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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (April 3, 1942)
Friday, April 3, 1942 DAILY NEBRASKAN I (pink. Mt I By Pat Chamberlin. Arrives spring, picnics, and, last but not least, the annual Easter parade home to recupe from said spring, picnics, and campus Easter celebration. Leading the parade home in time as well as . . is Kappa June Jamieson who is spending the weekend in Scotts bluff. ... To see Phi Psi Selzer or to visit Bobby Stoops? And Theta M. A. Cochran is invited to one of those house parties at roommate Phyllis Yost's house in Grand Island. Also invited are their respective steadies, Duane Sohmeeckle and Jim Stillwell. The girls have agreed to exchange everything else during the holiday except their bf's. Beta Dick Peters is happily cut ting classes to journey home to Omaha where he will royally en tertain Mary Ann Donahoe who ordinarily resides in Chicago. On a train that passed last night went Phi Psi Johnny Cook to Chicago to gieet his DG sister of not so long ago, Jane Cook. About the other attraction, well . . . Callaway calls Nancy Haycock, Pi Phi. home and it develops that tagging along to enjoy her home cooking will be her partner of pins, Delt Max Whittaker. Also deserting the campus for a weck-f-.r' of fun in Omaha is Lu Ste pniiuk. AOPi, who has been and will be seen with former UN-man, now coast guard-man, Don Rogers. She's New Prexy. Along the way home, inciden tally, go congrats to Kay Hanley, new president of the AOPi house, and we weie also mighty glad to hear that Jerry White had pledged DL. A spring bouquet to both. Speaking of spring bouquets, Bill Meace gave Janet Curley of AWS and Carrie Belle fame, a fond remembrance indeed when he 1 hung a sweetheart DeMolay pin last Wednesday night. To the dorm this week goes steady hon ors what with Marg Matt3on fi nally settling down to exclusive FRI., SAT, and SUN That Band Sensation of the year trill be back 1MNXE ( 1 . v. i r7 'DaiV Elliott Completes Holy Services Dr. A. J. Elliott of Chicago has been on the Nebraska campus this past week visiting the Westmin ster Presbyterian Student Founda tion. Dr. Elliott, who has been af fectionately known as "Dad" El liott since his university days at Northwestern, has been leading a series of morning mediations at the Presbyterian Student Center. In his final Holy Week medita tion Dr. Elliott stated that the fundamental truth is that men are created to live in harmony and oneness with God. and that the roots of this truth are to be found in the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. He declared that a person today must pass from intellectual devo tion to the point of making an unconditional surrender to God. Man was created with a will to choose right from wrong, and he was placed in a world in which he might use that freedom of choice to grow into full hrmony with his God. "Dad" Elliott concluded a suc cessful week on this campus with his address yesterday morning. During his stay, he has helped many students in their spiritual problems not only in these morn ing services, but also in personal conferences and discussions. dating with Bob Sorcnson, and Helen DuVall sporting Tom Mc Candless's Delta Sig pin. By the way. some long-due credit must at last fall to Jerry Todd. It seems he gave the uni versity a beautiful metal meteor ite 'way last year, and no one knows that it is, or was. his beau tiful metal meteorite. Our appre ciation, Jerry. Working long and hard these days, too hard to suit some tastes, are Polly Petty, Alpha Phi, and Ronny Metz, Sigma Chi, who are no doubt fascinated by the ex cellency of the Student Founda tion? Last note today covers the pro posed plan of two Kappas who are really serious about this physical fitness business. Not only are Jane Chambers and Kay Tunison seen exhaustedly coking at the drug every day after bi cycling here and yon over the campus, but are thinking of peddling to Omaha, a neat little distance from here, even farther than the Turnpike. . . . Pooh, pooh, we're through. How about you? It's ADVENTUROUSING! We mean of course, that socko action picture at the STUART, "TO THE SHORES OF TRIPOLI" starring John Payne, Maureen