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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (March 17, 1942)
fruesda, March 17. 1942 DAILY NEBRASKAN Table Tennis D (Zy College Oddities fi CHARTS- PROE EDW. W. NEAUY OF SANTA ANA J C. HAS MADE UP I00O LECTUWE CHART? DURING THE WkJT 55 YEARS. HE HAS MA CRAMAfCO CVER.TWO WILES OP PAPER THREE FEET IN WIDTH Coach TARIT, AFTER A LOSING &ASCtl DlbNT CLAIM C VSAS BUILDING CHARACTER MEt sore PRINCETON PITCHER BACK IN 1874 STARTED THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE OJCVE CALL. JOSEPH MAMM, 'Tfc, NOTICED THE BALL 0RPKE NTO A CURVE WHEN HE LET IT RXL OFF THE SOB RM&CR . HE WORKED ON THE "fftBOB' ALL WINTER AND THE. KXLOWNG SPRING BLANKED YALE 3-0 IN "WE fiCST NO-WT NO-RUN GAME ON RECORD Dotcn K V Way . . . Phog Dislikes NCAA Ruling On Plate Glass Backboards LAWRENCE, March 16. An nouncement by the N. C. A. A. committee that clear plate glass backboards would be used in the Western finals at Kansas City, and in the national championship content, drew & poignant observa tion from Dr. Forrest C. "Phog" Allen, today. In commenting on the commit tee's decision, the Doctor, whose Jayhawker quintet meets Henry Iba's Oklahoma Aggies in the Fifth District playoffs Tuesday evening, remarked: The Law It Against It. "The law of averages Is against our getting in to use the glass backboards at all, inasmuch as we have defeated the Aggies in two previous playoffs for the right to important representations. But whether we got past them or not does not alter the fact that the use of such backboards is clearly illegal. Here Is a tournament to determine the national collegiate basketball champion and the N. C. A. A. is sanctioning the use of illegal equipment." In making the charge, Dr. Allen quoted Rule 2, Section 1, page 165 of the manual of official basket ball guide for 1941-42 issued by the National Basketball Commit tee of the United SUtcs and Canada, which reads: Quoting Rule. "The backboard shall consist of plate glass, steel, or wood, or of any other material that is flat or rigid. Each face shall be a plane surface, and shall be painted white." The N. C. A. A. rivalry between the two conferences extends back to the first year of the national tournament, 1939. In that year Oklahoma represented this dis trict. The next year produced a mare of possibilities with Kansas finally emerging from ft four-ring I'layoff as the champion. In the '"ial game Oklahoma A. and M. was defeated at Oklahoma City 45 to 43. Creighton Tripped. lAt year Creighton and Iowa Slate met for the honor and Creighton gained the first Mis souri Valley victory, 57 to 38, to nrn the right to compete at Kan sas City. With the score standing at 2 to . In District Playoff 1 in favor of the Big Six, the Jay hawkers will be intent upon in creasing this lead. Leading the at tack for the Kansans will be their high-scoring all-conference pair of Ralph Miller and Charlie Black. Sooner Cagers Feel Pleased Can View INCAA Pla off s In K City With Satisfaction NORMAN, OWaM March 16. Sweeping 11 of their last IS games to tie for their third Big Six basketball championship in the last four years, Oklahoma's ado lescent hoopstcrs can look ack with pleasure and satisfaction upon their 1942 season. Altho uninvited to the N. C. A. A. fifth district playoff at Kan sas City because of the Big Six rule that wards that distinction to the co-champion with the greatert margin between offensive and de fensive scoring, Coach Bruce Drake's kids proved their class by pinning clean-cut late season de feats on Kansas and Oklahoma A. and M., who contend at Kansas City Tuesday for the right to represent the fifth district in the national collegiate tourney. Oklahoma shot down Kansas 63 to 51 at Norman February 27, building the all-time record score against the Jayhawkers since basketball started at Lawrence in 1899. Boring into Coach Hank Iba's water-tight Oklahoma Aggie defense like hungry squirrels into a hickory nut, the Sooners also nipped the Aggies at Norman Thursday night, 39 to 82. Farh of these dubs had whipped Golfers, Nolc-. Byron Adams, student coach, hat announced a meeting of all prospective varsity and frosh golfers for four o'clock In the N club room In the coliseum on Wesnesday afternoon, The meeting it to organize the sea son's activity in the golfing sport tince the first meet it scheduled for April 24. Goes Strong In I-M Play After the first week of intra mural table tennis competition, the Zeta Beta Tau, Thi Gamma Delta, Beta Sig, and Delta Upsilon ping pongers are resting in first position in their respective leagues. The ZBT team attained its po sition by virtue of a 4-1 victory over the Sammies. The Sammy outfit then gained a tie for second place with the Farm House when they defeated the Farm House 4-1. Phi Gams Lead. Individual victories by Thomp son, Morton and Meitz kept the Thi Gams in top position of league 2, when the Fijis nipped the Delta Sigs 3-2. The Beta representa tives are in second place although they are unbeaten. The Betas have only played one match while the league leaders have played two. The Beta Sigs moved in front of the Kappa Sigs when the Delta Tau Delta team failed to show up. The other win was over AGR 3-2. The only Kappa Sig victory was over Theta Xi. There are three undefeated teams In league 4, but the DUs led by Harry Ankeny have two wins to their credit wnile the Sig Alphs and Sig Nus have only