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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (March 25, 1942)
.Wednesday, March 25, 1942 DAILY NEBRASKAN 1 filnL JSjl After much gnashing of teeth and pulling of hair during that certain radio program Monday night, we decided that turn about is fair play. Consequently, the following items are repeats for the benefit of those who might have been already slumbering at 11 p m. Long expected was the pin hang Ingg by Marvin Athey. footballer DU, on Omaha lassie, Julie Frazee of the famed Delta Gammas. DGs also gorged themselves on candy furnished by the redoubtable Bob Sinkey, Kappa Sig. when he and Pat Cole tied another knot in their heartstrings. . . Just in the steady stage so far are Margie Kenner, Theta, and Beta John Safford... But enough of spite. Culbcrtson and Haycock. If the Alpha Thi house seems to resemble a greenhouse these days, blame the home town boy friend of Peggy Halstead. who has really showered her with green and growing things, lately. Won der if Peggy's Sig Alph can keep up the pace?. . .We hear from re liable sources that Max Whittak er, hearthrob Delt. has only played one game of bridge in his four years of college. Seems like Nancy Haycock, his Pi Phi pin mate, could remedy such a deficiency easily, her bridge playing being of practically Culbcrtson rating ...In case anyone thought it was serious, we hereby proclaim that the Beta pin of George Cockle re cently in the possession of Bar bara True. Tri Delt, is back shin ing on his manly chest once more. ' Just a joke, they say, that almost backfired. After hearing about it in shocked tones from virtually ev ery Kappa on the campus, we feel some mention must be made of DOUBLE DUTY A C" . Americas V DoJor-Soving Trove . SAVE YG2Q CAR fey Super-Coach rid BUY DEFENSE IONDS itti the money you tevel Tassels Entertain National Pep Sorority Members of Tassels will be hos tesses to the members of Phi Sigma Chi, national women's pep sorority, who are holding their national convention at Nebraska Saturday, March 28. The girls who arrive Friday evening will be taken to the University Play ers presentation of "Adrocles and the Lion." There will be an informal break fast Saturday morning followed by the convention meeting in the Union. The Tassels and their guests will lunch at the University the outdoors tubbing of Bob Hen derson, Sig Fp. Quite a spec tacle, sorry, we missed it... The Sunday afternoon fight indulged in by Jo Beckley, Alpha Phi. and Claude Wilson, ATO, was still re verberating among Union cokers Tuesday afternoon Strictly a riot must have been the sight of Joe Walla, prize Sigma Nu, when he chased some Nu freshmen with a shotgun last night as defense against a cold shower bath. He finally took refuge in the Alph house. . .Water and more water seems to be the battle call of fra ternities lately as the ATO junior class had their share of dunkings as reward for sneaking last night. Army Calls. A wedding that no one seemed to know about occurred last week end when Joan Ferris, Kappa Del ta, took the nuptial vows with Merle Re.ynoldson, Farm House... Plenty far ahead, however, is the announcement of little KKG Ka tie Coe's marriage on June 5 to former Phi Delt Bob Graf, now in the army... Also in the country's forces as of Monday is DU Milt Meyer, leaving Pi Phi Mary Lar kin only his pin and memories... Holding their last Omaha initia tion for the duration Saturday, the Phi Gams are planning a big weekend, with Bud Johnson and Maribel Hitchcock especially look ing forward to the evening. Also dating afterwards will be Marv Thompson with Kay Hanley, AOPi, Al O'Connor and Aline Hosman, Omaha Theta, Jeannette Emmcrt. The coming weekend promises wa . . from Camp or Camput Vital to America, victory program it the frequent, low-cost transpor tation provided BOTH our great armies military and civilian by Union Pacific Stages. Aboard any Super-Coach today you'll ride with a cross-section of working, studying, fighting America . . college stu dents, soldiers, defense workers , . , cheerfully saving their cars, saving vital war materials, swing dollars for Bonds and Victory. Today, Super-Coach travel helps you and your country, too. UNION BUS DEPOT 13th&MSts. 2-7071 This Weekend Club and spend the afternoon in formally. The exact number of delegates is not as yet known but it was steted yesterday that over thirty were expected. Organizations sending repre sentatives are the "Feathers" of Omaha University, the "Wheaties" of Witchita University, Kansas State's "Purple Pepsters," the "Jay Janes" of Kansas University, the "Icadets" of Washburn, and the "Tassels" of the University of Nebra ska. Richard Davis Talks al Union Thursday Nighl Speaking on the subject "Chris tian Science: The Understanding of Man's Oneness with God" is Richard J. Davis. Christian Sci ence minister of San Jose, Calif., who will address faculty members and students Thursday evening at 7 p. m. in Parlors XYZ of the Union. All those interested in the sub ject of religion are invited to hear the discussion sponsored by Un christian Science organization of the University of Nebraska. to be big and bright what with the annual spring party of the Phi Dclts Friday at the Cornhuker hotel with Johnny Cox, and the ROTC Sponsor's tea on Saturday afternoon. Interesting combina tions to these two will lie revealed in future issues. Paulette's back is what the boys at the front want and you won't blame em after you see Paulette Goddard and Rav Milland in THE LADY HAS PLANS at STUART . . . NOW! Adv. the School of Music Presents Weekly Recital Today Today the students of school of music will present their