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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (April 8, 1942)
Wednesday, April 8, 1942 DAILY NEBRASKAN Hcwit and Wright Show Grid Promise After Praclice Tilt Lewaiulowski Regrets Lack Of Experienced Mound Men ... First Game fte.... By Bob Miller. "Do you know any good pitch' ers That was the question that Coach Ad Lewandowski tossed at us just as we were ready to ask him how pood his 1942 edition of diamond- dusty baseball stars would be. 'Right now we are having; problems on the mound. If you consider, we have only one boy with a lot of experience and another Bill Hewit, left, and Chuck Wright, right, are two frosh performers who have captured first p00 nal, naa team berths this spring due to their improved showing. The two are shown putting a block on a team tnere' on we mate in practice session. Hewitt, from David City, tried at fullback but due to & need for another end don' t have nn pvenine- was shifted there. Nothiner can ston him now and his delensive work has been one or much in the O " ,. . T J .J the bright spots of spring drill. Wright, a North Platte product, is a cocky tackle who likes to get in 'me oi experience, "wanuuwsM and break up the interference. Rlc, ProndWKtrr; Poh Gnrey, Lincoln; Hlbprt (iottl'org, Wrrton; Crl lach, OHkdnle. Cutchem: Loo Keller, Seward; Keith Kind, Amherst; Julius Wolta, Weston; Dean Jneksoii, Lincoln; Rny Lonp, blnir. Inrleldera: Allen Annum. Ke.irney; Wayne Yoakum, Bayard; Kernle LeMnsier, Kim Crek; ;corc nrlhhle, Oreenwood; PwlRht Lambert, Sehlckley; Pat Bnylo, Omaha: Jack Kuhr, Briptow. Outfielders: lion Mueller. Lincoln; Krv- In Klein, Scotia; Jacob Sedlak, Bee; Frank Wolff, Flair; Milroy Kanlor, Wahoo; La moine Brownlee, Douglas; Bob Hcinzel- man, Falls City. The 1942 Nebraska schedule: April 14-25; Minnesota at Minneapolis: 27-28; Iowa State at Ames. May 1-2: Missouri at Lincoln: 7. Okla homa A & M nt Stillwater: R-9, Oklahoma at Norman; 11-12, Iowa State at Lincoln; 1S-16, Kansas State at Lncoln: 22-23. Colorado V nt Lincoln. Lincoln Journal Courtesy Sunday Journal and Star. be - - n IK 3 ShDJthL Whbdl r I ii By Boh mUer 2 q GLANCE through the sport sections of some of the larger news sheets from Ume to time and notice the play which baseball is getting ... In the Citrus league, the boys are getting in shape for the grand opening in league play . . . Pittsburgh in the National and St. Louis in the American have the top spots to themselves at this writing . . . Watch for that Cleveland squad to show something even without Wonder-man Feller . . . Placing of Lou Boudreau as player coach will be the needed element to insure the Indians of a good season. A MUCH of the sport copy concerning baseball emphasizes the fact that whenever a fan sees a flame, it is pretty sure that there will be 18 men to match . . . These 18 men, the sport heads assure the fan, are playing on borrowed time or else they have been given deferrment for some other reason ... For that reason, athletic officials urge the fan to look upon the efforts of these players in a kindly light ... Any way you look at it, Uncle Sam could have any and all of them If he really needed or wanted them. COACH Glenn PresneU has indicated hia desire to have a quarter back school this spring ... If he finally does decide on it, he will hold after the regular spring drills have been completed ... in e braaka should be able to hold up right with the other gridiron foes this fall in the matter of .the quarterbaciting situation . . . Fred Metheny and Bobby Cooper will be playing that position . . . Fred and Bob could easily be taken for twins from the standpoint of build . . . They weigh very close to the same; they have the same general BPt-im lone- the muscle line and they both have a will to win . . . The former operates from the right side while the latter is one of the old left-handers . . . When Cooper waa on the scout squaa prep- ping the regulars for a chance at Stanford in the Bowl, it was he who was imitating Frankie Albert, the All-American quarter of that year ... He did a good job of it too. A LINE mentor. Gus Holm is In for a few extra record sessions with his group of snap artists Due to injuries, flu and the like, not all of the centers have been around at all times and it will take some extra practice to develop that finesse that is necessary at the center position . . . Some rlays call for some help by the center in his snap for a back to get off a quick pass or something of that nature . . . There is nothing so bad as uncertainty regard ing the next snap-back . . . Holm has gA the material but it still needs some extra molding. f DROPPED over to Coach Lew Twandowski's office yesterday . . We were interested in a magnetised board setup ... It la built comparable to a baseball diamond and then the various players can be spread over the board . . . The players of course are little metal objects . . . Duo to the magnetism, they stick on and can be moved around th field at win ... It enables the baseball coaches to worn out play situations to a good degree ... It was designed by Ernest Quigley, gray-haired