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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (March 20, 1942)
DAILY NEBRASKAN Friday, March 20, 1942 Friday, March 20, 1942 DAILY NEBRASKAN New Defense Slacks . . . KW: Wxv Wn' W ' :'-'AV vv; ' : -1 y VA -x " '" - jf- W" .v. u A J Jeans, Cottons Head Outdoor Style Trends According to the latest fashion predictions, filmy nets and smooth silks are being replaced by jeans, plaid cottons, and checkered ging hams. Yes. it's the "move to the farm" movement that is bringing in more attractive working elothes for the university coed. While coeds haven't yet been called to drive the traitor and husk the com, spring picnics, of college fame, will feature such clever outfits as denim cullottes. shorts, slacks. Va5h goods will he supreme in such i-.umbers as gath ered skirts, tailored shirts and jumped slack suits. With no apologies to Coed Fol lies, "jeans for queens" denotes the absence of skirts that might interfere with outdoor woik. While men are buying khaki uni forms, the gals are splurging on well-tailored ensembles. Roomy der.ini jackets help to srt off the jeans. So. for clothes' defense we will be wearing practical, inexpensive clothes, styled with the future farmerettes and picnic players m mind. With Spring Comes Picnics And With Picnic - Slacks!! Suit Is Tailored NO j llVi t.AJ V Shirley McXeel, Pi Phi pledge, feels quite at home in her men's wear trey flannel slacks from Ben Simon's. The slacks are tapered at the ankle line, a new feature since the war. For a shirt, both practical and flattering:, she wears silk jersey flowered in the new purple color which is to be one of the popular spring colors. Her shoes are the rood, old comfy hvaraches. Allegheny college was so named because a large part of the area it serves lis watered by streams that make up the Allegheny river. Joe Squires, star end for Du cjuesne university football team has completed his CAA flying course and obtained a private pi lot's license. Timber on the University of California's experimental forestry tract is increasing at a rate of j 100,000 board feet a vear. Dick Woodward, who completed his junior year competition on the Colorado university football squad, never plaved football until he en rolled at C. U. VX Grad Harry Lotman Assigned To Hospital Duty Lieutenant Harry A. Lot mar.. formerly of Lincoln, has been as signed to the hospital at the Wellston Air Depot, Robins Field. Ga. Lieutenant Lotman. before be ing called to army duty, was a physician, after graduating from the University of Nebraska in 1939 with AB and MD degrees. While at the university he was outstanding in activities and par ticipated in intramural football, basketball, and wrestling. He won the university's 145 pound intra mural wrestling championship. Coeds, east an eye at the calen dar! Comes Saturday, March 21, and spring arrives bringing with it the ever popular pastime, pic nics. Fashion-wise coeds will have a variety of picnic ens em bles to choose from this spring, from this spring. Wool man- tailored slacks with side fastening or fly front are ex tremely popu lar for cool weather. These IV"i come in glen i IV nl i ilia nin checks, gabar dine, menswear flannel and French flannel and may be worn with jackets of her ringbone, white Shetland or basic camel. luig sleeved blouses of horse piints. cactus prints, floral de signs or stripes add a gay note when worn with separate slacks. The new nylon sweaters with short sleeves, soft as a rabbit's car, come m heavenly pastel shades and are the pei feet toppers for any slacks. For those who feel particularly patriotic the new defense jumper i the thing. It comes in toast, blue or brown and zips down the front. Cusp tailored blouses are worn with these. My the Keynote. Durability is the keynote of the new slack suits which are made of the wrinkle proof material, jumbo cloth. Two complete ensembles, consisting of skirt and jacket or slacks and jacket, can be had for those who like to mix 'em and match 'em. Colors of these en sembles range from the brilliant tangeiine and blue to the yellow and bananna cream. For that added dash try one of the colorful Hawaiian necklaces. Budget-wise coeds will find the very thing they're looking for in the sanforized faded blue denims. They may have their choice of shorts, culottes, jacket, slacks, overall or shortall. These are made in the western theme with nail head trim on the pockets. When old Sol is beaming down the coolest thing we can recom mend is a playsuit. Seersucker fills the need, some of the suits being trimmed in dainty pique. Three piece suits of shirt, shorts, and skirt are ideal for sport, and dressy enough for street wear. The figure-flattering flared skirt is tops this season in bathing suits. No priority on satin lastex again makes it the favorite ma terial. Burgandy, black and white, copper, red and white, gold and aqua are the color choices. Cotton prints or stripes in dressmaker style will be worn on the beaches by increasing numbers of smart women. Coeds Revert To Exercise For Defense 1-2-3 Kick! 1-2-3 Kick! Exer cise! That's what Nebraska Co-eds will have to revert to since the rubber shortage has made girdles scarce. The thought of the wear and tear accompanying exercising might not be such a burden to the co-ed's mind if she gives a second thought to the improvement of her posture it will create. With this idea in mind, Miss