weekly recital at 4 p. m. Following is the program: VOICE: Rumiell loiter, Honor and Arma Hunrtel; Lillian Worley, Calm the NiKht - Bohm. Ouct: Hliraheth Karquhar. Carol Wherry Power Kternal Stabat Mater Roaalni. R. Kdward Johnson, Robert Anderaon Pernting Bv- Purer!!; Or Man River -Kern. PIANO: Dave Kinmn. Bob Kellofc-K Po-noonctte lurrKi ; Aae IVeth rtrieg ; Prelude C Walor Bach; Dance Grfen. Mary Helen Buh: Caprice. B flat Scar latii. Rudolph Barta: Prelude and. Fuku. C minor Bach. Kvelyn Nerud: ImprovUitatlon Mac Dowell. Krneal Ulmer: Variation Piaboliquee Prokofieff. ORGAN: Dolaa Okaweki. Aduirto 8oaia III Cuilmant; Janice Dudley. Pre ludf an1 T"iiKue tn D minor-Barb ; Betty Kendlr, Chorale Prelude, "O Sacred Head Now Wounded. ' CKMO: Doroihy Hrndrlcke. The fian-Raint-Kaena: Kaih'enne Rice. Variatoina Boellman; Phllm Clark, Scherzo- Bei th oven. VTOI-1N: Vlmabeth Pierce, Ad trio from G minor Concerto - Keitr. Stnnley Wilea: Idyl- MacTViwell Helen Ammerman: Moment Muaical Schubert. Robert Krelci: AdaKietto from L'Ar- leBHienne Biret. Roy Kmory Johnaon: Sarabande B"hm. Olive lyhmer: Allegro Brlllante - Ten Haue Hazel Frlcke: Finale (Allegro nioltol D minor Concerto Bruch. Paul KoeniK: Preghtere, Krelaler loulae Lehmer: Klret movement - Sym phonic Kapaenol lalo. Miriam Ruhiiftz: Adagio from A major Concerto Mozart. Virginia Clarke: Romance from D minor Concerto Wieniawxkl. ThomaJ Pleraon: Allegro Moderato Concerto In B minor Salnt-Saena. WOODWIND: Elaine Weland Clarinet, Concerto-aMerro moderato Von Weber. Jean RIkk: Flu! mi, Scherzo Anderaon. Edward Jordon: Saxphone, Concerto Bennett Marvella Werner: Flute, Andalouae Peaaard. Dora von Boreen: Flute. Tambourln Olu.k . Neva Bwhop: Flute, Evening Son Tel. Bulletin A matinee dance win He hell today hi the t'nloa ballroom from t to . m. Ad mtftHlon ta by Meatlficatloa card, fttedenta may bring date or fame aiag. The Nebraaka ehaftT f the Amer teaa iMtfirate f Klectrtcal Hmrlneera will meet tnnlirM at 7:IM . m. m K. 111. "I'hrer-Dlrnenalnnal ftonnd for Mnttoa pie tnrea" il be dlnciwme by doba It. uatea. Mefrenhmeata wIM be aerved. Your Drug Store We fill your doctor's prescrip tions with care and. accuracy. OWL PHARMACY 148 No. 14th ft r. 2-106S Foreign Publications Go To Library t.. mo at tho university library are issues of foreign publications from continental Europe which have come to Lincoln from Den mark to Leipzig via the Siberian route through Japan to New York and finally arriving at Lincoln. Many difficulties have been ex perienced a.s the library staff has attempted to obtain publications from foreign countries. An order for material from Den mark is typical of hardships en countered.' An order for foreign material from Denmark was placed in a book jobbers hand two months after that country was invaded by (Jermanv in 1940. No further word of this order was heard until September 1941, New Selectees Receive Special Questionnaires Possible Induction Comes In May; Clarification Dolormiiioil by (notions Recent selective seivice regis trants will receive two question naires early in April, according to Brig. Oen. Guy N. Henninger, state draft director, who declared that "a few counties may begin induction of a few new registrants in May." The first questionnaire will de termine the classification of men in the 1942 registration for mili tary service. The second is a special occupational questionnaire which first will be sent to men of the 1942 registration and later to all other registrants save trose who have been inducted into the armed service. No definite date ha,s been set for mailing the special occupa tional questionnaires but boards have instructions to clear them rapidly. Registrants are given ten days in which to fill out and re turn the regular selectiv service classification questionnaires, but 'dm lcm BRIDE'S FASHION SHOW J. ' ' M jcil ahsL juwHjlcL! WEDNESDAY 4 P. H. AUDITORIUM Fourth Floor U lG MODUS will fchow coMuniCh for cpring anil tiimmrr hridra. Via Siberia fully a year after the invasion. The material itaelf waa not re ceived until October, 1941. The difficulty in obtaining ma terial Is explained by the facts that the British cither sink the works or hold up a lot of publica tions at Bermuda. Also, many of the firms have disbanded since the war. England delays the work in order that no cash will be put in the hands of the axis or axis dominated countries. Word has been sent by the Com mittee on Foreign Importations to the library heads staling that fur ther release of material on order is emminent but naturally there will be some delay. This latter statement accounts for the fact that current issues of foreign pub lications are no longer on file. immediate returns will bo excepted from the occupational question naires "The purpose of the occupa tional questionnaires," Henningcr explained, "is to ob tain information on the skills, ex perience and present occupations of registrants." He stressed that information re lumed in the special occupational questionnaire is to have no bear ing upon the regular classification of men Tor induction into the armed service. "Information thus rt turned will be made available to the Nebraska U. S. employment serv;ce. It may be used in locating men of special ized skills or trades when acute shortages develop in war produc tion channels," General Henninger added. The University of Kentucky has the fourth largest graduate school east of the Mississippi river and south of the Ohio river. Coed Counselor Filings Slill Open ..Filings will be open today and Thursday from 9 a. m. to 5 p. m. for Coed Counsellors. Women may apply at either Ellen Smith or the home ec building. A;n