basketball referee from St. Mary's way back two decades past. Q THEY must have a bunch of hefty men back at Harvard ... At a recent meet between Harvard and Yale, a Harvard shot put artist copped the event with a 45' 10" try . . . It seems like an effort to us but mayba again, those law books dont weigh so much after all . . . Nile Kinnlck, former Iowa U. grid stalwart and winner of the Heisman trophy, is an aviation cadet at the Annapolis of the Air at Pensacola . . . Grover Klemmer, Intercollegiate 440 title War Strikes ort Ranks At Oklahoma Sp enlightened us. - Swanson Leads Hurlers. Ernie Swanson, hurler from Ceresco, had quite a bit of ex perience last year on the mound and shared duties with Sid Held and Angelo Oasino. Held can not play this year so the big burden rests on Swanson. ossino coma not strike out a scholastic barrier. Lefty Bob Garey is the other pitcher that Lew has now. Bob was on the squad in 1940 but has nr,t hart ton mnrh exnenence in NORMAN, Okla. April 2.-A LoleEe plaVt There are several plane crash in England last week sophomores that may come thru. involving Rp. Pilot Harold Bvrd. Another left-hander, Benny t . m i.vrv.., Kahout, who used to do his tossing former University of Oklahoma &t hag & gQod cham student wrestling coach, brought for some of tne j-elief duties along the world war a step closer to the with Gilbert Gotberg and Floyd Sooner Fieldhouse and stadium Stork. In the coach's opinion, how . ,.u,. , j ever, he could stand some more wnere me tawny uiue lu.san useu from hurtog to delight Sooner fans with his Catchers Are Few. j ; M aen, aggreve wreauing. Phinrl th Tilate the situation is Byrd's injury raises to four the nearlv as bad. Dean Jackson and Known numuer oi war vuuaiuca mgy Long are the two Deing IU among former Sooner athletes, tored for the receiver's position. If Jack Denton, track man who en- Lone can develop at the speed in nsiea in me air corps, was kiucu wnich assistant coach, Koine nor several weeks ago in a plane acci- ney thinks he can, Jackson will re dent in Missouri. ' Ray Clement, turn to his pet position at the hot tennis star, died in a bomber corner. wreck in Florida. Granville Bar- Lewandowski and Horney are rett, track man working in a de- pretty well pleased with the looks fense plant in Wichita, Kas., died 0f the infield. At first will be Allan there recently after a short illness. Artman, Kearney left hander, who He was hurt March Z4. He haa has had plenty of experience at enlisted in the Royal Canadian Air that spot Bernie LeMaster, letter force and had just gone across man, will take care of second and seas when his mothe- n Tulsa was George Gribble of Greenwood will notified by the R. C. A. F. casualty monopolize shortstop. Scholarship and fellowship hold ers in the 1940-41 school year at the University of Michigan num bered 607, something under 5 per cent of the resident student body. officer overseas that ne had been "dangerously injured while on. ac- live BCIVllC, auilCWl.fc WIIVUO- v.. T5..l V.i-A Tn tl,a sions. lacerations on the left Outfield Has Vets. It will be either Jackson or of his face and a fractured leg. Byrd is a former Big Six wrestl ing champion and also national collegiate wTestling king. He was a 128-pounder and only last May, while serving as student coach of outfield, Bob Heinzelman, Falls City; Jake Sedlak, Bee and Erv Klein of Scotia have been taking the three positions. Fritz Wolff of Blair is a comer who is pushing this trip for first string honors. In their first practice game the the Sooner team, won the national Plr,gN Vonnio-ans A ATT fa-.,nA ,OTV,rinT,eKirv "6"""" -'"fl"- " " " "e 'tT'i -V" by an 11-5 count as Coach Lew- Paul Keen, former Sooner Li,,,. nt tn rhars wrestling coach, last week re- m action for the first time ceived a post card from Byrd, who hag been conf ined football duties had just been transferred from ftnd M Horney ha8 beeI1 doing the Canada to England. Byrd had pre- coaching. win heip throughout the viuumjr w illicit a. ii. "w J I SPRSOn kind of like going into a wrestling Confined So Far. .i.L 19 tA.. vrsvi. I .,1 So far the team has had no gooa .ft nlm,.i chances to get outdoors and most LgL5Xv7 t the work has been done in the 2?? r5JS,"Sty.5 coliseum but just as soon as the field ot IMS; 1 at break8 OUt Lincoln, Peo., wnen ne uuciw . ni the great John Munski of Missouri w 'U8,cvVde Minne by two yards in a thrilling half- R twQ e lnvasion. mue race run in i.m.o. jh mmm. is still the fastest official half-mile ever run by a Sooner athlete. holder, is slttino. down taking it easy with a pulled leg muscle.. If everything goes right, he and Red Littler will meet In the rub of their 440 races when the National intercotlegiates are held here in June... After that Red will head tor the air forces while Grover is turning to the nvy. a two game First home game will be May 1 when Missouri is the guest club. The squad roster: Piteheif: IVm Callen. Odell; Vrtu Ban ann. Oolhrnburc: Bin nrn, jsayara Plovd Stork. Arlington: Kroie Bwinwn, Oreoco: Benny Kahout, uncoin; uiar CLASSIFIED IjOST Small Brown Zipper Bag containing money. Call 2-32R7. wwuo.