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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (April 3, 1942)
Friday, 'April 3, 1942 fi 1 DAILY NEBRASKAN TbJbMAliarL bORTK-ilHST YEAR. Subscription Rates sr $1.00 Per Semester or $1.60 for the College Year. $!50 Mailed. Single copy, 6 Cents. Entered as second-class matter at tho pos'.oifice in Lin coln. Nebraska, under Act of Congress March S, 1879, and at special rate of postage provided for in Section 1103. Act of October 3. 1917. Authorized September 30, 1922. Published Daily during the school year except Monday! and Saturdays, vacations and examinations periods by Students of the University of Nebraska under toe supervision of tbe Pub lications Board. Offices Union Building Day 2-7181. Nlpht 2-7193. Journal 2-3330. Editor Paul E. Svoboda Business Manager Ben Novicoff EDITORIAL DEFABTMENT. Managing Editors Marjons Brumng, Bob Schlater News Editors... George Abbott. Alan Jacobs, June Jamieson, Helen Kelley, Marjorie May. Sports Editor Bob Miller Member Nebraska Fiess Asacclation, 1941-42 tUSl.Sfc.fS DEI'ABIMEM. Assistant Bus Managers Betty Dixon, Phil Kantor Circulation Manager Sidney BchwarU All inslgiied editorials are the opinions of the editor and should not b construed to reflect the views of tbe ad mialatraliun or of Ibe university. A New World Will Rise Again A -w icked world, torn with jealousies, greeds and religious strife, crucified Christ They crowned Him with thorns, and with laughter decried the immortal semblance of the forces of good. They placed him in a grave, saying his way of life was not for them, and let greeds and tyrannies triumph throughout the then known world. . Three days later when the sabbath was passed, Mary Magdalene and Mary, the mother of James, and Salome, had brought sweet spices that they might come and annoint him, but when they arrived at the grave they found the great stone which blocked the Savior's tomb had been rolled away. "While the faithful were still mourning his loss, and while the greedy w.ere not yet recovered from their acts of cru cifixion, the "good" was ressurrected, and in new glory emblazoned upon the hearts of men the never to be forgotten message: "Christ gave his life that man might live. lie arose from the dead showing men that good will triumph over wrong, and that some day the Kingdom of God will be erected on Earth." That is the Easter message. Christ was re ceived up into heaven, and sat on the right hand of Ood, working good for all men. And more significantly with greater feeling than ever before men will repeat that message all over the world this Sunday morning. Men fighting under the tropic suns, men dying in the spring mud of the temperate cli mates, men enslaved by totalitarian rule, fami lies homeless because of war from the air pressed against the innocent, and the families starving in Greece, Belgium and France. All these men of every denomination and creed will find new hope and new courage in the message of He who was spat upon and mocked. The world today is in a period of stress in which all moral values have been suppresed. Hate and greed have temporarily blocked the light of humanitarianism and love. In Ger many the church has become the slave to the state. The rulers tell what is to be taught; what doctrines are to be spread. In Russia, too, the church has been enslaved to the commu nist world where faiths and creeds are regi mented. Here in the United States there are those who deny the good of the church aiid ridicule its teachings. Yet despite this suppression, a supression prevalent over three continents, men today are praying for essentially the same things that this Easter message symbolizes. They are pray ing for the great boulder to be moved away with the resulting ressurection of the forces of good which will lead men in triumph to the kingdom of God upon earth where love will blanket hate, and the good will annihilate the bad. Every period of strife produces a new awakening. The war and suffering of the present will be replaced by a new happiness of the future. Through the gloom of today still shines the brightness of tomorrow. It is this thought that these men on the battlefields from all corners of the earth will have this Sunday. As Friday of the Crucifixion is followed by the Resurrection Sunday, so out of the tur moil of today will arise the love of tomorrow. Christ will rise again. Contest (Continued from Page 1) Jerseys: First, Farrls Ruhbert; sec ond, Kldo Knot; third, Henry Epp; fourth, William Smith; fifth, Richard WhaNtrom. llolNtelns: First, Willard Vlsek, Elyria; second, Klcliard VVahlxtmm. Holstrlns: First, Hillard Vlsek, Elyria, second, Richard Wahlstrom; third, Henry Epp; fourth, F. Vance Humphrey, I..V man: fifth. Millard Ickcs. Ouernsejr: First, Willard Vlsek; see end, John Moseman, Oakland: third, IVerne Cnrry; f north and fifth, tie among fluanei Hnnter, Hi chard VV'ahl strnm and Robert Meade. Ayrshire: First. Henry Eppi second