraata eriutrrr trwar and Irla f airerarty Saucers Urt Talae r.yea Caiiraa Me Hairhta( Over IsraH Air alia O Rest ns the ard Wttatlve hantaae and srrrrana aad ehnras Bchaldl Gad the Lard raaard y Air teaae Thea Hha the Richteaaa I haras And Thea It had Break tmrtk LIcM new class can be obtained from Dean Thompson's office. ApproxJmatefy-ighty thousand men between the ges of 18 and 19 inclusive will be accepted by the Navy department into this new classification each year. From class V-l, thoite who have suc cessfully completed the course and have measured up to its require ments will be commissioned en signs in the Naval Reserve corps. To help furnish translators for possible service in Iceland, the Scandinavian department at the University of Wisconsin this term Is offering a new course in modern Icelandic. firht APflinst overwhelming odd. with tired v.aVav -.-o o " a 1 1 a men struggling and dying against superior numbers the American-Filipino resistance has weakened, and the Japs are now in control of Bataan and its foxholes. . Reports from Africa indicate that Field Marshall Erwin Rommel's axis armies have started a new offensive, breaking the week-old stale-mate on the Libyan desert front. The nazis, London spokesmen say, are on the move in what may be the opening of a spring drive to conquer Egypt aud smash thru east of Suez toward Russia's southern flank. Studying vigorously the problem of limiting war profits, congress has all but passed a $19,212,773,260 war appropriation bill. Busy now are congresmen devising riders to attach to the all-important measure. From Russia comes news of a heavy attack launched by the Germans against Russian positions m. ine Crimea, ine Nazis struck with 100 tanks in what Russians believe is but preparation for the spring campaign for the Caucaus's oil after the spring thaws. Massed German bombers gave the British island stronghold its worst attack of the war and touched off the two-thousandth alarm at the bomb-scarred Mediterranean base since Jun, 1940. Meanwhile, axis planes were again pounding Britain's great naval base at Alexandria, following up a recent attack in which 52 persons were reported killed and 80 wounded in the heaviest raid of the year. Every day, more young American men are being inducted into the army and by next month the induction rate will be doubled. Every day, regular train schedules are being disrupted as special trains speed troops to coastal ports. Every day, American are fighting and killing and dying on foreign soil. And the UN independent students arc angry because the greeks bad complete control over the Student Council hold over election, and the greeks are disturbed because the barbs submitted discriminatory amendments to the Council consti tution. "God Bless America." Election a a a (Continued from Page 1.) all offices, as released by Harns berger, is as follows: STIDEXT COl'NCIL. Cradaate eaUrce Vote far aae snaa aad Hath WHklna I'aiaa. r ranrls Man I nmn. Rarhel Mephenaon Harb. Uavid 8liuinsun Harh. Fine Arts Vnte far one: J ran Can den I nloa. Idella Jonaann Kara. Kncioerriac Vote tur Iwa men: Kdxar A. Mueller I nina. I.lud Melliek I hIm. John Kataaa Bark. James Barbae Barb, Klud Vole I or two men: Kucene Keere I nkia. dark Kairely Barb. Maa Maly I ninn. hennrth Klson Harb. Arts and ririenre: Vote for iwa one woman: Jim Van l-andtarham I'alaa. Jane Ann Kenton Indrueadeat Naary tLaynwad I ntoa. Rill MrBridr I nloa. 1era Mariua Mirk I'aioa. Stanley le Barb. Mary Ellm Sim Barb. I rank O'1-mni ll Barb, law : Vote far one: Hubert liahmay I'aJaa. '1 nomas Krogan Harb. Seowr at tarcr: Vale far two Iwa aoniea: John Jay Oouciaa I'nloa. Bob arey Indrpendent. May By nun Barb. 1'atld Marvin Barb. Rooair Wenneratra Barb. Betty Aaa Tlat hammer lade, Aaa ( rait aaiaa. Jeaa