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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (March 13, 1942)
DAILY NEBRASKA. Friday, March 13, 1942 PhtL Raq, $A. Guest Writer. By Norrig Anderson Joseph J. College enters his alma ituminy as a freshie swathed in green and emerges as a senior decked in black ... in termediate prooeaa of decay is known as college education. Christopher ColimihiM Petersen, regular curator of thin column like a hen is immortal . . . his son never sets. Mr. Petersen's datiftl ing duties force thin dim-witted underhead to give forth with dis rupting dishabille . . . so hold fast, kiddies, and catch a fast hold on this passing gabble Here conies it all Alpha Chi's entertain exclusively for the army next Saturday night. . . . Yessir, prospective Alpha Chi rtiVr-iippers must grah their lip stick elsewhere. . . . PH Boh Hedges has put some Sirioutf thinkin' on whether to park his pin on Florence Hamer, Goddess of Ag candidate . . . Tut still graces the Hedged ho.iom. Teacher Tejoi'e Norria Coiunin, ACRO man, taught Mjrjorie Shannon the ABCs of pin-hanging last night. . . . Pershing Rifle initiates trod their tired tootsies over 13 miles of terra firma during Wedue.sday'a wee-morning hours . . . Flash: Couple of Ag Spring Party (to morrow night) dites Don Muel ler and Kay Huston, Dale Wolf and Blanche Reed, Loomis hall Bunny Shaw, that Theta whose eyes cause some guys to turn csrt wheels and red, has pledged a new member . . . Said pledge is a miniature alligator answers to "Baby," and has a fife-long an nuity. . . . KA.T cats have a pool (H20 variet y I for Baby and walk the slimey slip of alligator around in shifts. . . . Phi Psi Tom "Grim ey" Grimes donated "Bby" to the Thetas Might lie mentioned here that Becky "Nebraska Sweetheart" Wait continues her "muscles" campaign and row has the strength of a Delta Whatnma . . . Becky bowls, plays basket ball, and trains rigidly. . . . Grrrr! And So Goaihye. Herewith we announce that Dorothy Tiltou, Oii 0, is not go ing steady with Fritr Bean, Sig Ep, and wants everybody to real ise same. . . . Frit? Wolf, Fiji smoothie and dancer de hue, has mysterious plans for Sat. eve. . . . Ask Frit.. . . . EstHle Lenneniann, Chi O pledge, was working up a date with a chap, during which time pledge sinter. Dot! y Black, stepped in and gamed a date with the same felliw. . . . Then Hell Week started and liecame just that for all d.vils. . . . Gamma Phi's wined and dmed the Inno cents Wednesday eve . . Amid consumption of fatty ti.n'ies, an unknown senior pulled a fike candy passing with a lio of pretz els and all diy suckers News of the day is over . . . but remember the famous words of PorMore P. Hangover: "Virtue has its own reward, but Is seldom applauded" Dean W. R Wooliich of the University of Teuss college of en gineering estimates Teca.s defense industries will need .r " 000 addi tional workers in tin n.;t few months. Med Se.iiorft . . . (Continued from Page 1.) Kraaal rlrawa, Mrtbaamt noxpUit, Ornaha; Far I rfft f.arnrr, Miller HlMIMtal, HI. I'aal. Minn.; Howard Hrmtyrmtu itmnfunl, Mrtawal MMIMtiil, Omaha. mala rnllaaa4 Ortw, Rohrrt Tvkre Hoialtal, Hajrra, r ; Hcrlwtn Artfrnr Has an, Urtrat R-v-Wn HaapUal, DHraU, Mirk.; I rr MVilMa HarH, I'nrtM WilM Tuhlle Health Hnrtv; PV4 Homrm Htm kla, IialvM-nMr Haaptlal, Omaha; Carl Hrrhrt Hllarfcraaa, 4aMta Mmwrtal Hwialal, Miami, PI a ; Howard Haora Hllaxhraad, OIia fxtf HnaptUI, 4'lrvrlaaa, OMa; Kvann Tack. f?M-nbrcwr, Cotamala Haapital, Mflwvikr, vi.; lorra Kawla Im, Halted Htabna PuMIe Hralth )arc Nick lohnana. Fit lfl Ctt HataUal, St. lama, Ms J Harold William YOUR DRUG STORE Buy her a bo of delicious Joliiins Chocolates. OWL PHARMACY Kf aval Reserve Opens VI For College Sophomores U. S. Naval .He-serve has opened a new group called VI for sophomores in college only. Those who wish to enlist must be between the acres of 17 and 20 and be unmarried. Knlisted men must continue in school for two years to le eligible for the training leading to a com mission. Knlisted men in VI will take suggested sub jects as part of their regular curriculum dur ing the two years they are to remain in school. These subjects will include physical training, mathematics, and some of the physical sciences. Afftr completing the two years the men will take examinations and those who success fully pass them and meet certain qualifications will be classified in V7 and will be allowed to continue their college work until they arc granted a degree. After graduation these men will be given a four months training course. The training course will lead to a commis sion as Knsign in the Naval Reserve. Of the SO ,000 sophomores enlisted per year 15,000 will . r ...... . f ..I. .... ..... ,il, be taken liuo i, o,i'ou ui wuom