Mabel Lee, chairman of the women's physical education department, stated, "If the rubber shortage results in a girdle shortage it will be beneficial to the college girl provided it gives her a consciousness of the need of good posture." You might also keep in mind, girls, that exercis ing might take off those few extra pounds you've been trying to get rid of for the past several weeks. ; yii I? J rv 1 I '''W)fr; Sally Buseh, Kappa, wears a coco brown suit from Miller's wiVi tnatching top coat slung over her shoulders when visiting the high school art exhibit. The tailored lines arc emphasized by the saddle stitching and straight lines of the coat. The skirt is fitted in keep ing with war efforts to conserve on materials. V Ak-Sar-Bcn . . . (Continued from Page 1) like to have a good time at a dance, show up tonight at 9 p. m. Fat and forty are the require ments for the eligibility of the pro fessors who will put on a public exhibition of how they would lasso a pig as one of the special features at the Junior Ak-Sar-Ben show manship contest Saturday night. Four faculty men have already been selected. The men are P. A. Downs and G. Trimberger of the dairy department; R. Prescott of the publicity staff and L. I. Frisbie (who fairly easily meets the 40 requirement and very easily and perhaps slightly surpasses the Weekend Wardrobes for Spring To Feature Suits, Silk Dresses A week end in the springtime is just about everyone's idea of heav en, and of course you will want to look your very smartest in clothes reflecting the season. Suits are always tops in early spring and they also furnish the ideal basis for a week end ward robe. All colors and all styles can be found this year and wheth er you are short and plump or long and lanky, be sure you have that suit for the train-ride and later. If you can't take much, plan on a c c essories that you can wear with both your suit and a silk dress for church Sunday. A halo of straw other requirement) of the exten sion department. The hogs will be turned loose in the arena. The rest is up to them (the men). Of course there will be a few rules such as the length of time, and precisely where the rope shall catch each pig. Men inflicting un necessary roughness on pigs will be disqualified and turned over to the humane society. (I wonder if Mr. Loomis of the humane society will rise from his lofty position and crush the idea to smithers as he did with the black cat publicity stunt for the voo doo dance.) Other features for the evening that will be held between the show manship classes will be a colt pa rade, presentation of the livestock judging team, and a sheep shear ing demonstration by the cham pion sheep shearer from Chicago. The show will start at exactly 7:30 jj. m. when the traditional alarm clock rings. The Rev. Dr. Raymond C. Knox, Columbia university's 65 year old "rowing preacher," is retiring from his post as chaplain after 33 years. with a little veil to frame your face and the new light beige lizard pumps with matching light gloves ought to really do the trick. Coeds Have Choice in Dresses. As for that silk dress mentioned above, you can take your choice between the traditional navy blue with frilly white trim or one of the new beige and rust two-piece costume suits. If the weekend is going to in clude long walks in the spring sun, take along that long, "station-wagon" white sweater to wear with the plaid skirt of your suit. Top it off with necklace made of spring-like glass flowers, plus a pair of nail-head studded leather sandals. Spring weather and spring clothes -the perfect recipet for a perfect weekend. Weir WillHclp At Drake Meet . . . One of Five Track Coach Ed Weir was named as one of five university section coaches to assist in the Drake Relays to be held on April 24 and 25 in Des Moines, Iowa. Other coaches include Frank Hill, Northwestern; Kail Schladman, Michigan State; Clyde Littlefield, Texas, and Ralph Higgins, Okla homa A. & M. The Relays are an annual affair and bring together the cream of the crop as far as individual stars and relay teams are concerned. Harold Hunt brought home first place in the pole vault while Herb Grote was casting the javelin to win top honors. Both received wrist watches with the letters "Drake Relays" on the face in stead of numbers. 'v7x XY j 1- rillMvS:.-,L YOU'LL LOVE TO WALK in the comfortable "KAMP TRAMP" moccasins with hand sewn vamps Available in smoke elk, white, brown or brown and white, sizes 4 to 10, widths AAAA to C, $6.25. WELLS & FROST CO., 128 No. 10. ADV. A SnntmaDnn -111 Ml -1 0 Al nime THITTD O O 1 chechs . , . Upered trouser klac-ki In flannel of bounds-tooth in navy blue and white, and brown and white. 7.95 jachrtH long, lone tailored Jackets in flannels and herringbones, whites, pastels, and plaids. 10J5 flannel foil, trim cut men's wear flannel Macks the last word with a nnshy blouHe. !.0J plaid shirt dozens and dozens of beau tiful plaid skirts . . . plaid designs matched, in ice cream pastels. 1.05 iif fjahardinc Simon's famous gabardine stocks are long time campus favorites ... in blues, tans and beiges. ... in bright stripes, polka dots, (inch prints, ire cream pastels a blouse to please every coed. bold pi aid m . . right out of Mademoi selle come these bright, bold plaid slacks ... see them at Simon's. 7.05 dickies . . . the boon to every ward robe ... dickies in checks, ktripes and plain colors . . 1X0 oJ95 una up v