Hilut- dws. Uave W alert t I nloa. Lfolores artrr Bark. Teat hers: Vole lor aae maa aad tars Mary lletea lllrtrirk lalea. Amy ladd lolburn I nloa. Betrrly Uae latusrnberc Rarfc, Mary l-oa Ian Barb. l-rlrr Uillrrdiiik Barb. Iu hrlata I alaa. Hale Harvey Laiua. HenlMiry : Vole lor aae: llerber VVliliama I ahaa. Janiea lavrwa Barb. inr aae maa aad aaa a iromay Mae Aaderaaa Barb. lareae K. Bennett IndepefHSnat. M iliard V tark I mm, e -nrja VVitltwBarb. arol lhapmaa I awa. I'hannary: Vale lor one; Bea MH'athland Barb. franklin .Mrmnry I a mm. t-lHI.M A IION BOVRII. Hrphmnore members: Ta be voted apaa by all Ireahmaa sladeal: Whard as Caiaa. Kimer hpracae Barb. Janmr member: To be voted apaa by all spbanatre aladeau: Bob Hriamrunoa I a Mm. Herbert llonkiaa Hm fr mrnbrra: Ta he voted apaa by al Robert aaaaemaker I alaa. Lalaad HUbelm Barb. IV V DAY ORVTOR. Mas Karty Meyer I aim. k.aaid VVaraaaals Barb. All V.XMITIVK ROARJ. Kivahmaa; Vote lor aae avaa a Aliea May Booth Barb. Pbyaia araberrre Barb. 4lenaa Rseh Barb. Robert Oaler Barb. HlMreth tiltletlc I'aioa. Wsphaassnji Vote tor nae maa asnl t wsmaa; Kay Hastaa Barb. HaJa Waif Barb. Marian Trahleea Vataa. Janler: Vnao for aaa avaa and an man Retly Aaa Tkethannwer la'pead,nt. Itaaaid I. Rath I ntoa. Mnbert OawaM Barb, fraaebj Herr Barb. AO MM I A I. (X)l'Vni, i Vote lor aaa naaa aad a Marraret Aaa Brbm Rarb, Willis Krvm laioa. rwphamare: Veto for or wanaaai R4ty Rrena Rarb. Reeky Hy I aioa, llonald Maeller l aloa. Janlari Voir lor aae maa ka (erald Abnenhaaa alaa. UN Musical Groups Give Joslyn Recital The university string ensemble and the University Singers will appear in concert at Joslyn Me morial in Omaha tonight at 8, un der the auspices of the Omaha Alumni club of the university. The string ensemble will be con ducted by Emanuel Wishnow, and the singers are under the direction ril Dr. Arthur E. Westbrook. The program will be as follows: 8aRe ha OMea fetyle, H. Waldo Warner: Prrlade, Sarahande. Rnarrea aad ( norale, Intradnrtioa aad dirar I nlvrrsity string A Ha rrinl'a. Traditional: Gloria Tarri, falrstrtaa; Adorama Te, Falratrlna ; Jeaa friretess Trcaaare, Bark ; Now 14 All I he Mraveas, Barb; la 1'hrse HeHrhllal rteaa ant lirovrs, Pareell; Now Is the Maalh at Maytas;, Mertey Inlvrraity Sinrrra. Two Aoaarettes, Oeliaa; Romaaee, Op. 42, Kibeiloa I'aivenuty atrmg eoaemblr. Boathirn Moaataka Ballad, arr. hy Ma lta; Aaatraliaa l p-4'oantry Sane, arr. hy tiralacrr; Boats al the Ricbteoas, .Sable; Were Van There, Rarlrlrh; O Lamb al (ad, Kallanike! laivenlty Hmcera. (HMaips, Daheaaky; Rarlroea, ScarlaMI Hkaa talversity string raaemhla. Betig Steele Attends Meetings in Kansas City Miss Bess Steele of the home ec department attended a meeting of the Western Arts association in Kansas City, April 9 to 11. She is secretary of the home ec sec tion of the association. Jaallae Hvttaa Rarb. (OI.IAt.RI UN BOARD. Vote far one maa and aa (area Row Barb. (rraMiar Meaderaon Barb. Jaae 1. Jotoialnn Barb. Itaayae ISamrlr I aaa. Ardea Ralleaaheraer Barb. MA (OlMIU IMatrtrt I : ate tor ana am Ralph ( . Kss. lioyd (tlover. aaa Kilnt. Barbara Rehhrrg. Ulalrlrt t: Vote for aaa maa and womaa: lena Bamaberrer. Haaaah Berggraa. Reany faaaa. Tony Nee Ha. J oka Mayer. Ilhttrtrt S, ag rampaa; Vale tor one Mary Jeaa Jaaea. Mary Cherrlagtaa. RtH (imea. Karl Monroe. Ilkrtrvt 4: Vote tar aaa aaaa aad t AMa laajb. David Mania. Mary laa I aaa. Rath Hherbara. Jeaa Albert. V irgtnla IHiaasaai. At lavge: Ixaad WRhehn, Retty Law Kadea. (earth Walher, I marts Raaaah. rraah O'tmaell. Warrra Stage. AO WAA rraaldent: Vote far aaa: Margnrtla lapaanwah. Mary Dennis. Treaaareri V ate far aaa: Be re rt tag Kkndig. Roaa Wood. Rerretaryi Void lor aaa: Dorothy Aadrraoa. Roma laa Raoa. rMrHy; Vote fr aaot Jeaa llamphrry. Marge HaM. V