engineers work, Of those who do not meet qualifications for V7, part of the group who meet lss stiff requirements will be classified in V5 and will be enlisted immediately. They will be sent to aviation training schools. Those who do not qualify for either of the groups will be immediately enlisted iu the reg ular naval service. The advantages of enlisting in the Naval Reserve VI will be explained by llnsign N. C. Parks who will be in the Naval Reserve office room 434 of the post office March 20 from 9 a. m. until 5 p. m. Ensign Parks graduated from the university in IMS. The Naval Reserve is anxious that sopho mores who are interested go to the Naval Re serve office. The suggested curriculum will be explained to them there and they can continue with their schooling for two years, knowing they will not be called into the service during that period. Elections (Continued from Page 1.) stens, treasurer. Board members for the coming year are: AWS BOARD: Senior Board: Susan Shaw Ann Craft Shirley Heldt Sylvia Katzman Pat Sand Junior Board Janet Hemphill Mary Jo Latach Rachel Ann Lock Mary Ellen Sim Sophomore Board Joan Martz Dorothy Carnahan Mary lion Holtz Lama I-ee Mundil COED COUISSKLOR BOARD: Senior members t unaffiliated) Imm, Rraadlanm, Hoaiatnl. Oaa Molar. I ; lawrvnrr Brrnard Kohlmaan. HI. ci'Mrph'a HoMMtal, St. Panl, Mlna.; Harry Crrc Lanimrl. I nltrd Stair Public Hralth ftrrvlor: Vanrr Kucrnr I .Ink, I'nl- fwwtjr hmmri, Omaha; Ivaa Alhrrt M.J, Ilnivrrtlty of Virginia Haapttal, harattavlllr. Va.; Pnanr Alva Mrtrr, Ji-ffrraoa llavU Hoipilal, Hoatn. Trx.; Jam William Murdoch, Miller HMpital, Ht. Panl, Mlna. Cla.lA Wllhnr Otto. I nivmltr Hmpltal. Omaha; Wllhnr Ovrrnilll.. Iinlvmlt Hiltal, Omaha; Jamrt Rirhard Paal, K ford it h H'xpital. Sralllr. Waah.; Hanrrt Oarr raulaon, M'thmlM Hnapltal, Omaha; naaald Hrarjr Pennrr. RlRhnn Clarkaoa HiMiMtal, On. aha; Grorrr Kdcar Plaoa, (Wianty HMpital, Nw Orlran. I.; Jnara Aim rrnfflit, 4rtrrnon DavU HaaHtal, Hm4ni, Tr.; Marram in Prmity. Nar-wraa-Amrrlcan llmininl. rhlracn. III. J.Xia Joilnh RMinrld. Kdward J. Mrrrr MrKrUI Tlaipilal, Rnffaln. N. Y.: Har- nimi t'.llmtt Rldrr, Rmarilawat Hospital, I'D ainlnr, la.; Klllott William Hrhllkr, Hnr'arirld City Hnltal. HnHncflrld. (Hi.; Itraa SrhaMdt. Columbia HoaiMtal, Milwawkrr, wn.i Paul Milton Mrott, Hoa pltal iUararrh and K.dnratlnn, t hirata, 111 ; William sknkan. I'nlvrnilty Hoanltal, Omaha; Arthur Aaron Spar. (Vdar of I haaaa Hawnltal, ! Ancrkvi, Calif.: I a m lonahr Sprat ar, I nlvrnlty Haanl tal. Omaha. Rirhard Frxdrriik Nlapnrnbrrk. (Hy Hospital. WmMna-Salrm, North Carolina; Roftrrt I rso Hluarl. Han l-'ranriara, Ity and Comity Hospital, Han FraarUea, (aiif.; Maurlrw Talrlman, Mlrharl Rara Hintpltal, lilr. III.; tAwin Ijiwrwmr Tayktr, Kana (II y Crnrral Haanltal, Kanaaa City, Mo.: I.yna Wirt Tbomnaan, NohmMka Mrthollt Hoapital, Omaha; r Ht. Crortr Tynrr, Phliadrlphla Ora- rral HmtHtal. Phliadrlphla. Pa.; Fara (n.rd Van Arkrren, HI. Joarph't Haapl- 11, Omaha: Jamh . W a arr, I'altrd .( Puhlir Hralth Hrrvk. Friday, March 13 h My Lucky Day cause Will ATTISOPS Band Is Playing The Student Union Shirley Thelps Shirley Kyhn Esther Mae Calhoun Senior members (affiliated Betty Klingel Dorothy Weirich Junior members ( affiliated Nancy Raymond Catherine Wells Junior member (unaffiliated) Marjorie Hoi men Janice Cook Sophomore members (affiliated) Grace Steckley Mary Ellen Beachly Sophomore members (affiliated) Adelaide ?C1oepper Uni Language Students Vic For Awards Modern language students will compete in a declamation contest, sponsored by Phi Sigma Iota, April 2 at the Student Union. Contestants may use any selec tion approved by a Spanish, or French teacher and must present three legible copies of the selection to the judges. A prize will be awarded to the. winner in each of the following groups : Elementary French U, 12, Spanish 51, 52. Intermediate French 1$, 14, 16, Spanish 53, 54, 56. Advanced Any course, num bered over 100. Contestants will be judged en correctness of pronunciation, enun- ciation, expression and thorough-v jjpss of memorizing. ' Thvllis Holbrook BABW BOARD t Junior members Janice Hagelin Evelyn Menke Sophomore members Eleanor Jacka Dorothy Anderson Gwen Row Mary Ellen Sim Freshman members Jean Carstens Phyllis ttotbrook Laura Lee Mundil Ann Wodder Fashion News L'AIELOII scoops tlie style front with a eompldelj new series of spring frock. Barclay SPUN RAYONS are tlie headline -with simply-cut, well-bred frocks that take big and little events into stride with ea. Lovely, muted pastel colors always Incom ing with the dressmaker touch. Especially newsworthy because you wear them no and all summer, too! fe4 r m N w V Wl 'VlT Sizes 12 to 42 S95 MUlert oariwrar aTa m? LLE R & $ A i n US N. Hih A P 2-1068