O'Hara and Randolph Scott. It's recommended for Easter weekend! Adv. ROTC (Continued from Page 1.) the Engineer unit will be formed, with all four companies stationed closely behind each other. Order of march will be the Brigade Colonel and staff, band, Junior Company, Pershing Rifles, Infantry Unit, Engineer Unit, and the Field Artillery Unit. All guidons and streamers won at the last annual competition will be carried in the parade. Colors will be carried uncased if weather permits. Determination of whether they will be cased or uncased will be made by the Brigade Color Bearer. Other color bearers will conform with the Brigade Color Bearer. The parade will start from the initial point at 16th and 0 streets In US Navy Insufficient Mathematics Cause 37 pc. Rejections Among 8.000 college graduates applying for training as ensigns in the United States Navy (V-7), some 37 i percent had to be re jected because of insufficient col lege mathematics. This statement was made by Admiral C. W. Nimmitz, com mander of the Pacific Fleet and former Chief of the Bureau of Navigation at Washington in the February issue of "The Mathe matics Teacher." Yesterday the and continue west on "O", past the reviewing stand in front of the city hall, and turn north on 9th and O streets, and continue back to Nebraska Hall. Companies and battalions will inarch in mass formation so as to establish a front of 12 files,. The cadets will start off on time in proper formation co-ordinating the move ment with the Air Corps Detach ment which will precede it. This is the first time that the university has participated in a parade other than those held in the spring and fall of each year, according to the military depart ment. The celebration is in com memoration of the day in which we entered the last World war. Daily presented the student's view in regard to college math. Today it presents the United States Navy's opinion. Seventy-five percent of the fail ures in the Naval Reserve Offi cers' Training Program (V-7) must be attributed to lack of ade quate knowledge of mathematics, "Lack of fundamental education presented and continues to present a major obstacle In the selection and training of midshipmen for commissioning as ensigns," stated the commander. Distribution .Plays Part. Geographical distribution seems to play an important part too. A study of grades on the Navy ex aminations given to candidates for enlistment showed that the lowest average mark in arithmetic east of the Mississippi was equal to the highest average mark west of the Mississippi In 27 leading universities and colleges in the United States there were 4.200 entering freshmen who wished to enter the Navak Reserve Officers Training Corps. Only 23 percent of this number or 966 men had taken more than a year and a half of high school mathematics. Advanced Drill Uniforms Ready Uniforms for now students in advanced drill should be se cured in the supply room of Nebraska hall Saturday morn ing. All advanced students are asked to be sure and get uni forms 6t this tfrni?. Pharmacy Professors Attend Health Meeting Dean R, A. Lyman and Dr. Ruth A. Warner of the college of phar macy attended the meeting of the south central section of the Amer ican Student Health association at Stephens college in Columbia, Mo., March 28. NOW! 23c r. m. filial 'America's delightful dumbbell Is a diny detective now! Her Funniest HOWL-HIT! WUIitm post Companion Feature MOI.n TKillT! IT S TERRIFIC! "Yank on the Burma Road" with Lrlne DAV Brry NELSON NEBRASKA r 1 f TV 1 I 1 1 If your mirror make unpleasant derisive sounds about the way your col lar aits on your neck . . . 2 If it screams: "Look hovr messed-up your midriff is ! Why can't you get shirts that fit your torso right?" . . . oil' ' i 1 I K '.:. :: yV. x l 3 If it threatens you on ac count of loose shirt buttons that clutter your dresser . 4 Then get some Arrow Shirts! They have the famed Arrow Collars . . . th exclusive bunch-eliminating MMitogan ' figure fit . . . the Sanforized label (less than 1 shrinkage) . . . Arrow's pat. ented "anchoredW buttons 1 Arrows will make you the best-dressed guy you ever saw in a mirror. $2.25 up. Gold's Men's Store. PURM0'!7 & .,. FRM8l -i. 1 1 mmtn- Ed s