and third, tie between Elilon Post and lliiane Hunter; fourth, Eee Messer scbmldt, Alliance; fifth, Robert Meade. SATURDAY, APRIL 4 r " 'V;'- o - V V' , h , "T71 : 1 - - f 1 BOBBY GRIGGS "Creator of Shaker Rhythm" Dr. John H. Furbay of Mills col lege has been drafted as lecturer to army officers and enlisted men on the subject of West Africa. Easter Message By Rev. H. Erck. Text: "If Christ be not raised, your faith is vain; ye are yet in your sins. Then they also which are fallen asleep in Christ are perished." I. Corinthians 15: 17, 18. Never were there tidings more thrilling, more arresting, more in credible, yet never more true, than when 1900 years ago there passed from lip to lip the report: "Jesus is alive, He is risen, the Lord is risen indeed." It is indeed a mar velous story. There is nothing like it in history or in romance. But is it true? Has it ever occurred to you as an intelligent person that Christ's religion which you profess, and everything that con nects with His religion, is based on one thing, and that is the event we Christians commemorate at Easter, that with Christ's Resur rection, it stands or falls? Be assured, however, if there is one fact in the life of mankind that God's providence and wisdom has rendered impregnable, that stands as fast as the Rock of Gibraltar, it is the fact of our Lord's Resurrection. As well seek to blot the sun and stars out of heaven ,'or deny your own exist ence, as to undo the proofs that Jesus Christ on the third day after His death did arise. Your Faith Is Vain. Of what significance and value is this fact? The apostle draws three inferences. He says: "If Christ be not raised, your faith is vain. The reason is apparent. The Christian faith rests upon Christ, His person. Now Jesus Christ claimed to be the Son of God. "Thou art the Christ, the Son of the liv ing God." And upon what did He stake that claim? Upon one event: His resurrection. "As Jonah was three days and three nights in the fish's belly, even so shall the Son of Man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth." The Lenten procla mation to the disciples involved this statement: "Behold, we go up CLASSIFIED LOST Black onyx ring with old crest In Chem. Lab. Very TSluable. Call Pat Becker, 3-4385. Reward. to Jerusalem, and all things that are written by the prophets con cerning the Son of man shall be accomplished. They Bhall scourge Him, and put Him to death; and the third day He Bhall rise again." He did arise; then His claims are vindicated, and the faith of which He is the foundation is true; then we have a firm foundation for our preaching and teaching; then it is not cunningly devised fables we believe, but heaven taught and heaven approved truth. Yet in Your Sins. Again, argues the apostle, "If Christ be not raised, ye are yet in your sins." Then we are yet under the curse and condemnation of God, and perdition and everlasting destruction await us. We stand hopeless, forlorn, and it were bet ter, if Christ had not risen, that we had never been born. To be sure, His death on Good Friday Wets nit-tin w iu icuiTiii ua iiuill sin and its curse. "He was delivered for our offenses." But how would we know that by His crucifixion and death our sins have been atoned for? Any doubt on that question must vanish at the open grave on Easter morning. Behold our Divine Substitute issuing forth in majestic glory! See yon der stone rolled away from the sepulchre. So the stone of sin has been rolled from the door of our conscience. We can now rejoice in the blessed assurance: "Thy sins are forgiven thee." "Christ was delivered for our offenses and raised again for our justification." Ghastly Confusion. Lastly, the apostle argues: "Then they also which are fallen asleep in Christ are perished." What a ghastly conclusion! Those faithful ones who have departed this life in the Christian faith, and over whose open grave we com fort ourselves with the glorious Christian hope, we shall never (Continued on Page 3) YOUR DRUG STORE 75c Anacin 50d 50c Tek Toothbrush 29 35c Bromo-Quinine 273 50c Pablum 39d OWL PHARMACY 148 No. 14th it P 2-1068 test tft J:f . . with accessory accents from MILLER'S Yc OUR costume won't be complete unless you accentuate its smartness with carefully chosen accessories. Fresh white gloves, flat tering pumps perhaps a posy for your la pel are all a part of the pretty picture you want to he this Farter morn. HATS sir- w. bevelled and be flowered a truly beautiful collection start- 1 95 in at Miller's Hats Second Floor. HANDBAGS Bh,ny P.t- ents, fabric bags, saddle leath er whatever your 1 0;J roatume require. ' up Miller's Hsnabsfs-rirst Floor. GLOVES lo match or con trail. Cottons and doeskins take the headlines for sprint;. ' ' up Millar's C.UTOo-riMt Floor. SHOES i the mood for dancing! Twinkling patents, smooth gabardines CQ5 and calfskins. up Miner's Women's Bhsoi Secon! floor. Store opens at 10 A. M. Good Friday m i LL E R 6 P A i fl E Adm. Before 9:30. 40c