one victory. Individuals Shine. - During the first week of play, certain individuals shone a little more than the average player. Harry Ankeny's performances were mainly responsible for the DU's climb to the top position. Norm Rips and Buddy Goldstein of the ZBTs have been very out standing. SAM's hopes have been high, because of the excellent work of Norman Veta, city cham pion of Cheyenne, Wyo. Bob Fast and Pete Durland of the Sig Alph team are the reasons why the fav ored DU's will have to watch their step if a championship in league 4 is to be won. Bill Pfeiff Takes Coaching Reins ... At Nebraska Bill rfeiff, erstwhile Husker grid guard and shot putter, was appointed head Scarlet frosh coach Saturday and assistant track men tor. Ffeiff resigned from his head coaching post at Norfolk to accept the Cornhusker position. His new duties include the job of frosh scholarship chairman, a job where in Pfeiff can capitalize on his rep utation as & high ranking scholar. Constantly hitting 49 feet in university competition, Pfeiff holds the present Nebraska high school record of 52 feet 2 inches. He served two years as graduate as sistant coach before moving to Norfollc. the Sooners in earlier games, Kan sas inflicting a 54-32 drubbing at Lawrence early in January, the day after Gerald Tucker was pro nounced ineligible, and Iba's me thodical Aggies handling the Sooners 27-19 at Stillwater March 6. Lose But One. Barring losses to the military service, the Sooners retain all their club for next season save Don "Bones" Jones, playing his first season st Norman but graduating because he piled up two years of scolastic work at Bartlesville Junior college before enrolling here. Coach Drake will also go to work on a freshmen squad fea turing such useful material as Jack Watkins of Tribbey, perhaps the outstanding prospect; George Logan of Tulsa, James "Cotton" Covington of Savannah, Jack Fel ber of Tulsa, Elton Davis of Nor man and several others. Three men who would have been eligible this season, Allie Paine, Shelby Green and Gamett Corbin, have gone into the service while a fourth, Mitch Simon, left the team at mid-season for the same pur pose. , YOUR DRUG STORE 35c Bromo-Qulnlne 27c 50c Tek Toothbrush 29c 60c Sal Ilepatica 49c 75c Bayer Aspirin 59c Owl Pharrrfacy 148 No. 14th & P 2-1 0G8 ELaI? Miller 4 Brings Home a Record Harold Hunt, Nebraska's gift to the ether waves, came home wearing the crown of a world's champion. . .At the Butler Relays in Indianapolis on Saturday, Husker Harry climbed to a 14-1 4 ceiling in the pole vault... This mark established a new world's mark in the pole vault event off a dirt track runway. . .This is the second time that Hunt has sailed over the 14 foot barrier. Huskert Trail The squad as a whole did not do too badly at the relays with Notre Dame winning the university division. Thit broke Michigan's eight year reign over the event... The Michigan team finished fourth behind Nebraska in third place and Ohio State in second... Vic Schleich in putting the 16 pound Iron ball farther than he has at any time during this year took second in that event won by Delaney of Notre Dame with a heave lacking three-fourths of an inch of being an even 50 feet. Other Point Winners Edsel Wibbels, usually the guiding light in the shot event, was forced to accept third . Schleich reached over 49 feet while Wibbels hit over the 48 foot mark. . .Howard Debus, vaulter, tied for fourth in that event with a 13 foot recording. . .Gene LRtler tallied a third in the 60 yard dash while the Husker's two mile relay team crossed the final line in fourth position. Outdoor Season Starts This meet was the last in which the Huskert will appear on the inside at the outdoor work gets under way... One of the major differences in the two lies in the longer sprints and hurdle events ...Then also there will be the javelin and discut added to the field events... The Scarlet cindermen are defending champs on the out door track in addition to the similar spot that they hold in the inside... Big event on the calendar of the not too distant future will be the National Intercollegiate Track and Field championships to be held on the Nebraska track, June 19-20... This was the meet held at Stanford last spring, and will bring together the elite of the nation's collegiate track stars. Golf and Tennis Enthusiasts John Selleck, newly appointed director of sports, has announced the following schedule for golf and tennis. . .April 24 Iowa State, there... May 18 Oklahoma, here... May 15 Iowa State, here... To facilitate transportation the two teams will have identical schedules and some matches may be added te this list. . .Missouri, Kansas U and Kansas State have abolished both sports for the duration. Nothing Happened Due to the dripping clouds on Saturday afternoon, Coach Glenn Presnell was forced to cancel scheduled plans for an intra-squad battle. . .Weather permitting Press guarantees a couple of the scrim mage sessions for thit week... It brings out the best football in a player when there is an intra-squad rivalry in the making to thinks Mr. Presnell. Get tbcm the natural way in the foods you eat. Be sure to include milk in the diet every day, cither by drink ing it or combining it with other foods. Milk contains Vitamins A, B' (Thiamin), G (Riboflavin B-) in liberal amounts and some C, and D n a m F 1 A wall Wonted f O T N J .1 : I A biii improve tftfct f d W4 i :!' -iH':